31st to Feb 2nd at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas, Tx
There is going to be at least one cow in attendence, and while there won't be any pseudo-restaurant shenanigens, I will be cooking soft tacos for any mlpol party shenanigens.
To that end, I have a balcony suite at a nearby airbnb that has a rooftop patio/pool, if any off-site activity is desired. Just saying.
This is
my first Pony-exclusive convention, Im super excited :3
I'll be wearing my lifesize Thezfilly plushie, so there'll be no mistaking me even out of fursuit
31 replies and 2 files omitted.
>>380912>gun rangeYou sonofaBI-
I kid, but all "my" firearms arent in my name so alas. Also I doubt theyll accept digital photo id
Also, if y'all havent heard, the Marefair website got updated. No registration available yet, but you can book the hotel,... ask me how I (and another 250 ppl apparently) know
Back in the day we used to have a game around fair time: ninja assassins.
Basically every participant bought one or more of the cheap ninja swords, and then spend the better part of 3 days stalking and "killing" one another.
It was permissive, and otherwise constitutionally protected speech to pretend to ninja murder in public, so long as the aggrieved and murdered party agreed
>>380942Theres an extra special erection you get from stealth assassinating a fren in front of their grandma or whatever.
Anyway, looking forward to, vibrating with intensity, its a good thing Im not driving. ^_^
soap in room 956, though I'll probably be floating around talking to other people. 4 other roomies, so there might be a chance of finding somebody in the room.
i dont have my phone, if u do the party today I will find (you)
I missed you all today because, after a ridiculously long and hazardous drive, I was preoccupied with making the most of Friday at the convention. I was too tired to go to the party, but I hope to meet up tomorrow if (you) are up for it.
well I had an incredible day, Ill be happy to tell (you) all about it. but right now, I have a problem. you see, I got this nice ass
airbnb, cuz I wanted a balcony and a kitchen and a couch so Im not sharing a bed. the balcony is cuz I chain smoke. now the room says no smoking, but its a balcony, so I asked the OWNER’s husband “hey if I keep it cool, can I not have to go up and down the elevator 5 times an hour at 2am cuz I cant sleep.
bla bla bla. long story short, we got kicked out with no refund at 2am. basically all my plans for the rest of the con have been compromised
ill be fursuiying tomorrow, but idfk anymore
>>380960>but right now, I have a problem. you see, I got this nice assThe rest of this story didn't go the way I was expecting it to.
>>380962Oh, it gets better
Recently my old e-mail got compromised because I forgot to change my phone number, and is likely unrecoverable.
Guess what? I try to log into my hotmail, only to find that now I cant log into that, which is tied to my old e-mail. Which would be fine, I can just have them send it phone, cuz I added my most recent phone when I got the new email. But oh oh, facebook still thinks my old phone is the 'correct'one and is sending a code to that phone. Okay, I'll delete the old phone and send it to my current one. Oh wait, facebook wants conformation from that phone. Hold on a second, 16 days ago a new device was registered to my phone number. What the fuck?? Oh, I probably would have gotten an e-mail if I had access to my old hotmail.
So guess what, even when I force it to send the code to my current phone, I havent gotten a single code. And if the paypal gets compromised that could be highly problematic. It would be less so, if I wasnt in fuckoff Dallas.
Btw, when my laptop is charged, I'll.eplain in detail why it was a FUCKING DELIBERATE SCAM, and how I know, but I've been awake for 26 hours as of now, as has my beaner, we're exhausted at a fucking truck stop. Strike that, hes asleep, he just started snoring. And the worst part is Ive ONLY HAD 3 SHOTS THE WHOLE FUCKING DAY
Oh look, discord is tied to the same old email, so thats a bomb waiting to go off, losing all those cantacts,... >_<
>fursuiting all day
On second thought, being as though I've now been up for 30 hours and haven't gotten a goddamn shower, maybe THATS a bad idea TOO
>>380965Are you okay? Have you called customer service regarding all that technical trouble?
