It is I, Pupper, and I am doing a complete rewrite of the code, and wanted to get some input from you dear Anons on what wishes you have. My hope is to make the site more robust and userfriendly, and succeed on both these goals (or at leas not make it worse).
But before I get too far into the new code I thought I'd open up for input on features and improvements you want to see. It is still early in development and it is therefor still easy to change things before I weer of into a wrong direction and paint me into a corner. I am not planning on changing the overall look or function of the site just improving on what we have.
If you got any ideas, suggestions, grievances or fun jokes I am happy to hear them all. Developing something without knowing what you guys want can easily end in sorrow, so I want to avoid that with this preemptive strike asking for what you want to see.
I am looking forward to your input and I will note it all down (in this thread) and us it as help when developing the new code. I am not sure when the new code will be complete so I can sadly not make any promises in that regard, but I can promise I have begun with the rewrite.
- Pupper
[Read more] 83 replies and 31 files omitted.
>>4560>I am doing a complete rewrite of the codeDoes this mean NPFChan current version is going to be unmaintained and deprecated soon?
t. anon who is thinking about adding custom features to a imageboard and hosting one
>>4560Oh yeah, when you expand a quick reply window you can shrink it vertically, but not horizontally. I know it's a bit 11th hour, but that's always bugged me a bit and if you could patch it that would be much appreciated.
>>4928Sorry for late reply. Sadly I have to say NPFChan is currently not being further developed upon by me. Much of the expansions I made to the code I would not say were optimally included as I had to conform to what the code already did and squeeze my patches in there. So starting from a clean slate was a much better prospect for me going forward.
>>4930>Oh yeah, when you expand a quick reply window you can shrink it vertically, but not horizontally.This is an error I am aware of and share your feelings about it, and I have fixed in new version. All the JavaScript is created from scratch for the new codebase and hopefully fixes all problems/shortcomings
(and don't introduce new ones).
Is the code done and in the process of integration, or what?
>>4947Doing the finishing touches and getting all the functions working. Then I will get people on staff do some testing and give feedback. When all this is done (or while this is being done) I have to write some code to get all the data into the new database structure. I have chosen to wait with creating the Archive as it isn't an priority at the moment.
But long story short, we're closing in on the end.
>>4948Okay. I recently noticed an issue where when you link to another thread and you're using the last 50 posts button, clicking on the link to the other thread will result in a 404. Not sure if that's been fixed in the new version, but thank you for all of your hard work friend.
>>4949I know about the problem, and it is fixed in the new code. The reason this happens is that the "Last 50 post" page isn't generated unless there is 50 replies, and when you are on a "Last 50 posts" page it only links to other "Last 50 posts" pages, or assumes all pages have a "Last 50 post" kind of page, so links to new Thread will result in an 404. (To use a long way, and some bad sentence building, to explain it)
>>4951You can post pdf files even if they are disabled in the config files. Any fix for this?
hi, how do you make a youtube appear with the [embed] link after it like lynxchan? Is it css or Java? Thanks
>>4976I have beta of code running on a test server so ironing out kinks and adding functionality needed. And I still have to work out moving all the current data to new database too so hopefully that won't take too long. Motivation unfortunately also plays in on when it will be completed, not every day I am motivated to mess around with the code.
>>4977>not every day I am motivated to mess around with the code.Checked.
Better to wait, to fix bugs is a downer.
Are you going to fix the bug where people can make Empty Posts?
Just like that, by clicking New Reply with an empty text box, it's possible to create an Empty Post.
Some asshole could probably fill a thread with shittons of empty posts to make it hit post limit, permanently locking it.
You could fix this by making all posts require a minimum of 1 letter before they can be posted.
That way someone could still do the whole "One letter per post" thing so people can still press F to pay respects while saying nothing else.
>>4981I don't think it should be removed. It can be funny in moderation, and we already have a report feature for if people are spamming it.
>>4982You're right.
Can mods unlock threads that have reached the post limit?
>>4983>Can mods unlock threads that have reached the post limit?There is a bug in the current code that results in threads that reach 1000 replies starts bumping again. I am not sure I will add this bug to new code or add functionality to keep certain (un-pinned) threads be without bumplimit as it is an edge case.
>>4979>>4982As of now the new code don't allow blankposting, but if it is a desire for it and after talking to staff they want it too it can easily be changed.
>>4984Will the current archived threads remain intact in the new code, or is it time to panic and begin manually archiving all of the threads I want to revisit?
>>4985I will not move to new code until all threads (current and archived) are moved to it and functioning. So no need to worry. I just hope that this won't be a big task and delay moving to new code too long. I have to admit I haven't started looking into the movement yet. Thought it was best to wait until I had the entire new database structure hammered out and set in stone.
Could a built-in "Post polls with designated time limits attached to posts" system be added to the site?
The bottom of every thread has a clickable "Auto-Refresh" thing you can click to turn auto-refreshing off. Could one of those be added to the top of threads, too?
It would make viewing the site in mobile mode more convenient since you wouldn't need to scroll to the bottom before you can turn off auto-refreshing.
A Mobile Mode that hides all images by default to increase load times would also be great, but then again I could see shill bastards turning that on so they don't have to look at horse pussy. Maybe add the ability to flag your images as "Load no matter what, even in mobile mode".
