Welcome back to Occupied Equestria
Dark Star, Silver, Iron, and Midnight continue their investigation and hopefully, the take down of a group of organized criminals who have taken up operations at an old fortress on the sea shore. They have already rescued a number of creatures and persuaded them to join in their efforts. Now, they most hope that they can strike with enough force, and quickly enough, to destroy the evil that has taken up residence there.
Up in the North, the ponies are waking up, ready for a new day
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>>117436Iron nods approvingly
"What inspires you to travel so far?"
He looks down for a bit.
"...if it is very far. I think it is."
>>117438>>117440HISSSSS!>>117437She nods and raises an eyebrow, then takes a puff
"Oh yes. Very far. Very far indeed. It's nothing less than necessity. Can't live in your hometown without the Talonberg family taking a five eights share of your farm. Can't live in Manehattan without the landlord taking six eighths of your income. So I'm here."
>>117441Iron stares pensively at Sands.
(It sounds like somepony that can help me.)
"So you were a farmer previously?"
>>117434>>117441Brie leans over to Fun and whispers "Wir befinden uns immer noch in einem Bienenstock und sind auf Mission für die Königin. Wie heißt sie übrigens? Wie auch immer, Sie können sich jederzeit als Veränderliche herausstellen, aber bleiben Sie vorerst als Ponys, damit sie Sie nicht als Bedrohung sehen. Nutze die Offenbarung taktisch.
Ich empfehle eine Strategie, die vorgibt, die Jungetiere seien Adlige. Hast du die? Anders als die Königin natürlich; Oh ja, du hast mir ihren Namen gesagt."
>>117442"No. My family were."
>>117443"Es gibt viele Königinnen unter der Königin der Königinnen. Ich weiß nicht, wer Sie geschickt hat, aber jeder von ihnen kann ein Urteil wegen Desertion fällen.
Ich glaube nicht, dass viele Mitglieder der Rasse die Haut eines Ponys tragen würden. Es wäre nicht vorteilhaft für sie. Sie werden überrascht sein, wenn wir es tun."
>>117444No. For a moment, Brie forgets himself and staring straight ahead, adopts an overjoyed expression. "Ich hatte gerade die beste Idee!", remembers himself, and goes back to looking the stance of a standard laborer.
>>117445Iron hums in thought.
"So you left because of how much money these ponies took from your family, not wanting to be a part of it?"
>>117447"Griffins. A lot of ponies left because they didn't like the culture shock, or the reduced autonomy, or the collectivization"
>>117446Some eyes watch the creatures as they go forward, towards the second, lower center of town, to where a couple changeling guards seem to be posted. But neither is it an inordinate amount of attention. Carts must not be much out of the ordinary
How be Meadows? And Ruby?
>>117449Ruby is looking outside of the window
"Well this isn't Whinnyapolis. Where is the State Fair?"
Meadows is standing up, and stretching out, still looking fatigued
>>117445Brie responds "Das ist mein Punkt. Niemand wird denken, dass Sie Wechselbalg in Pony-Verkleidung sind. Wir sind hier, um diese Firma zu untersuchen, und alle Streiche, die wir spielen können, sind auf dem Tisch. Lassen Sie uns beim Gemischtwarenladen anhalten."
>>117448Iron's mind realizes something.
"Wait, you came from across the endless waters?"
>>117450Onyx looks a bit nervous
"We've... Got a bit of a detour before that."
Midnight does her best to help the mare as she can
"Gently now Meadows, don't strain yourself"
>>117448Silver solemnly nods, knowing the pain of what collectivization and communism can bring.
>>117452She nods. Up and down repeatedly
"The long way"
>>117451"Oh Okay"
Stepping into the grocer shows a set of rows of items of food. The grocery is pleasantly well stocked with a variety of food, including cheese, milk, a few items of vegetables, and bread produced in an attached bakery. There are no processed foods nor more complex baked goods,, though there is a small amount of beat sugar behind the counter. Everything seems to be locally sourced. There is a distinct lack of any tropical fruit, be it mangos or kiwis, and of any kind of food that would need to travel more than 100 miles.
