Welcome back to Occupied Equestria
Dark Star, Silver, Iron, and Midnight continue their investigation and hopefully, the take down of a group of organized criminals who have taken up operations at an old fortress on the sea shore. They have already rescued a number of creatures and persuaded them to join in their efforts. Now, they most hope that they can strike with enough force, and quickly enough, to destroy the evil that has taken up residence there.
Up in the North, the ponies are waking up, ready for a new day
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[1d6 = 1][2d6 = 10]>>117871That’s been curiously absent the entire remainder of the the night.... Fine
Iron is stabbed right into the barrel, while Midnight is stabbed in the side
[1d20+3 = 16]
Jubilosa lurches forward, and stabs at the one attacking midnight
>>117872...I thought you already knew he was wearing it.
>>117872I assume that's 10 damage
>>117873Iron, for his part, grunts in pain at this griffon's well placed attack.
He retaliates with a quick jab to the griffon.
[1d20+11 = 18]<Beak? Meet hoof. >>117876It's an unconsicousness inducing one, by the by.
[1d20+5 = 21]Blue Skies shoots her cross bow at the one attacking Silver
>>117876And it hits
>>117878Hitting the griffon on his chest, he unleashes native hoof power.
[1d3+7 = 8]<Native fists Griffon in front of crowd [1d20+5 = 11]>>117878Dark Star fires an arrow at the one that stabbed midnight
>>117882[1d20+9 = 10] Once again, Silver attempts to put a big gash in the chest of the griffin attacking him.
>>117883>nat 1I'm convinced the universe believes I pissed in its eye socket at some point in the past. At this point I would unironically be better off not rolling.
[1d20+3 = 13][1d20+5 = 15]>>117883Silver thrusts forward. But the griffin parties the blow, and even knocks the sword right out of Silver’s glow
But the Kirin charges in, and swings her hammer
Then comes Mala, who says with muffled words
“You’re not going to hurt my friends, you bully!”
And slices with his sword
>>117867And so they leave, with more detail after the end of the battle
[1d8 = 5][1d6 = 6]>>117890Hammer crushes and sword slashes
The lead griffin, who attacked midnight, is still standing, despite being sliced by Midnight then stabbed by Jubilosa.
The one off to the right, who confronted Iron, is down,, shot and stunned by Dark Star, then punched down by Iron.
The third one has been shot, bludgeoned, and sliced by Skies, Khoi, and Mala. He is down
>>117893Next time we get into combat, I'm not even going to have Silver roll for Initiative, I'm just going to have him stand in front of the enemy in Full-Defense mode.
The last griffin, the one formerly attacking midnight, starts to run
>>117897Iron attempts to stop the griffon's retreat by trying to tackle him.
[1d20 = 20]<An attempt is being made >>117898And he charges and tackles the bloody griffin right down to the ground
>>117899Iron takes this opportunity to forcefully put his foreleg on his/her beak to silence him/her.
"Be quiet."
>>117894Jesus Christ just roll die like a normal person and stop worrying about it. Also there’s still a live griffin
>>117900Dark Star ties some rope around his beak.
>>117892The two ponies take Brie, and presumably Onyx and Spark, out side of the trailer, past waiting guards, and towards the north side of the pit. Down little hills of black and grey rock, past carts, towards an edge. There is some water a little distant, and the ground seems wet, maybe even muddy.
The shovel itself is a large contraption of metal color, with a big steel claw at its end, and a smoke pipe coming out of a side that must be the engine.
“See, it’s damaged.”
Brie actually can see damage on what is presumably engine housing. In fact, there’s a large tear or hash. A gash as if shredded with some giant blunt object. The tears are at least six inches long
>>117902>>117900And so Iron tackles and holds down the griffin, while Dark Star ties him up
[1d20+10 = 26]>>117903Disable Device check - ascertain the nature and method of the sabotage
>>117904Iron pats the griffon on the head.
He awaits Dark Star's bondage skills being finished on the griff.
