Along the shores of Baltimare Harbor, in the halls of old 33 Hoebuck, our heroes have discovered a dark secret. What started as a mundane mission to stop illegal immigrant smuggling has uncovered something far more horrific - a cult from Griffonia. The party has successfully challenged and defeated many of the cultists and hired criminals, but in the process, has nearly died themselves. Now, low on health, they must both recover and put an end to the evils in 33 Hoebuck once and for all - before it puts an end to them first.
Way up north, in the Iron Range of Whinnysota, the ponies their inquire into exact who or what is damaging so many machines. Investigating and following leads, they may unveil the faults and problems of the Haysabi Iron Mine, and gain favor with Changeling authorities.
Damn it, I missed 123,000
1760 replies and 25 files omitted.
>>124935Well, being behind cover might not be an option, but he still hopes that he isn't spotted on his approach.
>>124940Onyx biggest the biggest, baddest looking bucker on the field
>>124942Onyx sees this
>>123946 >>123944 and a second one like it
>>124941How close does spark intend to get?
>>124943Onyx chooses to confront the second one
>>124946The only offensive spell I have, Scorching Ray.
>>124946Brie doesn't know what Spark is doing (AFAIK, he doesn't know that Spark is engaging yet) BUT, can he nip the fuse on his bomb? 60 seconds seems an unnecessarily long time given the circumstances
>>124945That's going to be fairly difficult, as Spark must come with 35 feet
>>124948The fuse can simply be cut down in length, easily. Lighting it is the same challenge as it has been
>>124948>>124945>>124948The ponies see a new sight
Drie becomes larger, skinnier, necrotic, and his hide leathery, and brown. His eyes too, drain their color, and become black orbs, and he grows an asymmetrical set of stag-like horns upon his head, the left side longer and more complex than the right, as his legs become long, and thin, and his hooves split in two. The holes though, don't disappear, but rather look like missing portions in the flesh of corpse
>>124949"So good to see that the local infrastructure is being tended to with such able-bodied attendents!" Brie calls out, his words dripping with sarcasm. "It would be such a shame if the locals found themselves under,... hoof? Claw? Eldritch appendage of unknown origin? Fuck, I can't even come up with a decent quip in these circumstances!" he says, pulling the wick to about 1/6th of its original length (mathematically speaking, that puts the timer on the bomb at about 10 seconds)
>>124950Also, he dismisses the camoflage. No sense potentially getting merc'd looking like tree-line, not when you've got a snazzy suit.
[1d20+7 = 10][1d20+4 = 24]>>124950It is done
Zu Lang stands upright on his hind legs, most closely resembling the frozen corpse of a pony stallion, three times the size of a normal stallion. His legs are not much thicker than a stallions, even as they are three times the length and share that backwards bend. He runs, surprisingly adeptly, jumps, and tries to swipe at Brie
[1d20+5 = 7]>>124952>>124950He jumps up to Brie's level. One eye has a dagger in it, but the other has shifted. Though it too was stabbed, the eye moves back into place like tar that seeps and seals itself
He tries to bite
>>124952>>124953>20Oh I hope that was a perception check
>>124954That was a Jump check
Zu Lang ran, and jumped up to Brie's level. He failed to bite or swipe Brie while there
[1d20 = 19]>>124955WHEW!
"A spry one, aren't you?" Brie says, narrowly avoiding CHOMP. "I guess our little wager is on then?" Brie says, with his sword in one hand (readied and engaging) for attack, and the bomb in the other.
If Lang-ish falls to the ground before Brie makes his attack, then,... well Brie makes his attack. If not, Brie will go into a full-body dive, leading with the sword.
Bonuses not applied. Nothing for STR, but BAB and any weapon modifiers would apply >>124956Brie's reactions are sufficiently quick, most likely, to stab before Lang has completely hit the ground. But if he so chooses, he may dive.
Though the leather and mummified flesh of Zu Lang is hard, Brie has pierced it, with some help by the sword which acts as if heated in fire
>>124935"Hmm...well, he is dealt with now. I had idea on suitable, eh...punishment, but it is not what some would call morally 'good'."
"Neither is he. Just make him suffer."
"This 'Storm Feather Maakie,' is not an Imperial subject. Despite our best efforts, the rogue city of Skyfall is not under our Jurisdiction"
>>124960To Undertoe:
"This will most certainly result in suffering, yes."
>>124962Silver motions to the unconcious earth pony that goes by the name of Iron.
"Very well. Let us get Iron up, we will need him to help carry Maakie."
