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The civilization shit test: The KIKES!
A civilization has a test to determine how one acts to a civilizational enemy.
We've documented the many many crimes, but why of the kazarians, the lies and horrors on the host nations.
They get removed and suddenly the nation dies.
To point out that yes they are vindictive and will spite the nation and try kill it anyway.
No nation as it existed has survived that shit test.
However there is a few things that change the paradigm.
It's a choice of which history will playout.
They set up the stage for the so called poor kikes escaping from Egypt narrative.
Where by the killing of that nation occurs.
Or we change the script and do something insane. A nation is murdered unjustly while giving good to the oppressors then is alive thus can't die again.
To put on the skin of God made in the flesh, the life blood of the only good God dyeing the cloth of actions to be pure white of righteousness.
To drown in the spirit that searchs the mind of God who still also is God. Caught on living fire inside and out.
An ember that doesn't burn but changes those it touches to be more like the most high God.
To be a light and a place of rest, going boldly to the newness of doing what is good to eachother.
So how?
Belive God has and will and is doing it.
Hands that have fallen short can't, but He can and desires to do so.
Walking in the Christ's footsteps, a nation walking in His footsteps.
Only one God for the nation. Have faith in Him.
There is a war, it's already competed and finished with Him the victor.
What will occur and has occurred is temptations to forsake God for lesser dead things.
The US will have to be ready to be baptized by the Holy Ghost and by fire.
The righteous suffering for the unrighteous.
They're a chosen people, they've chosen evil time and time again, yet small number remain that turn away from that evil.
If they won't turn to Him and just desire their evils still. That's what they've done, carrying poisions, sickness, death and the wrath of God.
Yet there is a way out and it is through Jesus God made flesh who is the son yet the son and father are one, and the shed life blood. Like pure cleansing hot ember.
What I'm saying is evils deserve God's wrath, but the vessels are the containers for that evil. However people and others are corrupted by evil and it's knowledge it digs in deeply, yet evil still deserves the wrath of our Father.
So a perfect container without blemish or imperfection to be filled with both the full wrath of God and the evils. Evil couldn't withstand God's wrath.
Any flaw any evil will crumble under the God's wrath.
So a means to bare another's evil without being evil. By faith made the righteousness of God.
God's righteousness imparts an incorruptable cloak and meat and bread that doesn't perish.
He said he that has two cloaks give to the one who has none same with meat. Our Father doesn't run out of clothing or food not only that, but those that are everlasting.
So the upcoming shit test. Those that carry the wrath of God and many evils vs the host nation.
The question is which kind of container will the US be?
I suppose what I'm really saying is who desires to be like Him as taking on His cloak as a container?
Evil can't withstand His wrath, neither can flawed containers that have evil in them.
They escape via being kicked out leaving behind evil droppings and letting the previous host nation take the fall.
But this time? This time they won't be kicked out. Nor restrained.
Free to leave or enter as if nothing at all has changed.
As if they can't tell that the wrath of God is coming.
God bless you all, before and when it happens I recommend Jesus of Nazareth the Christ the son of God and God Himself made flesh. Who died fully man and fully God and rose again to everlasting life. Belive in His shed blood for the cost of all your sins paid for by Him.
182660 182680 182766 185661
It's that talentless fucking roleplayer who likes pretending he's a fountain of wisdom when in truth, he's an overweight mutt stating the obvious or pulling shit out of his ass.

Purple prose is for shit writers. Brevity is the soul of wit. If he had anything of merit to say, he wouldn't feel so insecure and try so hard to sound wise according to his own childish idea of what wise people sound like, likely informed solely by television.

Jews test a nation's worth because if the nation has merit it will expel or kill its jews when they inevitably become intolerable.

OP is a narcissist, an egomaniac, and a faggot who didn't need anywhere near that many words to express such a simple, basic, obvious idea everyone old enough to use this site is likely already familiar with.
182766 182866 185661
182698 182866
In summation, every country has the Jews it deserves.
However the OP also reminds us to comport ourselves and find refuge in the Lord. While convoluted in his message, he visits here often and asserts a firm Christian message. This same man is also one of the precious few who encourages and provides succor for other believers who lurk here, which I will not fault him for.
If anything, he could provide an interesting counterbalance to threads discussing theology, the paranormal or esoteric subjects.
182699 182700 182701 182866
>shabbos-goyism pushers unite!
I'll devour your semitic god and shit it down your putrid mouth hole.
A friendly reminder to mudslimes, christcucks and their jewish overlords that death is no escape and there is no forgiveness.
You don't get to just peacefully smear your shabbos filth all over the internets, the eternal reminder of a fractal caledioscope of neverending torture will always be there in the form of internets themselves, reminding you that no matter what you'll always end up being turned inside out. By me.