>>117905Despite some of these machines being called steam shovels, this particular one is actually a smaller diesel power shovel
Blunt force applied from outside tearing through a steel engine housing, and disabling an oil line inside, as well as tearing into a gear box. It is harder to tell if the cover over the engine had as well been lifted to enable the dansge. As the damage is greater on the exterior than the interior, the damage was noticed before the shovel was run without oil, thus avoiding additional wear on the gear box and an engine low on oil.
"Hmmmm. This was either a team effort, or an exceptionally large pony did this."
>>117906"Knock him out. i'm gonna have a few questions for this flappy merchant after we take care of his friends."
>>117904>>117909Iron glances at Star.
"I do not think it is necessary. Besides."
He hovers his hoof in front of the griffon's beak.
"This one is wide awake for some question right now."
>>117907>>117910"Im sure if we untie that beak he's going to start squawking again. unless of course some pony shows him that's a bad idea. right iron?"
>>117910>>117911"Did your parents never teach you two to not play with your food?" Silver picks up his dropped sword, and touches the wound on his chest with a hoof. "Knock him out. We do not have infinite time to waste. Who knows who heard him call that out."
>>117912Hello floofster!Sorry you couldn’t enjoy last nightSome of the creatures present in or entering the room see Silver’s phrase as curious, Mala and Sands most of all. But there is a general mood of compliance
>>117912>>117911>>117913Everypony can see your sins, Floofster!Iron considers it for a bit, before nodding, bonking the griffon on the head with his hoof into unconsciousness.
[1d20+11 = 14]<Griff grunting can be misinterpreted. >>117915>>117912>>117911>>117858And so the griffin is bashed into unconsciousness. He was barely hanging on anyways, and bleeds on the floor
Jubilosa and Khoi, especially Khoi, look displeased at Iron and Silver’s remarks.
Mala contrasts sharply. He has blood across his front, and seems not to notice it. He is smiling, proud of himself
>>117916He's not actually dying though, right?
>>117909>>117916>>117917Iron looks questioningly at the two.
"It is not like he is dead."
He stands up, turning to Silver.
"He will be fine, although his head will be sore when he wakes up."
>>117917In D&D terms, no. He’s unconscious. Probably.
>>117919Okay then. Just wanted to know.
>>117916Dark Star Pets mala
"You Did a good job,buddy. are you hurt?"
>>117922So cootHe looks very much excite
*is pet*
“No. But did you see me? That member slashed out at Silver! So I slashed him back.”
He looks down
“I think he’s dead”
Then he looks back at Dark Star, and receives more pets
>>117923"Good Job! you saved silver."
Dark Star continues the pets
>>117924“Anything for my new friends!”
Mala happily receives the pets. His joyful expression tells all
For once, just once in his life, Mala is a good boy
And he knows it
>>117918>>117920>>117925Any pony else here?
"We Need to keep moving. they could have heard him scream."
>>117926I don't think so.
Iron simply nods, not wanting to dawdle much longer.
>>117926I'm here. Sort of.
>>117925"You did well, Mala." Silver smiles at him.
>>117908Brie turns to the Unicorn. "Alright, show me your paperwork. Requisition forms, repair requests, I'll need to see the paper trail."
>>117928He smiles back
"Thank you... I don't hear that often..."
He looks again at the dead griffin
"He won't be hurting you anymore... Or me either"
>>117929He looks at brie with a dead "really?" look
>>117930Brie smiles. "I'm sorry, did I stutter?"
>>117931He raises an eyebrow at Brie
>>117932"Hauling you out by the neck IS still on the table." Brie smiles sweetly.
>>117933There is no smile on the unicorn’s dead faced expression, looking back at Brie
>>117930Silver looks to the same griffin. "I take it you knew him, then."
>>117935"I'm not sure... A lot of them kind of blurred together to me. But he looks like this one that would come by and make condescending demands. Be angry like I did not do something when I had already done that. Several of them were like that."
>>117936Now, and only now, he speaks, with the same dead expression. His voice is deep, and accented to some region further West
"Kid. I'm with the Gendarme. I don't have any records. You're looking for administration"
>>117937Silver nods, and places a hoof on Mala's shoulder for support.