>>117453".... Alright"
He looks disappointed
"I wanted to ride the tilt-a-whirl.."
>>117454Loputu nods as well, slowly and solemnly
"Oh, I've strained myself plenty when I was younger. I can handle it."
>>117455Onyx pats the colt's back
"Don't worry, I'll get you there."
>>117456"Well, I do not want you injuring yourself more. So be gentle."
>>117455Iron pondered for a few seconds
"How did you do it?"
>>117455Hold on one sec, he's not going in QUITE yet. After removing the harness, Brie steps back to the cart. Opening the door to the cart, Brie pokes his head in.
"We've been sent on a spying mission. We're to investigate a company for crimes against the Queen. I recommend we kidnap the main Overseer." Brie says with a beaming smile.
>>117454>>117455Dark Star Joins in their nod
>>117459Small colt Brie forgets the name of: "... This is a strange game you're playin'"
>>117458She takes another puff
"At the time, the Equestrian government was subsidizing tickets to ferry us to Manehattan, Sunset, and Baltimare"
She breathes out
"So we took ships. Came as whole families mostly"
Loputu walks up to listen in on this conversation
>>117457Um... see
she tries walking forward again
Ruby is happy again. Until Brie speaks
>>117461Brie smiles at the colt. "I'm sure you'll be fine waiting in the cart. It should only take a few moments."
>>117462“Oh... okay”
The colt goes back to doing what he was doing before, which seems to be playing tic tac toe with Wesley using a pencil and his notepad, while Kerr stares silently from a corner and Seb sleeps
>>117459"Oh, this oughta be great."
Onyx turns to Ruby
"Stay in the cart unless it would more dangerous to stay than leave"
He then jumps out himself
>>117461Midnight supports the mare, humming a quiet tune.
>>117465"We're not there yet, we need to stop and gather a bit of information first."
>>117461"So that is how most Skynavians came to live here. That must have been back when Canterlot would actually do things like that to help ponies in need."
>>117461Iron thinks where this is going.
"...did you come with your family here?"
>>117464"Oh, I almost forgot." Brie turns to Wesley and Kerr. "Wir wurden auf eine Spionagemission geschickt. Wir sollen eine Firma wegen Verbrechen gegen die Königin untersuchen. Ich empfehle, den Hauptaufseher zu kidnappen." he reiterates, with the same joyous tone.
>>117466"Hmmmm, lemme know if I can be of use then."
>>117470Brie blinks at him a couple times. "Well I
am going to need your help taking him. Unless I can get him alone, and even if I can, there may be guards of one type or another. And if we have to leave in a hurry, you and I will probably have to pull the cart."
>>117476That sucks to hear, man. Hope they get better.
>>117478*is comforted by the floofster*
>>117469Wesley: “ Das ist ein ... das ist etwas Neues”
Kerr: “ Eine Königin! Was für eine Ehre!”
>>117468“No. My mother wanted to stay there with her mother, and she wanted to stay on the farm. But they wanted me to leave, and to see if taking them later.”
>>117467Loputu walks over, with a gait most like a fearful and submissive dog. Nevertheless, he answers
“Many stayed. Many went to Bakara. But we came to Equestria. Equestria was something of a fairy tail land to us. Magical guardians, friendship and harmony, wages in a day what would be made in a week back home. Equestria had just defeated it’s own version of Marksism, and was helping those flee from it elsewhere”
>>117465Ruby: “Well uh, okay”
Meadows walks out now, or tries to
>>117480Iron ponders for a second.
"I see..."
He looks at her for a second, from horn to hoof
"What sort of skills do you have?"
>>117480"I suppose when you put it that way, I can see why Equestria would seem like...fairy tail land, as you say. It is difficult to see it that way when you have lived in Equestria all your life."
>>117480"Well, it is good that you are walking better now."
