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Becoming better


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rockwell quote 3.jpg
why is this board slow?
its because we aren't at our computer. Take a few hours and go outside kameraden.
American Traditionalist
2127 2134 5283
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Two years ago I made this post. The fact it is still here is both pleasing and saddening. On one hand, it's good anons aren't in front of their computer all day, on the other it shows how slow this particular board is.

To hopefully bring some interaction to this board, I will post all of my attempts at bettering myself and my life that have taken place in these two years. Along with if those attempts were fruitful or not.

Before reading further, I wish to state that I am not a radical, extremist, or any form of violent individual. I am also not an antisemitie, white nationalist, or foreign/domestic agent. And that anything posted on a Chan is a complete work of fiction and shouldn't be taken seriously Mr.AlphabetBois.

With that disclaimer out of the way...

Two years ago, about a month or two before I made this OP if I remember correctly, I was living in a ghetto in Yankee territory. I was a collage dropout and worked a shit job as a fast food boy making minimum wage. Now I live in Dixieland working a trade in renovation. Might be going to a trade school to increase my skills in the coming year.

When I first moved here I started going on walks, my fat asthmatic ass couldn't even go up a hill without panting. Now I can do my route in a half decent time and have met several neighbors who I have bonded with.

After that I built my first rifle. I've owned a couple bolt actions and two shotguns prior, but they were more just to say I had them and occasionally go hunting. This one I built from the ground up for the purpose of life and liberty preservation.

I stated shooting semi regularly, I've improved a lot with a rifle, and then bought a "future" carrygun which I will soon get a license for. Training with that is on going.

I have learned survival skills, hunting, fishing, gathering, Bushcraft, and have started a small bug out kit just in case Yugoslavia 2 electric boogaloo happens. Pistol skills are slowly improving.

I have started working out. Bought a set of weights and I actually don't have semi flabby arms anymore.

I have went to several political events, talked to people in person about my political beliefs freely. True people have been put off by this, but I have also had luck getting people to listen and agree with me on many issues.

I now have a girlfriend. Who, when I first met her, was a left-wing socialist. And her first words to me were likely what you would expect of one. Now she's become semi-redpilled because of my talks with her. She believes wemon should want and push for becoming the traditional housewife. That homosexuals and transgenders are revolting. She is also slowly coming around to the realization that ethnicity and race are more than just skin color. That conclusion shes come to on her own. And we plan on getting a house together in the near future. All in my name of course and we've decided on no children until marriage.

I have also picked up hobbies outside of shit posting and Vidya. I go shooting, I started a Warhammer 40k army, and I will start my own "victory garden" soon to hopefully get myself a greenthumb and expand that. The garden box is already completed.

I attended a 2A rally. And spoke to several other attendees about demographics and despite some jeers that normally would have made me shrik and sulk away before, I believe I had opened a few peoples minds to the possibility of what is causing a political shift in the US and what should be done to hopefully stem the tide. (Close the borders, deport those who are not citizens, and deport those who were born here from illegal migrant parents.)

