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My little pony G6 (FIM 2.0) - DEMO PILOT.mp4
Pony Generation 6 Leaks
377041 377068
I am a bit late on the news, but Gen 6 has leaked, and I think a thread going over both what we know and what is likely might be fun.

Summary so far: there is only concept art and stills and a voice-over that I assume is legitimate describing the basic format.
This is another reboot that is attempting to mesh the ideas from the old G5 concept and some G5 ideas with only parts of the G4 and G5 cast being recycled into this new canon. Apparently, all the recycled cast are now blank flanks despite their age seeming to be consistent with their previous appearances and are attending a summer camp, Camp Cutiemark, to learn how to obtain them.

Analysis: Twilight Sparkle narrates the leak and makes mention of her situation. She finds making friends difficult while announcing her relief knowing there is a library on campgrounds. This signals to me that this show will be a full reboot which will erase everything except the core character set up. I doubt she will be from Canterlot and Canterlot likely will not exist either.

The narration describes an antagonist that challenges the team in making friends, Desaray Goldenhoof, who appears to fairly generic so I am going to wager that she is the Diamond Tiara of this show and will be a multi-season arc to reform her if the show lasts that long. Twilight specifically says that she has been mean to Twilight since they were fillies. This doubles down on this generation being a full reboot with no ties to previous works outside the shameless pillaging of characters without the decency to rework their design, character traits, or flesh out their motives like G4 did.

Pinkie Pie is introduced as she describes herself as "the queen of pies and parties" and that she "never goes anywhere without a pie" which might suggest that the names of the characters are going to be taken a bit more literally with connection to their character traits. Maybe that is just for the sake of a pitch to executives, but it does make me wonder if Pipp Petals will grow flowers.

Speaking of Pipp, the show is going to recycle only specific characters as the main cast. So far shown are what I can only assume are what the executives have calculated are the fan favorites from each gen, Twilight Sparkle for obvious reasons, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie from G4, Misty Brightdawn from G5, and as of yet not shown but leaked to be present Sunny Starscout and Pipp Petals also from G5. The cold calculates deleting the favorites of many from G4 and the... I assume favorites from G5 should anyone had survived through the trash and found a likable character in G5... anyway those things aside, what possessed them to make yet another camp themed series?

Not only did Spongebob do the same with their reboot idea called Kamp Koral...
but My Little Pony already did this shit with EQG.

What is with executives falling back on the camping idea for TV shows? Anyway, this is a disappointment on several levels, but it at least will let G4 rest is pieces and G5... well it was never much alive to begin with with it being a dead idea revived with horrific art direction and devastating results on the lore of the past. Unless this show says this is all some sort of spell that has time warped all of these characters into this illusion realm, it can't further damage the lore of G4. I am disappointed that the show staff never once bothered to explore things like what causes evil magic to obtain a green aura in literally every instance outside Tirek and Cozy Glow or the nature of the stars that may or may not be living beings, but they clearly never were equipped to explore that even during G4 and certainly never in G5.

Regardless, another detail I notice is that the eyes now have a single item within their white reflective bit that is their cutiemark. Clearly a gimmick to make a new toy line that is completely different to the last Twilight Sparkle you bought, promise. Another detail is that the main cast are staying in cabin 13 with the antagonist staying at cabin 1. Cabin 1 reinforces the villain being egotistical obviously, but does cabin 13 represent the cast being unlucky which will describe why they have daily mishaps at the camp? Is it commentary that the voice actors are unlucky enough to be picked up for these roles in this reboot?

The leaked pitch doesn't ever show Sunny Starscout and Pipp Petals despite leaked art suggesting they will be in it. In fact, the pitch says that there are 4 items that the camp must find across Equestria... why is a camp sending their attendees off campgrounds? If they do so, the cabin that gets all the items first will get a movie night... not the best reward for having to hike across Equestria for it. I wonder just how devolved Equestria will be in this iteration though. Will it have mythological monsters? Dangerous environments? Secrets and supernatural forces that will threaten the foundations of the world? Or will it be a stick in the road that for some reason no one can get around so they have to all lift it together and move it to the side, but they argue about having to do manual labor for half the runtime of the episode? Only time will tell.

However, will any of the leak actually happen? The last time there was a leak of this magnitude, there were plans to reboot Twilight to be an earth pony and go on adventures across some interesting biomes and areas that were never shown in the G4 canon, though it also planned on turning Applejack into a nigger from the hood. Perhaps this is going through a similar stage of butchering like G5 did, where the concepts of that pitch were cut up and recycled. Earth pony Twilight Sparkle got turned into earth pony Sunny Starscout who goes on an adventure to places not shown in the G4 canon, just without Applenigga tagging along. What is the fate of this proposed series?
Artstyle looks like if Fluttershy tried to draw a filly's storybook based on her friends and their experiences but she was too shy to publish it.
The art is a step up from G5 thus far, which makes me think they are going to toss it for more shit animation to save money.
I bet that orange horse with the purple hair is going to be cast as a pajeeta
Sunny Starscout? She already has a VA.
If they redo shitty calarts animation that would only confirm that they learned nothing from G5.
>she already has a VA
this has never stopped Hasbro before, plus this is a weird g4.5 mashup spinoff
I like this mare
>What is with executives falling back on the camping idea for TV shows
It's a more or less tried-and-true theme. Every year you will always have a new batch of school children being cycled through some degree of new school, new summer program, new wtfe. It's a way of having the ponies' life changes somewhat mirror/parallel the changes they are experiencing or have recently experenced.
>It's bad writing is what it is
It's also a toy company
/mlp/ threads about it
G6 leaks #1: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41400215/
G6 leaks #2: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41402650/
G6 leaks #3: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41414326/
Is Imalou really still living rent-free in /mlp/'s heads all these years?