Quite possibly the best musical of all time, because it is and REMAINS based on mementum, and it's growing
>what the fuck are you talking aboutEpic the Musical is a (duh) musical based on the Odyssey by Homer
The meta behind it is impressive in it's own right, the whole of it is spectacular.
But that's not where it shines. The core of it is that aside from the audio files (audiophiles? :3) its entirely web-based. No one was (on an official level) contracted to produce animatics, and it's all subject to interpretation based on audio.
And so, you find yourself with a melting pot of autists trying to outdo themselves. And it is made better with every stroke.
https://youtu.be/sHyL528ZuBY?si=0hV3mnFjIy3B5oYW [Embed]If you're not into musicals, fuck off. This is a niche-thread, so it won't get much, other than me and other ppl sperging about how OMFG THIS.
There's so many themes to be extrapolated. My preference is "Ruthlessness is Mercy Upon Ourselves". But again, it's the animatic artist reinterpretations that make this a dynamic thing. It continues to evolve, as opposed to previous where the script was written, weeks of rehearsals,...
The game is changing
Let's start with the basics.
Odysseus enters into the "Iliad" as a righteous king. We can parse specifics later, but he's a righteous king.
But he is a king who reigns over a small place under a tyrrannical dictator who IS petty enough to kill all of Odysseus' people.
And so, to war. None of this is desired, this is the result of one man's unchecked pride. And still, all of Ithaca, under their leader goes to war.
And wins. Inconceivably, but under questionable context, the Odyssey is a parable/zen-koan about the nature of responsibility and the consiquences of irresponsibility. Enjoy
>>8496The song is a bit off-key.
>>8497Timestamp? Cuz otherwise you're not only wrong but also artificial and prone to fraternizing with others of the same gender
>>8497To absolutely NO ONE'S surprise, not only is this post/poster both inauthentic and declining heterosexuality, but in this particular case has zero comprehension of musicality, as of all the criticisms one could levy against this song, 'a bit off key' is the furthest from the truth, excepting one who is wilfully being dishonest/misrepresenting.
>>8499No need to be controversial poner. No everypony has a musical ear.
>>8500What's with the back-tracking? You made the claim, go ahead and validate it.
>not everyone has a musical earAnd not everyone decided to make a back-assward claim and then flail like a bitch, that's just (you)
>>8501I've got dubs. Just saying.
>>8502>I have nothing to say except to cite digits on the slowest fucking board imaginableThank you for the confirmation
>>8503Do not confuse politeness with conceding ground.
>>8504You already admitted you haven't any ground to concede. This isn't even a discussion, I don't know what your aim is, but if it's to look foolish, by all means continue.
>>8505>I don't know what your aimThe singing is off-key. Remember?
>>8415Odyssey: Shit hits the fan what do?
Also the musical is 10/10 nice find.
Top song that just clicks is the Sirens and the final song.
The parody of modern love songs top notch.
But each song and leit-motifs embodies the journey and characters well.
Both emotionally and physically.
Pol-kun with his open arms song I think is the vital heart that changes Ody-san and Athena.
Proving friendship is magic.
How? The badass has a tiny flaw, he doesn't yet know the right amount of velvet to an iron fist or iron to the velvet cover.
Athena, is a weaboo strategy neet. After being cock slapped for being a shutin goes and learns that strategy isn't the end all be all, it's a means to an end. That end being friendship.
Thus best grill goes to the wifey while is no hooves didn't need to learn a lesson.