>>380966Depends on your definition. We're stable with the means to get home, but prolly leaving today
Meanwhile theres a cow with her feet up waiting for more furriws and pony frwns
>>380969(Dont worry, I got a ahpwer)
My best is 45 hours awale, but I was 19.Im up to hour 42 right now, with no caffeine or stimulents, and I feel fine,....
Excuse me,Im at 33, miiscalculated
Wew! Hour 40! Have some furry trash
So! Ninjaz is such a faggot he misplaced his phone and his jacket
>>381007do you want the shorthand now or the comprehensive later? roberto is going to sleep, i,… oh shit, Im to hours past my pr
47 baybee!!
ill be chillin toward the pegasus
>>381009Uh, do we need to post the room number?
no i am by the mane event over by the gaming section am i will be here waiting on you
>>381011Obviously not me but whatever. We will be leaving in the next hour if you get this. All efforts to retrieve the phone have been unsuccessful, but as a consolation I got a bunch pf cool stickers, a pes dispenser, and a few keychains. Oh, and my jacket/cigarettes
Sorry. I thought of a few more things to say, but if it doesnt happen, its all good. I’ll just blow up ur dms Xp
But seriously, it has been a pleasure, because and in spite of everything.
Prolly in the lobby, hope to see you
Strike that, we have to move the CAR by 10
[post dated]
As I NOW sit shotgun speeding away from the con, I'm overwhelmed a little bit. If you know you know, and if you don't I experienced the greatest levels of NON-substance-based (mostly, there was always weed and a LITTLE alcohol considering my average daily consumption but nothing beyond that) highs AND lows I've ever experienced. To date.Simultaneous best/worst times of my life.
I may opt to tell the story in detail, not sure yet.
The first thing I want put to paper is that I don't know if I can go to another Furry con now. Furry cons are fun don't get it twisted, but when you're a new, old, and exceedingly disagreeable furry, you really don't meet a whole lot of people. Especially when you're a seemingly adorably big-titty cow who responds to "OMG you're so cure!") with a male voice resoundingly saying "Thank you, but don't tell her that or she'll get a bigger head." What, it's true (more on that later). This is not to begrudge the furries or ponies themselves, I get it; I'm unabashedly an asshole who will rarely deliberately but frequently indeliberately/negligently cause adversity to myself and those around me. I'm sorry when it happens, I maintain it isn't decisive or preconceived, but I'm not sorry for being that guy; as can be illustrated, even when following instructions to the letter, life will decide to take a heinous shit all over my face. Could the situation with the airBnB have been avoided or mitigated? I would say
no, on principle that if not now than eventually, without the experience to know what to look for to avoid. The available clues at time of reservation were more foreshadowing than anything that one could tangibly derive a prediction.
This is not digression, this is the point; Furry cons have fun things to do and an excuse to act a fool in and out of fursuit, but if this sort of thing had happened at a furry con there would be no happy ending. There would have been no (you) to lend me a shower to was the shit off my face. There would have been no floor (you) would have let me sleep on, finally able after all these years to at least put a face to not evfen a name and yet a more true name than the real one.
Adeline will forevermore smell of Aryanne's magnificent snowpity, and this furfag will wash himself in Luna's. And to the one faggot well,... Marefair. Speaking of Marefair, picture it. One of the 1337est fillies is leading me around and introduces a large older fellow. "This is Corpulent Brony."\par
<Oh wow, I'm Ninjaz, good to meet you!"
2 minutes later
Walking away I whisper to filly
<Which one is Corpulent Brony?
Filly tells me
1 minute later
Reapproach CB
<Hi there, I have just been informed who you are - I had no idea - can I shake your hand now that I do?
I didn't do HALF of the shit I had intended - it would have been based as fuck to set up on Steven Winters' table with a carnitas taco stand, while he's mixing drinks (which is EXACTLY what would have happened outside of circimstance) but it will happen eventually - but I also did way more than I imagined. Levels of joy and enthusiasm never conceived of, and none of that is possible without frens.\par
This time was a blast, and answers all the questions I needed answering.
