>>92488SighYou've brought most of this upon yourself
First off, the last time you were told to fuck off was bec ause you were digging up and restarting the argument over character coat colors. This argument has happened twice before over the past month, and each time it ended with you saying "alright, I'll make her a super light grey" which obviously you reneged upon after the first argument. So you started it again by reneging a second time on the "super light grey." You were on notice that going back on what you said would start the argument again and would cause drama. That could have been easily avoided. I want to also mention that
you did this the same night Dark Star's player was very angry so you started drama to compound on more drama.
Then, the argument over the discord mention. We had that argument before at least twice, so you were on notice that it would cause anger and resentment if you did it unilaterally without even asking. I've explained many, many times that I want to marginalize the use of the discord platform
precisely because it amplifies and kindles drama like this, and still another person expressed concern over the presence of doxxable material so you really should have taken the wants and needs of the other people such an action would affect. And you started that fight
within four hours of other drama surrounding Dark Star's player so you were starting shit when tempers were already high.
Now, let's talk about spamming the same character build in discord literally 12 times and in thread several more times. You had been perfectly fine for basically the entire first two months that you played in my campaign. There was no excessive min-maxing, and really no serious issues between you and me. You had made it clear from the beginning that you wanted to use that "Vow of Poverty" homebrew, and I told you early on that I could see granting it in part so that a lack of armor did not hurt, but that giving full benefits would be overpowered. I did not want to grant it obviously because it would have been OP, and I did not want to deny it because I wanted to allow you to play the character you wanted to play. Then you started posting the same build again and again.
I didn't mind it that much, but Brie's player made comments to the effect that he was very clearly annoyed by it. I noticed that you did that after going into an encounter - one that I actually didn't really intend to be played in the first place - without a plan on how to beat it, got frustrated, stopped playing for a week, and then hoped that having a more powerful build would cause you to win the scenario. That annoyed me, because it seemed to me that talking to the NPCs could be made a whole lot easier just by being nice to them.
Then I finally gave you an answer to the exact build, which was that you could have the improved stats, you could
not have the flaw-for-feat buy, you could have the vow of poverty benefits up to level five minus the "never needs to eat" part, with probably only half the benefits from the levels thereafter. That wasn't good enough for you, so you tried to force through a new build the next day, and you did this all
while drama with Dark Star's player was ongoing. Of course it wasn't well received, partly because I was annoyed that you hoped that stats would save you, rather than basic roleplaying like having your character pretend to not undrestand the NPC is evil so as to lull her into a more easily manipulated state, and it was poorly recieved mostly because
you chose to do this when other drama was ongoing.
So if you want to quit over what to me seems to be 1. Not a big deal relative to other drama that has happened, and 2. Pretty easily preventable and provoked by you, then go ahead. But all you had to do was
wait a single day for the other drama to die down before starting your own, or, just not do things that you already knew would piss other people off, and especially,
not restart drama that you already agreed to compromise and end