>>117937Brie looks from the unicorn, to Otis, and then back to the unicorn. He sighs "That's disappointing."
He walks over to Onyx and begins a whispered dialogue with him.
"This guy knows way more than he's saying. He's effectively admitted it to me. If he's part of the Gendarme, that means the entire group could be and likely is involved, either directly or tacitly. There's no way we're gonna be able to pull him out of here if he's an official."
Aside from his whispers to Onyx, he calls out to Otis and the unicorn. "Very well, one last question. Who is 'Fang Zu Lang'? I'll need to speak with him."
>>117938He looks back up to Silver, almost solemnly, and nods back
>>117939He answers, plainly
"He's the head of the Genderarme in Haysabi"
>>117941"Ah, splendid! That will be all." As he moves to leave, passing the Unicorn he smiles. "You get to live another day! You should be proud."
>>117942He looks on at Brie, dead eyed
>>117943Brie waves to him with a finger-wiggling, jazz-hands-esque wave.
>>117944He responds
“Not very subtle, are you?”
So is almost no one here tonight?
>>117949Yep, not here. You're imagining this post.
Hmmm.... maybe we can do something
Okay, so I take it the Hoebuck group wants to move on?
Where to?
>>117955I think going upstairs is a good idea.
Mala’s expression turns from his previous pride, to that of worry. A silent look of worry as he frowns, and looks at them
“There are two ways to go upstairs through the same stairwell. One is back into the basement of the old military prison, where we cane from. On the right. The other is down the tunnel under the main building, on the left. Either way, you will go up to where their members from across the seas live”
>>117960After hearing Mala's offers, Iron makes a quick decision.
"I choose the second option presented. If we can take out more patrols down here, it means that their forces will be weakened."
>>117961"That was my thoughts exactly."
>>117961Silver nods in agreement.
>>117961>>117962>>117963Midnight looks at the ponies, then the hyena before nodding
"Then let us be off"
The group cautiously goes through the boiler room, then, peering into the tunnel, takes a right through the doorway of the now busted down door, and into the beige colored stone and mortar old hall. At times the hallway seems to twist and wind like a forest stream, at others it seems perfectly straight from end to end. Past one doorway, and another on the right, then
"Well... the sleeping quarters are up these stairs. I don't know how many of them will be up there. But it's a big building."
Mala in the lead, Khoi not far behind, Skies and Jubilosa in the center, with Loputu and Meadows at the rear, with only Sands to act the rear guard. It's an unwieldy caravan of the able and the less so
>>117964A renewed sound of steam flowing through pipes accompanies what seem to be distant whispers
>>117966Silver would be near the front.
>>117966>>117967Midnight tries to ignore the whispers as she joins the back of the group, by Sands.
>>117966Dark Star is in the middle near blue.
>>117970"Then I suppose we had better get moving..."
>>117972"Do you..... want to go to a floor?"
>>117966Iron is also near the front.
>>117965>>117970>>117972>>117969>>117971"Let us not dwindle for any longer," Iron says. "We go up one floor and see the resistance there. Any objections?"
Is there a reason no one wants to agree or disagree with first floor?
>>117977I can't see a reason to disagree. I'm just waiting for us to get on with it.
The stairwell itself has an olden quality to it, with the mortar on the walls stained with water. Going up the stairs even a single floor gives a different look. White painted walls, and steps that are no longer decaying and questionable, but slightly newer and concrete. Through a closed brown door and....
Into a hallway, the hallway is straight and surrounded by white walls and and brown doors. Part of a wall bears the imprint of a removed celestial religious symbol, while the light fixtures seem to have been changed over time, but have a white cover over them to dull the yellow tint of the light. There are definite sounds of movement about on the floor, and of talking as well. On the left side are visible mostly evenly spaced doors, with some irregularity. One nearby is marked as a simple closet. Further down on the right side, the wall gives way to an open entrance to something else, maybe a central hall, room, atrium, or courtyard. The ceiling there is held up by simple square columns. To the left midway is something like a narrow way to an external door. To each end of the hall are corners where the hallway simply turns.
