1460 replies and 7 files omitted.
>>140364“Uh, let’s find somewhere, then”
Roll search
Not many location that look completely closed off to view
>>140367"Well... I guess we will have to make the most of it."
Spark starts to unload them.
>>140368The coffins are unloaded off the train, one by one. There is a cover the size of a bed sheet to help keep them out of view, but the sight of a coffin is enter to deter most of the curious
>>140369Spark looks for a cart that might be free to pull the coffins.
>>140370Spark is able to find something like a larger and stronger hotel luggage art, that seems to be made for moving baggage around within the train station.
>>140371That could work. Spark stacks the coffins on the cart.
>>140476The coffins are stacked. What do next?
>>140477I think push the cart out of the train station. I don't really know the layout.
>>140478This is quite a bit like rolling a shopping cart out of a grocery store parking lot, for a lot of the same reasons
>>140479Well, there is no way around that that I rolled to see.
>>140480The doctor
"Okay... we need to get those two out... but get the sick one there. I don't think he can walk far."
>>140481"Then we need to find somewhere to duck behind for a second to get them out. We might draw a few suspicious looks with wolves getting out of the coffins."
>>140482Spark, thus far, has found that the area behind the trains is not currently being used (it's another passenger platform with no train at the moment), and perhaps if the coach cars don't have ponies inside looking out, they would block the line of sight. Another option is to try to open them back inside of the baggage car, and see if the wolves themselves can be smuggled out.
A third option is to search the Train Station again
>>140483Spark tries the other platform.
>>140484The train station is composed of a number of white concrete island platforms, that connect by open stairways to a pathway above. Spark's train arrived on one of the further platforms. Anything occurring on the furthest platform will be visible to anyone inside of the coach cars who happens to be looking out the right window, and to certain people looking down from the walk way. But it's certainly possible no one would be watching. The sheet covering over the coffins can be used to help cover the line of sight.
Not feeling too great, but I'm ready to play
>>140486And the last post for Amber is
>>140356 >>140485Spark signals the wolves to get out with a few taps.
>>140488She gives a short, toothy smile with white teeth that look nice, but are subtly crooked.
"Oh don't worry about that, dear."
>>140489Does Spark try to let them out there
He won't know yet if anypony saw it. Or if anypony did, if they would try to report it.
>>140490The younger mare blinks in surprise.
"What do you mean?" >>140491"Oh don't worry." The mare looks up at High Sewn. "She knows who I am."
"Oh, well if she does then um..." Amber is definitely confused now.
>>140493Iron finds himself in the upper office of the boat company, with light from a lone window behind him, and staring at an overly fat brown griffin sitting behind a wooden desk that's been turned over on its side. White Sands stands close and just to the right of the griffin, staring at him.
>>140494She closes her lips and slightly narrows her eyes, smiling all the same.
"You're almost cute, so innocent and cheery." She starts to move back, then asks
"How would you like to make some more money?"
>>140495Amber immediately lightens up.
"Really? That would be wonderful! I need to get out of debt really badly." >>140496"
I can imagine. I'll send someone to you later, should you like."
"Thank you!" It's only after she shares her address that she asks, "What kind of work is it?"
>>140498She waves a hoof in the air
"He'll tell you. I have a
meeting to get to"
Her smile is one again more toothy, as she holds the dress higher with her magic
"Try to keep that cheeriness as long as you can. You'll miss it when it's gone."
She begins to walk away. Her tail is curled and styled.
>>140499"What did she mean?" She looks back at High Sewn.
>>140500High Sewn is silent, and keeps her eyes on the mare as she leaves. The mare walks surprisingly fast in heels, back through the door, and to the automobile, where the Diamond Dog opens the door
>>140495"You keep asking who I am working with," Iron prods, wondering what that's all about.
Probably just an adage that old ponies like to say.
Oh colt! Soon I'll be debt-free and I can send money back!
