>>1751It entirely depends on your geographical area/climate. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Squash, Corn, are relatively easy to grow (just make sure they get enough but not too much water), but get yourself a spray containing NEEM oil to keep down pests. Also, try to get heirloom seeds.
Gardening is so based and redpilled. I tried it out of curiosity and I am hooked.
It is the most stress-free thing you can do plus you get high quality stuff to eat, safe money and it is fullfilling.
Here is how I started:
I read somewhere that you can just bury vegetables that grew little twigs (onions, garlic, potatoes) and they will bloom into new plants. Once the grow that shit they taste shit anyways so I tried. Dig a hole, bury them, water them, profit.
Then I bought some seeds and basically did the same. It works. It is better.
You should taste some homegrown tomatoes! Shit's insane and the industry food is not even close in terms of taste.
>>1765Gardening also is one of those practices that encourage the individual to develop themselves psychologically. It operates on the same principle as 'clean your room'.
And you're goddamn right about homegrown tomatoes. There's no comparison.
>>1766You can learn so fucking much too. The fucking rate at which beans grow and cling to the poles. Shit is bonkers.
It is not only the plants that grow, it is you.
Made my first experiences and now I want to plant some wheat, just like they did fucking 10000 years ago and I want to mill it and make my own fucking break from nothing but wheat and salt and water.
btw I love that primitive technology guy
I have a theory.
So the chins have a certain nature to them (like the chaotic nature and the navigation) that basically makes these sites inaccessible to anyone with like IQ 90 or lower, which means that these sites tend towards the higher IQ spectrum.
The problem is that guys that often have the tendency to become lopsided. Like IQ is everything and you can solve everything with your intellect alone, but that is not the case. Getting out there, seeing, learning, fresh air and physical work is something people like that often lack.
Any thoughts on my theory?
>>1768That's faggot talk used by brainlets to make themselves feel better about not understanding anything, and used by jews to pat those brainlets on the head and say "It's okay, kids. Going out and seeing things and doing drugs makes you a more complete person than those miserable old smart assholes".
>>1769Its important to train both the body and mind, anon.
>>1769Doing some excercise is better than just shitposting non-stop. I am not arguing against intellectual stimulation but arguing against neglect of the physical self.
>>1751My recommendation for gardening is to stick with something simple and easy, and don't go in too far over your head. Be prepared to do the work to maintain the garden you've made and consider the returns on investment proportional to the work/money you put into it. I've done a lot of gardening work for women who insisted on putting down exotic plants and trees that didn't yield any crop and were a pain to maintain.
>>1769Smoking meth is based though.
I planted onions today. Two rows of 10... If they're all harvested in the same month I'll have way more than I need, but that's how many were in the packet. WTF am I gonna do with them, assuming they survive?
>>6642>WTF am I gonna do with them, assuming they survive?You can pickle them, make your own onion powder, share them with your family and neighbors, or just feed the excess to any animals you might have. If you want to be really conservative about it, you could save the scraps with roots and replant them.
All that or you can post pics of your glorious onions for anons to admire and be lavished in (You)s. It might even inspire other autists to go outside and be productive.
>>6643I haven't been outside in years.