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Alright Poners, are you ready to kick some griffin ass?
The ponies have determined that there is a mass group of griffins who belong to the organization inside of a central meeting area in the dormitory square.
>>121010Dark Star was scouting for exits with Blue Shekels
[1d20+5 = 15]>>121011Dark Star looks for a exit
>>121012Down the hallway, it looks like one is visible over to the right. It's recessed into the wall, so he can't see the actual door itself, but he can deduce that it is there.
The greater trouble comes from the fact that across from it on the other side is an entrance into the central area where the griffins are gathering
>>121013Dark Star points this out to Blue
"Looks like one over there."
>>121014She nods, and looks back to him
"Well, that's one. There may be more past it"
[1d20+5 = 6]>>121015"I Don't like this one its too close to the entrance. Lets try to find a better one."
He moves quietly past it
>>121016Dark Star walks past the entrance, carefully, delicately, on his hooves until..... A griffin collides directly with him, knocking him to the ground, and making quite a sound
>>121017He has a look of shock on his face
"Sheeit. sorry griff."
He Reaches down to help him up
>>121018The griffin is a young to middle aged looking griff of grey feathers and a brownish coat who is wearing an off-white colored robe. He looks to Dark Star/Zekker strangely, not immediately taking the hoof
>>121019He shakes his hoof slightly
"Lemme help ya up."
>>121022He pulls on Dark Star, evidently to pull himself up
"I saw you. You and that Unicorn. You came into the temple and sat down for the lessen. I did not see you come back here..."
>>121023"Yea we come here,heard there was fun. we come straight here after temple."
>>121024"How.... who let you in here? You should be with the rest of the group in the other building"
>>121025"My Zigga with a turban."
>>121026He sighs, almost with disgust
"Well, that would explain where
he has been... But the event is upstairs.... If that is where you want to go"
>>121027"Dat Sounds good my griff. Which way do i go?"
>>121028With a foreclaw, and a look of mild irritation, he points behind him, and through the entrance that he just came from
"Through there. Up the stairs you can find on your left. To the top floor, the third one. At the end of the hall, you will find them."
With a pause, then he says
"Did the Minister approve you?"
>>121029"Yea he did do dat. hey wheres da bafroom?"
>>121030"Behind you. Around the corner. On your left. I would not go up there unless the Minister or the Landlord has invited you first"
>>121031"Thanks muh griff."
He walks towards the bathroom, he walks loud enough so blue can hear his hoof steps.
>>121032The Griffin looks back to him with a somewhat uncomfortable look. At least two more griffins from within the central look over to Dark Star as he walks, but say nothing and do not move. As soon as he moves out of the doorway, they pass out of line of sight. Blue Shekels stands further away, and out of line of sight from any intruding griffin. As he approaches, she says to him
"Well that was unsettling"
>>121033"Very. the one i ran into suspects something."
>>121034"Well.... It looks like we have limited time. Let's hope we don't run into any more."
>>121035"Lets hurry."
Dark Star continues moving towards the bathroom
>>121036It becomes quickly apparent that the bathroom the griffin sent him to was the one that the party is using as a staging area
[1d20+5 = 20]>>121037Dark Star spots to try and see if any griffins followed them
>>121036Um.... is Dark Star going into the bathroom and talking to ponies, or waiting, or.... what is he doing?
>>121038None have followed him to the bathroom
>>121040>>121039He's trying to make them think that he's going to the bathroom,so they go back to doing whatever they were doing. before he goes back and continues searching for exits.
[1d3 = 1]>>121041Alright. Dark Star goes into the other hallway, and waits an appropriate amount of time before, presumably, going back the way he was going
>>121043Hello poner! Silver floof is (presumably) in the bathroom. He may plan, prepare, or otherwise act for the mission at hoof
[1d20+2 = 18]>>121045Alright, how does edge pone cross the same entrance?