>>140502He holds his claws up, but tries to keep a smile
"When some one comes barging into your place of work during hours, wouldn't
you want to know?"
>>140504"Have I not said that I am from the Waterfront Gang?" Iron questioned further, trying to get into that little discrepancy's reason.
>>140503The possibilities are endlessThe car drives off, and Guy steps back towards the center of the store.
>>140505"Very well" he says, dropping the smile.
>>140506Despite the lack of breakfast or lunch Amber finds it hard to suppress her giddiness for the rest of her shift.
>>140506(Okay,) Iron breathed in his head (so that was what he was asking.)
"What other places do you know are ran by your bosses?" Iron questioned.
>>140507High Sewn doesn't match Amber. Then again, when has she? She goes outside, and Amber can see she's smoking. Guy resumes competing with Amber for who can talk to or help customers first.
>>140508"Like you don't know we are the strongest family run business in Manehattan? A third of the canneries, a quarter of all construction. Half of the garbage collection. And so many bars, nightclubs, and pizzerias. What don't we own?"
>>140509If Guy is competing in anything but a friendly way, she doesn't take notice.
>>140510More customers come in and High Sewn returns.
Some of these clothes have bizarrely complicated names. "un imperméable" for a raincoat? Guy runs over to insist that it's pronounced in a different way.
"Sorry, I don't speak Griffonian." She says this without a trace of sarcasm.
>>140489Spark, with the doctor helping, pushes the cart along to the upper walkway, then down the to bottom, trying to park the cart behind a walkway to obscure it. The doctor holds up the sheet as they pull down the three coffins.
Waabishkie jumps out, then Makade and his rifle. Waabishki takes a moment to look around, before asking Spark
"Are we far from the hospital?"
>>140513"A good question. Doc? You wouldn't happen to know, would you?"
Spark then nods to the rifle.
"You might want to leave that in the coffin for now."
>>140514He seems to form a smile for a moment, before resuming his more serious expression.
"Well, it's just south and east of the center of town. A few miles from here."
"Are we taking these with us?"
>>140516Amber lets Guy handle the fancy raincoat.
>>140516"Yes. We need something to transport Miskobag in, and keeping gear in them as well won't hurt."
>>140517Amber finds herself mostly handling inventory in the last couple hours. But the hours pass, and Amber concludes her shift at the store.
>>140518"Alright. But let's be quick about this"
Waabishki takes the lid off of Miskobag's coffin, and asks him how he is doing.
>>140519Does she see any green yet?
>>140520It's her regular pay day, and she hasn't affirmatively asked to be paid ahead of schedule
Amber doesn't press the issue. After all, High Sewn just had to pay for an expensive new window and Amber is much more optimistic today in terms of finances.
>>140524Amber arrives at the restaurant, with Salt Mixer again as acting manager.
She greets Salt Mixer and gets ready to start.
>>140519"We will be right on our way."
Spark also checks on Miskobag.
Amber sees tonight that there are two additional waiters working tonight. These are Cream Pop, an orange unicorn stallion with a poofy, cream colored mane, and Larkhaven, a white unicorn mare with silver earrings, and dark blood red mane that is held up in a "hive" style. The next big change is that the patio section is open tonight, with some fires and a canvas to break to wind. It's Winter, and today especially has been cloudy with some light rain earlier, so it's questionable how appealing this would be to customers, but the decision has been made to keep it open.
De Sew retains the section she had yesterday, which is
four combination booth-and-tables, and three tables. All in the front.
Melon Mangrove gets the six other tables in the front. Again, parties are preferred here if possible, but De Sew's section and the patio. are options
Cream Pop takes the five booths
Larkhaven gets every table of two in the restaurant, which is six high tables for two, and two on the patio.
Mustard Trim is placed on the patio with six tables of four.
