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How do we get more users on /ub/?
6368 6370
Political news is a daily dose of pessimism. Something new to hate the enemy for every day. But self improvement is the true secret to happiness. Farming, gardening, jogging, lifting weights, and more.

Feels good to know you are healthier and fitter and more knowledgeable than you were yesterday and tomorrow you will grow even more. Success stories bring joy to yourself and others. It feels good to see pictures of a man's crop yields or hear a man talk about his new greenhouse.

How do we get new users here to focus on cultivating their sick gains and personal growth?
>Political news is a daily dose of pessimism.
If your coat is not thick enough to face daily reality, then definitely you might need /ub/.
Business Dog
6370 6372
>Political news is a daily dose of pessimism.
It can be, especially when staring at it as though it were an unfolding unstoppable train wreck. Nevertheless, important to know within sensible limits. It's a part of every strong and righteous stallion's (and other males') life.

>But self improvement is the true secret to happiness.
I like the way you think, especially since one can then better inspire and help others along as well.

>a man's...
Well, I'm a male dog, a lot of us here are almost certainly pony stallions and some of those running this board may be wolf or dogs as well. :3

>How do we get new users here to focus on cultivating their sick gains and personal growth?
Not sure, looking forward to ideas from others. There are lots of ways and aspects of personal growth, not just lifting or fetching.
However personally, I've decided to start posting here because I've been lurking on and off for a few years due to Aryan and down-to-earth marepussy, but then myself witnessed a reduction in users and became a bit unnerved due to the attacks on other good boards. What ''really'' got me posting here was the (((parasites))) moving in and trying to convince those who're still here that this place "is dying", to try and demoralise them. I enjoy being a jerk like that, heheh. :3

Therefore, I'll slowly start putting together some of my own experiences and infographics, guides, etc. on various subjects and post them here, instead of my own board that I've been working on. Once my own board's ready, I'll just copy/paste my stuff over.
New content might inspire new or old stallions, people and animals to post more on here.

Probably the first thing I'll put together in the next few days or so is my own personal experience with naturally boosting my testosterone.
We can guess why testosterone is under attack by the enemy, and the attacks have even worked on me as well. Over the years, my glorious nuts shrank down to small squishy grapes that ended up getting "lost" inside me, much to my horror one morning, and I had to carefully squish them back out again.

Keep watching /ub/ for my journey from neutered mutt, back to strong male fully-endowed shepherd dog. That's a "personal growth" story too! :3
6371 6372 6376
>Political news is a daily dose of pessimism.
Not sure how to take this but it bothers me a lot.
This board is /mlpol/ , not /mpl/, so mixed content is expected. Imagine if a group of anons begin complaining about pone posting.
>What ''really'' got me posting here was the (((parasites))) moving in and trying to convince those who're still here that this place "is dying"
Actually is already dead, two of three snowflakes got a meltdown because their poneposting was not getting on the top /overboard/ and the staff joined them. From this point everything begun to fall apart as the community was attacked from within and by the ponyfags against the polacks. Now it is too late, the damage is irreversible and the OP of this thread tells me that they still on the same destructive course.
I'm leaving too. It was a good ride. Good luck faggots.
Business Dog
Sounds like you need more testosterone. I should have something posted in a few days.
## Mod
You keep saying you are leaving, but you never actually do. You certainly like to make it seem there is a larger problem than there is. But if you insist there is, or if you want attention, please use /qa/ and direct any questions or complaints to staff there so that this thread won't be further derailed. Thank you.

Sounds like fun. Can't wait to see it.
Do you like potatoes? I like potatoes. What's the secret to growing good potato yields?
>already dead
>too late
>damage is irreversible
Then fucking leave. What business do you have complaining on a "dead" board.
>same destructive course
Destroying what? I thought it was already dead.
>I'm leaving too.
Actually leave this time, and stop whining about it.