And (you).
In closing, a few factoids. As mentioned previous, when you have big titties, people notice, and you can readilty notice them noticing (and pretending not to notice uwu). But when they,... okay I did mention it.
Girls have it rough. But guys masquerading as sexy cowes have it worse, cuz they think they can get away with shit cuz you're a dude. I had to diplomacy my way out of an altercating with a trio of niggers on my way back one time. It would have been fine, I had my sword then (yes, this was that time) but still. Niggers think cuz ur in a fursuit you wont kill all of them, cuz if they had guns theyd have robbed me outright. Dammit, I digressed again.
I made several furry friends who are in the pony fandom, and this alludes to my next point of gratitude; the full and legal breakdown as to why ponyfags are not furries:
The simple version is that ponies are furry, but being into something that happens to be furry doesnt make u furry, even if you are to a degree of autism and fixation. Ponies are large enough to be considered an independent embassy/sovereign nation operating within the demographical borders of furry
Oh its gonna be like that is it? I see you talking shit over there. Okay.
Lotus was nice to a goddamn furryRepeat: Lotus was nice to a goddamn furry<Ye should have phrased it all lewd and shitShutup
But seriously, watch out for Malort. Its not as bad as people say, but it has more of an effect than 'standard' alcohol; it has a "body high" to it that I would compare to good sake (or whatever that nasty chinese shit was), but it could also have been the 47 hours without sleep. New record btw ^_^
Don't worry, Marefair will be different, I don't plan to leave the room in fursuit except on deliveries. Yes, I'm gonna make a point to deliver trays of premade tacos to the various room parties, before returning to my "restaurant".
Oh don't look at me like that, it should come as no surprise that this is the FIRST time I've been invited to a room party. Anyone who was there will be like "Oh, yeah that makes sense".
And to that end, allow me to describe what I call the "Ninjaz O face"
When I'm not in fursuit, I look okay ish. A little out of place maybe (I wear my sunday best to cons) but not egregiously so.
And then I spend a whole day being an unavoidably loud (visually) cow with obviously big/fake tits. And, if you compliment the cow, that's clearly a dude, what the fuck is this shit?
I'll go into it later, its not a sexual thing at all, there's no autoeroticism to it. No, I don't expect you to believe me.
Anyway, so day 1 I go around and hang with good people and meet people and have a grand old time.
Day 2, I spend the whole day as the cow, showing face only throught the fliptop-head design to my furstuit head, so all that's seen of my face is the part that emerges from the mouth so I can drink water or smoke a cigarette. The whole time, I'm engaging my Pose-master degree from the Uchiha Sasuke Institute of Pose-Mastery. Wandering around, wondering when "this nigger" is gonna show up,... etc. Fun fact, you're not supposed to bring weapons, and mine was peace-knotted, but no one even looked at it,....
I always digress, BUt where I'm going with this is to say:
When you spend a day in nice clothes, and then you spend a day in an "almost egregiously problematic" fursuit, there's an extra special achievement face you can get from interacting with others. I'll paraphrase:
"Oh hey there you are! I thought I was gonna see you yesterday!"
<You did, I was in fursuit. I waved to you!"Really? I saw a bunch of fursuits, which one were you?"
<The one on the right"... on the RIGHT?"
<Yep!".... oh"'ve seen the pics above, those are the pictures I was showing.
And while it may sound dour, theres an unironic level of comedy to it that is quite hilarious to me. It's quite satisfying that people generally don't remember what I look like, because it enables me to ensure that they remember the cow. And they WILL remember the cow!
It's just a shame. Not gonna let it go. When I said "I wanted to go to a con" I DIDN'T FUCKING MEAN THE RENTAL PLACE, I MEANT PONIES
My Little Ties you're a tie and formal-wear fetishist like I am, go there.