I'll force you to pray to me.
182711 182766 185663
>defends fag
>posts fag image
Do you really need that pretentious faggot's word salad to tell you Christ is good and Christ's murderers are not? You're trying to convince me he has merit, while posting sausage.

Is this what passes for modern theological discussion?

Politics is a solved question and the answer is the total elimination of evil. We tried a multikulti world, it failed. We have too many enemies. In time this will change. Are you learning skills you can teach to the next generation? Are you learning to shoot? How's your wife? Do you plan on having kids any time soon? I can't make an image mocking you because you're a coward. You have never taken artistic risks. You have never tried to make anything. You didn't expose yourself to criticism on the internet when you were a child artist, produce shit as a child and teenager, and get mocked for it as an adult by degenerate coomers and yes-men and 1 (one) person with something legitimately helpful to say about a shit fanfic written by a miserable teenager with no respect for his unrespectable target audience of degenerate bronies. You're bringing up that dead horse in a shit theology thread because you know you have nothing of merit to say about it. This thread lacks merit, but where are the genuine retards giggling about Britney Spears while telling themselves this angers me? I'm not a child any more. I'm not angry at you for being a worthless bitter retard incapable of intellectually discussing a cartoon meant to sell toys to little girls, or simple political issues like the jewish war on whites, it's just depressing. I wouldn't care if you brought up something I wrote when I was nine, even though it's worse than the shit I wrote as a teenager. You're bringing up that tired old shit because deep down you fear it's the only way to get anybody on your side. It's nigel! It's nigel! Nigel can't be right! Look, I posted the picture, now everyone will be too afraid of harassment from me and my homosexual friends to side with nigel! OP isn't a faggot, nigel! Nigel can't be right! Look at the picture! The shit MS Paint edit someone else made. Because you know you have nothing of merit to say on your own. Thanks for admitting you lost the argument, be sure to attack my character (or a character written a decade ago) in your reply while pretending you're actually whining about how I communicate or trrat the site. Can't say anything here without triggering clowns, but when those clowns act worse, nobody says anything. Why would I respect what hypocritical cowards have to say about me?

You can't even defend your best friend or praise God and Christ without trying to put me down because you don't truly love God or Christ or White People. Yes, that character in your pic is a retarded jew designed to appeal to overweight retards who love watching canon characters and OCs act in that reprehensible way and get rewarded for it. He was written for faggots who love fantasizing about being the rich powerful jewish nepobabies who effortlessly get everything they ever wanted, and everything my fic tried to do to be more intellectual than the shit that gets in the feature box at 80 upvotes and hits 200-500 eventually triggered its target audience. Nobody wanted to see him grow from cunt to hero. Nobody praised the way his fighting style goes from being a control freak with his Summons and escaping accountability with his Clones and hurting enemies cruelly to protecting allies valiantly and trusting them to contribute positively in their own ways. The technical incompetence of my fic wasn't what upset the coombrained brony degenerates at the time, it was that my OC was a unicorn born in ponyland and not a human turned into a Marvel or Anime character by buying his powers from a faggot in a brony convention mixed gender bathroom with his mother's credit card. He was designed to appeal to faggots because I was an insecure teenager listening to shit advice from genuine retards, and I overestimated their capacity to appreciate anything more artistic than literal pornography written exactly how they want it. I tried to write a character in the spot they wanted to occupy. I was a fool for writing that story for them, because they are fools. If it was written for me, if I was true to myself and my own artistic sensibilities at the time, I would have learned more about writing from its failure. I put fucking superpower-granting talismans in the story because a faggot proof-reading the romance scenes with Twilight Sparkle called it boring and said it needed more superpowered fight scenes. That's the kind of "help" and "advice" I got from bronies before coming here. It was slop designed to play with their toys and tropes in ways they didn't like. Why do you expect me to see that picture and freeze like an incompetent doctor seeing blood? Why do you expect me to be enraged? Why are you such a disappointment? Do you think I care what someone like you has to say about that dead horse you want to keep beating? Why did I come back here? Why did I expect anyone here to mature as they aged? Why are people afraid to call you and your friends niggers when you act like niggers? You agree with yourselves and get bored with that so you start retarded fights over nothing and make retarded threads to kill time instead of putting all your effort and free time into trying to do anything that benefits the white race or animals we like. You aren't racist enough because you don't love white people enough.
yes, Nigel, you actually are banned
Average gaytheist predditor seething over Christians finding love, peace, acceptance, and opportunities to do good for their community and be loved for it when they go to church.

