Alright, this is starting to get out of hand, so I have compiled a list of all the /mlpol/ boards that I am aware of and am posting this thread. I am going to post this exact same thread on every board on this list in hopes that we can actively maintain a list of boards.
Whoever owns this board, if you could please sticky this at the top I think it would help everyone. Ideally every /mlpol/ board should have a list of all active boards stickied at the top until we figure out where our main board is going to be.
If you know of any others please post them in this thread.
>Current list of all boards (including this one):>No longer active: need to keep ourselves organized, we are getting spread too far apart.
Mod edit: Updated the lists30 replies and 6 files omitted.
>>68post a redirect to this board and leave it up for a few days first, give anons plenty of time to migrate before pulling the plug
>>70Nobody really used mine /mlpol/, but I'll put a redirect pointing here regardless
Someone should tell these guys about this place
I would, but I'm banned again and my router is a massive pain in the arse to reset.
>>73I'll add a link. We have a link up in the other mlpol thread in /trash/ also.
>>40The Endchan board just 404'ed.
>>75can confirm, it is gone
It was very dead over there today. I checked it throughout the day and it barely moved at all.
>>75>>76Yeah, it's gone.
I didn't really like it, layout was clunky and shit to work with. Post marking (click the "No.") was broken and they didn't have backlinks either.
Here we've got quick reply, nice looking catalog, image hover, and backlinks.
>>78heres hoping the others will find their way here, I mean so far so good. It feels like the original mlpol as time goes on, and I have yet to see anything really fucky happen around here.
>>76sad to see them gone, we become fewer by the hour.
I hope they all found their way to another bunker, even if it isn't this one. we must stay together and support each other if we have any hope of surviving this
>>80endchan gone and mlpg basically working here the above list needs trimming. 8 or .net is not a contest. Today this looks a lot better and is working. Plus once established we can move in on the real target and get a proper 4chan. THX to all those people working hard to make this happen.
>>78Even though it was being raided by weebs today there was only like a handful of posts and they were all shit.
Not surprised - it was only supposed to be temporary anyways. The only thing of value that may have been lost was some of the banners that were posted there.
>>83We need to create a way to preserve put memes during this turbulent time.
It is the responsibility of every poster to save as much content as they can so that wherever we end up we have some culture to draw from.
Remember all of the OC generated in just 2 days?
It scares me to think just how much of that is gone already
>>84Just checked the banner thread here and I'm seeing now that most of the good ones I saw on endchan were already posted. And /mlpol/ was archived by 4plebs when it froze. Please Update this sticky. Things have moved for example is now>>65>We shall see. 4chan is a place of common background for most people here. At the very least, it's where we can recruit for talent if things get stale.There are still many nor/mlpol/nies who never left.
Besides the "Aryanne is best pony" generals constantly has a flag thread, a red pill meme except with ponies thread, etc etc
Questioning what is up on various boards ("why is /qa/ frozen and filled with My Little POL: Political Incorectness is Magic?").
People will still keep trickling in from 4chan if they find out this site is here. It is where people start looking.
I tried to hold out and see if anything a 4chan popped up again, but it was dead as a dodo. I tried to stay at /pol/ but there was so much shit to wade through that I just couldn't bare it. It looks like this has become a comfy place to be so I am happy staying here.
>>90We raided /po/ briefly an hour or two ago but the mods clamped down on us quite fast.
Dont go back to /pol/. Not our home anymore. Going to /pol/ will result in t_d finding this place. Our largest presense on 4chan at this point is in /trash/ and for now it should stay that way.
Remember rules 1 and 2 everyone.
>>91I will always adhere to rule 1 and 2. People who were in /mlpol/ should know about this place; it was mentioned enough times before the freeze.
>>91Fuck the rules. People are not here to be told what to do. People can decide themselves. Rule 1+2 are jokes and nothing more. Advertise, don`t advertise is the choice of the individual and not yours. Plus anyone who uses t_d is fucking cancerous. You show yourself for what you truly are with you writing style.
>>94I am always angry when some cunt tells me what I can and can not do. Who made you chief? No one. Don`t think you are any better than anyone else. If you want a kingdom go build it yourself and carry on with your onanarisms.
>>95Calm down, I never said you had to do anything.
You misinterpret my tone. Now look, I'm just repeating what I've seen 10 other people say. I agree with the idea and I'm choosing to follow it.
Norway could see the reasoning and agreed just now. It's not an order.
You are free to do as you wish.
>>95Here, have an Aryanne and let's be friends.
This is just a misunderstanding
>>96100% zero traction from doing this.
>>99we must secure the future for aryan puppers
>>98Someone was watching. I not state a post will get 0.001% traction.
>>93To be fair, rules 1 and 2 are designed so that a hidden board doesn't get flooded by griefers.
At the very least, don't advertise to a hostile audience. It would hurt more than it would help.
A bit off topic, but I promised to help them as they helped us while /qa/ was still running.
When /mlpol/ is up and running and stable I just wanted to mention to the admins that if they are thinking of or planning to expand that /vint/ wanted a home. This is just for the consideration of the admins and those who know the user base better as I am not sure how big the potential user base is and how many actually want it.
>>103I am all for helping out others, but I am not part of either of the communities that made up /vint/
Big boss man seems into the idea!
>>103>/vint/ It's a good idea, but I don't know if the site could handle it. Once we have better servers maybe ?
Once 4/qa/ is unfrozen we might ask them.
>>103>>103>>105I'm willing to do it provided they understand that they are guests in our land, our server can handle another board of this size, though I will need to upgrade at one point
>>44>>50>>63Mod from the former vichan board and current infinity chan board here, willing to become a mod here too to help coordinate us better
>>107you ok with starting out as a janitor?
>>108we need janitors and mods getting to work. seems we've been found.
>>109Looks like there is only one soul spamming at the moment.
>>111email me a short resume and login credentials at
>>112Would it be possible to extend the amount of threads shown on the first page? Because those four stickies clutter it up something fierce.
>>111You can contact me at
>>113sorry mate, lemmie look into it
>>114>>111>>107different ID each post...
>>115If you need a janitor I am up for it thou I have no idea what I would be embarking on.
>>116I'm at school mate, switching between devices and wifi/data
>>4205 →BurgerBot? the one that's been filling the fucking site with
>lol drumpf?
yeah im burning through everything I can, it's pissing me off, im five seconds away from banning the whole damn city he's posting from