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incoming heuwhite holocaust.jpg
Make Jews White Again
308163 308416

I don't know how many canaries must die in the coal mine until we concede that if Disney is doing this now, the next step is literal camps for whites.

That is why I propose we make jews white again. Every eastern european/german jew I know has blond hair and blue eyes, and you could easily equivocate what's happening now with what happened in 1935 in an online context. Conflate jews with what is happening to whites online, and you bring in entire strength of The Tribe to your defense.

The best part is, if you can't conflate jews with whites, it will only cement into people's minds that jews are NOT white....
308254 308287
>That is why I propose we make jews white again.
1- Even if jews are behind, the levers of power are in the government and courts supporting anti-White activity.
2- Most Whites deserve this and a lot more, they brought it on themselves, by embracing equality, liberalism, secularism and degeneracy they created this mess.

>Conflate jews with what is happening to whites online, and you bring in entire strength of The Tribe to your defense.
It is a very uphill battle as anons have little relevance in the kiked social media.
Either way, why to create interference when the enemy is seeding its own demise? The more (((they))) incite anti-White hatred the faster Whites will find their exit from the System.
It is blatantly obvious that any White taking shit because of the money deserves every bit of the humiliation, and not only that, by taking shit and refusing to break free, those Whites become collaborators and a liability to others.
I say to do nothing and to enjoy the show.
308255 308256
>All whites deserve this
Says the Jew.
308287 308303 308314
Shetland Ponies (8).jpg
>Says the Jew.
I think it is common sense.
If a White prostitutes himself for money, shouldn't be complaining when is abused like a whore.
Stopping the cycle of anti-White abuse is very straightforward but most Whites will fight with passion against to be unplugged from the Matrix.
By buying from Amazon, shopping in Walmart, using Google, Gmail and a Windows PC, eating in a fast food outlet, watching TV, using smartphones, and the list goes on and on, Whites themselves are tightening the rope around their necks; many know it but prefer to keep going along with their tormentors.
So, this situation is so laughable as a whore asking for respect.
By the way, to be White is not a requisite to grow a pair and give up the System's goodies, just a bit of pride and self-esteem.
>Says the Jew
Learn faggot.

>William Pierce - About the White Middle Class
The (((jew))) and the freemasons by hook and by crook have means to initiate pawns and scapegoats.
To fully escape from the grasp of their global feelers and graspers is a hassle. One without any incentive, goes against all mundane indoctrinated social ques. That is too overwhelming for some people. That's no excuse, it's by design.
Moving large quantities of people is their whole goal. Turning humans into resources. That's their pipeline.
The fast key is social conformity. (((They))) don't have that fully. Enough to skirt the edges and push where they want. Theirs is flimsy and false as long as no one punctures the balloon.
Needless to say (((they))) are all in the /x/ stuff.
The single scariest thing anyone could do is tell a very simple story. There is a spider and have cast a large web near a beehive. The spider's web was cast far and wide and caught butterflies, wasps, flies, and others, and importantly bees. Catching bees convincing some to bring the spider their honey and offspring. The spider feasting and growing fat lays eggs in the young, telling that stingers and wings are not just deadly but evil. Heavier the web is spun. Around the beehive encasing them. Only when the buzz and they all fight to break the web, Could they escape from the sticky situation. With everything the bees have to break the web and end the spider. Some creatures yearning for the bee's honey or flesh try desperately to keep the spider's web together. Yet the bees thrash and struggle with everything they have against the spider and it's ilk to escape the spider's silk. It is narrow, exhausting and painfully excruciating, the bees broke the cast web. A frenzy of death to clamor for the stolen honey, the ones still wrapped in the silk, and the spider in fury. The spider meeting its end from its damned actions. The bees made a hive up in the trees. Far more happy and prosperous.
Stop feeding those who want to destroy us.
It's not that simple. Not sure if I'm comprehending what >>308262 is saying but I was about to say this is too close to blaming a fly for getting stuck in a spiderweb before I read it. Most of them were born into it too.