>>140531There are currently:
two tables and one combo taken in De Sew's section
two tables taken in Mangrove's
Two booths taken in Cream Pop's section
Three high tables taken (Larkhaven)
And one table outside (Mustard Trim)
Note that the shifts of some of the waiters - like Larkhaven and Mustard Trim - begins at the same time as Amber
She greets her co-workers. "Nice to meet you, Larkhaven. Hello Mustard, good to see you today! Do I look presentable enough as a hostess?" She starts fussing with and straightening her hair and dress.
>>140533She turns to Amber. Her eye lashes are thin, but long, and she wears mascara
you must be the new hostess."
She turns to Amber and grins, but turns away and moves over to her position rather than striking up conversation
Mustard Trim, however, sticks around
"Hi Amber! Don't worry. If anything, you look terrific."
>>140535"Well, uh...." He pauses for a moment "You'll do fine. Just think of it like... managing large numbers of livestock. Easily displeased livestock."
>>140537"Heh. Well... Maybe thinking of it that way will make it less intimidating. Maybe."
>>140538She giggles softly, covering her mouth with a fetlock.
"Maybe. Anyway, best of luck." >>140539He nods, and gives a rather awkward smile, before turning away and very slowly walking towards the patio
>>140540Amber takes her proud little place beneath the brass arch awaiting any customers who come in.
>>140509"You seem to work fast," Iron commended with a stoic look as he started to do the math on his head.
If this was true, then he'd have an easier time finding the next business to punch over.
"Any big company in particular?" he prodded further.
>>140543He shakes his head without breaking eye contact
"I can't give away
all of our assets"
>>140544Iron would soon plant a foreleg on the table the griffon accountant was standing behind, giving the hen a deadpan look. "I am not giving you an option," he stressed. "Either you cooperate, or you will join your workmates."
>>140546>>140545He wraps his foreclaws on the edge of the over turned desk, and pulls away
"Well it... may be... Emerson Holdings, and Heathclaw fishing..."
>>140547Iron slightly glanced at Sands to see if she could potentially confirm that these two companies do indeed exist and isn't simply lying his flank off.
>>140548She shrugs
"I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if it only exists in Manehattan."
She pulls her lips up to show teeth
"Or if it's since been 'socialized.'"
>>140549Iron tilted his head at Sands' last statement, urging her to elaborate on her question.
>>140550"Let's just say these businesses
may have experienced a hostile takeover in the last month."
>>140551Iron nodded before turning his vision back to the griffon. "Where are the closest buildings from those two companies?" he continued.
>>140552"South Pier, Hayson, and 352 Rose Street."
>>140553Iron nodded. "Anypony in particular I should keep in mind?" he continued. "I would rather know what ponies I should ensure they do not die accidentally from my log legs."
>>140554"What do you mean?" He asks
>>140555"Surely you have ponies more important than others," Iron presumed. "I want to know which ponies stand above the rest in your group."
>>140556"Not ponies.
Griffins. The Griffins of the family Ginovicci are the most important of this organization."
>>140558Iron simply shrugged at the seemingly unimportant semantic issue. "Well?" he pressed. "Are you going to tell me who they are or not?"
>>140559"The... the caporegime here in Baltimare is Gregory Ginovicci. He's actually Guiseppe, but they let him use his wife's name of Ginovicci. I am assigned here under him."
>>140560"What else can you tell me about him?" Iron pressed. "What is he like?"
>>140561"Originally from Falcor. Not the brightest in the group, but he's been creative and clever. It was he who thought ahead to buy this place, and who first suggested to come here until the storm dies down. He was an ordinary soldier but proved himself capable and willing to do what was necessary against the Rosenthal Clan. For that, he was allowed to marry into the family and head a section. He can be violent and brutal as necessary. He prefers the services of a hired agent known as Koptis. He is here, likely in the Royale ."
>>140562"I see," Iron replied with a nod "so is Koptis an honorary member of sorts to the clan or is it just a business venture?"
