>>149009>>149017Fuck it at this point there's no secret that psychological operations occur.
They do many things on random people and the contractual agents everyone.
One of the subsets they do is psychological changes to people. Especially changing minds and beliefs.
One experiment is about magic to convince someone it's real. Sounds simple enough. The kicker is that an glowfucker is working on another glpwnigger going through to motions to convince some dude. The glownigger has no idea about glowfucker.
So whacky physical trickery illusions of stage magic happen that the glownigger teaching is convinced that it's real.
In comes
'new age mystic orders' funded by all secret agencies. To eliminate magical traditions that the dune religions missed.
Such a stooge is Alister Crowly who is butt buggering buddies with the British intelligence and room mate what's his face. They drew the grey pictures and stuff.
That's not much of surprise, but consider this these are the same (((assholes))) that do want to have control over everything. As such any moral quandary over mind fucking someone to make a useful easily disposable game piece.
With the Jewish abduction of many children and torture throughout history it's almost a suprise a complete run through hasn't occurred.
The reason for my suspense is the scale of operations that the big illusion likes to operate in.
First, magic isn't real. Imagination isn't real.
That's a lie. Those are real and vital.
Second, falsehoods embedded to cause ruin to practitioners.
Third, the destruction and secrecy that drive old knowldge and wisdom to the shadows or graves.
>metametametametaTo cause ruin to humanity in every way they can.
I'm sure everyone knows the starwars program as a psyop against communist forces in the cold war.
Another factoid is that being the right psychological profile (ie too fucked up) but not loyal means (((they))) have contractor careers to bring them into the fold.
Anyway (((they))) love lying, and can't help but tell the biggest and opulent falsehoods that they could pull.
Christian angel demons and that god like to kick people around for their spiritual lunch money. It's a crime syndicate.
One thing (((entities))) love to pull is preplanned preparations to fuck with people.