Midnight helps her along.
>>117471"Sounds good.... I think."
>>117481Fairly thin and dainty, a snow white with long haired fur
“Skills?! What do you mean?”
It’s pretty obvious she thinks this is a weird question, or at least, a weird way to phrase it
>>117482He nods, then lowers his head as he continues nodding
>>117483They enter out into the hallway. While Meadows isn’t too tall for it, she takes up much of it
>>117484insert black couch hereIron chuckles at her surprise, before inhaling a little, calming himself down.
"You did travel very far and possibly without much spending money. A pony who can do that must have something to offer in order to sustain themselves. Have you picked up some manual labor jobs along the way, like Khoi?"
>>117480Brie smiles again at the 'Lings. He then grabs his suit and cloak, puts them on, and pats himself down for money. I think he's still got like 40 bits on him, that should be enough. He then looks at Onyx
>>117483"I'm still working on a plan to get close to him and try to get him alone, but that's fine. We won't be there for another 20-30 minutes. First we need som rope!" and as he says rope, he flares his eyes and eyebrows, putting a bit of adventurous anticipation in his expression. He is of course, still smiling. Without a sense motive check, it is clear that he is famously enjoying himself.
now enters the general store.
>>117484"Meadows, I hope you do not mind me asking... But what is a... Rack-shash-a?"
>>117486Onyx shakes his head, wondering what the buck he's gotten himself into this time.
>>117484Silver trots up to him, and puts a hoof on his shoulder. "But together, perhaps we all can help to make that fairy tale land reality."
>>117455Brie looks for provisions. Specifically, he's looking for sturdy rope, the sort that could be used to bound a captive, a black bag that will fit over a head, and anything that could be used as a gag.
>>117486And thus he sees the scene described earlier, a set of food items that is at once disappointing and better than it could have been
>>117487Her face now almost has an expression of fear
“Terrible creatures. They trick you into thinking they are one of your loved ones, then they eat you”
>>117488He blinks, and looks up at Silver
>>117489Trash bag, cloth, and indeed rope
>>117485“Oh... you are asking about my job... Well, now I am helping to take care of the elderly in the ghetto. Skynavian life is a little different, a little more communal. So care for the elderly is more of a collective thing that a family thing, or than a business”
>>117490I'm hoping that its a fabric bag, that one could breathe through. Assuming it is, Brie purchases all three.
>>117490"By working together, and putting aside our differences to work towards something greater than any of us. By following example set by those that founded Equestria. It will not fix everything overnight, no, but only together can we right these wrongs, and fix what has been broken in this land and its people."
>>117491Iron ponders it a little bit.
"So your skills are related to taking care of ponies."
He mulls it over for a bit.
"Why would they want to nab a pony who does that?" he wonders to himself out loud.
>>117490Midnight's eyes widen a bit, and she can't quite hide the fear in them.
"You mean... They change form?"
>>117494Silver interjects. "They do not care what one did before they were captured. As long as they are fit for manual labor, or...other 'things', they will take them." He speaks 'things' with a particularly disgusted, reviled tone.
>>117492Eh, fabric seed bag. This may require going to a separate shop. Possible all the same
When Brie places his money on the counter, the clerk looks at the money, then looks at Brie, somewhere between confusion and suspicion. He takes the money, then writes in a notebook
>>117494She nods,
“Yes, my cutie mark is in service. In Manehattan I was a waiter. I’ve tried to get a receptionist job here but they are not easy to get, and the locals expect me to help them there.
I have no idea what these... creatures are thinking about except money. It is beyond me”
>>117495“In some tales they shapeshift. In others it is an illusion. All the same, they trick you, and prey upon your trust.”
>>117496She joins in
“They find a division of labor later...”
>>117496Iron turns to Silver.
"I would agree with you, but I find it far more plausible they trick ponies into their hold, then restrian them. Jubilosa and Khoi got tricked into a ship to another country, while Loputu was a colt without any really powerful connections to dissuade capture."
