Hello, /mlpol/ I have a bad habit of starting projects out of the whim and then abandoning them. Sometimes I come back to them and sometimes I don't.
At the same time I have urges to act when I get ideas for new content and projects. When I don't follow them, I feel bad and want to play video games, which I always overdo.
So what I want to ask, how bad would it be if I start project here, maybe get some people hopes up and then abandon it? Maybe it would be better to not share it here at all?
I am interested in political ideologies and phylosphy, writing, drawing, image editing and bit of an coding. The thing is I am not really good in either of those. Well, I am ok with writing but I take my time coming up with ideas.
I am the trash man and I am here to take over your thread
If you're going to lead us on an endeavor in which you you're supposed to be the key player, you'd better suck it up and at least try to deliver.
It depends what you're referring to though..
Is this a good place to dump my OP hate images?
>>49710I abandoned 2 threads of mine so far. Well, technically only 1 but another needs new thread to be made.
First, I still haven't made continuation to prequel of story about Leslie Fair and her newly found sl -friend in anarcho capitalistic pony society.
Mainly because I know very little about it and still reading basic books about how politics work. I find book Wealth of Nations from Adam Smith to be pretty boring.
Also because I would like to improve my small artwork of Leslie so I can include it to new thread.
Second,I made a thread on /cyb/ about bitcoins but discountinued it after I found out that purchasing bitcoins anonymously is huge pain in the ass, especially in my country without ATMs in sight.
>>49715>sagePls, I just want your opinion on this…
>>49716What is the happiness project exactly?
>>49717Thats unrelated to my post. Just thought it would be neat pic to catch attention with. Should've probably mentioned that its unrelated.
>>49718Okay, so what projects are you going to start?
>>49716Well it depends, if you are a key role on the project then it would be really bad if you left.
If you left after the project can take off on its own without your help, then there is really no problem.
What project did you want to start anyway?
>>49716>I just want your opinion on this…Well, I'll just say that it's generally a bad habit to leave people hanging and/or leave things you've started half-done, if said project has already built-up enthusiasm. I welcome all content/contributions, but I'll just say it's best not to imply that you're going to finish something, and then not deliver at all.
I can't say very much though. I too suffer from chronic laziness/procrastination. I keep telling myself that I'm going to shut down warehouses to restart /rwss/, but I've had a hard time finding the time/energy to actually get to it…
I'm not discouraging you from starting new projects, just because you're not sure you'll want to do it later; I'm just saying that, out of principle, it's best to at least try to deliver something, if the community is interested and expecting something. I still encourage you to try new projects, or propose your ideas for them, even if you're not sure if you'll want to follow through in the end. If you contribute enough to start something off, then maybe someone else will even pic up the torch.
Just don't blueball us by making absolutions/promises.
>>49719>>49721>>49722Well, this thread wasn't really about making a new project but since you ask…
Remember that Aryanne CYAO we had once? Well, I don't recall this one being cintinued on either. In other words, it could have been abandoned.
I was thinking why that might have been and only answer I could come up with, is that OP's drawings were such a good quality that they were little too hard to make often. They were more refined, vector-like then what /mlpol/tan usually makes. In fact I think that simpler style could have been sufficient with pics being poster less often. Maybe it was audience of the CYOA who weren't interacting enough, were too shy?
At leasts that my opinion based on my memory of that CYOA.
Now to the new project. I've been thinking something like CYOA but when I was looking for someone who made something like this before, I found it on /qst/. In rules there is that these "quests" as they call it, don't need to contain illustrations to stories.
I got an idea for one such "quest". It would be something akin to empire building quest but in this timeline, its more like civilization building in Equestria.
Story would start with pones starting their first primitive civilization.
At first I would make the quest simple with simple factors to it and later maybe make it more sophisticated if anons would like that way.
Here's the quest I refferenced to. This mainly uses screenshots from FallOut game.
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1426411/Again, I plan to make it simpler than this, at least in early stages.
>>49722>Just don't blueball us by making absolutions/promises.Ok, sounds like good words to go by.
>>49723The pieces of that CYOA were reposted to the Aryanne thread, I think.
Really, if you want to produce content, just drop it here and there. No need for long-term commitments.
In the end starting a project and then abandoning it is as fag-like as it sounds.
>>49724>polygamist having opinions on others' sense of commitment >>49726Yes, there are some parts. That feel when you are hesitant to make story in nazi setting as well because you know so little about it…
>>49727Eh, just wing it if you're too lazy to researc, and you still have the motivation to do it. If it's any good, the userbase should help you out with the ideas.
>>49727If you're too unsure to make a story in Nazi settings, place it in settings you are familiar with, and let the character be a bit out of sinc with the environment
https://mlpol.net/mlpol/res/18518.html#43273There is another green I haven't noticed. Such a waste that it wasn't posted in separate thread, I am sure more people would have seen it that way.
>>49728>>49729Ok, I'll think about it.
