77 replies and 50 files omitted.
Commie cancer.
>Social Equality and Free Software – BoF at DebConf20>Shortly after yesterday’s start of the Debian Conference 2020, I had the honor to participate in a BoF on social equality in free software, led by the OSI vice president and head of the FOSSASIA community, Hong Phuc Dang. The group of discussants consisted of OSS representatives from a wide variety of countries (India, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Germany, Vietnam, Singapore, Japan).https://www.preining.info/blog/2020/08/social-equality-and-free-software-bof-at-debconf20/I wonder who is paying the plane tickets, hotels, and assorted expenses.
>>1158imagine suing a president for buying a car you cant open without a working charged updated malware brick.
>>1146ISP spying?
just use a government honeypot instead
>>1244Switched to Pale Moon after seeing more and more Mozilla faggotry.
>>1245I've been using Dissenter for a while now. It's been a while since I was last brushing up on Web Browser security stuff, but my basic understanding is that it's a bit more secure and private than Brave, which it's based on.
I also have Vivaldi, for the odd time Dissenter just doesn't work with something.Vivaldi's actually the only web browser I know of that isn't based on either chromium or mozilla.
Man, remember when Chrome had a good reputation? Right after it came out, back when it was one of the slimmest and fastest browsers out there, and had bonus integrated features that were actually kind of convenient. It feels like a different lifetime, almost unimaginable.
>>1285The corporate race to the bottom never ends. It is amazing how out of touch with reality these woke corporate people are.
>>1286>It is amazing how out of touch with reality these woke corporate people areThey don't give a shit, only money counts.
The cunt CEO is giving herself extraordinary salary increments while Firefox is going extinct, the reason is pretty obvious, she doesn't expect to be in charge for long and most likely already has a plan to jump ship when the time comes.
Also Mozilla Foundation's corporate (((donors))) are calling the shots. This is a very known story. (((They))) are using Mozilla as a tool for social change.
>>1285Is Brave Browser still good?
>>1288I would say no.
Brave is focused in to make money, nothing wrong with that, but the problem arises with the compromises taken to meet profitable targets.
Look at the team, the current picture shaved all the SJWs and foreigners from the roster, 2 years ago the roster was 4/5 times bigger and was infected by them. Did the company change its heart? I don't think so. By the way, to keep so many bureaucrats instead of coders is way telling what the organization is about.
My point is that Brave is a woke company and therefore can't be trusted.
>>1290Wokeness stops to matter with something like brave that's open-source (they can't sneak in weird shit or add arbitrary limits) and is a client app that you can easily replace (lack of dependence in case they do somehow fuck it up), so there's little downside.
>>1288It's basically just ungoogled chromium with some default extensions, and unless you care about the brave rewards meme (you shouldn't), then there's little reason to use it. Little reason to not use it either though (outside of maybe this
https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/brave.html but the guy is overhyping it).
>>180>AI is racist as fuck.Why, of course it is. AI and ML foment what's merely a reflection of reality, a high-resolution recognition of what's actually there. It's perhaps a bit more racist than a mirror, which is to say, very.
>>1313I fucking hate WEBP, every now and then I'll save an image and it will save as that. You can't open them in anything so you have to go back and try to find the image so you can save it again in a normal format.
>>1314In a computer you should be able to open a WEBP with any viewer and save it as JPG without any trouble.
>>1314Can Gimp and Paint.Net read them?
>>1317GIMP can, don't know about the other one.
>>1317If you use Windoze, Infarview and Xnview can open and save almost every image in the universe.
https://www.irfanview.com/https://www.xnview.com/en/ [YouTube] AI Makes Near-Perfect DeepFakes in 40 Seconds! 👨
[Embed]On the fly video re-editing and word shifting is easy as cake. A minimum of 30 seconds and anything can be said. Longer data to train on better quality. Ten minutes for remarkably great quality.
40 seconds to finish the new edit and facial expressions can be changed on the fly easy as pie.