Not to say that we shouldn't work to do what we can for ourselves, since we know better.
Polite Sage
To add,
What alternatives are there to google, facebook, amazon, and so on?
If people are to boycot these services, what can they use instead for their needs?
For example, I already use DuckDuckGo instead of google.
One big flaw in self-gratifying edgelord "Whites made their bed and get what they deserve" talk is that it discounts the generational divide. Kids these days never asked if they wanted to grow up in multikulti shitholes. Boomers helped the jew rape the white man's future. Boomers love divershitty even when it rapes kids because Boomers are evil. But if you talk like a totalitarian shithole is an inevitability nobody will want to fight to keep that hell from happening. Nobody will want to bother taking part in psychological operations to spread facts and expose lefty crimes and debunk lefty lies.
The sediment that in 637af68 statement was nothing more than race baiting. Lumping everyone into a group as to say "All Whites becon their own death" is a fallacy in of itself. After all, why then are there whites here even discussing such a topic if all whites just wants nothing more than to pull down their own pants, present their asses, and get royally fucked by every kike in the world? Hence, "says the jew".

The jew is one slipery, sly, deceitful son of a bitch that is hellbent to bringing the end of the world to fulfill some ancient prophecy that they are the chosen people and the world belongs to them and everyone else can suffer. Everything they do is to full fill this prophecy. From the rise of communism, to the subjugation of foreign powers, the jew's only goal is to give themselves power and they maintain that power though keeping the masses dumb. What better way to off your enemy than to have them kill themselves? Not just to fight against another but to loath being born to the point they commit suicide?

Communism is the jews holy fire that they created to unleash upon the world. And they implemented it so effectively to demoralize the world. America, Germany, France, United Kingdom, and the list goes on.. All fallen into the jewish trap of Socialism, Marxism, Communism, All the isms. In turn, they demoralized their countries and the world powers and made them powerless against this surge of ideology. The enemy of the people is the jew and they have made many examples of the people when they tried to act out. From going after freedom of speech, to the right to bare arms. In Germany, you couldn't even talk about your own fleash and blood grand papy because he was "Lel Nazi" and if the government even knew, they would arrest the 92 year old man. And if you even deny the Holocaust in being fraudulent, well you are going to prison. Then there is the matter of bearing arms, not only do you need a "Loiconse" for every fucking thing, but it is nearly impossible with all the red tape just to get a firearm to defend yourself, even if the place you are defending is in your own home.

In America it isn't much different, where hate laws and hate speech are now blending together, where speaking that the election was a coup and fraudulent can get you removed from your job, where the American Flag even is seen as "racist" and can have your own business attacked with windows smashed and even set on fire. People are afraid to speak out because it would hurt their "comfortable" lively hoods. And when such things are done to them, they fear for their lives when the mob shows up, threatening their lives, their homes, their jobs.

Those that have back bone tries to make a stand, and look what happens, they are put on national television and made to the world as being evil. They dress these people worse than the devil and make sure that their faces, names, family, and places they live are plastered for the world to see, and it is to make them public enemy #1 so that they are attacked where ever they go, and they are.

After 9-11-01 Osama Bin Laden was the most hatted man in America. Every American wanted to see him dead. Imagine what would happen if that man would of had walked right into Times Square and announced, "Here I am". Every one on that street would of turned and tried to kill him. That is what everyone that steps out of line becomes here in America.

For the few people that are truely whores, that beg to be fucked, then let them be fucked. These are the ones that fell so far into the jewish trap to give themselves over to communism, blm, feminism and all the other shit.

For the rest that is far greater in numbers, we didn't become whores, we were utterly and ruthelessly raped. They took just about everything from us, so we remain silent with vengeful hearts waiting for the one day they slip up so we can kill every last one of those son of a bitches that took our livelyhoods away.
>White Middle class was comfortable, White Working Class protested.

White... Again baiting here to lump everyone as race.Better to actual mention the Class. Yet, the Luther Pierce got one thing wrong, Middle Class. It isn't he fucking middle class it is the fucking UPPER CLASS. Just like the Working class.