He mulls over the thing that's bothering him.
"I do not understand why they would try to kidnap a pony who had a job here, which could raise suspicion of their activities."
>>117497But after hearing Sands' current predicament of no job until now he nods.
"Oh. Nevermind."
He ponders for a second, interested.
"A waiter, you say?"
(I may have some use for that.)
>>117497"I see... Shall we look for the others then?"
>>117497Brie notes the notation, but pays it no mind. With his new acquisitions he returns to the cart, places them inside, removes his suit and places it inside, and returns to the front of the cart to re-harness.
The guards who were seen further along, were they ponies or changelings?
>>117498She looks more than a little offended at the suggestion that caring for the elderly is “not a job,” but she answers anyways
“Yes. In a fancy restaurant in Manehattan in the center town. I was inexperienced, but they thought I was pretty enough.”
>>117499She looks around the hallway
“Is that not them right here?”
She looks worried
“What am I seeing then...”
Blue Skies:
“We’re right fucking here Midnight”
>>117500The guards in the second town center - there are indeed two of them - are changelings, around what looks like a small police station and a three story building marked as the offices of the Marion mining company
Rood, I didn't know that.
>>117501Iron simply looks at her.
"How inexperienced are we talking about?"
>>117503“It was my first, paying job”
>>117504"You did not have any accidents of any sort, did you?"
>>117507He mostly means physicial accidents, like tripping while carrying food around or spilling the contents out.
>>117508>>117508“Maybe once or twice or three times...”
>>117510Iron smacks his lips with uncertainty
(A social pony, probably good on negotiations. There may be some use for her... just not that I can think of currently. Hopefully I can keep her around. Just not as a waitress, from what I hear.)
He decides to give her a long stroke of her mane, checking his combing progress.
>>117501Midnight jumps, before glaring at Skies
"I did not notice you. Am I to assume you already know about the changelings?"
>>117512She blinks
>>117511She likes the combing, closing her eyes. The end of a hoof is a bit unwieldy for removing tangles, but he is getting done out of the hair. The remains of tattered braids are still there.
>>117513"Yes, Meadows here calls them by a different name, but they fit the description. We need to be wary"
>>117513He inspects the tattered braids closer as his hooves undo the unicorn's hair tangles.
>>117514>>117515It seems she once had her hair in braids kept together with ties. Those braids have since dissipated and come undone, with no ties remaining, nor the hair particularly cared for
>>117514“............... What”
>>117520I should clarify. Parking the car in an area near the offices, but with the door to the cart facing away from the office.
>>117517"Yes, this may make things harder."
>>117520A guard looks at the strange ponies going in. Others pay him no mind. A different pony, a blue Pegasus in winter clothing, simply walks by. The walls are a light blue color, and there is a dark wood receptionist desk with a yellow female earth pony sitting in it over to the left, and a hallway back
>>117522“Is this whole thing a Changeling operation?!?!?”
>>117523"I am not sure, but there are changelings around. I would recommend we all stay within sight of eachother now."
>>117523Yeesh! I'm not going in yet!
>>117517Iron decides to try his best in clearing those remains, in order to attain a smoother hair.
>>117523Once the cart is parked, Brie grabs Fun and goes back to the cart where he grabs (again) his suit (and puts it on, complete with the cload). Then opening the door Brie addresses Onyx and Sparks. "Alright gentlecolts, its game time! Here's the plan. We're a bunch of shady mercenaries who operate on behalf of the queen. We've intercepted someone in their organization who is trying to rat them all out for corruption and imbezzlement. That part will be played by Fun here!" He pats Fun on both shoulders. "We bring him in and demand to talk to the Overseer, using him and our identifications as leverage. Then, we knock the Overseer, one 'Steel Otis' out and replace him with Fun. Fun takes his appearance, and escorts us out of the facility, we all get into the cart, and then leave!" Brie exclaims (not too loudly of course).
"That's.... I.... What. We're foalnapping someone?"