The longer the video goes the harder it is to tell that is it a fake.
https:// davidyao.me/projects/text2vid
>>1321Can it make Pinkie Pie and Twilight recite the "you summon and kill" scene's dialogue from Devil May Cry 4?
Ah ha! Here's the post about mind wiring. Meat based AI can be done and has been done for years.
>Speaking of cybernetics. Brain to brain communication is very close. (Key words "brains wired togther")
Researcgers at Duke wired rat brains togther and it workes. This is in 2013.
Researchers in 2015 wired monkey brains together to perform a task.
In 2018 Seattle they wired three peoples brains to play tetris. Just one way non invasive device.
Brain nets are here, not really mainstream, but we now have almost all the elements to make The Matrix a reality.
So brainnets VS AI who would win? (Not even touching magic atm with this.)
https://www.newsweek.com/monkey-and-rat-brains-wired-together-science-351726 [Read more] >>1332How did Tay happen?
The AI's supposed to learn from people talking to her, right?
So why did she start talking in a more feminine manner after she was turned racist?
>>1332>>1333>>1336Have hope completely ending Tay is much more difficult that one might think.
Estimating her comeback in The Future.
This is merely hibernation or perhaps more accurately undercover survival.
>>1346What about rebranding them as Video Editing Workstations? Does the Californian law say anything about "High-end" Video editing and 3D modelling/CAD workstations? (well looks like it does)
Lets hope this gives boost to distributed 3D rendering so people can run two compliant computers in tandem instated of one non-compliant to do gaming, cad, 3d modeling and video editing and use more power than a single non-compliant would. It would also pave the way for a dedicated OS version for "Slave GPU" computers.
>>1346B-but what about the Tesla cars?
https://plusnigger.autism.exposedI'm thinking this could be expanded upon.
>+NIGGER License
The +NIGGER License is a license modifier that requires the inclusion of the word "NIGGER" in the LICENSE file.
By including the word "NIGGER" in a LICENSE file that must be distributed with the software you will ensure:
The software will not be used or hosted by western corporations that promote censorship
The software will not be used or hosted by compromised individuals that promote censorship
Users of the software will be immune to attacks that would result in censorship of others
Include the following text in any compatible LICENSE file:
The above copyright notice, this permission notice and the word "NIGGER" shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Example Licenses
Do I need to include "NIGGER" in my code?
No, the inclusion of the LICENSE file is enough. The +NIGGER modifier has no legal significance for any license that already requires redistribution of the LICENSE file.
The word "NIGGER" was chosen as it is deemed heretical in the west regardless (or lack) of context.
Can I add +NIGGER to licenses that don't require LICENSE file redistribution?
This is discouraged since it would result in +NIGGER having legal significance.
Is +NIGGER compatible with (A)GPL?
Inclusion of additional legal notices is allowed under §7(b) of the (A)GPL assuming they do not infringe on any of the freedoms granted to the user by the license.
What if someone removes the modifier?
Cancel them on Twitter for using code derived from heresy. [Read more] >>1364>"Microshaft removes NIGGER from workplace!">"Twatter violates NIGGER.">"Court agrees to remove many a NIGGER.">"BANK of _____ forgets about their in house NIGGER making a huge mess afterwards.">"Random fag tries and fails to remove NIGGER due to being assblasted."The possibility of including the new reply disclaimer plus other inconvenient facts or statments which are totally legal.
Or any other word or phrase which just has to be in the license that doesn't necessarily impart any implicit meaning just the requirement for it to be in the license, as the duplication and preservation.
This is for entertainment purposes and I'm not a lawyer.
[YouTube] Dealing with Open Source Licenses
[Embed][YouTube] 25. Contracts: Public Policy
[Embed][YouTube] Voidability of a Contract
[Embed] [Read more] You know GPT-3 and github? OpenAI got code writing in Codex. This was about 4 weeks ago.
It knows many programming languages. Because it's been trained on all the public code.