>>49730Although, maybe it wasn't uploaded in separate thread because it was stolen from other chan.
>>49777This board is going to selfdestruct if you continue to hoard all of these gets!
>>49779You kike faggot you got me banned from taking GETs
>>49723I was actually going to remark on this when I first saw this thread. A month ago I found myself with several uncompleted projects and drawings. I wanted to give myself a week to rest, and the death of the first thread had been somewhat of a relief. Now, when I had taken this break (which had been more or less was used well), I had in mind that I would start right away. Even drawing a panel or two preparation. But, there was something else on my mind- the quality of the story itself. I remember asking another person who had much more experience in running a CYOA than I did, he said to me that although the art was good, the story wasn't too great. I didn't blame. I was looking for advice to make my CYOA better, so he had given me an answer along with a guide. I thought about how I could improve my story, but didn't think past that initiative. Slowly, I forgot the thing, however it always pestered me in the back of my mind. As for the drawing itself, it took 10-30 minutes minimum to make each drawing. Kind of slow, but time wasn't at the essence of it. Time is something I still do have to kill. One thing that bothered me was that whether or not to decide to such things as erase the sketch lines, which I could have done but the sketchy style seemed to fit with CYOAs. Instead, I made the sketch layers transparent. Even now, I wonder if I should just leave them out entirely next time.
I don't know when that will be. One thing I'm glad is that the first thread was archived (thank whoever did that); saved me the time from screencapping it. I was little anxious too, because it would have been essentially lost into oblivion. Also, I'm thankful for awfully nice comments. You have been one of the few anons I have consistently recognised, and always your posts and works have to brought a smile to face
no homo. I'll be looking forward to your future projects and continuation of older ones.
I suppose the entire theme of this is that OP are faggots, particularly the ones that fail to deliver. I would be one of them, but at least I try to redeem that. Unlike others.
>>49777Speaking of which, I had plenty of times to denounce you of your waifus, but I have abstained from doing so for the sake of GETs and the quality of this board. I hope you don't continue in this feud, lest there be a board war. Will you accept a truce? Let this slip into obscurity?
>>49831he's gone at this autistic shitfest for almost 2 weeks, I don't think he's gonna stop without absolutely everyone hating him.
>>49708>Hello, /mlpol/ I have a bad habit of starting projects out of the whim and then abandoning them. I have the exact same problem tbh. I get around it by saying I will commit to it on a thread. If I don't get any (you)s or a very little amount usually I assume no one really cares and so I drop it. If I get a lot of them then its a good indicator its something a lot of people want and so I commit and throw the full weight of my autism behind it. I am but an engine fueled by (you)s and excited Pinkie pics without it I run out of energy quickly.
Still keep up the good work lad and keep pushing through.
>>49831I'm honestly just glad he has no interest in my wifu. Last I checked my trips still remain and no one else has claimed her at all.
>>49834be mad that he's a get thief too, also it's very disrespectful to have more than one waifu.
>>49837Yeah well you can't have more then one wifu. It resets it and you lose your last claimed one.
>>49838that's what we keep telling him, but he doesn't listen.
>>49841Well, don't you know? He gets his jollies doing it.
>>49842and he's only going to stop once we stop, but we're not going to stop because he's breaking common decency rules, but that just makes him do it more, ad infinitum ad nauseam. I get how he operates, I know people like him. it just irks me that they decide to do this shit.
>>49842>>49844Lads don't worry about it just ignore it and try to get the gets first and you will be fine. Half of the reason he's doing it is for the (you)s I bet.
>>49845he's a mod, he can see when posts happen. combined with the relatively slow post rate, he's able to steal gets before anyone else knows there's a get to steal.
>>49847yea. he's only using that flag because enough of us were autistically REEEing at him about it. he can go back to incognito at any point, and we'll be none the wiser. fuck that guy and all he stands for, except the shit I agree with.
Ill have to give myself an erection.
>>49850good luck getting your pingas to work!
>thread is now about one mod's faggotry
pls don't leave this thread in this state
>>49852nah, this thread is about OPs and their faggotry. He started this shit as an OP and committing some MASSIVE faggotry.
>>49855Is this American reich flag?
>>49831>One thing I'm glad is that the first thread was archived (thank whoever did that)Wow, it real. Finding archived threads really did get easier.
>You have been one of the few anons I have consistently recognised, and always your posts and works have to brought a smile to face no homo. I'll be looking forward to your future projects and continuation of older ones.Thank but I don't aspire to be known too much around here. No need to be some sort of e-celeb. Although me being one of the few Slovaks makes me stand out a bit. Although, I could always just turn on VPN to switch IPs its not a real problem yet.
>>49859thats old glory, the first american flag.
>>49859I wouldn't call it as a case of e-celebrity, but rather a neighbourly recognition.
>>49860>>49859might recognize it being used by the Three Percenter Militias
>>49864>anti-govermentMaybe, but definitely pro American.