>>140563"Koptis... 'Cutter,' as he is called. I am not sure what his real name is, not that it matters for somecreature from obscure origins. He is what we would call a 'Hitgrif.' A professional killer. But he is no griffin. A minotaur of the outer islands who fled to Equestria after killing a policeman there. You can call him a member or call it business. He isn't quite family, but he is loyal all the same."
>>140564Looks like Iron will actually fight a minotaur like he said.inb4 Koptis is actually a Black Hooves member."Sounds like a formidable foe," Iron claimed, grinning softly at the idea of fighting him after a good rest to regain his energy. (So beating up those two should provide a good scare.)
"Is he the best fighter the family has in store?" he asked.
>>140565"The Ginovicci aren't terribly fond of using their claws, preferring a few strong words and a gun if necessary. But yes. Yes he is, both with a gun and with his hands. Gregory also has his dogs, which he claims are pets."
>>140566Iron took a second to nod a couple of times, a sneaking smile starting to form on his face. "So we got a hitpony, a soldier and a couple of warmongrels," he surmised with a tinge of tempered excitement. "Where is this 'Royale' place?"
>>140567“In town. About five streets away. 20th Firefly street. It’s a local restaurant.”
>>140568"What about the main headquarters of the family?"
>>140570"I mean in this little hideyhole of a town," Iron clarified.
>>140571"For now, that
is the headquarters, if you can call it that, so far as this fishing village goes. There, and this place. But more shall come. Think of it as a scouting party."
>>140572"Then you understand why I have come here to greet you," Iron answered with a stoic look before glancing to Sands to see if he was missing anything that she could think about before ending the conversation.
>>140573Sands seems unsure, biting her lips and looking back at Iron with wide eyes
>>140574After a few seconds of thinking, Iron started to approach the griffon accountant in question, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "Now what should I do with you?" he asked.
>>140575He turns his head slight, though still looking at Iron
"I am only a pencil pusher."
>>140576"What will you do if I simply walk away?" he instead asked the griffon.
>>140577"I can't fight you... You know that. And I cannot go to the police."
>>140578"What about your employers?"
>>140579"They will come for me regardless."
>>140580"But will you go seek them?"
>>140581"I will remain right here" He claims
>>140582Iron wasn't too sure to believe him, glancing off to Sands to see if he should contest his claim.
>>140583"Either way, they will know we were here." Sands says to Iron
>>140584"Of course," he answered before looking back at the griffon accountant in question "you're free to stay here while your employers come back."
With that said, he removed his foreleg from him and turned around, starting to walk towards the exit of the room, hoping to go straight to the Royale and see what's this minotaur's like.
>>140585Iron walks away, starting to exit the room
[1d2 = 2][1d2 = 1][1d2 = 1] >>140585>>140586Iron leaves easily enough from the building. As promised, the building is only a few streets away. It's a free standing building, unlike so many packed into small lots or as part of larger structures in the city. Seems to be one floor, with a high, gradually sloping red tile roof. Outside are several carts, and two automobiles. None especially stand out.
[1d2 = 1] >>140587>>140586"More likely than not," Iron figured as he pivoted towards the target building's front door, particularly the front door "the minotaur will know we are coming."
>>140588The restaurant has a vestibule, which Iron can go through, and see that it has a long counter on the right towards the back, a couple doors in the back, a counter in the front off to the left of where they enter, and some number of tables, with a couple booths recessed in by the walls. Tables are a lighter wood color, while booths have a red tint on their leather seats. There is no hostess, at least not at this time of day, and there a low - but definitely present - number of customers. They are all ponies, and sit around at one booth and a few tables. Two servers are seen, who move quickly and look uneasy
>>140589Iron raised an eyebrow at the servers' uneasy look, feeling Koptis has already been dispatched.
(No minotaur yet,) he noted as he decided to simply take a seat on one of the tables alongside Sands. (The queasy ponies should probably know about him.)
>>140590A server comes up, a slim unicorn mare with a long fine pink mane, asking for drinks.
