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Happy Caturday! There are a lot of stray cats in my neighborhood so I give them some canned mackerel or mashed meatballs sometimes.
You never know when they might save your life.
That's a privileged life, no doubt.
>>3080that cat looks stoned as fuck
>>3087>>3088Happy Caturday and Happy Easter!
I heard really violent sounds of a pack of dogs attacking a cat near my apartment. I went down and chased away the dogs, but I couldn't find any signs of a mauling, so hopefully the cat made it out.
anyone here like naked cats?
God of Colossus: revenge of the beast
Post some kitties faggots.
>Cat Knocks on Door
Happy Caturday faggots.
Happy Caturday, this was on my porch this morning
>>3165Nice little pussy you got there anon.
>>3167Tks. She's still alive, in spite of a nasty abscess on her back left leg. She's a feisty tho, and has sprung pack with bishiousness
>>3193The abscess has passed. And now she's just a feisty coot kitten. Her name is Quinn, and she's healthy and happy. And vicious.
>>3195Shid, linked wrong post. Anyway, she's getting really affectionate, in between attacking everything that moves and most things that don't. The word around is that someone has taken to periodically (ahem) dumping a bag of kittens at remote locations in the area.
Shhhhh, its Caturday ngrs
Wrong day, but enjoy a picture of the kitter at my hotel, moments before a savage mauling of itches and scratches. I brought the whole bag of itches.
It's a spooky Caturday today
happy Halloween and caturday.
>when you're trying to sleep but the asshole next door starts ranting about the jews
Merry Cats-mas! Him had his first taste of turkey gizzards today.
It's Caturday... one day late again.
I'm late but have a Chen!
It's still caturday on the west coast
>>3534Yes. 50 minutes remaining.