My life has genuinely improved and the more I spend time outdoors or preparing for a, hopefully not, dystopian future or boogaloo and I hope other anons will post their improvements too. It doesn't have to be radical or extravagant. It could be something small or seemingly insignificant. But I know I'm not the only one who has tried to do better.
Good on ya mate.
I exercised a lot, got fitter, and got my vidyagames and fap habit under control.
Now I am doing Exodus90 and I'm working on an indie game that, when finished and put up for sale, will make me a millionaire. I am fulfilling the dream I had as a child.
How far progressed is it? I'd be interested in seeing a /mpol/ anon made indie on the market. Even if it's niche or mlp related.
The game works but with boxy placeholder graphics. Art isnt ready for a trailer yet.
Keep working at it Anon. Back before I dropped out I did programming and hardware. So I know how frustrating it can be sometimes. Fix one thing and you accidentally break another. Hope it goes well.
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Sometimes I think I'm being too ambitious with my first game. I should save the most advanced and resource intense shit for a sequel, right?
Depends. You want to push yourself a bit to make a good game but you might want to leave experimental things for a sequal. It gives you time to get comfortable with what you can and can't do and hopefully will allow you to get a good foundation to build off of later.
Yeah what this >>2132 anon said, but you also need to break into the market. Your first priority is how will you sell your game. There are many games that go into the market without any announcement at all.
There is also a need for testers to ensure it plays how it should play. As you are testing and playing you become more skilled at it as well altering your perception of what is easy, and difficult.
I'd say you are well on your way to achieving it. So what happens after you have the money from this game? What happens in the worst case situation?
2135 2136
Congratulations Anon! Is there any sort of guide you'd recommend to redpilling a blue-pilled girl or is it just something you have to approach tentatively and by feel?
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There was an older 4chan post about treating wemon like dogs (in a positive way) that I believe is pretty accurate for initially picking up one. If I had it I'd post it. The way I was able to do this to my girl was through humor and letting her come to conclusions on her own. Yelling facts and data typically doesn't work on people who aren't already convinced that logic is the end all be all. Don't talk to her about things like this around her friends or family at first either. Females are VERY socially minded creatures even the ones who say they don't care what people think tend to only say that because that's the image they want to hold in their social group and can change depending on the person or people they want to impress. If there are any femanons lurking or reading, I'm sure you could confirm this about many of your friends. The other thing is don't go at her like you know everything, tell her that whatever you tell her about whatey you are redpilling her on she should fact check you. Give her some places to look but don't give her all of them and be ready when she comes back with things from BuzzFeed or unicorn riot or social media or whatever she follows. I say be ready as in don't get mad and understand what she is trying to say. Also, don't use her as an example for being wrong until you feel she is comfortable with you and can take a bit of criticizm until then use "friends" of hers. You'll know the ones, the ones she will complain about being bitches and whores, the ones that "always get their way" and are "prettier than her" or something. Girls are always trying to become the alpha of their group by social manipulation even if they don't know it. And that balance is always shifting try to listen for that and use examples from there. If things are relateable they will understand better. The race question should be approached more like, "well okay maybe you are right, race may not be everything. But it's certainly not nothing." Which I believe most anons actually feel. Just being able to have the discussion without sperging from either side is a win. The other bit is just exposure like I said I lived in a ghetto so I had a very good grasp on """urban culture""" and would occasionally use terms in jokes, if she didn't know them I'd explain the term and it's origin along with examples of how it's used like you would teaching a child new words. Eventually the sheer amount of terms she checked after me gave her some idea of what """urban culture""" is like. And also, this may seem a bit contradictory, but if she has family who are gay/trans and or another race ask about them. If they seem like decent people treat them like it. And over time ask about behaviors and childhood and make small connections as to why they act so different from everyone else.

These aren't every day talking points just things you can do now and then. And will vary from person to person. Just remember not to give up or ruin a relationship over redpilling too fast. But the biggest thing you can possibly have is confidence. Honest confidence. If you don't have that then fake it till you make it! If you think you are right don't get mad just maintain your stance. Don't be afraid to tell her NO but don't tell her no all the time either. Be a leader. Not a tyrant.

Oh, and take time out of your day to actually do stuff she likes to do even if you don't want to and try to get her interested in your hobbies too. Only reason I started my 40k army was because I told her about Warhammer a few times and she went out and bought models and a rulebook for herself after learning a bit about it. Oh and get a lifestyle. As I implied in the OP I've become more of a country survivalist type. Its just what I viewed as being a real man. And even though I haven't reached that quite yet it's something I strive for. Being a beefhead with rippling muscles isn't as attractive to many females as you might think. Just like bimbos and thots are to males. I know this last bit got a little off the redpill topic but it's still important information.
Of any anons have a guide about this topic feel free to post them. I can only give my personal experience and I am no expert. I just know what worked for me.
I finally found it.
manipulate girls.png
Aw shit i have that one saved here
Here's two more.

It tastes like r9k shit tho
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Another 2 year update horsefuckers and /pol/acks! I'm back again. And I see there have only been a few posts since my original post and its update.

As I had originally stated in the update, I had intended on going to trade school to increase my skillset. Well I'm happy to inform you all I will be graduating tech school this year as a HVAC Tech (Air-conditioning and refrigeration basically) and I have already received my Electrical Certification, EPA certification, 410a Certification (pretty much worthless), as well as my AC certification.

I have since moved EVEN DEEPER into Dixie and live in a apartment with my Ex-Leftist gf while we work on finding better living accommodations, mainly land is what we are after. I unfortunately haven't been maintaining my bushcraft skills since moving into a suburban area again but I have made a few new friends in my area that have skills that I am more than interested in dabbling in that loosely fit into that criteria (fishing, farming, and oddly enough Blacksmithing and Black-powder firearms).

Posting this to hopefully see some improvements from other Anons.

>pic related is/was the first AR-15 I built 2 years ago.
also, yes I am very aware the optic I have on this old picture is pretty airsoft tier. This was almost two years ago.
welcome back partner.jpg
good to be back anon. Have you improved yourself today?
I'm on it.