The E3 thread on 4chan is going a mile a minute and everyone is screaming like a bunch of summerfags that found out they can cuss online, and i want to see some actual discussion of this presentation.
>>1Also so far they've revealed a new console(?) called the Xbox OneX and a Xbox Exclusive car. I can only assume they are going to do nothing but talk about everything except video games from here on out.
Can we make this an official /vint/ thread?
The Metro trailer was a scripted mess.
most video games these days are overpriced trash, regardless who makes them. These conferences hardly amount to anything but shitty cringe memes.
>>7Agree. Lots of scripted stuff in first one too. Too much catering to console (Press (x) E) I think. But it was a fun game anyway.
The dialogue the assassin's creed guy is spewing out is fucking awful. I've read rp logs that sounded more natural than this.
>>1Why was everyone so excited for this?
It's not bad at all. Glad to see Microsoft is back.
>>13It's much better than i was expecting, but 3/4ths of the games they listed were either pc ports or just a badly scripted mess.
I cba to watch this and I never do but let me know if there's any cool shit. Thanks in advance.
>>8This. I almost don't give a shit about new games at all these days.
>>13>no exclusives >>1>4chanwhy not start lurking better imageboards than this one?
>>13Back with what? Microsoft is always a strong second for me (third if you count PC) but I don't think they announced a single exclusive.
>>1Reposting coz catalog too touguh to check.
>le E3 muh saint grail of vidya cons is going on>oh what the heck I can check the trailer anyways> AYO HOL UP! WE WUZ: pharaonz, resystance fyyyighterzzz, Numenoriannzzzz, Galactic Emipre elite warrriorzz N SHEEEIIIT!!>yup, done&done with western games.How bout you, /mlpol/?
>inb4 Ubisot, well EA too, but I was hoping some more and better from Bethesda( new Wolfy) or hell, even WB.