>>5018>Could a built-in "Post polls with designated time limits attached to posts" system be added to the site?It would be possible, but not in any plans at the moment as there is several 3rd party sites that has all the functionality built in. One solution that might be better and cleaner is to add embedding of, as an example, Strawpoll links like for YouTube videos.
>The bottom of every thread has a clickable "Auto-Refresh" thing you can click to turn auto-refreshing off. Could one of those be added to the top of threads, too?>It would make viewing the site in mobile mode more convenient since you wouldn't need to scroll to the bottom before you can turn off auto-refreshing.I will add this functionality to the new code. But if you want to turn it off for all threads there is an option in the [Options] menu to turn off Auto update by default.
>A Mobile Mode that hides all images by default to increase load times I'll look into this as of now there is just an simple "hide all images" (still loading them). I will look into changing that code to not load unless revealed. An option to "Load no matter what, even in mobile mode" I don't think I will put in any work to do because it will add an extra flag to keep track of and would add unnecessary complexity that two lines of custom JS would render useless.
[Read more] [Go to bottom] on mobile doesn’t work.
t. iShit.
But mobile has quick reply box so that’s a bonus.
>>5025>[Go to bottom] on mobile doesn’t work.Looks like Apple chose to do their own thing, since iOS 8, and break RFC 1738. And because they are as big as Microsoft was during the IE era (especially on mobile) they get away with it with good help from kool-aid and fanboys. I'll do some testing and try to implement the workaround to force Apple to acknowledge there is an Anchor link in the URL.
( )
>>5026Thank you for answering, and good luck on the workaround.
Also, fuck apple.
Hey Pupper, i've noticed a Bug. the "Go to top" Button at the bottom of the page does nothing,at least it doesn't for me.
>>5030Im Using Chromium based browser.
I don't like that files have a random hash as it's default file name, rather than chronologically increasing numbers. it makes downloading something and leaving it in a file easy because chronologically increasing numbers means files will be chronologically ordered automatically. as of right now, there is no chronological file name if a file has a user-given name making file organization even harder. I don't like it, and want it reversed.
>>5032>there is no chronological file name if a file has a user-given name making file organization even harderI prefer the random name, it makes it harder to our adversaries to keep track of the posts. Also it has the advantage to avoid to rename every file before to post it.
>>5033>post trackingfor all practical proposes a unique hash is hardly different from a unique number. searching either will yield the same results, in finding a specific post. If the date of a post is already listed, a chronological name is worthless. and I genuinely don't understand the second part of your post. I understand the preference. But the minimum I would want is an alternative download method like what 8kun has. But of course, I prefer how /mlpol/ did it like a week ago.
>>5034This reminds me of faggots wanting to dig archived threads. Why would you need to do that?
>>5035never said anything about archives, but as I said. I like how because the files are named sequentially, it makes downloaded files sort chronologically automatically, making file sorting very very easy.
>>4562It is absolutely trippy seeing my post from over a year ago in an active thread.
>>5035Sometimes files get lost and we know we can find them in an archive due to unique filename or unique keywords in certain posts. Like map files, for example. Or a prediction that came true. Or an info dump. Or just lulzy conversations.
>>5029I'll check it, I know some browsers for some reason don't support Anchor links (RFC 1738). Or it could be that they don't like the "Last 50 posts" link format. Does this happen on "View all posts" pages or only "Last N posts" pages?
>>5032>random hash as it's default file nameThe Hash is an hash of the content of the fille so not a random hash. The reason this is done is so we don't have to save multiples of the same file.
>>5034> But the minimum I would want is an alternative download method like what 8kun has. But of course, I prefer how /mlpol/ did it like a week ago.So an link similar to "save as original filename" that downloads and saves files as the timestamp of when the post was made?
>>5038Is it possible to align text to the right? I think I remember seeing it done before but I might also just be mistaken.
>>5043>Is it possible to align text to the right?If you mean like a markup code for right alignment (similar to bold) not at the moment, but I will look into adding it (without breaking too much with css.
Lmao, this is what happens when I click [Embed], then shrink it back down.
>>5045I'll have a look at the javascript to see what might have happened.
Does this happen each time on your browser, or was this a one off? If happens each time what browser do you use?
>>5047Each time. Safari browser.
>>5048I assume it is only on Twitter embeds this happens.
>>5038No The "View all" and "Last n Post" Works fine. its the "Go to top" As well as the "Go to bottom" Buttons.
>>5057I'll do some investigation to see if there is a workaround (I haven't gotten to it yet). Worst case I'll add some javascript that does the scrolling. I assume it is Safari browser (only one I can remember that don't work as of now with the "Go to top/bottom" links).
Just a question, but can I get an ETA for getting the archive back up? Thanks for doing the update btw, it all looks nice
>>5060The old threads can be loaded now, only thing that is missing is a way to browse through them.
Aiming for better than what was, but as an quick fix I can create a list similar to how it was in old code while I work on a better system. So by tomorrow I should be able to have a simple list up and running.
>>5061Thanks m8, I look forward to seeing it! Take a picture, friendo
>>5058Im Using a chromium based browser. Iridium