Why is it that when site aspects are changed quitely with little-to-no user input there's rarely any controversy, but when a user makes a thread here to voice legitimate concerns and hear the site's opinions or start conversations about potential changes a bunch of users are suddenly on edge about "subversion"?
Legit quastion. We weren't always like this; we used to talk about the present state and future of the site casually without this level of paranoia. How can we fix the increasingly hostile atmosphere on this board?
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>>7138>as if nobody wanted to take my placeThank you very much poner.
I wish bread posters would have enough autism as Flat Earth's OP.
Wow, back-handed compliments.
A wonder that all of former staff is adversarial to to the site
>>7138There have been threads that have called for building teams to make content and they have largely fallen off, only interested in the results and not participation. This is simply the nature of most users. You don't get to summon replacements; they are encouraged to join or form out of being previously an observer. I can attest to this in my own failure of my video project. I am now stuck trying to do it myself as no one was going to volunteer as I need to prove the project and inspire participation. Until I can do that, no one will join.
This is the impact of community driven content. Since we aren't large, you don't get easy replacements because the reality is that only a tiny percent will make content, and a tiny percent of a tiny base means not many options.
>>7141Tbh, I don't make even one tenth as many posts/threads as I used to back in 2017, or even half as many as I did as recently as 2020. I could always get back to it, but I've had so much on my plate in meatspace lately and it feels like I'm tired all of the time...
I was never a huge content creator on 4chan, but i tried to be on /mlpol/ because I wanted to site to stay alive. At some point I was so desperate that I sockpuppeted entire conversations (yeah, it was super cringe in hindsight), or copy-pasted hundreds threads and distilled comments/arguments/jokes from 4chan, but I only ever wanted to get the ball rolling so that other anons would pick it up and I could finally be the lurker I wanted to be... It's a bit selfish, but I'm not the same tireless shitposter I was back in 2017...
If i felt like there were more posters making things themselves, i'd feel encouraged to pick things up, I guess.
I had that west marches pathfinder project I wanted to dedicate to this board, although posters didn't show as much initial interest as I hoped, and life got in the way of planning it... I'm still working on it, but it's slow.
>>7142It is perfectly understandable. You can't work at full steam all the time, and things have been discouraging as of late. However, I feel you have discounted the userbase too easily. Though they are slow to make more content, they come out of the woodwork when it counts. We just need to stick around for when they do.
>>7143>We just need to stick around for when they do.At least post some more random ponies in the meantime.
>>7143>keep 'this' up until they 'do'Assuming that when they 'do', their position has changed,(previously noted as "fuck /pol/, fuck /mlpol/' on the /mlp/ side, and 'fuck /mlp/, fuck /mlpol/' on the /mlp/ side)
what exactly are you waiting for?
Dont answer, it was rhetorical.
>>7143I believe that to be true.
>>7142>EverythingI feel those feels as well.