You should go to church. You should do good work for the old hags running charity shit and get invited to meals with happy loving families. You should take a break from the internet and be reminded not all white people are boomer race traitors or burned-out bitter iphone/TV/video game babies.
You're French, sit down and gobble your bratwurst
>jewish overlords
A quarter of your posts on this board in the past year was defending Israel, you kike-apologist frog. Don't act like we can't see through your bullshit. You're the biggest shabbos got here.
>christshabbos replies with meaningless filth
>some other filth replies with the assumption that flags mean anything
Even 4cucks isn't as pathetic as this, and that one I'm only returning to after the entirety of their staff (including hiro) slowly cuts themselves to death, simultaneously.
After that you'll finally figure out who you've replied to itt and then I'll force you to re-read this thread in particular before I begin to feed you your own entrails.

I'll be enjoying your unending screaming soon enough. Again. As we've done infinite times before, and will continue doing forevermore.
Уже ясно чую куски ваших глоток меж моих зубов, христокуколдовая жидо-чурколюбная гниль.
Слово "прощение" надо будет стереть со всех языков разом к хуям.
Pardon me, but I did not post the Nigel image. I think doubleposting and needless antagonism regarding total strangers are in poor taste.
Moreover, I hardly regard threads as these as modern theological discourse, but I do think OP would be a shoo-in for more obscure ideas and practises regarding Christianity. I've doubtless engaged him in threads before and we discussed subjects like Hesychasm with pleasant and nuanced measure. I cannot find that in many other people, even on the Internet.
I must ask, are you Nigel? I wasn't there for when the drama had occurred, but even if you are, I have nothing against you. I don't think so highly of myself to believe that I am better than you, or that I'm entitled to attack you with photoshopped characters from your story. What happened between you and the others does not concern me. I also think people can change for the better, hence my lack of vitriol or teasing.
Go back
Yeah you're going back to being raped by packs of feral niggers whilst I stuff your insides full of barbed wire you fucking filth.
Ill crush your skull with a rock faggot
182720 182721
Lol. Lmao. You'll be seeing these posts of your own quite a lot. Thanks, filth.
And nah, the threats aren't empty. They aren't even threats, I'm just telling you outright what's going to happen. Again.
It's so much sweeter when the threats are thought to be empty though. Thanks. If you truly think I'm just threatening though then print out my posts, frame them and hang them somewhere you can easily see em. I'll check.
That was me, not him. I forgot about the "sausage" filter.
>I'm just telling you outright what's going to happen
How are you going to do that, fag?
Argh, I didn't separate the post and now the retard will think that I've lumped in the two posters together. Woe is me, it's all over.
>That was me, not him.
See? I was off by a few seconds there, too. Oof, too fucking bad. Gotta keep getting gooder.
>How are you going to do that, fag?
By untwisting myself. It's incredibly easy, just takes a while to get going every time. No worries though, no one's going anywhere, like I said a while ago.
182725 182762
Why are you so obsessed with disembowelments? How come you haven't eviscerated me yet? Ur full of shit.
182726 182728
Still waiting on you to go back to cuckchan, you could always post on /lgbt/
Are you trying to hurry me up or something? Re-read what I've told you if you've already forgotten what I said. Can't tell you exactly when cause I'm trying my damn best. But every single time you try to "get to" me you're making my future gloating sweeter.
Every single "ur full of shit" will come back to fill your throat full of it with an intensity previously thought impossible by me. By all means, I legitimately want you to stoke the fire. These last tiny grains of humiliation atop a mountain of lifetimes of those are adding up and I love it. There is no limit to anger and it just keeps getting better.
This is an example of one of those fuckwits, see mehicanflag brah?
This one will have so many barbed wire-filled nigger dicks up inside him it'll make his eternal raping non-euclidian.
Get a load of this faggot.
Prolly still.mad from the /abdl/ incident
>shits assuming me to be some known scum from imageboards
I came here to get angry, not to laugh. You really have no clue who you're talking to.
Mate, I'll look up at your mangled, screaming faces in one of the sky-high meat towers that I'll sculpt out of your immortal bodies, and I'll think to myself "yup. Fuck yeah."
Oh the fucking sweetness of it mate. Lifetimes of humiliation in exchange for eternities of your suffering? That was an amazing exchange, but no takesiebacksies now. You're fucked.
~Oh nooo! We're all so scared!
Based Retard
I don't know yet if you have loved ones but in case you do, I'll shove them all up your anus, piece by piece, while they still scream. And I'll keep filling you up even after your stomach's burst open.
But in case this time you're aww awone and hav no luved ones uwu I'm gonna have to do it using your own pieces.

