I'm looking for "supplements" that will help me build muscle or burn fat. I've heard good things about peptides. Does anyone know where I could get them or what peptides I should use?
Stick to healthy food and lift moar.
Why to become a freak with an unnatural body?
>>2635Peptides are based though.
>>2631Lots of people swear by creatine, which is not terribly expensive.
I know that back before all the gyms got shut down for the Wubonic Plague, and back before I ran into some health problems that keep me from lifting, I was taking 2-3 grams of creatine each morning with breakfast and it really did seem to help with my gains--more, maybe, because it seemed to help my endurance, seemed to help me do more reps, than with any kind of stimulating muscle growth over and above what I was getting with free weights.
The best "supplements" for what you seem to be looking for are a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. Lots of people seem to get good results with creatine too, and it's worth investigating, but start with the basics. More protein in your diet and less sugar and starch. Curls and presses with good form. Good food for breakfast--it IS the most important meal of the day, and it's too important to be Froot Loops and a cup of coffee. Cut down on the caffeine and the soda and the junk food. Get more fresh vegetables and more lean protein. Everything else follows from that basis.
Is it true that energy drinks actually fuck up your attention span, patience, testosterone, and willpower over time?
>>2631Time to buy sum branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) powder.
> burn fatI have heard that coconut oil and arginine might help
>>2666Yes. Just look at all those additives and carbs it contains. Coffee/Tea is much healthier. If you want supplements for muh more energy, try vitamin C, taurine or arginine. Also, remember to stay hydrated.