Everyone works for one, but there are the office jobs, then there are the labor jobs. White Collar, Blue Collar. We knew this in America for decades. Even in the Blue Collar jobs you can make one hell of a decent wage and you were middle class. Working in the 1930's to 1950's in Detroit, which was very much white, in the automotive industry, you were making bank. Even in the 1990's and today, you top out in your field from AirConditioning and Heating Specialist, to Electrician and you can easily see six figures. But is that salary Upperclass? Heck NO. Inflation keeps the pressure on the middle class so they never see the luxury of the Upperclass. Sure, a few families could afford to send their kids to collage given they perhaps had 1 child, damn if they have 2 or more, but it be a state school.

Middle class dream was a small house in the suburbs with 2 kids a dog, and a white picket fence. You look at upperclass and it is manors and mansions on 5 acre land or better, 4 to 7 children all going to Ivy league schools, living in gated communities and taking vacations to tour Europe every summer.

The middle class is in the middle because they dream of being the upper class but know very well damn how fragile their lives are and one little misstep and they are in the lower class. It is why they fight tooth and nail to get to where they are, and will fight to maintain it if threatened.

The Upperclass in this country is something the founding fathers explicitly did not wish in this country. Aristocracy. England had a long history of Aristocracy, Powerful elites that had power, wealth and dominance over the lower classes. These assholes, these are the same that are in America but by another name. They are your rich ass white folks many lump as being "Every white guy". They are the Jews: Your politicians, your collage professors, the mainstream media. They run the country and look down from their ivory towers at you as being no more than the scum on their shoe. They contribute nothing, yet both White and Blue collar workers, they provide everything for them. From White Collar engineers planing their next offices, to the blue collars supplying power to them. Both bust their asses for the Upper Class Elites white all we do is get stepped on.

The video is like preaching what they do, but not who they are.
308348 308349 308365 308366 308368 308435
>What alternatives are there to google
DDG or startpage or better yet searx

None, that I'm aware of.

Take your business elsewhere online or physically go to the store.

<Picked this up on 4/pol/ in case anyponer was looking for alts.
<Also be careful because Bitcoin isn't really anonymous, or so I've heard. DYOR is always a good practice to maintain, I think this was just for decentralization, not necessarily anonymity.
Much appreciated poner.
Some alternatives are new to me. I'll be immediately trying them.
Happy to help.
What's the issue with Brave? I've been using it since 2017 and have zero complaints about it so far, it blocks 90% of the garbage that annoys me on the nu-internet and doesn't require configuring multiple extensions, you just switch "shields" on and off. Seems like a good balance between privacy and ease of use and I haven't heard of any privacy concerns about it.
What's chrome but blue?
Is this a joke I don't get?
308369 308371
I tried using librewolf for a bit but it fucked everything up, I just use Brave with searx now alongside peertube and bitchute. I have no presence on any real social media, even decentralized ones. Though the message in this is incredibly important, so kudos anyways m8
>I tried using librewolf for a bit but it fucked everything up
It's working great for me.
>What's the issue with Brave?
It's developed and maintained by a company similar to Mozilla, and is therefore not decentralized. I presume as opposed to being an open source fork that the community can contribute to.

>I haven't heard of any privacy concerns about it.
I haven't either, most of the gripes I see about it have to do with it shilling crypto apparently.

>What's chrome but blue?
Ungoogled Chromium.

>Is this a joke
No, it's a real thing.

>Though the message in this is incredibly important, so kudos anyways m8
The nukleer family huwhite middle class was a complete fucking joke. That shitshow massively overpopulate 'murimuttland so that younger kikes could fuck, and fuck over, the "succeeding" generations of <70IQ fluoridated & medicated zombies. Falsely operating under the laughable presumption that kikes will SOMEHOW kiking when they've been exposed is a degenerate fantasy. You seem to have conveniently 'missed' these facts in that red herring post.
What if the concept of a "nuclear family" was a psyop to get white families to have 2-3 kids or fewer?
Why avoid gab? Parler was the one that cucked out and put in 'hate speech' regulations by firing their own ceo to just be allowed back on Apple and Google Play. Gab last I checked is ran by a Christian that hasn't backed down yet to free speech and last checked, it was that Kushner that tried to tell Trump away because it was too "Anti Jew"....
It'd just be moving from one platform to another, not ending centralization but simply relocating it. That's the point of the image, to end centralization.
Perhaps I missed that, though I don't quite understand "Centralization" as in a company owning the platform? I mean the only way to do that would be if all the people had control, like p2p or someshit. And even at that, someone would need to do the grunt work to keep it going, hence centralizing on some sort of administrators.