Onyx groans and grabs his halberd.
>>117529"Coltnapping would be the correct term, but yes." Brie says. "The queen wants us to find out the extent of corruption in the organization. I can think of no better way to determine that than by kidnapping him and either torturing him ourselves or handing him over. I mean, the whole point of this mission is to determine the fault and make sure that the problem is rectified. I can think of few better ways to do it,... though I'm open to suggestions."
>>117530Onyx raises an eyebrow
"The queen... As in Queen Chrysalis? Are you telling me this mission is for Queen Chrysalis?"
>>117531"Heavens no, the queen who presides over the home of these two." Brie says, indicating Wesley and Kerr.
>>117526Her hair is shortly straightened out. She has a long, light red mane of fine hair
>>117524“Well this could effect a lot of things... what exactly is going on here?”
>>117528Fun is more than a little concerned
“Was genau muss ich tun?”
>>117532"And.... Isn't that Queen Chrysalis?"
Onyx looks like he's about to burst a blood vessel.
>>117533"I am not quite sure, but as far as I can tell Meadows was attacked by a changeling and left in a cocoon."
>>117533Technically, I haven't told Fun yet,... but I'll roll with it.
"Erstens müssen Sie so tun, als wären Sie ein Gefangener. Wir werden deinen Kopf mit einer Tasche bedecken und dir die Hufe binden. Keine Sorge, das ist nur eine Ablenkung. Sobald wir drinnen sind, müssen wir vielleicht ein paar Ponys sinnlos schlagen. Ihre Hilfe wird dabei wertvoll sein. Sobald sie geschlagen sind und wir unseren echten Steinbruch haben, müssen Sie sein Aussehen annehmen und uns dann "aus dem Gebäude begleiten"."
>>117534"No. Apparently there's a bunch of them. Regional directors or some such." Brie says as though its a silly idea.
>>117533He makes sure to comb all of those annoying little tangles as his focus is set on the luscious light red mane.
(This will surely make her head clear for the combat later... not to mention it is
so soft to the touch.)
Brie looks at Sparks and Onyx. "Both of you will enter with me, don't worry we have identification, and will be primary in beating faces should that be necessary. It probably will, but we might get lucky. Isn't this fun?" He exclaims, entirely disproportionate to the situation.
>>117536She’s still clearly a pony, but her mane and especially coat have a real different to them. The hair is longer, fluffier even, and more gifts around the legs and ears. Her coat is softer to pet than Cauldron’s - Cauldron has short hairs, and they are more coarse. These are long and nearly fluffy. Her mane flows down, and is less stiff than that of the zebra, which is able to stand straight up where short enough.
Her mane is kept long, but strangely fine. Irons hooves can only take out so many tangles
>>117535“Oh.... o... okay”
>>117534“Are any of the other prisoners like that?”
>>117537>>117535"Hmph, fine. Lead the way"
>>117539"I am unsure, Meadows is the only one I have really talked to. Where are the rest?"
>>117538"Ach komm schon, es wird lustig! Ha! DU BIST SPASS! Das ist lustig! Aber ja, es sollte eine gute Zeit sein!" Brie pats his shoulder jovially.
>>117538Iron's tongue lightly comes out as his attempts to straighten her mane out are becoming futile.
(Damn. This is a losing battle.)
He decides to give her a soft, short stroke on her barrel, to signal his work is as done as he can get and recedes with his stroking with a small pout on his face.
>>117541Fun is unsettled, but nods his head
>>117540“Right here. Like, you’re already here.”
>>117542She giggles
“Hehehe, you need a brush?”
>>117544Iron looks to the ground with a blush present in his face, still pouting.
>>117545“Hehe, why don’t you look around for something long and slender. I don’t have anything, but maybe your mates do”
>>117546Using a penis as a comb when?Iron's blush increases in intensity at her wording, making him cough lightly, both from surprise and the remnants of smoke in his lungs.
He decides to walk over to Skies, with his everpresent blush.