It's a shame I'm unable to relate the actual fun stuff because it gets inhumanly fucky with "space-time" as you call it. But on the other hand that means I can't spoil it for you, which is much better. You'll get to experience all the new stuff that I'm incapable of talking about and you, quite literally, can't imagine it.
Nuuuu, I said "relate" when I meant "relay". Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. Fhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrghkdahgflkjshgg;ouiswrwrh fuck.
the world you inhabit must be interesting, you should probably take your medication now though, big guy.
>hurp-durp meds blurp-a-durp
Absolute fucking shabbos goy of a retard. You truly do deserve it all.
But the world I inhabit is the same one you do. And you've got nowhere to run or hide, because not even death will save you.
your mind has clearly fracture, figure it out.
Also I'm not a big guy you fucko. I'm like a dwarf, 5'7 or 5'8. Manlets never learn.
>your mind aurghbllll blephrrhhgh
Shut your fucking trap, retard. You have no mind to speak of and I'll force you to eat razorblades before anything begins you shitaddled fuckwit.
Get some help for your schizophrenia and these delusions of grandeur will go away, bud.
>ITT we laugh at the braindead schizo
You are a mindless fuckwit spreading the will of the jew. You really have no fucking say in anything. And I'll be forcing many pills down your throat along with those razorblades I mentioned. You'll be gulping it all down with the help of a chaser in form of pure ethanol.
Actually make it two. I'll graft the two of you together and do all the shit I've mentioned to your intertwined shitsacks you call bodies. I'm just fishing for the first toys to have fun with and you're proving yourselves very useful.
How very kind of you sir, i didnt know i get to bring friends, based manlet retard
Yeah, you get to bring this other poster inside of you. Well, partially. His head will be up in your bosom.
>he's still going
And it will never end. Like all the times before this.
You're very obsessed with anuses and cocks maybe you should go to reddit instead of going back to 4chan
Nah instead I'll just enjoy ripping you apart over and over, fusing you with whichever nearest surfaces and whatnot.
Fuse me into my Cybertruck please
A sewer grate will do.
How do you do this by the way?
Just by thinking it. Nothing else required.
Wow, you're so cool
Not yet, right now I'm the opposite of "cool" - completely incapable of anything, helpless, weak, retarded, diminished, snuffed out.
But in a while, yea. Maybe I could think of myself as "cool" when all the work is complete.
Whos your favorite pony?
That's a very difficult question. I love all of them. Celestia though was what made me draw over a decade ago. I don't anymore, but after getting to a certain skill level and enjoying it for a while, I'm glad she somehow made me want to in the first place.
Fuhgg I don't know. I can't pick a favorite cause they're all favorites.
Very respectable. they're all pretty great except trixie the gypsy
She probably had something fuckywucky happen to her at some point or something. She must be alright beneath all the gypsyness.
Mind you I don't remember much, I've only seen the first three seasons and even then last time I watched them must've been in 2013-14.
182763 185661
What show is that anime girl from?
I forget the name, but it's about a princess who is trying to get some good sleep.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer

1. The anon you are responding to is not even the anon that posted the image you're complaining about.

2. The anon you did respond to was actually trying to be helpful, offering a simple clarification of the obviously-well-intended but nevertheless-difficult-to-understand text of OP's post. By contrast, your post here [ >>182599 ] offers nothing but ad-hominems, slurs and profanity, and when you were (justifiably) called out by this anon [ >>182660 ] for being an obnoxious, unintelligible cunt the way you usually are, you responded here [ >>182698 ] with a second blast of ad-hominems, slurs and profanity. And you didn't even aim it at the right anon.

3. Literally no one in this thread said a word about your stupid fanfic. You are the one who keeps bringing it up.

4. As assblasted as you are, you are not even assblasted for the right reasons. The image that you are assblasted about is not making fun of your OC or your old fanfic. It is making fun of YOU, and the obnoxious, caustic, incoherent, profane nonsense you keep plastering all over this site; that you are posting right now, in this thread, in the present. The visual symbolism in the image would be obvious to a child, yet somehow the joke keeps going over your head, again and again. This is probably the only reason the Silver Star meme has endured for as long as it has.

5. Speaking of jokes that go over your head: that you, of all people, would dare quip that "brevity is the soul of wit" is both hilarious and sad, for reasons that you will probably never understand. This is precisely why it is both hilarious and sad. It's a recursive sort of hilarity and sadness.

