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Desu thread.
1908 1911 2012 2441
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu

50 replies and 44 files omitted.
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WT desu.jpg

With my perceptions in a mix
Down twenty gigs through the net
To the cloudy site of 4chan: Population >9000

Excessive faggotry, well maybe
In the shadow of red & green eyes
All the strangers pass through
Where the rules just don't apply

At the fork turn left a store
But on the right stay free from sight
'Cause >9000 quite bitter beings
Like to stack the bodies high

The only way to ever leave is
Overflooded by the spam
And entanglement in 4chan
Brings you fear in fifty posts
Desu deleted all the tourists
At the bottom of the lake
And not the supports the cause
To leave not the /b/ro's, stains their veins

Here, three miles back is where we are
All we ever wanted was Snacks back
Civilized are close but way too many
All we ever wanted was Snacks back

Footprints giving clue to where we are
All we ever wanted was Snacks back
Civilized are close but way too many
All we ever wanted...

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>This chan is going to be perfect
>The kind of chan of which I dreamed since I was new
>Everyone will gather 'round
>Say look at that edgy post
>What they don't know is that I have fooled them all

This day was going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
But instead of having LULZ
With all my Anons to celebrate
The Trolling threads, they do not last for me at all

>I could care less about the LULZ
>I won't partake in any cake
>Oldfag? Well, I'll be lying when I say
>"That through any kind of raiding
>I'll want us to come together
>The truth is I don't care for LULZ all"

>No, I do not want happening
>In my thread there is no room
>But I still want (You)s to be all mine

We must purge before it's too late
Find a way to save 4chan
Hope, I'll be lying if I say
"I don't fear that I may lose
To the faggot who wants to use
Not care for chan and cherish it each day"

For I oh so love 4chan
All my thoughts it does consume
Oh Suiseiseki
I'll be there very soon

Finally the moment has arrived
For days of old come alive

>A good thread we cannot make
>Anons are all taking the bait
>At this rate 4chan
Will surely die

This thread has been just perfect
The kind of thread of whuch I've dreamed since I was new
Post limit coming soon
Butthurt faggots giving (You)s
Who says a newfag can't triforce at all?

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Rolling down to Old 4chan, me /b/ro's
Rolling down to Old 4chan
We're homeward bound from the septic ground
Rolling down to Old 4chan

Once more we heil with an Anime tale
Towards our clover home
Our warflags hung, our flailng done
And we ain't got far to roam
Six hellish years we pissed away
On the cold Yotsuba Sea
But now we're bound from the septic ground
Rolling down to Old 4chan

Rolling down to Old 4chan, me /b/ro's
Rolling down to Old 4chan
We're homeward bound from the septic ground
Rolling down to Old 4chan

Once more we heil with a Anime tale
Through the shit and hate and rage
Them clover fronds, them /b/oundry lands
We soon shall see again
Even now their Heterochromia eyes look out
Hoping some fine day to see
Our thread derails running 'force the heil
Rolling down to Old 4chan

Rolling down to Old 4chan, me /b/ro's
Rolling down to Old 4chan
We're homeward bound from the septic ground
Rolling down to Old 4chan

How soft they breeze through the clovers four
Now the shit is far astern
Them native maids, them epical raids
Is a-waiting our return
I will rant and roar and ROW for sure
And paint them bitches red
Waking in the arms of a Rozen Maiden
With a big fat aching head

Rolling down to Old 4chan, me /b/ro's
Rolling down to Old 4chan
We're homeward bound from the septic ground
Rolling down to Old 4chan

Rolling down to Old 4chan, me /b/ros
Rolling down to Old 4chan
We're homeward bound from the septic ground
Rolling down to Old 4chan

Rozen Maiden has ruined my life, like it has done to so many others.

Less than a week ago, I thought the premise of the show was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard. Suiseiseki was just a meme, and I didn't even know any other characters. But then I watched the first episode. And then the second. And couldn't stop until I was done with Traumend. That was four days ago. By then, I was hopelessly entangled. I was in love with the show and the dolls. I started daydreaming that I was a member of the show's cast, or that I had a Rozen Maiden of my own. I suddenly had a craving for tea, so I went out and bought some, and it's all I've been drinking these past few days. And then it got even worse. Two days ago, I watched Overture. Now, I'm hopelessly in love with Suigintou. All I want from life is to be able to hold Suigintou and be able to cheer her up, make her happy again, so I can see her smile again. I fantasize about her becoming human, so I can go out with her, make sweet, sweet, love to her, and marry her and have a happy life with my dear Suigintou. The show's given me other side effects, too, which keep getting worse. Whenever I see porn or hentai now, all I can think is "no dolljoints, not hot." All I can fap to is Suigintou doujins. I see Shinku's face and get in a bloodcurdling rage like I've never felt before. She made my Suigintou cry! I've stopped caring about my car, which for years was everything to me. I've stopped caring about what I eat, except for a craving for Flowery Hamburger. I don't care about any other anime, manga, or any video games. My only realistic desire right now is for an accurate Suigintou doll that I can cuddle while I sleep. I get jealous when I see anyone talk about her or post her picture, and pissed off when I hear the word junk.

Come to me, Suigintou! I'll love you, let me make you happy! You're not junk, let me give you my devotion and love and you'll see that you don't need to be so sad!

I'm crying as I type this.

Desu Vult.png

Desu desu nigga


No desu for you desu.