First off, I want to say thank you /ub/ for all the encouragement you gave me in my last post. I'd link that shit but I'm a newfag. It was Sixth Sense. I've gotten better I'm only fapping once every 3 days instead of twice every day. I feel like a new man! So thanks guys!
But on the more pressing matters, I had a small fling with this chubby girl nothing serious I've never had sex with her anything. I like her but I like her as a friend. Nothing more. I've been wanting to work up the courage to try and find an actual girlfriend for myself, the very least make a new friend. When I was at the store, there was this girl I was smoking a cigarette and she recognized me from high school. She told me that when she first moved down here I had talked with her kind of helped her open up and get to know people and she thanked me for it. I was kind of embarrassed and caught on the spot and general autism kicked in cuz I couldn't remember her and I'm not good with talking with people especially girls. The more I thought about it, I'd like to get to know her. I don't know if she has a boyfriend girlfriend or whatever the fuck people have nowadays. I just know I kind of have a crush on the girl and wanted to know if any of you could you know help me again?
>>1567Well I wasn't going to have sex with the chubby girl. I found this new one and I like her. The chubby one is too emotional. Like very emotional. Mood changes so much
>>1568>Well I wasn't going to have sex with the chubby girl.Well, it looks like no matter if she is ugly, sick or maimed, you are going to fuck ANY hole with legs.
Neediness will never listen to reason.
>>1568>too emotional>like, very emotionalThe fact that you understand that even now, with such limited contact with her tells me that an attempt to form a romantic relationship with her is not going to end well. Having said that, try to be friends with her. Just friends. After a while, you may know enough about her to make a reasonable and informed decision
>>1566>The more I thought about it, I'd like to get to know her. I don't know […]Well, you already blew your first shot by not taking advantage of the last interaction. How regularly do you expect to see her?
For those in the audienceWhat you should try to do 'next time' (as in, the next time some random chick recognizes you and walks up to talk to you) is as follows. It doesn't matter if you remember her or not, in fact its kind of good if you don't.
As soon as you determine that you find her attractive (it literally takes seconds to process in a dude's brain), ask to meet up with her sometime and someplace casual. Since the context was you hadn't seen her in a long time, "catching up" would make for a perfect excuse. Don't do it immediately, ask progressive questions like "What brings you here?" (it doesn't matter if the answer to the question is obvious) and other shit to maintain a solid (but casual) conversation. Then be like (even if its a lie) "I have some errands I'm in the middle of, but let's meet up for lunch in a few days."
Note the phrasing. Its technically a request, but its phrased like a statement.
Important noteStay calm and talk slowly. Its much better to stutter a few words cuz nerves than it is to spill your spaghetti.
>>1572Is there any hope for me? I talked with the new chick a little bit She caught me off guard the first time. But I did talk with her. She knows my name and I know hers. She works at a local conveyance store as a cook.
>>1573>Is there any hope for me?Sure, but not before you assimilate the videos of Sandman and Turd Flinging Monkey the confront those THOTS with the proper attitude. >>1569The point is getting practice in interaction with females non-seriously. Platonic relationships with women of non-marriageable material, even of other races, can be valuable in knowing how the fairer sex thinks. Jumping right in with an attractive woman may be counterproductive as you're unlikely to get her back if you drive her away, reducing your chances.
>>1575>Platonic relationships with womenThis is sure recipe for frustration and anguish.
A man can never be a friend of a woman if he wants to fuck her. On the contrary, demonstrating her that she is of less value than you, treating her like shit, showing contempt for her, among many other tactics will make her feel insecure, which translates in a sudden interest for you.
The next step in this sexual innuendo will be that she will "Shit Test" OP thoroughly, and OP must firmly "Keep Frame" the pass to the next level.
Of course, there are more steps and variants, I suggest OP to study this knowledge called "Red Pill" technology for sexual strategy success if he wants to get close to be a pussy slayer. Still a lot of mixed signals. Little worried I'll embarrass myself and more importantly that I would embarrass her. It wouldn't be the first time.
Thanks for your help guys.
>>1579>and more importantly that I would embarrass her.If you know how outrageous is that sentence. The fact that you put her well being over yours is disgusting and the clearest sign that you are under the bluepill spell.
>>1580>The fact that you put her well being over yours is disgusting and the clearest sign that you are under the bluepill spell.I guess I'm bluepilled then. Well shit! So...when the dream start? Hmm? Where's my mansion and all my free stuff? Why do I have to keep working and barely make ends meet?
Starting to think this was a waste of time.
>>1581I'm not sure if you are still OP but let me dissect your train of thought.
>So…when the dream start?Not a dream dude, this thread is about to put a dick into a vagina. Plain, simple, and dirty.
>Where's my mansion and all my free stuff?Are you a woman?
>Why do I have to keep working and barely make ends meet?Because you want to avoid the pain of starvation. How hard is that to understand?
>>1581>Starting to think this was a waste of time.Most likely, you came here for answers, but because you are unwilling to move your ass, then you dismiss them as not worthy. Your choice, your loss.