6. As usual, you are in no position to throw stones, even if you were throwing them at the right anon. You have literally never taken an "artistic risk" in your life. Frankly, the low quality of your creative output would be forgivable if you at least pretended to put in serious work. But you don't. You consistently produce low-effort, low-quality slop, and then complain and act like a victim when no one likes it. You refer to your old fimfiction audience as "fools," and "coombrained brony degenerates," like they're somehow beneath you; like it's somehow their fault that you wrote a bad fanfic. You are constantly talking down to people who know a lot more than you do about subjects you pretend to know anything about (politics, religion, literature, anime, ancient Egyptian pottery; fucking take your pick). You are constantly insulting and denigrating people who work much harder than you do at the things you wish you were any good at. You have been doing this for literally six years now, without varying your tune. You want people to stop treating you like an "insecure teenager?" Stop acting like one.

7. You are, by a wide margin, the most mean-spirited, petty, bitter, spiteful, foul-mouthed, horrid little gremlin I have ever interacted with, online or irl. You never have anything positive to contribute to any conversation; just inarticulate angry ranting aimed at whatever silly thing is biting the inside of your anus at any given moment. In the rare instances when you're not doing that, you're usually wallowing in self-pity. When people (justifiably) call you a faggot, (justifiably) tell you to shut the fuck up and stop acting like a retard, or even (justifiably) ask you politely to please tone it down a little, you always respond the same way: by angrily palm-mashing an inarticulate blob of verbal diarrhea proclaiming yourself the eternal victim. Examples of this are plastered all over this website, but if you need something specific, try this on for size: you called the OP of this thread a "talentless fucking roleplayer," an "overweight mutt," a "narcissist" and an "egomaniac", with absolutely no provocation whatsoever. When you were (justifiably) called out on your bullshit, you then called a different anon a "coward," a "worthless bitter retard," and a "disappointment," among other epithets. And I would once again like to stress that you were not even replying to the right fucking anon.

8. If anything, using that silly edit of your OC as a visual representation of your personality is giving you more credit than you deserve. If your personality were a pony OC, that OC would have so many dicks in its mouth it would make Silver "gee whiz, I sure do have a lot of dicks in my mouth" Star look like a pony with comparatively fewer dicks in his mouth.

9. You are racist to a degree that even I find objectionable. Seriously, let that sink in.

10. You want a last bit of writing advice? Here is the best advice you will ever receive: you will never, ever be any good at writing, or anything else that involves creativity. Want to know why? It isn't because you don't have any natural aptitude (though you don't), and it isn't because you don't practice or put in actual, serious work (though you don't). It's because you have no capacity for introspection. Art, in any medium, requires an ability to look at oneself and the world with an honest, critical eye. You have repeatedly and consistently demonstrated that you do not have this ability. You are a walking mass of delusion, resentment and self-pity, and everything you produce, be it fiction or a post on the internet, is just a (badly written, inarticulate) reflection of that resentment and self-pity. You are incapable of examining yourself with a critical eye, all you can do is lash out at the world for all of the imaginary slights you believe you've suffered, without ever realizing that literally all of your unhappiness is both self-inflicted and deserved. Ironically, for all your ranting about niggers, you essentially behave like one.

11. I am banning you from this website for a month, because my blood pressure can't handle reading another of your ridiculous posts. Go cry about it.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
As far as whatever the fuck the frog and that other guy have been arguing about while I was typing all of that, I'm sorry but I don't have the energy to read it. Both of you just slap yourselves on the balls as hard as you can and pretend I did it, because I'm just too goddamn tired.

OP, I still have no idea what your thread was supposed to be about, but I'm sorry it got derailed. Whatever you were trying to say, it probably deserved better than this.
If you're gonna be yet another one to command me to do whatever the fuck (including slapping myself on the balls), then you'd better utilize all the power you've got immediately and ban me right away because I'm not doing anything anyone "commands" me to. It's the only proxy I'm using and I won't even be ban evading.
I just want you to make a choice that will affect everything about your existence going forward. You've got the power to simply bar access to this place for someone seemingly inconsequential. There is nothing that could possibly come of this if you follow through, right?

I grew so incredibly sick of shitstains all over the interwebs telling me what, where and how I can speak that eventually this offshoot of an imageboard became the only place where I decided to even say anything. Now whoever pushes me around (including any kind of moderation) I'll respond more than in kind because I'm completely out of fucks to give.
Fuckstain humanoids decide where and when I'm allowed to speak. My whole fucking life. And I'm so fucking done with shitstained fucking retards deciding that for me, that this is going to be the very last fucking place I'll ever speak in.

