>>8259>COVID tests that people are shoving up their nosesNobody is really doing that anymore. The pandemic is over.
>>8262Whatever you want to call it. It's over. Nobody is talking about it anymore.
This is old news.
>>8263>It's over.Not quite, the political leaders who allowed the scam, the police who enforced it with violence, the doctors and nurses who played along because of the sweet money, the managers who retaliated against anyone not compliant, the neighbors who directed their hate against those not towing the line; are all still roaming among us without punishment.
Nope, this is not even close to be over.
>>8264Then start shooting bro. Idk what your point is.
>>8265Relax and think about the implications. No matter what anybody thinks or do, what happened is the direct result of a fluoridated/stupidized global population and coming to that realization is a massive black pill. Even (you) are willing to forget the crimes and move over, then, I rest my case.
>to absolutely no one's surprise, the fake and gay nothing-burger thread in fact, to this day remains simultaneously - you guessed it - both fake AND gay
>>8266So start shooting. Be the change you want to see in the world.
>>8268That's psychotic and illegal, fren.
>>8269How do you want people to be "punished" then?
What's your point? Are you trying to accomplish?