I got a Luna emblem (with the one NMM in the corner :3)
The site lists it as a cutie mark crusaders emblem, but I'm calling horseshit, especially cuz that one in the corner that HE POINTED OUT, which doesn't even make sense for CMC
Not gonna bump this thread no more, but plenty to say yet.
I'll take the L for losing shit, but I question whether any of that would have happened if circumstances didn't go south the way they did; it's reasonable to assume that however many levels of exhaustion I pulled throughout the ordeal were a contributing factor. Having said, I regret nothing, not even the Malort; rather, I am ONLY going to have Malort as available alcohol. ^_^
But, what should have happened was that when I and my associate returned "home" at 2 am, he was going to shower and sleep and I was going to cook the carnitas for about 3 hours at a slightly lower temperature than usual. Then, I was gonna pull them out and drain them, before reverse searing to ensure each piece (there was about 9) had a solid crust all the way around. Then I would have chopped them into rough cubes and mixed them together vigorously (to homogenize the muscle groups in the mix).
Then, I would separate the lard from the "juices/goodness"; a spoon or two of the goodness goes with the meat, the rest goes into another pot to turn into birria. Meat goes into the fridge until heated for service.
The birria is just a bunch of dried peppers, rehydrated in boiling water with a few cracked garlic cloves, and then blended together until smooth.
So yes, I would have gone to bed around 5am Sat, woke up at around 10am and spent the whole day with 0 cares in the world, but noooooooooooo
And yes, I would have shown up to the room parties with trays of tacos, but noooooooo.
I'm also frustrated because I didn't even get to try them. Like, this was supposed to be an epic-level experiment/experience! It makes every sense to be 'good' on a molecular-gastronomical sense, but IDFK what it tastes like! >_< IDGAF about the resource-cost, it's the principle of the thing!
That's it, I'm referring to this curing method as the "JewNigger" style. Cuz a jewnigger is the reason I don't know how good it is.
>continues to unpack the things
The glogg!
Okay, Idk if u know - Pupper definitely does - but glogg (pronounced glug) is a holiday beverage that norway/sweden/scandanavia has been sleeping on for too fucking long. It's better than cider, stfu, and the world needs to know. Anyway, I STILL have a bottle that I WOULD have had the presence of mind to have on hand if situations had gone different. Just saying.
Not sure if/where I posted this; might have only been in dms, but here it is.
The video starts midway because God decided "No" and some dude photo-bombed it (it's more likely my beaner fell asleep until he heard my 'name').
The song is "Everybody's Free (to feel good)" by Roxette (iirc, not looking), a song I have known intimately as one of my go-to rave songs since I first heard it in Venture Brothers almost 20 years ago. I was tripping that this was the song I got to walk out to, and I absolutely did so with a groove, 'climaxing' uwu with the Burning Man X pose at "Everybody's Freeeeeeeeeee" and at "to feel good" I threw my rubber kitchen knife at the edge of the stage (didn't wanna hit nobody). I instead hit one of the monitors,... but having spoken to the tech guy it, apparently it had been buzzing slightly the whole time - only he could hear it, cuz headphones - but apparently that caused it to give him a few minutes without that accursed buzzing. I'm that magical. Anyway, that "Oh" you hear is the audience's response to the surprise throw. And while you can't HEAR it, what you are seeing is me switching into 2 sword stances, shouting "Hissatsu!!" and preparing to kill something offstage.
>robbed of best novice
Fuckoff, half the judging was on portayal in the walk. I 'S' ranked that shit. Yes, there were plenty of cosplayers who were a bit more precise in their costuming and shit - more heavily mlp - but come on. I get not wanting to give it to the weirdo who makes people sorry they said something (extra-special to the Glimmer nigger who I made a joke about commies at, if you're here doubtful, she was in youth division, to my chagrine I have a Glimmer "equality" pin as my present tie-tack
Late-night factoid!
At about 10:30-11p (it was while the EaW panel was going on) I was in the elevator headed back to the 26th floor room parties.
