Aggretsuko is my favorite anime.
I came here to make this thread. I'm glad to see it was already made.
Washimi is baest of bae.
>>2I wonder what my favorite Anime is
>>11>a literal eye candy advertisement anime11 posts in and its already a trainwreck :^)
1.Dragon ball super
2.jojo's bizzare adventure
3.kill la kill little pony
>inb4 pleb
also does this anime have good porn
>>15Is that added to the first question?
Because if so...
yes >>2What making this board really necessary?
>>19Was making this post really necessary?
>>22Stick a banana up your ass.
Corey in the Reichstag is also a good anime.
I can't hear you guys over the sound of how awesome this anime is.
>>25I've heard SpongeBob is also a top notch anime
>>30That's not anime. Wheres the pussy being blurred out?
>>19this board is really necessary.
I'm surprised it wasn't made earlier.
>>34So long as rule 3 stays intact.
>>35Of course!
Ponies are always welcome!
>>27Wait they made an anime with Leslie Jones in it?
>>2Just finished watching Retsuko, top notch anime.
I wouldn't say I have a favorite anime.
I think a lesser known one that I liked was H20: Footprints in the sand. It's also based off an adult VN, if that is more your thing.
I saw this being advertised and it looked odd, is it really that good? Looks like a meme to me. I just started watching Ajin and it's bretty gud.
>>2Watched this while I had netflix access because memes. Actually really good and relatable.
>>1157Totoro, really?
It's such a bland piece with no real story and only nice visuals
>>1159>bland pieceMasterpiece.
>no real storyReal life story indeed. A solid family life plus fantasy for everypony delight.
Death Note but just a remainder Near and Mello do not exist. Thank you.
>>2White advocate Jared Taylor addresses the Anime Question.
Mushoku Tensei: A Jobless Reincarnation