Iron has hopefully covered over his wounds with clothing >>140591>>140590>forAsking what Iron and Sands want for their drinks
>>140591>>140592Prolly"Water," Iron answered with a nod before turning to the mare and promptly putting on a little smile for her sake. "How are things today?"
>>140593"Good." She tosses her mane. "Good.
>>140594Iron tilted his head a little at the slightly eccentric reply. "How are the regulars?" he continued, hoping to nail the minotaur's last whereabouts.
>>140595"Oh, they are...
Iron doesn't see any minotaur or griffin.
>>140596The stallion would probably find this exchange a bit amusing if he wasn't currently trying to see if the minotaur is still lurking around here. "I have heard that some of your regulars are... irregular, in a sense," he suggested.
>>140597She turns her head to look a little more closely at Iron
"What... do you mean?"
>>140598"A unique regular, I mean," Iron suggested "a rarity to see in this place."
>>140600waves back>>140599“Oh. Like... what do you mean?” She asks again
>>140601Amber's ready to be a hostess again.
>>140601"You know," Iron mutttered a little impatiently "a rare species for the region living here and
also be a regular."
>>140361>>140362I'm just replying to these so we know where we are when we resume next.
>>140604Approaching the telephone office from whinny to , there is a crafts store, then the post office, and then after another 60 feet, the telephone office. Staying close on the side walk close up puts the ponies out of the line of fire of the machine gun, but it’s perfectly visible to anyling looking down from the roof, and there are several creatures on the roof with rifles. It’s one thing to approach without being shot at by the machine gun, and another to not be noticed or shot at at all. There are perhaps 5 or six helpers on the roof. The roof is approximately 11 or 12 feet above the ground. Just getting to the Whinnyton side without being shot may be an issue, if it requires crossing Old Mecc - which the machine gun is set up to shoot down
>>140606Can Silver and the ponies with him make it to the craft store without getting shot at?
>>140607Entering from the old mecc side is completely visible. There would be an attempt to shoot at them. Entering from the locked wooden door in the back may be just a little easier
>>140608Hmm...if they can get behind the craft store without getting shot at, then it's not a problem.
There's a two-story building between Old Mecc and Main, right? Can the group get inside it?
>>140609Yes. It looks like shops and living
>>140610Silver tries going up to the building's second floor.
>>140611Silver finds himself at a small building that has a liquor store underneath, and a residence above. He is across Old Mecc Road from where he wants to be - a barber shop, with a residence above. Does he have the rifle section get in place, cover fire, and run across, or does his group move further away so they can go around the long way to get into the building from Main street?
>>140612They go the long way around.
>>140613Silver goes around the long way, finding that on this side, there is a different shop on that side. There is a dentist's office on the other side, but a small door in the middle that presumably goes to the above residences.
Silver may or may not be watched by a rifleling on that side looking down main. Roll
>>140615[1d20 = 4][1d20 = 15]When Silver gets there, he finds that the lock on the door has been broken, and the door simply opens.
>>140615>>140616On the other side, Silver hears gun fire breaking out. A bang and a bang, then a bang, and machine gun fire
>>140616>>140617Silver quickly rushes upstairs to get a view of what's going on.
>>140618It's a short flight of stairs up to an enclosed hallway. There is a door to the left. Silver finds that this door likewise is broken, simply opening. Silver enters into a living room with a couch and a radio, as well as a potted plant and a painting of a mare lying on a couch.. On the right side is a small kitchen. On the right side away from him is a little area with a dining table, and two windows, one of which faces old mech and another faces towards the telegraph office. Silver's group may or may not be visible from that window just standing near the kitchen. On the side opposite Silver is a wall, with a door and a room there, and then on the left side, a couple doors and a wall
Amber's hostess thing is kind of hard so probably not anything tonight as I have to work tomorrow...>>140618>>140620The blinds on the window facing the post office are half down, as are the windows facing Old Mecc
>>140620>>140621Can Silver see what is going on from up here?
