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>>132655Sad but true. 4/tg/ will scream at you for posting this.
>>1326564/tg/ is full of newfags and 5e kiddies.
>>132745REEEEEEEEEEEEEE indeed.
Fucking normies ruining yet another good hobby.
>be me
>participate in gaming group for several years
>be near the end of a 20th end-level campaign
>watch GM go on a trip to spread some ashes
>game on hiatus in the meantime
>hear other players wanting to play still
>come up with battle royale setup for existing party players
>have to GM
>too many ppl, cant run my character
>talk shit at interval about how everyone is lucky I cant
>shit talking intensifies
>other players return fire
>by the end, players want a piece of me
>other player offers to GM
>agree to make new special characters cuz my cleric simply wouldn't die
>characters are lvl 16
>choose to make a str-dump barbarian, stout halfling (you), yes (you), I want a rematch
>3 other players pick barbs, 1 rogue, and 1 sorc
>No equipment to start, battlefield is littered with item icons indicating what type of item, but requiring an action to take and inspect
>Attunement limits and time waived, doom rules so no need to junk anything
>find bow
>shooting intensifies
>find axe of returning
>Castlevania intensifies
>find magical shield
>take the 'hill'
>Issue Bruce Lee challenge; "Do you want to come at me one at a time, or all at once?"
>challenge accepted
>absolutely destroy everyone through superior tactics and strategy
>triumphant indigenous halfling noises
I lost less than 1/4 of my health in the process
>>136230It shall be broutghten. I say we do it on the board this time
Gotta appreciate some of the Looney Toons dynamics in Pathfinder art/lore.
>be DM
>start out making "this seemingly-nice organization is actually evil" my favourite cliche
>players expect it
>start introducing thinly-veiled lefty organizations
>players suspect it instead of swallowing its bullshit
>players start guessing how it will be evil and what makes it evil
>smart players who guess the villain's schemes can take action to prevent them for bonus rewards
>redpill gamers on every social issue one at a time
could it work?
>>148078It could work in theory, but you make the mistake in assuming that your players will be smart.
Not only are players dumb, but you as the DM might also make some unseen failures to communicate the situation clearly.
If you are confident in your skills and those of your players though, it could be an awesome game. I'd love to play that game.
>>148078>could it workOf course it COULD work, but whether it WOULD work depends on your gamers. I've got a group of overthinking strategists who would see right through that in a heartbeat. Consider employing red herrings to keep them from figuring EVERYTHING out right away, and also consider having a left-field BBEG who was backing it all along (think Soros, if you're going with the lefty parallels).
>>148080Red Herrings can be good, but they can also easily frustrate the party by sidelining them with unfun quests. If you use red herrings, it's important to add some rewarding content as well.
I've been in plenty of games where the DM led us on red herring quests that felt like a waste of time both in and out of character.
>>148102Agreed. The red herring should both reassert the main plot, as well as have Gib's for both the effort and the sidetrack, as well as some teaser side info, to keep the plot going
>>148104I actually used a Red Herring in my current game, and nearly led the party halfway across the map to negotiate with a Giant Warlord. However, the Cleric was wise enough to cast Commune and sort out the bad information. Clerics can do anything.
>>148242Knees are non-lethal tactics, unless the target has prior ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl.
>>153840I have never heard of a game that didn't include at least two of these motherfuckers.
>>153840Don't forget inferior ripoffs of anime characters
Especially boring one-note ones that are only funny or interesting thanks to interactions with other characters
Drizzt doourden ripoffs probably carpool with Roranoa Zoro ripoffs
Also that one troon who insists on being the girl he sees himself as
and that one furfag who insists on being his fursona
and that fag who insists on slowing the pace of the adventure down for his character's Illumination Movie-tier character arc where he learns friendship really is magic or something
>>153845>inferior ripoffs of anime charactersOften some variantion of edgelord or snowflake.
>Also that one troon who insists on being the girl he sees himself asAlso snowflake.
That's also better than the troon who plays a troon in-character just to remind everyone that he's a fucking troon.
>FurfagSnowflake again.
>Last oneStill snowflake.
I need to remember this for... reasons
>>165411What are you talking about?
>>165963That "expectation" pic is so soyfagged. Who actually fantasizes about being a short fat bastard drawn in calarts?
Dwarves are a bit like a parody of men. They drink, they fight, they shoot (probably) or swing axes or mine or do blacksmithing. Man stuff. But where Elves tend to be parodies or unintentional parodies of pretentious pussies and they accomplish fuck all even with incalculable riches and some degree of agelessness or even complete immortality, Dwarves are simple, and that's okay. The Elf player has a backstory too long to read. The Dwarf keeps things simple. Elves might claim they're naturally superior. If they feel they have to say it out loud within earshot of a Dwarf or Man, they're not. Can they really call themselves superior when everything good was usually invented by Humans or Dwarves or Gods in most settings, not the Elves who had 200 years to get almost as good as a human who's been at this for 6? Dwarves aren't a mockery of men. They're a homage to them. Hard to believe they were possibly intended to be Jews in LOTR.
LOTR Rings of Power gives Dwarves the magic to know where the best treasure is, because they could sniff out treasure with their giant noses in World of Warcraft. But when a man thinks "Dwarf", he thinks of a short, gruff, loveable Elf-hater, not some greedy Grabbler or Goblin.
>>165971>they accomplish fuck all even with incalculable richesIirc, that's not unlike what the Tolkien dwarves were like before they lost their homeland: happy, merry go-lucky folk who spent their days making toys and singing songs and whatnot. Their rugged and tough demeanor was a consequence of centuries of strife and hardship.
In d&d, that niche was given to gnomes, which is part of why I consider d&d gnomes to be a bit poorly designed for being too similar to many of the other races, particularly dwarves. Pathfinder does them better.
Advice for getting into Whore Hammer and DND alone, with no one to play with?
Can I solo DnD?
>>166267Technically, you can solo d&d, but it's not as fun. It's best with at least two players.
Instead of playing alone, spend your alone time writing adventures and content to present to your eventual party.
>>166267>warhammerpirate some of the good games (Dawn of War 1 and 2 and Space Marine for 40K, Total War/Vermintide for Fantasy), 3D print some minis and paint them (supporting GW is a bad idea, trust me), and watch some videos to learn the lore.
>DnDread the sourcebooks, learn the modules, and when you know everything official, start preparing some homebrew campaigns for any future adventures you may run.
>>166287>Dawn of War 1 and 2Holy shit. I heard of the Total War games, but I didn't even know they had old school rts games. I'm absolutely going to become addicted to them. Thank you.
>watch some videos to learn the lore.That's kinda what got me interested in Warhammer to begin with.
>>166267Warhammer has several iterations of the Space Hulk game.
Basically, you're controlling a squad of terminators to explore a derelict collection of spaceships infested with dangerous aliens. It's hard.
The Inquisitor game is highly regarded, and it made the rainbow coalition mad because allowing evil cults to spread among transported refugees is a bad thing.