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Bastet has sent me another wayward kitten. This puts me up to 8. He will suffer unspeakable itches.
reeeeee, I inverted the image!!
>>3884>invertedFixed and happy Caturday fren.
No pics, but today I found the tiniest stray orange tabby kitter living out of the base of a neglected tree.
That kitter has since filled its belly with canned cat food, and its progress will be heavily monitored
Misser still alive and kicking. And bitesin.
Funny thing about strays, theyre much more rough than house-raised cats. One could misinterpret it as antagonism or ill temper, but thats how they play. Its actually a sign of respect, in a way; they learn to trust that you're stronger than their worst.
And when all's said and done, they're sleeping peacefully with kneady paws.
It's Caturday everyponer.
At least here is still Caturday.
Happy Caturday everypony.
Catturd day?
Glad he is getting the recognition he deserves.
Happy angry Carturday, faggots.