>>124963Undertoe walks up to Iron, pokes him. He does respond, and she pokes him again, then rocks him.
"Wake up"
>>124964>>124963At the rocking commences, Iron's eyes snap open with a sharp inhale of his nostrils. "I did not take from your candy cane stash, brother!" he yells in a panic
>>124964>>124965Silver trots up to Iron, smiling.
"Welcome back to land of living, Iron. If you still have your stength, I need your help."
>>124966Iron blinks before looking around, hoof raised. "Do you need somepony beaten up?" he asks, somewhat tired yet energetic.
>>124965Iron sees a red female griffon-horse-creature, who is startled by the display, and moves back
>>124966Mala moves up to Silver's side
>>124967>>124968"Not exactly, friend. Just come with me."
Silver trots towards the room's exit, calling to his other companions.
"Everyone else, hold fort and keep these ones in check. We will be right back."
>>124968>>124969Iron, briefly looking at the griffon chick with mild suspicion, opts to barellroll towards the exit as well, following Silver.
I will monitor the prisoners. I want to ask them a few questions..."
Khoi is by the altar, applying iodine or some sort of medical solution to the stallion sacrifice
Iron, Silver, Mala, and Undertoe go back in succession. At the back they find Jubilosa trying to bandage burns, and White Sands sitting in place with a blanket over her, shaking, with some visible burns and smoking a cigarette
White Sands speaks to Iron:
"Iron. You're alive"
As the move out, past a smoldering overturned pew and towards the ante-chamber, they see Meadows but not Loputu
"Silver? Are you going to the police? There is something you should see, when you have the time"
>>124971Silver nods to Johann first, then looks to Meadows.
"What is it?"
>>124972"We found another creature"
She says
>>124973This gets Silver's attention.
>>124971Iron makes a pitstop at Sands, obviously concerned for her well being, nodding vehemently with a solemn look, almost dejected. "...I..." he tries to say, but he pouts instead. "Are... are you alright?"
>>124975"No! I got exploded with a fireball"
She stops to inhale her cigarretta, and inhales for a while, before taking a long puff
"Still though, I guess I'm better off than those damned... what were they? 'Cultists'? No matter I suppose. Heh"
She smiles
"But my hide is burned in a few places. Fur is a bit off. I don't really want to show you"
She still has the blanket on
>>124974"Here" she says
She points her hoof to a room that is between the wall of the sanctuary and the stairwell, on the same side as the stairwell, that would not have been easy to see when exiting the stairs except upon investigation
Pressing open an already mostly open door, there is a narrow room with some chains on the ground, a bed frame, and Loputu sitting down.
But by the wall on the ground to the left, is a pony. A Unicorn mare. Snow White, pink mane, fluffy chest and hoof tufts, greenish eyes. She looks tired. Drained, fatigued beyond measure. It takes her a moment to look up to Silver. Part of her fur is wet.
Loputu says something softly to her, in some language that is not ponish
>>124976Silver trots closer to her, kneeling down to her height.
"Hello there. I am Silver Sword. We are here to rescue you. Are you alright?"
>>124977"I am... I am tired"
She says. There is a very thick accent. She looks up at him with large eyes
>>124976Iron rolls onto his back, looking at Sands with guilt. " bad are we talking about?" the native that has had a coat color change asks
>>124978Silver gives her a look over, to see if she's drained like Meadows was earlier.
>>124979"Oh, I'll live. But it hurts"
She leans in to him
"The police are coming, aren't they?"
>>124980She definitely seems to be suffering from severe Changeling drain, including apathy, slow reaction time, mane and eye color loss, and general fatigue. Her fur is even wet with some goo-like substance
>>124981Would Silver happen to have any more of the changeling honey left on him?
>>124985Well, fuck, I didn't realize. Silver will grab some more, then.Silver gets up, and looks to Loputu.
"I will be right back with stuff to help her. Can you keep her company in meantime?"
>>124981"Most likely," Iron responds, with some remorse in his tone "to exert their power towards the remaining cultists."
>>124986Apologies for absence, Brie was stabbing a Wendigo?
! that had jumped to his ~30' height and attempted to monch on him (unsuccessfully).
[1d20+5 = 24]>>124986Zu Lang is clearly injured, with blood seeping from him at low pressure, though it can be hard to tell. He's so
corpse like.
But's not out yet, as the black, tar eyes reform. He thrusts his muzzle forward, and bites at Brie
>>124988"Well what are we going to do when they show up? Shouldn't we get out of here?"
>>124987He nods, strangely enthusiastically
"Yes. I speak the language"