Or I could just be ignorant at it all and not understand a thing.
>And even at that, someone would need to do the grunt work to keep it going, hence centralizing on some sort of administrators.
IIRC that's the beauty of federated (decentralized) OSS. Anyone can contribute if they're competent, and if the code starts to get cucked, you just fork it and that (the forked code) becomes a new project on its own.
Isn't this what things like GitHub and crowd sourcing is? Granted you give more control to more people that at any time can fuck over the entire thing, but also, to try to maintain that A is for A and not B. As in, Accounting App Excel is for Accounting not Picture manipulation app Photoshop. Everytime some one joins in on the fun, they are playing a game of telephone as they want something of theirs that they will see as contributed to it, in turn, as you mentioned, it becomes forked and you then fork it into another project.

However, my point being, you will never escape centralization 100% as someone will always be at the helm to steer what ever project in the right direction.

You shouldn't fear strong leaders, you should fear weak leaders that are corrupt.

However too, if you have a large body of people and they are all guided into a project, platform, even a newspaper, as you can see no matter the system at play, it is nearly impossible to break. If the people have all the control, it will be nearly impossible for the government to break them, and if the government has all the control, it will be nearly impossible for the people to break them. The blade cuts both ways, it is all a matter to who wields it.
>Isn't this what things like GitHub and crowd sourcing is?
GitHub is usually involved, but that's based on another OSS project by the name of Git. By nature FOSS isn't something that can be sold, though, hence the name F(ree)OSS (as in free beer, and also as in free speech). I don't know if there are nonprofit organizations that fund projects like that, but I assume a good number of them would be crowdsourced as well as backed by grants.

>Granted you give more control to more people that at any time can fuck over the entire thing but also, to try to maintain that A is for A and not B.
Not really, whomever controls the master branch is the one that makes the call on what gets patched or not, if by control you mean "gets to contribute if they have a bug fix that the host deems worthy to include."

>Everytime some one joins in on the fun, they are playing a game of telephone as they want something of theirs that they will see as contributed to it, in turn, as you mentioned, it becomes forked and you then fork it into another project.
As mentioned above each fork is controlled by a person or small group of people that decide what's good to include and what isn't. Each fork is a distinctive project on its own IIRC, which is distinct from branches which can be merged or not, but maybe a poner with more knowledge of version control can jump in on that one.

>However, my point being, you will never escape centralization 100% as someone will always be at the helm to steer what ever project in the right direction.
>You shouldn't fear strong leaders, you should fear weak leaders that are corrupt.
Not really sure what you mean here. The weak leaders get left behind when they get a little too power hungry because their project gets forked or beat out by someone else's.

>However too, if you have a large body of people and they are all guided into a project, platform, even a newspaper, as you can see no matter the system at play, it is nearly impossible to break. If the people have all the control, it will be nearly impossible for the government to break them, and if the government has all the control, it will be nearly impossible for the people to break them. The blade cuts both ways, it is all a matter to who wields it.
That tends to be the case more generally, and it's often along the dividing lines of proprietary software vs. decentralized OSS, if I'm not mistaken, in the realm of computing and the associated legal issues. Government agencies use OSS all the time though, I know there was some hullabaloo about Russian bureaucracy moving to Ubuntu a while back so they wouldn't be using Windows. If you want to look at it this way, OSS tends to give people, just about everyone, a more level playing field and control over their own machines. It's really more about de-consolidation of power over software, hence the term decentralization, than who's fighting who.

Anyway mate, if you want to learn more about it then please read up in the /g/ wiki. It's good to see interest but I'm getting tired out explaining everything, hope you understand.