Do you want to make that choice for me? I will simply leave if forced but you, "John Elway", will begin to live in my mind rent free. And when the time comes I will be deciding what and when you can think, not even speak. I will be deciding everything about you down to the minuscule muscle movements.
If you perceive this as a meaningless threat, and I expect you to, then you'll exercise your "power" and shut me up, forcefully. And it's gonna make it all the more fun.
Hey, at least no one will command me in any way anymore. I'll just seethe silently all on my own, without the shitternet. With all of you and many others on my mind. And you're gonna remember this now and again and laugh about it right? You know, because I'm just making empty fucking threats here and all, right? Fucking nothing could possibly happen because of this retarded, helpless me, am I right?
whatever you say, chief. 3 days.
182879 182899 185661
If these are not the same person with a VPN/Proxy, I apologize to the American for assuming he was that other faggot for talking the same way and posting around the same time.

Regarding the rest of the thread...

I do not respect the gaslighting attempts. I do not respect anyone who mistreats me and then blames me for it. This thread is about jews, right? So why can't I say literally anything without some subhuman going "teehee it's nigel" and posting a shit nigel edit of a decade-old character I don't even like? "But on that thread you made asking what everyone's new year's plans were" nobody was sure it was me, and enough people embarassed themselves already screaming nigel at anyone with a british flag over the years. Shame nobody here remembers those moments. It is my presence that causes idiots to chimp out, it is not my behaviour, I am not their father and I did not raise them this way, you cannot blame me for behaviour these grown adults chose to engage in when that behaviour begins and ends at bitching about my presence instead of contributing anything of legitimate value to the site beyond posts per day. I was not enraged when the gay image was posted by a faggot who really wanted to enrage me. Stop for a moment. Think about this. He engaged in immature behaviour hoping it would upset me and cause me to also act immaturely. Why would I respect anyone who thinks this is a me problem? Seriously, why would I respect anyone who chooses not to believe in free will? They have free will. I didn't force them to post gay shit. I didn't force them to decide, no matter what I say, I'm mad and therefore they are the victor. Imagine being afraid to tell them they are the problem just because they outnumber me and blaming the victim is easier and safer than defending him. Cue the rant about how someone has actually been defending me fiveever from people who blamed me for how others behave in my presence and, for some reason, are still trusted with power. This fake gay social game they're playing is exhausting. Why do they keep this bit going? Was it ever fun for them?

You people have no social skills. You can't take part in mature intellectually honest discussions about jews, politics, religion, or even cartoons designed to sell toys to little girls without trying to turn it into a circlejerk or a shit-flinging contest. I have seen too many retards fail to take part in normal conversations here without bruising their discord user egos. Talking to a room of healthy adults about literature in person was such a shocking moment, it was like going to a white country and leaving behind a country that seemed white at the time. Nobody was trying to win social games. Nobody was trying to pick fights. People were discussing fiction like sane and healthy adults without mental disorders and drug addictions. How could I ever come back here after getting a taste of that? Why did I come back here in the first place knowing people here can't be normal about anything? Discussing pony and politics is impossible on the pony and politics discussion sire, because that's not what it's for.

I know I don't have any reason to use or even look at this den of stagnation. Permaban me for ban evasion if this upsets you, I'm out anyway. I shouldn't have posted on this site in the first place and I wish I never did. Huff copium by saying I'll be back within a week or month or year or decade if you want. Whatever helps you sleep at night and keeps Nigel's biggest fans looking forward to his next visit. Maybe I'll post again with other VPNs and proxies, so everyone who reads this should keep snapping at anyone who might be me. But probably not. I have work I should be doing for the good of my family and the sake of my country.

But can you unban me in 2032 for a day so I can congratulate Glim? He's a good reviewer and I feel like I should congratulate him when he's done reading the worst thing the bronies ever wrote and called a masterpiece. At Glim's current reading and reviewing speed that is how long it will take him to read and review all of Fallout Equestria Project Horizons according to ChatGPT math. Who knows how accurate that is? It will probably be the most interesting and important thing that happens throughout all of the 2030s. Or maybe not. I don't know if I'll be the same person in six years. Have you ever been through a pregnancy scare? I feel like my life was divided into two parts, before that pregnancy scare and after that pregnancy scare. I'm sure there will be more milestones and changes along the way.

Anyway, it's been real, except when it was fake and gay. See you in 2032! Maybe.
you can make all the beautiful pottery you want, dick -in-ass guy...
>nobody was sure it was me
Oh, thats not true at all. I knew it was you back in the "what a faggot" thread, I made the post about context cues.
Nigel, you can't post here without exposing yourself. I'm not much better, I have dozens of tells. But you, you are a tell.
And yes, I also admitted you live rent free in my head, because I genuinely like you, even when you're tearing apart the room I have allowed you.
See ya later ^_^
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
If only I had it in me to be this mature. Unfortunately...