>>140622Yes if he looks out the window, but it's important to be careful not to be seen looking through it.
Which window does he look out of?
>>140625Silver can see that the other section took up at the duplex just a couple blocks down, and are trying to take shots from behind cover with the machine gun and their rifles, though mostly they stay low
>>140626What about the ponies with him?
>>140627They have come through the door and entered the room. They are staying back thus far, not being given more specific orders. Silver has six in total: three rifleponies (scouts), the Machine gunner, and assistant machine gunner (who has a rifle), and a corporal who has the one submachine gun
>>140628Silver peaks through the window facing the post office, to see if he can see the changeling position.
>>140629Mind you, it isn't verified that these are actual changelings, given the pony appearence and Equestrian uniforms and equipment. Silver can see the machine gun is aiming and firing in the direction of the duplec, with one machine gunner who is trying to stay low on the gun, and an assistant feeding a belt. In front of the gun is a pony with a rifle who is crouching down. There are two rifleponies(?) on the right, keeping down, but trying to peak up occasionally in the direction of Old Mecc. One is to the right and is kneeling with his rifle at the Duplex. Another alleged pony tries to move over to the right, to maintain a view down main.
This is 5 creatures with rifles in total, and two directly handling the machine gun
>>140630>>140631Silver whispers to the ponies present.
"They have not noticed us yet. We must take this opportunity. Take cover by this window and set up machinegun. Everypony, focus fire on their machinegun. Take it out first, then focus on their rifle soldiers."
>>140632It's simple enough to prop the end of the gun up on a chair or move the table and set up the bipod, with a little room for the assistant machine gunner to change the magazine - a nice earth pony and unicorn pair, each playing to their strengths. But two things are notable. One, the windows are closed, and who knows if they can be opened without being seen or heard. The first shot might just have to be through the glass. Second, there is only one window facing the post office in the dining room
>>140633Are there any other rooms facing the Telephone Office?
>>140634It looks like it. There are three rooms that have not been entered
wonders what adventures await in the city
>>140635Silver tries the next one over.
>>140603She pauses for a just a moment
"Are you.... heh, talking about the new comers?"
>>140639Silver opens the door in the room. This looks to be a bedroom, and a comparatively small one. There is a bed on the right that is perpendicular to the entryway with the covers pulled down, a stuffed Ursa toy lying on its side by the ground, a metal toy dump truck near the entrance, a dresser with a couple ropes and some pieces of paper (maybe tickets) on the wall to the left of the door, and on the right wall is a small closet with both doors open, and several items of clothing torn down and on the floor.
What Silver is really looking for is a window. And there is one. Rectangular, with shades half way down, approximately center, and located just beyond the bed, in an area perhaps three and a half feet where somepony could walk. There is a lamp on a small table in the left corner.
>>140640Silver peaks out of this window to see if it has a view of the Telephone Office.
>>140643Silver instructs the ponies present to use this one as well.
>>140644This one can be taken by at least one rifle pony
>>140646Okie dokie. Are there any other rooms with an outside wall facing the telephone office?
>>140648Well then, Silver goes to find them.
>>140649Looking into the next room, Silver can see a long and thin bath room, with a sink nearer and a bathtub, then toilet further away. Just above the toilet is a window, which logically should face towards the post office.
The room after that is accessed by a door at the end of the hallway. Entering into this room, there is a long wall facing Main that has a few windows, and a Queen sized bed with the covers down up against the wall opposite the telephone exchange. There is a painting of what looks like an urban cafe in some up-scale location (Canterlot?) on the wall. There are two dressers to the right of the door and on the opposing side, on each of which is a framed black and white photograph. One looks to be of a unicorn couple with a colt, and another of the same three unicorns, with the colt holding a lasso at what appears to be a rodeo. There is a closed door to a closet near the bed, to the left of the entry door. On the ground, between the bed and the dresser, is a revolver with the cylinder open. It looks to be a magnum. There are several cartridges next to it, with perhaps one loaded in the cylinder.