>>117978SighIt's not like the choice is meaningful or anything, or like player participation is a part of the story
>>117980How many doors are we talking about?
>>117982Well, I have no better ideas than to try each one we come across and see which ones have either prisoners or enemies.
>>117976"How long has it been like that?"
Spark observes the damage.
[1d20+5 = 16]>>117980Dark Star tries to listen to the whispers
>>117985No whispering for Dark Star. Actually. Distant talk is mostly in a foreign language. In ponish only “we will meet up with them” is distinguishable from the mass
>>117983Door 1: Broom closet
Door 2: a public bathroom, including a section with showers. Not sure if Silver is eager to explore that given the possibility of running into some creature
Door 3: looks like a bedroom. Actually kind of decent if austere. Made bed with tree patterns, shelf of leather bound books, single chair, wooden floor (contrasted against concrete floors elsewhere)
>>117984See the same linked posts to see what the damage is, unless more details are needed
Otis responds
“They... they said it happened early this morning or last night. It wasn’t reported until later this morning. I don’t know what is true, but this machine was reported as oppressing yesterday”
>>117986"What is bedroom doing here...?"
>>117986Dark Star whispers, "i think somepony may be looking for the group in the boiler room."
>>117986Spark looks along the ground for evidence that parts were removed. Perhaps oil stains, drag marks, or peices of metal?
>>117987Mala: “Sone of the wealthier members live in the first floor… Recent arrivals are higher up”
>>117989There is oil on the ground, yes, but nothing seems obviously to have been removed
>>117991Silver nods, and continues to look through the doors.
>>117991Does the damage seem uniform, or clearly hoof made, with indentions and irregularities in it?
[1d20+5 = 6]>>117991Dark Star tries to spot the pony
>>117993"Almost like industrial equipment was used to sabotage industrial equipment." Brie says walking up to Sparks.
[1d2 = 2]>>117993It’s like a bludgeon tearing through it
>>117994A spider falls onto Dark Star’s face
>>117992Seems like a minor guard’s room.
>>117996Alright then. Any other doors to check?
>>117998 Not in this hallway on this floor
>>117999Then I suppose I'll wait for the rest of the party to advance.
[1d20+5 = 13]>>117999>>117986Dark Star Looks over the bedroom checking for anything interesting.
>>118001>>118002Imported quills, a jeweled necklace, books probably of a religious bend, white sheets, and a brass image of a sun over the vec
>>118003Dark Star takes the necklace and examines it.
>>118005Looks fairly nice, and made for a large creature. Jewelry set in a gold necklace, not too ornate though
>>118006Dark Star Hoofs it over to blue.
>>118007“Hmmm... seems to be foreign made jewelry. Do you think a female lives in this room?”
>>118008"It would be likely, i wonder how she fits into this."
>>118009“How do you suppose they got it?”
>>118010"Somepony probably stole it."
>>118011“As I figured...”
She still takes hold of the necklace
>>118012"Lets get to the next floor."
>>118011>>118012Silver is getting monitarily fucked on this mission.>>118013"If you did not want to look at open area on right side of hallway, then very well.
>>118019*Pets the poor silver pony*
>>118029You're not alone, though. I'm here.
>>118032*Is hugged by the Floofster*
*Is hugged back*
>>118032>>118033Um.... *hugs* the Floofster
Wanna watch something in the cytube?
https://cytu.be/r/Nelumbo >>118038>>118039So um.... I don’t know if anypony wants to play tonight...
maybe we can advance somewhat tonight. The ponies are in the hallway, with the sounds of creatures elsewhere. Silver and Dark Star particularly were last in a bedroom
[1d20+5 = 18]>>118044Dark Star tries to listen to find the source of the sound
>>118044What other options to go are available for native boy?