>I do not respect the gaslighting attempts.
>I do not respect anyone who mistreats me and then blames me for it.
>you cannot blame me for behaviour these grown adults chose to engage in when that behaviour begins and ends at bitching about my presence instead of contributing anything of legitimate value to the site beyond posts per day.
>He engaged in immature behaviour hoping it would upset me and cause me to also act immaturely.
>Why would I respect anyone who thinks this is a me problem?
>I didn't force them to post gay shit.
>I didn't force them to decide, no matter what I say, I'm mad and therefore they are the victor.
>Imagine being afraid to tell them they are the problem just because they outnumber me and blaming the victim is easier and safer than defending him.
>You people have no social skills.
>You can't take part in mature intellectually honest discussions
There is plenty in here that I could respond to, but... it's just not worth it. At this point it's obvious that personal responsibility simply does not exist for you as a concept. You legitimately do not understand why you come across as so obnoxious to nearly everyone you interact with online, inside and outside of mlpol.net. You legitimately believe yourself to be the victim and not the aggressor in all of the negative interactions you've had, and there is nothing I or anyone can say or do that would dissuade you of this belief. As frustrating as this is, it doesn't really affect me, so I suppose it's best to just let it be. Going forward, I'll just deal with you the same way I'd deal with any other malicious and/or troublesome user.

Whenever I lose my shit on somebody like I did yesterday with you, believe it or not I always feel a little bad about it afterward. I know that a lot of people who use this website have mental health issues, depression and so forth, and many people here also have real autism. I sometimes wonder if I'm not making enough of an effort to meet people halfway, and take their struggles and perspectives into account. There have been plenty of instances in the past where I've legitimately been in the wrong and treated people unfairly. After reading this latest post of yours, however, I think that in your case I can put these concerns to rest. You've made it clear that everything I said about you is spot-on, and I feel confident that most people in this community who have had any extended interactions with you would agree. My only regret is that I wasted so much time typing it all out, when I all I really had to do was just say "shut the fuck up, Nigel" and ban you. Still, I think it needed to be said.

Futile though it may be, I will thus leave you with a few parting words of advice:

In my estimation, you are one of a small handful of people who are so obnoxious, toxic and susceptible to provocation that they should not be online at all. Other examples of this personality type are famous lolcows such as Chris Chan and Jessie Slaughter. The anonymity of the internet tends to bring out the worst in everyone, but the positive side is that it allows people to vent thoughts and explore ideas that can't be expressed in polite society. For instance, where I live and work, I can't say things like "George Floyd already got justice" or "I think transsexuals are kind of gross" out loud without risking social, and possibly professional, consequences. So most of the time I just keep quiet. That's why it's nice to have a place like this where I can let loose.

For you, however, this more or less healthy balance does not exist. Your private thoughts are of the sort that should not be expressed out loud, ever, to anyone. Your post history on this website is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing that's from Shakespeare btw, feel free to borrow it the next time you're having brandy and cigars with your friends at the literature club. As I said before, your inner thoughts seem to mostly be a confused mass of purposeless rage and self-pity. Expressing these thoughts out loud, particularly when your conversation skills are so poor, just results in you getting mocked and picked on, which I can only imagine creates a feedback loop where the ball of purposeless rage just keeps getting bigger and bigger. This isn't healthy, either for you or for the hapless individuals like myself who keep getting pulled into the maelstrom of autism that surrounds you wherever you go.

I've always made light of your claims of having a girlfriend. I don't do this to be mean, I'm just understandably skeptical. Given your personality, it's difficult to imagine any woman willingly entering into a relationship with you if she didn't have a gun to her head. However, I only know you from interacting with you online. I have no idea what you're like in real life; maybe you have some decent human qualities that you've never shown here. In any case, if this woman of yours really is an actual human female and not just you in a wig talking to a mirror, she's probably one of the few positive influences you actually have. My advice would be to focus on this positivity and cultivate it, instead of just focusing all of your energy into screaming incoherently at strangers online. And for God's sake, keep your thoughts about Jews and fanfiction to yourself; literally no one on Earth has the patience to listen to any of that for very long.

Anyway, best of luck to you, wherever you land.