"Do you by any chance have a brush on you?"
Yes, because I totally knew everypony didn't just run off.
>>117547>>117548Can we get some combat before you two start fucking down some mares?
>>117548Skies is wide eyed in surprise to see and hear this request from Iron
She looks through a small pack
“Uh... I have a pick. Don’t lose it”
>>117551Iron takes the pick, returning to Sands, then tries using it on her mane gently and slowly, hoping it doesn't hurt or bother her.
>>117553The hair is thick enough that it cannot harm her. This seems successful, taking out the tangles that his hoof cannot
>>117554With newfound confidence, he undoes the
evil, anarchic tangles with his
weapon of hair order.
(Winning this battle is a certainty.)
He smiles to himself.
>>117555+2 against tangles
Slowly it is evened out, and laid straight. Her red hair is long, and rests upon her neck, head and back, flowing over
>>117556With a huge smile on his face, he pats Sands' back in reassurance.
"It is done. The menacing tangles have been taken out."
Followed by puffing his chest.
Alright. I think it's combat time.We can always tame the tail later~ >>117558Iron sits proudly next to her, closing his eyes with a big grin and looking slightly up.
"I am eager to please."
>>117563I'm kinda hoping Star shows up so we can move on.
Otherwise, I might as well comb Sands' tail.
>>117567>>117566>>117565Dangit, goiz! Don't spoil our deaths! That's supposed to be a seekrit!
Um.... you all can still declare actions
>>117569I think Iron and I are waiting on Dark Star, but we're pretty well ready to proceed, free some prisoners, and take on some griffons.
>>117569I had hoped Dark Star would've come by now,
but if I have all this time...Iron glances back at Sands' tail to see if it needs some combing as well.
"Alright, places everypony,... er bug,... whatever." To Sparks and Onyx, Brie says "Remember, we're disreputable mercenaries." Then to Fun "Tut mir leid, aber es ist unsere beste Option. Ihnen wird kein bleibender Schaden zugefügt."
When Fun is ready, Brie places the bag over his head. He cuts a small piece of rope to bind Fun's forehooves, and then places the rope around Fun's neck like a leash. Checking Fun's appearance briefly he says. "Alright, let's proceed inside.!"
As they're leaving, as an afterthought, Brie looks over to Ruby. "We'll explain more when we get back." and with a wink, turns toward the office.
>>117573Onyx sighs and turns to Ruby as he slings his halberd over his shoulder.
"Be good, and I promise we'll be back soon...."
He turns to follow Brie but says over his shoulder
"Um... Sorry about all this"
He then quickly follows
>>117573>>117537"Er... I'll try my best."
>>117576Brie whispers "Hopefully it will just be a simple snatch and grab, or perhaps a modest beat-down, but don't hesitate to get creative!"
>>117573Fun looks like a dark brown earth pony
>>117572A few tangles, yes
>>117523"Hello my good mare. We are here to see Mr. Otis."
>>117578Iron pokes Sands, then points to her tail, followed by moving the pick in a combing motion.
>>117579>>117581Okay, is Brie going into the administrative offices with a brown Earth Pony that has a bag over his head?
>>117580"Uh... Okay"
>>117582Flanked by Onyx and Sparks, yes
>>117582Iron, albeit with a small blush when realizing what he just asked to do, simply presses on with a determined look, placing the comb from the dock of her tail to the tip, wanting to take out those mean tangles that dare cause chaos against the mare's otherwise orderly look.
He inhales a bit.
"Do you usually comb your mane?"
>>117583The receptionist blinks at him
>>117585She reacts, and raises the tail slightly
"Yes, I do"
>>117587"I'll just make my way inside then. This isn't a 'scheduled' meeting, but I daresay he will want to see us right away."
I probably should have mentioned that by "making way inside" he was turning to go in (wherever in is, I'm sure there's doors). Seems kind of crass after the roll, but that was his intention regardless.
>>117587Iron can't help but sweat a little from the reaction, moving the pick up and down along her silk strands with tentative strokes.