On the wall opposite of the bed is a larger window. It faces the telephone exchange.
>>140650Silver also instructs the ponies present to use this window. He also tells them to use any furniture available to add extra cover to the walls to make them harder to shoot through.
He also decides to take a look in the bedroom's closet.
>>140651It's entirely possible for the ponies to move the dressers next to the wall, though perhaps a bit difficult to do in extremely short time.
Looking in the closet is a rain coat, and more than one white laboratory coat. There are a few types of shoes, both formal and for mud.
>>140652Silver is somewhat perplexed as to why the magnum was left here in its current state. It looks like it was dropped in the middle of loading. As for the dressers, as long as it doesn't take 10 minutes, they likely have enough time to move them.
>>140653It's much less than ten minutes, but there is and would be a cessation of the engagement of the element on the roof and the other half of the squad
>>140654Alrighty. Once that's done, Silver informs the ponies quietly to begin their attack on his mark.
>>140655Machine gunner and assistant (who has a rifle) in the dining room, a rifle pony in the bedroom, a rifle pony in the bathroom, and perhaps two in the Master bedroom, Silver has them positioned.
Be advised of two things - Silver's squad must shoot through glass, and the enemy will not be suppressed when the attack starts.
>>140656Can the windows not be lifted?
>>140657The windows unlock from the inside and can be lifted. What is more questionable is whether the creatures on the roof top not so far away will fail to notice the sound and movement
>>140658It is quite unfortunate they could not keep them distracted...Well, then I suppose they're as ready as they can be.
>>140659Ready for Silver to give the signal. What does silver pony himself do?
>>140660Is there any spot for him to shoot as well?
>>140661While there is no room in the bathroom, Silver could conceivably squeeze in in either bedroom or the dining room.
>>140662Silver decides to join the ponies in the dining room.
>>140663The machine gunner and the assistant. The wall isn't necessarily thick. This window is fairly close to the enemy machine gun, as the gun is placed off center.
Now, what orders to give?
>>140665Pick a target and give the order
The seven creatures include two machine gunners, one by the machine gun, three on the right, and one on the left side
>>140666Silver targets the machinegunner, and gives the order to attack.
>>140668>>140667There was no coordination as to targets in Silver's section. Nevertheless, the results, minus Silver, is
The Machine gunner shoots first, targeting the creature in front of the Machine Gun, who acts as the spotter
[1d20 = 2] [1d20 = 19][1d20 = 2] [1d20 = 14][1d20 = 12] [1d20 = 12][1d20 = 13] [1d20 = 3][1d20 = 4] [1d20 = 10]One hit by the assistant machine gunner on the gunner of the enemy machine gun
[2d8 = 6]The rifle pony in the second bedroom went wide
The gunner in the bathroom hits one of the enemy riflemen on the right
[2d8 = 8]In the master bedroom, a rifle pony hits the machine gunner's assistant
[2d8 = 4]While another hits a rifleman
[1d20 = 6][2d8 = 10]>>140669Hit
>>140670>>140669Several enemies are wounded.
But none are downed
A few more bullets from the machine gun
[1d20 = 17] [1d20 = 1] [1d20 = 14][1d20 = 1] [1d20 = 1][2d8 = 13] >>140672>>140671One one enemy is downed: a spotter for the machine gun. Several are wounded, but are not downed
Roll InitiativeMachine gun
[1d20+3 = 21]Rifles
[1d20+4 = 5][1d20+4 = 18][1d20+4 = 8][1d20+4 = 23]Silver's crew:
[1d20 = 1][1d20 = 3][1d20 = 11][1d20 = 16][1d20 = 18][1d20 = 16]The other section:
[1d20+2 = 8][1d20+2 = 22][1d20+2 = 6][1d20+2 = 14]