>>121047As he walks forward, stealthily, a different griffin moves forward. Into him. Directly into him. Dark Star collides with a griffin and falls to the ground. Again.
>>121048Dark Star Continues walking the way he was going
He hears a yelling from behind
[1d20+5 = 10]>>121051He ignores it and looks for a place to hide.
>>121052He does not find one. The other griffin quickly gets up and angrily follows him
“What are you doing? Say you are sorry”
>>121053The Griffin thinks he can smell some alcohol on the zebra
"Sorry, griff. i didnt see you there."
>>121054“By Maar you didn’t! Knocked us both right down!”
He moves closer to Dark Star
>>121056He looks at him, and stands before him
“You ran into that other griffin before, didn’t you, stripes? Where did you come from?”
>>121058He is silent for a moment. Then he nods.
“I take it the town group must have shown interest in you. I do not think they will take so kindly to your showing up under the influence of intoxicating spirits... unless they had other plans. Where are you going?”
>>121059"I is looking for some creature."
>>121061"Some zigga named zebron."
>>121062He is silent for a moment
“I don’t think he’s here. This is a private residence. You should not be here at all”
>>121064After still another pause
"... By who?"
>>121065"None udda den maakie himself."
>>121066His eyes grow wide
"Maakie....? What did he invite you for?"
>>121067"He wuz impress by me."
Dark Star tries his best to look smug
>>121068He stands there for another moment, opening and closing his beak as if in a smack
“If that’s the kind of help he’s hiring... no matter. We’ll leave him to his business, while we pursue ours.”
>>121069"Here an apology from me. i really is sorry."
He hoofs the griffion bits.
>>121070He takes the bits, inspects them, then pockets them, before nodding to Dark Star
“Carry on”
>>121071He tries to see if blue is watching if so,He continues down the hallway.
>>121072Blue Skies is indeed watching. Dark Star can also travel to the end of the hallway
>>121074The griffin does not hang around, but goes back the way he can’t from, back into the central area. Blue sheckeks, peaking around, comes through too, to end of the hall. On the sides it rolls more or less symmetrical, with just a couple rooms on the walls. Dark Star has reached the corner
>>121075He peeks around the corner
>>121076No creature visible at the moment, and the hallway stretches down to an end
>>121077Dark Star listens at the doors he's near
>>121078Seems to be silent, though hard to tell with sounds from inside the central area, and from pipes in the walls
>>121079Dark Star slowly opens one
Silver looks to Mala. "Do you have rough idea of how many entrances there are to common room?"
[1d3 = 2]>>121081“.... I think... I think there is the one from the central building, one to the street.... maybe another to the north or to the sea? Those should be closed I think. And the stairs”
>>121080The room is dark, and no signs of any creature in it
>>121083He shuts it. and continues scouting for an exit.
>>121084Looking further down, three things are visible. To the right, halfway down, a recess in the wall. It looks like an exit. To the left, an opening in the hallway, evidently to the central area, right across from the exit. Also the right, just further down, what seems to be a door to a stairwell
>>121085"Buck. this exit looks like the same one. maybe if we go down the stairwell we can find an exit?"
>>121086“That one probably connects to outside. I’m not sure what is through the stairs”
>>121087"This exit might work."
He puts his hoof to his chin in thought
>>121088“.... What are you trying to do, exactly?”
She asks
>>121089"Let's relay the location of this exit to silver."
>>121090“Alright... what’s next?”
>>121092"Did those fire bombs ever get finished?"
>>121094"Prehaps we should scout the main area?"
>>121096"Yep. i want to see if maakie's ugly beak is in there."
>>121097“Alright.... but don’t get their attention”
>>121098He Chuckles slighlty
"I've been very good at that tonight."
>>121099She smiles back, and shakes her head with an "Oh you"
>>121100Dark Star enters the main hall inconspicuously.
>>121101Gonna need a check on that.... not entirely sure what, but I'm going to need a check