>>2475>bigbirdbutthatsjustslaverywithextrasteps.pngBasically banking/investment with minimal steps.
Although you do have to do some work getting it all set up and be nice and easy if that's the goal.>>2473Right now you have 2000 in tradeable Time/Space/Hardwork. The obvious thing is to get something that provides more Time/Space/Hardwork.
Take the humble house plant, this one for example grows tomatoes.
It needs four things.
Water, Sunlight, Good Soil, and not getting fucked up by other shit.
Each of those has a cost to them. In Time, Space, and Hardwork.
So you have the plant and now it's eating into your funds.
One thing you can do is sell its fruits.
If the amount gained by selling the fruits exceeds the cost of having the plant you can do this 'forver' (if the price NEVER changes).
You are using your Time and Space and Hardwork to harvest it and take care of it.
If the plant provides even more (or the price is greater) you can be the 'middleman' and hire someone to do the task for you.
The Plant, harvester, and market (the buyers) are who you are getting more Time/Space/Hardwork stuff from.
The harvester gets a cut of the Time/Space/Hardwork stuff, and you get some more for seniority and possible experience (whatever, the little things can add up, being nice at least not a dick is a 'free' service that pays off in the long run). Maybe even social interaction. Maybe he is doing the work so you teach him what your secrets are for having a successful plant (that might be part of his price).
If not does the plant provide worth in other aspects? For you, or for others?
Can you sell that aspect for others making it of interest? (Yes, yes you can.) (To market in this hypothetical name each of the plants and give it a smiley face tag, make a video series about these plants, detail the life and trials they go through. The story. The little things no one really considers. Some random bullshit.)
Now the big question is if this is a positive, negative, or neutral sum game. In reality it's a mix of all of them.
Positive sum, is when you do a thing and everything is better for it. Everyone wins.
Negative sum, is everything is where everyone is a loser.
Neutral sum, is it shuffles around a bit but nothing happens, it's sustainable.
Corps and how they drain you dry: They have one main goal to make money (Time/Space/Hardwork and accumulate it). The question is how ethical do they want to be with it? The answer should be to the fullest extent, but...
The shitbag company makes bags of fertilizer. They also give zero fucks about anyone. Fully fucked in the head. They play a simple game.
Positive sum going inward and upward
only. If the peons get anything whatever. If the market gets anything whatever.
The fullest extent is to maximize the positive sum in one direction. The fewer metrics they use (indentured servant happiness, how much the average payer will pay ect ) the more immoral they act.
If they use ALL the metrics everywhere it's not necessarily good, but it's at least not bad. (PublicRelations is also another currency they deal in.)
The fewer competitors the less they have to spend over Time, and Space, and Hardwork competing.
Politics is just another branch and market to break into.
>okay whatever I have 2000 intergalactic space mumbo jumbo so what?You can trade something small for something bigger/better.
Remember Sell High Buy Low.
Now various circumstances can push people to buy High for any number of reasons. Maybe a Time constraint, or a Space constraint, or a Hardwork constraint.
Whatever it is it's a Problem and you have their Solution.
What you want can be different. It can be Time/Space/Hardwork, their friendship, loyality whatever.
Most of the time you can get just about everything at once.
Reciprocity is one hell of a drug. "I'm sure you would have done the same thing for me."
Many many people like perfectly legal drugs, such has the warm fuzzy feeling of removing their debt, and the cold creeping itching that keeps them up wondering about the guy that helped them once. What if at some point they could help that guy somehow...
Bam, you got 'em. Now is it ethical?
Ehhhh, kinda sorta. Talking at all is kinda sorta ethical most of the time. They get a burst of neuro chemical stuff for being a good person and you get something too.
Is it worth it?
If they paid for it then yes.