As I entered the elevator there were 3 people. A business looking dude, a 'normal' (plain clothes) dude, and a dirty hoe sloot. The buttons already pushed, they were something like 11, 14, 19, and then I pushed 26.
Not trying to front, I'm not pretending I was staying on that floor, but I was dressed nice. In my brand-new CMC Princess Luna tie, and shit. Anyway, first business guy gets off at floor 11. Then normalfag at 14. And then it's me and the thot. I shift uncomfortably to the opposite side of the elevator, cuz I don't like people. Also, for reference, I have spent the ENTIRE time deadlocked on the elevator floor numbers overhead because I REALLY don't, in spite of the following intrusive thoughts.
"I bet I could pull her, just by inviting her to a party. She knows I'm going way up, I can see her figeting in my peripheral vision. She's literally trying to draw my attention non-verbally right now,...
>'Anon' continues to stare at the numbers, as thot #647 audibly huffs while fucking off the elevator
>>3810552d>3dis the thought I attempted to affect
>>381032MLT is hands down my favorite merchant in this entire fandom, I always try to feed him at least $100 whenever I see him at a con
>>381066Such a snappy dresser too. I left a comment on his site, I need a matching hankerchief now
And yes, while he does Bowties (gonna) he doesn't yet do cummerbunds. I'm sure that's a matter of negotiation tho
>>381035Don't stress. Next time things might work out. /mlpol/ room party/gathering at Marefair when?
>>381032>>381066I bought a lighter from him, but I was worried that if I got a tie it would just sit around collecting dust. If Harmonycon returns to the Hyatt I might get one just so I could fit with the Reunion Tower's dresscode while displaying MLP merch.
>>381077>don't stress>next time*sighs*
Anon, the damage is done. It's over. I've already been through it, already did my best to not lose my shit and fail. Been unable to mitigate the situation, and ultimately squeaked by by the grace of God, frens, and the skin of my teeth?
Do you think I am ever going to knowingly expose myself to that level of liability ever again?
Sorry, but this is a point that begs for reaffirmation.
I had a CHANCE to have a fun and reasonable experience this past weekend, and for the most part I did. But that was WHILE going through one of the most UNNECESSARY AND UNREASONABLE situation I have ever experienced. There is 0 doubt that dealing with it affected my mood, disposition, composure, etc. This may not seem like much, but this has everything to do with how well I am able to present myself and the impressions I make on people. That is not what I signed up, paid for, or intentionally volunteered myself to experience. It is so bad that I will have tor restrain myself from retaliation on future visits to Dallas. My personal favorite idea would be to spray the FoE "LIAR" on the door.
But I digress. The point of emphasis here is that these aren't things that a person should have to be on guard for when planning a trip. AirBnB needs an investigative division, which they will never do because they make more MONEY when people get evicted.
I wish I could effectively convey how much cold, deterministic, and yet unfocusable rage I have for this incident.
Just gonna tie this off,...
If ever I say "Stay Safe and watch for ornery niggers", you know what I'm talking about
If God doesn't want me to hate niggers, why does he insist on justifying a hatred for niggers?
<Lord almighty, shut the fuck up ye faggit
I'm just gonna adjourn by saying thermite is easy to fabricate :3
I'm not gonna,... but I really have thought of it
I know, I'm gonna let it go soon, but dude, give me this moment at least. This is a level of malice that ordinarily should not go unanswered. This is the kind of shit that people start blood-feuds over. I'm gonna be good, but for fucks sake... these niggers... this is not the kind of behavior that builds functional societies. This is the kind of shit that ENDS functional societies. Wanna know how I know? Cuz I'm contemplating taking down a goddamn building. Its not hard to do either. I know how to do it. I don't want to contemplate taking down a goddamn building because these niggers decided they wanted to play games!
>>381077I use a mug I bought from him daily, and I wore the tie to my last court date ^:)
>>381099Nice dubs, thank you for reminding me. I forgot to bring my Bronco-post mug