Troll the spics
Gaslight the spics
Make the spics paranoid
These are the sites and services actual Illegal Immigrants are using to communicate to others where ICE has been spotted.
Flood them with disinformation, report sightings everywhere so they have no way of knowing which alerts are legitimate or false. got shut down.
Padlet us now requiring photos. Be sure to use your favorite AI to generate realistic images!
may i suggest that we use the term
then we troll spics and kikes.
lulz. im psyoping. how does mine look?
get a load of chicago in the video they talk about bounty hunter programs! LETS GO!!!! We need good tip line info and stuff up here. cuckchan is debating schrodingers immigrant its gay af .
>while not taking a single job from AmericansThis should be called operation dirty SANCHEZ for lulz. Let's see if this helps? will start with their higher profile targets. Tke lists of ilkegas where you find them and then report them when things die down a bit.
>>380861that is obvious. i agree that it will be likely some ms13 fags n shit. however we are waging a psychological war on cockaroches and their enablers and prolonged psychological stress can do damage. imagine trying to live and wondering if your neihibors will turn you in for a reward? or growing over confident to the point of taking situational awareness for granted. imagine worrying everyday if your children will get arested at schoool? lol. they should fear all these things *or feel invincible so they get sloppy. consider this piece by selina gomez lol.! lol. we need more memes and irl flyering along with this website stuff.
>>380871ive gone to decent lengths to spread this idea. it needs to get YUUUUUGE. I actually had a chick from over seas tell me illegal imigrants dont hurt the economy lol. she said everyone is an imigrant in america. i dont know about you faggots but my family goes back to the colonial days. i really hate it when euro fucks tell me about being an american. we need to find out what states offer bounties and how much. maybe later ill post some ideas for flyers? the psywar aspect of this is so very important. if only we can work with ice and others as free agent bounty hunters, our ROE arent hamstrung by political corectness. im going to rape the shit out of every bitch i capture, what are they going to do about it? call the cops? lulz. im so sick of it all .
>>380877 checked and saved. :)
>nigger >>380882Deep breaths anon, I personally am sutting on a whole bunch of ICE raids, just hold tight and keep records
>>380884Weird, firearms tend to go for a higher price (dont ask)
>>380886just applied for a gig lulz. note the bus in the capcha.
>>380886this is unironically the ultimate RWSS!!! For the record.
President Eisenhower deported 1,074,277 Mexicans in one year, which is nearly 3,000 per day, in 1954. Imagine what it can be done today with phone geolocalization and widespread transportation means available to ramp the numbers up even to 20,000 thousand a day.
And by the way, a piece of paper doesn't make any non-White American.
>>380882Keep a lookout for new sites. Beaners will make more if their sites go down.
>>380919The salt is real, and its coming to a business near you. Well, near me that is, I already put in a tip. :3
>>380935Nononono, this is real.
Picture it, a random rural town in Texas. There's a Steak and Buffet that's been there for 25 years. It used to be a Golden Corral, but (((they))) didn't think the revenue for the area was scalable. So they put the place for sale and the Manager bought the place. And it's been there for 25 years, offering the same good old-fashioned comfort food for the *SAME PRICE* for those 25 years.
So you tell me. How does a business based on customer consumption manage to not raise their prices through 25 years of market swings, dollar viability, you name it.
On the one hand, a tight ship, I learned alot from him. On the other hand, 80% illegal migrant staff
>>380936Employers have been fucking us over with immigration for far too long. It's about time they all ate a shit sandwich.
>>380937There will be a temporary culture-shock, but yes and I agree. At the end of the day, this has all been to benefit the jew financiers and lease-owners, who have been nosing their way across every marketable stretch of road since roads were discovered by pounding sand
>>380921lol. im in a sanctuary city. sanctuary deeez nuts lol.
>>380937i agree. america should return to the jeffersonian yeoman. family farms, family stores. when i was a kid the pharmacies all had different names. a man owned them, and not a corporation.
>>380938people in ohio have loost their pads to house cat eating haiti niggers. it matters. everytime i hear "doing the jobs americans dont want to do" i get pissed. i was talking to this lefty broad from finland the other daay and she tried to tell me that illegal aliens dont effect the ecconomy. this chick means well but she is a baizou and gets stuck on the whole working for lower wages part.
>>380852Okay okay but now just imagine if instead of "oy vey, the goyim are noticing" we used "dios mio, the gringos are deporting" KEK! (or just use them both whatever)
We now have an attack vector for getting rid of jeets.
>>381105Through our consulting, auditing, and advocacy services, we expose unethical recruitment tactics, hold employers to rigorous standards of compliance, and match American job seekers with positions otherwise slated for foreign labor.
We also provide data analysis and technical services for law firms and private parties to uncover fraud and abuse, while developing monitoring systems that track harmful immigration practices undermining our economy. By drawing a bold red line against exploitative behaviors, we stand as a protector of American jobs, safeguarding the integrity of our labor market and ensuring every qualified American has a path to success. We will defend and protect America’s workforce. No compromise, no excuses.
>>381153I know of a local business suffering similar woes :3
>>381156Post results when they get fucked.
>>381170Absolutely! I'm hoping it makes the local paper!
Let me explain, this is a scalp for me. This local "Hometown-style buffet" is run by a guy who used to be the manager of a Golden Corral. He loves to go on about how "We offer the same priced homestyle country cooking for over 25 years".
How? By hiring 80% illegals
NGl, I may buy the place when it has a fair market valuation,....
>>381175>By hiring 80% illegalsLet me be more specific. By hiring 80% illegals, and then hiring 1 white dude to run everything, with a staff that doesn't even fucking speak english, all the while acting like he's the thick one because the people who are training him can't even be bothered to say "Hello", cuz that would be english. Seriously, the manager (illegal) tried getting on my case because I pulled out the list of proceedural that I had written down, and asked questions about it on my second day. All the salt
>>381176Lmao I really hope you do. I would love for one of /ourguys/ to do a hostile take over of a hostile business.
>>381221You say that now, but I'll be in fursuit,....
>>381270I'll take what I can get.