My best game is Dank Souls. Best community of total ass faggots and top rusery. Also lore.
>>107Now this is a difficult question to answer, but if I had to say there is any one I'm "truly attached to," it would be Civilization 4. Over the past 10 years I've spent I don't know how many hundreds (thousands?) of hours playing that game. I've downloaded and played through many mods that vastly ramped up the level of detail in the game. It's very addicting and it's the one game I always come back to, besides always being able to play for extended sessions.
>>107But "attached to" in the sense of being sentimentally attached? That's also tough
When I was very young, I played vast amounts of Sim City 3000. I built many cities to great size, and spent probably hundreds of hours on it. I now have much of the soundtrack on my iPod.
I also played great amounts of Sim City 4, and came to love that game and it's music, even if I didn't play it as much as I did Sim City 3000.
When I was even younger, I played a few Sim-based games from the mid-1990s. Sim Isle was an interesting game - I liked especially how you had to set up a chain of production for every part from iron ore and oil to finished automobiles. The soundtrack is also interesting. Streets of Sim City is another old one I am nostalgic about. A set of letters I used for license plates in the game later became the basis of an email address I use.
>>107For me it would definitely be both Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament '99. My dad and I used to play them together with his coworkers when I was really young. I didn't see my dad a lot because he worked for the VA and going to college at night, so when he took me to work whenever they had free time we would all play either one of those games on LAN. Ever since then both these games have a special place in my heart.
>>107Yes. There is a game that holds a deep sentimental value for me.
Homeworld was the first Vidya that I ever really took seriously. It's an underappreciated classic RTS game. If you haven't played it, I recommend giving it a try.
The bastards at THQ sat on the license for years and let it languish while they shat out dawn of war games. THQ's bankruptcy, the unexpected acquisition of the rights to the franchise by Gearbox and then the odd team-up between gearbox and blackbird interactive (a dev team containing many of the original Homeworld devs) to repurpose blackbird's "Shipbreakers" game into "Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak" gives me hope that some fan of the series within Gearbox is trying to revitalize the series.
Homeworld 1 and Homeworld 2 were recently remastered with more modern graphics. Unfortunately the middle game, Homeworld Cataclysm could not be remastered because some idiots at Rockstar (then known as Barking Dog) lost the fucking source code. >>193Good to see someone else loves this series.
>cataclysm couldn't be remastered because source code lostIt's been a while since I read up on that subject, but from what I was reading, it sounds more like the devs do have it in their possession; it was more than Gearbox wasn't willing to pony up to get their mitts on it.
Which honestly I'm pretty mixed on.
On one hand I love the everloving shit out of Cataclysm as the best game in the trilogy.
But on the other hand, I found the remaster of HW1 to be flaming garbage, so it stands to reason that Cataclysm would have similarly poor execution in the new engine.
I was really huge on Myst and Riven when I was a kid. Played through both games so many times I still have the solutions to most of the puzzles memorized.
>>107There's not a lot of games that make me nostalgic over seeing, but two games that gave me a massive hit of nostalgia when i first remembered them were Yuri's Revenge and (very recently) Settlers 4.
I fucking love Yuri's Revenge because of how many good memories dicking around on it as a kid brings up, so you can imagine my sadness when i realize the game isn't nearly as good as i remember. The campaign is a joke half the time, the AI is a weird mixture of absolute garbage and overpowered, and the troops are either gamebreaking or absolute garbage.
Yuri doesn't even have a campaign, and his faction is severely lacking in troops and buildings. The only difference between countries is one troop (except France. France get's a building), and half the time said troop is trash.
I played WoW a lot more than I should have growing up.
TF2, I can't seem to stop even now that it makes me angry to no end whenever I boot it up.
I fell in love with the old Myst games and their wonderfully spooky and mystifying (pardon the pun) environments.
One game I really quite liked as a kid was the 2003 Hobbit game by Sierra. It's pretty silly and clunky but there's something innocent and just really fun about the game regardless. I just have a sort of soft spot for it.
I also really got into the Warcraft mythos and lore and did this
>>291>>292I'm glad I finally got away from TF2 at 1800 hours. What made it easy for me to quit was selling all my hats/taunts/cosmetics to buy other games I cared more about at the time.
>>298I wish I could give it up too, however I don't think I can effectively sell off everything I have and to be honest, there's some sentimental value to a lot of the stuff I've gotten.
summon knight swordcraft story 1 and 2, final fantasy tactics advance, and the goldensun games. I was a kid with a love of rpgs and a gameboy advance
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
and some Lord of the Rings turn-based strategy game
PlayStation 1 & 2:
Ape Escape series
Star Wars Starfighter
Alundra 2
I have enjoyed these games time and time again. I still break them out and dust them off every so often.
>>298>One game I really quite liked as a kid was the 2003 Hobbit game by SierraI feel like I actually picked that game up at one point and contemplated buying it, then didn't for some reason. Kinda wish I had now.
Speaking of games from 2003, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is another one of my all-time favorites, too bad Ubisoft is SJW garbage now.
Also, did anyone else ever play pic related? It looked like a generic boring hack and slash from the packaging, but I wanted a new game to play but didn't want to spend very much money. This turned out to be literally the best $8 I've ever spent, fantastic game.
World of warcraft
i cant bring myself to unsub and i blame it for my autism because ive been playing since before i could DUCKING READ
and i played in vanilla
>>107I know this might be controversial.
I have sunk thousands and thousands of hours into vidya. But this one game...
Just watching the trailer gives me goosebumps!
This is the best fucking game I have ever played. >>107pic related
I remember letting the title screen go for hours because I fucking loved the song underrated NES game that I fell in love as a kid: Ufouria I got into PS games, I added to the list the obvious FF7 and Abe's motherfucking Oddyssee.
Then came WoW, but it didn't spark my autism like the other games
>>107For me its oddworld stranger's wath,i used to playit every day when i came home from school.
>>1285>>Not picking the superior oddworld titleFucking spaghetti pleb
>>347I'm excited to dive into this new paranormal game! The graphics look amazing and the storyline is so intriguing. Can't wait to explore the haunted mansion and uncover its secrets!