>>118046Theoretically many. There are 4 rooms (each of which identified) a door to the outside, an open access to what seems to be a central hall, the hallway seems to wrap around the first floor in a square shape, going upstairs, knocking against the wall, banging Sands in the bathroom, and so forth
>>118047>>118045From the central area of the building
[1d20+5 = 8]>>118048Dark Star points it out to the group, then tries to stealth towards it.
>>118045>>118048Silver looks to Dark Star. "Well, you are far stealthier than I. Care to sneak ahead into central hall and see what we are up against?"
>>118048One option is different than the others.A good difference but I'm not sure if stalling any longer is a wise idea.Iron is reluctant on where to go, but decides to go near the door near the access to what seems to be a central hall.
>>118051Kek, I was messing with you>>118049>>118051Dark Star and Iron are damned lucky that the sound of clipping on the floor does not sound
too radically different from what the creatures can expect to hear in the night’s revelry.
It appears the be a central square floor at the center of an atrium. Above are at least two levels with railings. In the center of the square is a group of a dozen griffins at minimum, with a few going in and out. They are shouting, talking, and in a state of revery. They wear robed garments with various white, red, and brien coloring. A could have knives or shirt swords, but the great majority are either unarmed or must be carrying the weapons out of sight
>>118050"Yea thats the plan."
>>118052What do they appear to be doing?
>>118052You had me going for a second there. I was just about to pretend sex noises to attract even more guards over.Unless...Iron glances over, unsure of their odds again this many griffons.
(Hm. I might have to apply some divide and conquer rules here.)
>>118053Socializing, and gathering together. If there is something more sinister going on here, it either hasn't happened yet, has already happened, or looks exactly like standing and talking
>>118055Dark Star sneaks back to the group
>>118050>>118052"They appear to be having a party."
>>118056"Then at least that guard's warning has not gone through. How many of them are there?"
>>118057>>118056Iron accompanies Star as he goes back, with a slightly nervous expression.
>>118057"Dozens of them, there are a few going in and out. there's one down there wearing similar robes to the one we saw earlier."
>>118059Silver's eyes go wide. "Черт.
Dozens?" The older unicorn scratches his floofy chin. "Then we have problem. We will end up facing them at one point or another on this mission, but facing them all at once will mean our death.
"You said they are coming and going? Perhaps we could ambush small groups of them after they leave, thin herd little."
>>118060"That Sounds like a Good idea. Do we have any way to start fire? i have an idea for some whiskey i found."
>>118060>>118061"Maybe we can make loud noises enough to attract a group of them here?"
>>118061It's not hard to see where Dark Star is going with this. "I have lighter. All we would need is to find some suitable bits of cloth to burn."
>>118062"Hmm. Maybe. Though that runs risk of alerting entire group."
>>118064"And you believe by starting a fire you would not alert every single pony around these parts?"
>>118059Note to clarify:
all of them are wearing some kind of clothing, even as one or two go further with headgear
>>118065"I think he is planning on making firebombs for when we do get into combat. Until then, I believe we do not even have to lure any of them out. If they are coming and going of their own volition, then we merely need to ambush those leaving until there is more managable group of guards to deal with."
>>118068"Until one of them yells..."
>>118067That's racist!
>>118068Iron blinks at Silver dumbfoundedly
>>118069Iron nods.
"Maybe if we pretend to scream in danger and fear to alert the guards, we might lure the strongest foes into an ambush."
>>118069"I did not say it was perfect plan. We will need to either silence them, finish them off quickly, or otherwise convinc them that they do not need help."
>>118068>>118065"That was the plan. Maybe we can grab 1 walking alone and drag him around a corner."
>>118067Cauldron Get Down!
>>118070"They are bottles of alcohol with pieces of cloth wrapped around bottleneck. You light cloth on fire, throw it, and when bottle breaks lit cloth will set alcohol on fire. Works exceptionally well against feathers and fur."
>>118072>>118073After hearing Silver's explanation, he can't help but nod.
"It sounds like a plausible plan. Now where should we wait for somepony to pass along?"
>>118074>>118069Silver looks to their guide, Mala, for guidance.
>>118073"Don't forget feathers. does anypony know where we can get cloth?"