"I see."
His blush at how he's acting only gets stronger as his hooves get closer to touching the sacred no-no before every brush
"I heard you like movies. What are those?"
>>117589>>117588>>117590"He's.... out doing field work. Probably in the South Mine..."
>>117591"Moving images displayed on a screen. They even have sound now"
>>117592"Surely he will be back before too long. I can't imagine he has more to busy himself than with,... well overseeing."
>>117592Iron's stress levels die down after catching an actual topic worth discussing over while the tail combing continues, making him forget slightly the action he's doing. In fact, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Really? You mean moving pictures? What kind of magic is that?"
>>117593".... He will be out at least a few hours..."
>>117594"Hehehe. Lighting Film. But it really is magical in its own sort of way"
>>117595Sands could swear Iron's eyes just sparkled.
Woah. What did you see done with it so far?"
>>117595"I see. You'll have to excuse me as - though it weren't obvious already - I'm not from around here. Is there an Inn or some such locale that I can wait for him at in the area?"
>>117596She giggles again, holding a hoof to her mouth
"Well, have you heard of Gone with the Whinny?"
>>117597She stares at him blank faced
"... Is.... I'm guessing it's not urgent? If it's urgent you can just walk to the South Mine and meet him. It's very close, less than a mile away. Would you like to talk to someone else maybe? His first assistant? Maybe Security?"
>>117599"No, this matter demands I speak to him directly. Though since you mention, what is your impression of his first assistant?"
>>117600"Would you like me to start out to the mine? I have nothing better to do yet."
>>117599Iron stares at Sands blankly, not even attempting to remember if he had heard of it, followed by a shake of the head but with renewed interest.
"Tell me about it!" he chirps out.
>>117600“... Are you with the PLF?”
>>117602Do I gotta describe a whole movie plot?
>>117603Brie smiles as though she has just said something she might not have wanted to. "If I were, I would have the good sense not to admit to it, wouldn't I?"
[1d20+7 = 26]>>117601"You're right, we have other matters to attend to."
Back to the Yellow-mare "Thank you for your discretion. We'll try the mine then."
Hot damn, my rolls are ON tonight
>>117604I do not understand the bluff
>>117606It was a bluff to imply that yes he is part of the PLA, but is shrewd enough to not admit to it.
>>117604>>117607Alright. So he ends leaves.... presumably
>>117603Ya don't have to, ya goose.
Say the main themes of it.
>>117608Yes, they leave the office and head back toward the cart, undoing Fun's binds and bag and such, Brie removing his suit and cloak, stashing it in the cart, and then resuming the lead.
>>117610"Change in plan I assume?"
>>117611"What kind of bureaucrat
isn't sitting in a comfy office? Absurd! Still, we know the PLA has their hoof in whatever is going on here. Same plan, different location."
>>117610And so they presumably leave, heading onwards along the sane path
>>117613>saneOh heavens no, but along the path yes.
>>117615>>117613Sanity left this group long ago
>>117614Boops u
Heyo. Wanna fight it up against the griffs?
>>117618Yes, lets do it. its furnace time.
Looks like everyone from all gangs are here.
>>117567Silver! Get your butt moving and ready up your rump for more bullets!
>>117615>>117616They go onwards. A guard stares them down as they move, but does not act. They go onwards, past cookie cutter buildings, past a railroad track, and through a set of woods. The trees are not even a hundred yards thick before a clearing. This clearing leads out into what could be thought of as a stunning sight
Beneath and before them lies a huge black pit of rock and ore, with valleys all of its own, spanning hundreds of acres and possibly more than a square mile. 100 feet deep (deeper?) at parts and spanning, though perhaps not to the horizon, certainly a fine distance. Inside are dozens of diesel trucks with steel beds, ponies hauling carts, and steam shovels. With magic, diesel, probably explosives, steam and sheer horsepower, they rend the earth and move it likely towards the left side of the mine.