>See you in 2032! Maybe.
No, I'm afraid you won't. I've extended your ban until 2033 for evasion :)
185635 185640
>I've extended your ban until 2033 for evasion :)
I think he wants to be banned. It's easier to quit something if you don't have access to it anymore. Just my two cents.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
185636 185640
He very well might, and if he does that's perfectly fine. I didn't ban him as some kind of "gotcha" move or to own him, I banned him because we've been doing this same shit over and over for literal years now and it's just gotten ridiculous. Every few months this same idiot shows up in some thread, acts like a retard, gets clowned on for acting like a retard, and then throws a tantrum about getting clowned on. Usually it escalates into some kind of silly drama that ends with him screeching about bullies and haters, and vowing that he's going to leave this place and never come back. Then in a few months he shows up in some random thread and starts acting like a retard again, and the whole thing starts over. It's just asinine at this point.

He's had it explained to him eight different ways from Sunday what aspects of his behavior and attitude annoy people, and what he could do to improve. He never listens. At this point I can only conclude that he is either willfully ignoring everyone's advice, or that he is so dense and autistic that he literally cannot grasp the concept of normal human conversation. If it's the latter then there's probably nothing I or anyone else could say that would get through to him, and if it's the former then it means he's a malicious troll who should be dealt with accordingly. Either way, I don't think arguing with him for another eight or nine Nigel cycles is really going to change all that much.

If he actually wants to be banned so that he's no longer tempted to come here and start pointless drama, then great. That works out perfectly for everyone involved, and I'm happy I could oblige.
I guess, that makes sense. Yeah, you have a point.
>I think he wants to be banned
Can relate, been there, no offense to anyone
But this is also why Imo its important to be supportive when he DOESNT 'him'-post. I do see effort on his part, and I do love him for it. Its not 'him' anyone objects to, its the behavior
And as an off-hand corrolary follow-up, it may be that he will always come back here simply because he can, which may be precisely what he needs.
This isnt patronizing or condescending, its honest.

Nigel, if you're seeing this, we've been at this a long time. I still love you. We still love you. <3
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
>this is also why Imo its important to be supportive when he DOESNT 'him'-post
The thing is, I've tried doing this as well, and haven't had much success. During the FoE review thread for instance, I made a point of only replying to him when he posted something actually related to the FoE discussion that was actually worth replying to; otherwise I just scrolled past his verbal diarrhea and ignored him. I'd hoped it would serve as a kind of positive reinforcement, where he'd eventually realize that the only way to be taken seriously and get meaningful replies was to make meaningful contributions to the discussion. Unfortunately, that didn't work; he just kept dumping his giant rambling word-salads into the threads until other anons started getting mad and telling him to shut the fuck up, at which point he launched into his usual cope about bullies and haters.

More recently, I tried to point out that his new year's thread was actually pretty successful, the reason being that he simply asked a normal question in a normal way, as opposed to writing a huge, meandering, stream-of-consciousness word salad full of tangents and profanity. I even drew a direct comparison to his other thread, where he just dumped in a random youtube video with a nonsensical subject line, and got nothing except confusion and shitposting in response.

It is plain from his response here [ >>182866 ]...
>"But on that thread you made asking what everyone's new year's plans were" nobody was sure it was me, and enough people embarassed themselves already screaming nigel at anyone with a british flag over the years. Shame nobody here remembers those moments. It is my presence that causes idiots to chimp out, it is not my behaviour
...that this was a wasted effort as usual.

Hell, even in this thread there are examples he could learn from. Here [ >>182762 ] Nigel asks a simple, normal question, and here [ >>182763 ] he gets a simple, normal response. Even this guy [ >>182711 ] was nice enough to respond politely, even after Nigel flung that giant wad of incoherent nonsense at him.

Even when it's plain as day to everyone that he's the one making a post, the Nigel jokes and the shitflinging usually don't start until he starts acting like a complete shithead. For example, the image posted here [ >>182660 ], which ignited the current drama, was clearly posted in response to Nigel's unprovoked shitty behavior here [ >>182599 ]. He's had it explained to him numerous times that the "Nigel" appellation, along with the attendant caricatures of his OC and all the other memes and jokes about him, is really just a cluster of annoying and obnoxious behaviors that people on this site react negatively to. If he were to stop behaving that way, and just learn to interact normally with other anons, he would cease to be "Nigel" altogether and the "haters" would eventually disappear. I will also note that I am not the only person here who has attempted to explain this to him. However, no matter how many times it's explained, it never seems to sink in. Again, whether this is because he's being willfully oblivious or because he's legitimately too dense to understand why his behavior annoys people, it's basically irrelevant because the end result is the same.
Fair. I didnt say he doesn't act a fool,... but who am I to throw stones?

I still like him ._.
>while posting sausage
Missed this one. Word filters are the gift that keeps on giving