It sounds to me like masochism is your flavor.
>>1584Guess it true. Nice guys finish last...
>>1584Of all the post this sticks with me the most.
>>1586And after you know better about women, the following video will nail it, no doubts.
>>1586Yup. But that is the nigger's way.
I found a video describing the Whites' way, scientifically explained.
>Hacking Hypergamy [Embed] >>1583There are a lot of faggots like that, who think being told how to fix their shit is the same as putting that knowledge into practice and fixing their own shit.
>>2367>There are a lot of faggots like thatSadly they learn the hard way, and sometimes is the hardest.
>>2368Aye. They like to pretend that if hearing advice doesn't fix everything, it's the advice that's to blame rather than them or their habits.
>Politically Incorrect Advice for Young Men (Updated)>What I wish I knew when I was 21. (I am 71 now.)>Avoid women who exhibit any of the four-C's: compete, control, criticize or complain. >Avoid women who are overachievers or neurotic. Don't get hung up on unavailable women. >They're not as special as they think. Choose a wife who complements you and is a good companion. >Choose one who will be a good mother.", I don't think such a woman exists today, but allow me to post this in the name of an ideal forever gone.
I can say that, today most of women aren't worth relationships. Ones who would stick without cause of true love I would say don't exist, but it is just that they are very rare.
So if you don't know how to play dating game just focus on your self improvement to get at least 2 of 3 sixes: six figure salary and six pack. Also remember your are the prize! If you work good on yourself and won't be totally socially retarded you will get girls. Possibly with girls approaching you and fighting for you.
To get more socially intelegant, be confident in yourself and don't be afraid to go to events, best is if you can go with friends
Don't be afraid also to observe how other people interact. So observe and learn, plius don't be afraid if you fail to make friends or get girls when going out that night try to think back and analyse if you made mistakes. Be those mistakes how you looked (clothing, figure); maybe your hygiene was bad (unleaned teeth, bad breath, general smell); maybe your approaching was bad.
And from /pol/ history. Remember nothing is beyond reach if you put enough effort and thought to it. Just keep working and don't give up
>>5484Is this right? I mean, I know we meme a lot about this simplistic motivation and goal when it's called or up this sort of degree, bit it's hard to imagine a person being this pathetic.
I don't really interact with people irl on this level or on this set of subjects, so I've never encountered anyone actually saying this. Are there any real world examples of the meme being proven to be literally true, like the cuck meme is?
>>6842The article was written by the notorious faggot Andrew Anglin. I wouldn't trust the guy with my car keys if he were under 24/7 video surveillance. Furthermore, he's literally just quoting his side of an argument without further context. Not even screencaps of his own side of it, which would have been a start. He's just venting about some nothingburger argument he had with someone.
>>6843Yeah, he's a faggot. It's almost confirmed he's controlled opposition too. But I still think he made some good points.
Only thing is, money actually makes it harder for you to score a worthwhile relationship. You're obviously going to attract gold-diggers. It was a pretty stupid example.
>>6844Not only does money make you the potential target of gold diggers, but the vast majority of what makes a man rich in the modern world is industry connections and rich family. The few who actually innovate aren't exactly known for being well adjusted or mentally-fit people either; naming Hollyweird people like Johnny Depp and Ben Affleck only makes that clearer.
The obvious "secret method" he alludes to, is to select for better people to be around, and not spend your time idolizing the concept of women and chomp at the bit to get shacked. You have to actually know, intuitively understand, respect and love your wife if you want a marriage to last. I can say as the kid of divorced parents, there was no love and neither of them really respected one another. One wanted to change the other like the obnoxious evangelical she was, and the other just wanted someone to clean the house and the occasional fuckbuddy as a status symbol as he kept up with the Joneses with his fancy cars and watches. That's not love.
>>6845And speaking of respect, this idea that anyone who "defends women" -- i.e. tells men that they're encouraging bad behavior, picking bad partners, and generally being children -- is just a simp who deserves no respect or honest discussion is unhelpful in the extreme. People like Anglin will die alone shouting at the clouds, and they want you to be lonely and angry too, so you can be one of the cool kids who hates women just like the faggots do. Frankly it's disgusting.
>>6844>Only thing is, money actually makes it harder for you to score a worthwhile relationship. You're obviously going to attract gold-diggers.This is only really true if you're ultra-rich. If you're middle class you'll attract normal women in your class.
It is true what women instinctively prefer men that can provide for them in addition to being able to support families with decent lifestyles. Being extremely rich might attract vampires who only want you for your money, but being moderately middle class is fine. You'll have better luck forming a relationship with a woman if you can convince her that if she married you she'll have a roof over her head and her children will be able to eat, so you're better off than being flat broke.
>>6847>>6845I concur. But I got nothing to add. Perhaps that am getting used to the pendulum swings. As tiresome as they may be.
ID changed too. I'm the same anon as
>>6844>>1566>Girls girls grillsRelated. And how looks matter a lot.