On the mine’s left side is the sand railway line, with a long train with dozens of open cars, and a steam locomotive billowing black smoke into the air. This is next to a large facility that must crush, sort, and clean ore, at the edge of the nine. Below, inside the mind, are a set of trailers and a few more ponies. Elsewhere are what seems to be pumps.
>>117622Toward the trailers I think, though others are welcome to interject.
>>117623>>117622Nah, towards the trailers seems smartest to me
>>117624>>117623They go down, past a noisy facility, and down a slope where stallions pull carts up the slope, and make way for a diesel truck. There are three trailers down the slope at the bottom of the pit
>>117625I probably should have clarified earlier, but when you say trailers, can you be more specific? I mean are we talking mobile building trailers? Empty hauling trailers? Redneck RV trailers? Breaking Bad trailers?
>>117626For some reason it never occurred to me that not every one has been to a construction site and seen those mobile home like trailer- buildings they put offices in, or have seen the same used to hold classrooms in those schools where the population of children is far beyond that of the capacity of the permanent school buildings. I don’t know what those things are called and I can’t figure it out right now
>>117627Thats what I thought you meant, I just wanted to make sure
>>117627Ayyy, I know those things.
>>117627>>117614>>117629So... ya want to start some of that combat stuff for the remainder of the day?
>>117625Onyx turns to Brie
"I'll take the cart so you can talk."
>>117631"Alright, but don't go anywhere. Once I've figured out which one is Otis, we may have a fight on our hands. Hopefully not." Brie retrieves his suit, his cloak, and all his paperwork should he need it and then knocks on the most apparently active trailer's door.
Spark takes a look around.
>>117630Yea, sorry my power was out.
>>117633Spark sees more or less this
>>117622. Of course, he's on the inside, but it's a black, rocky pit that strecthes for perhaps a mile with steam shovels dotting it, and far beyond, some grass and pine trees.
Close to sprak are three seperate trailers. Two are lined up almost, but kind of angled inwards, and one is a bit off yet almost parallel to one of the others. There are a couple ponies who seem to be roaming around, going to the units
>>117632A gruff voice answers
"What? Just open the door"
>>117635Brie does so. "Hello? I'm looking for a Mr. Steel Otis. Is that you?"
>>117636Brie opens the door. It looks like a lavenderish colored crystal pony is the one who responded. He has his winter coat loosen up, and lazily holds a steel mug in one hoof and a cigarette in the other. Inside he sees a few ponies and one changeling - who is as unenthusiastic to return to the cold as the ponies - sitting along a set of chairs, with a table in the center, mostly with coffee and or cigarettes
"No. This is the breakroom trailer. He'll be with the forepony over in the foremare's trailer"
>>117637"Ah, my mistake. Which trailer is the Foremare's? I don't know my way around here, but I must speak with him urgently."
>>117638He points the cigarette to the right
"That way"
>>117639"My thanks." Leaving the trailer, Brie wanders over to the cart. "He should be in that trailer there." He says pointing. "There's some rough looking ponies in that first trailer, so if things get hairy we're in for a bit of a brawl."
>>117640"Oh fun, this is just swell."
Onyx stands by the cart, ready to either fight or quickly leave depending on how this goes down.
>>117640"Ok... so, do you want us to help you there, or stay back here?"
>>117643"Stay here, I'm gonna try and draw him out. If you hear me scream its cuz he's beating the life out of me, but otherwise I should be able to lure him out of the trailer."
Brie goes and knocks on the indicated trailer
>inb4 there's more than one trailer in that direction
>>117641>>117631>>117630Khoi remains as she has, like a guard dog at attention by the door
"Somecreature's coming!"
>>117640A green unicorn walks by, and opens the door
"Alright, back to work. We're behind our quota already"
The crystal pony retorts
"Our machine isn't working"
"No way your shovel is down too. Do it manually if you have to, just get back to work"
>>117645Well, there
are three in total. But no, there is only one that way
"Who is it?"