Is it worth watching? I keep hearing people talking about it.
>>1972I just finished watching episode 20 of season 2. It's pretty cool. Gege (Or should I say, "GG"?) is a mad man. At the very least a pretty original hanime that strongly deviates from shonen cliches.
Fat ugly girls when western studio draws them:
>"Ew get this woke crap out of my sight!"
Fat ugly girls when Jap studio draws them:
>"Awww she's so cute!"
Okay, this video is a journey, but the best part unironically is the tribute to Akira Toriyama that starts at about 13:37, in light of the fact that you're a dead board, what do you think?
While managing to "not lose", kamina's goal reminded of a thought that remains unresolved. It seems that while merchandisers are directly copying the anime design, to any degree of legitimacy Simon's (Gurren Lagann) core drill is most appropriately a step drill. As such, a self-respecting weeb would make theirs out of the proper equipment. Cuz in a pinch, that shit counts as a light flail.
>>2118Now THAT is a fucking CORE DRILL

What, its badass! Its a 3/4" socket. A ground down step drill, and a custom fitted old key. Its perfrct for the scrap a digger like simon would find!
A HEFTY dose(s) of epoxy later, the world's first lore-accurate core drill.
Ore o dare datto motte aru?