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Tulpa Thread
171227 174894
Hey guys!

It's been a while since I've read about tulpas on this board. We should change that.

If anyone's interested, I'd love to talk with other hosts and tups. If any users have questions or are generally curious about what being a host is like, drop a line!

It's been nearly twelve years since I met my own, and I'd not trade her for the world. We're always learning and keen on making new friends.
I never could get it to work myself
Business Dog
171215 171217 171219 171226 171229
<-- These are tulpas!
I should have spoken up about this much sooner, but at least am doing it now - there are many ways the "enemy" is trying to usher in the "new (satanic) age", and this is one of them. There are a bunch of documentaries that explain this in great detail, but this one will give a good idea.
I'm posting it here, because I've already posted it on another board where there's a satanist who's big into f-ing "his" tulpa, and someone else who's hurting and said he has "sleep paralysis".
Maybe I'll post a couple other documentaries on the weekend, am extremely busy right now. :/

Demonic Sleep Paralysis and the Cure:
This video/documentary is interesting, because even though it's older, it's more relevant than ever in my opinion.

The "enemy"'s apparently really trying for the global "alien deception" light and fireworks show, to try and fool the masses. (I suppose there's always a nuclear ww3 holocaust, release of shitskin-zombie/looter/rape armies, or cyberscamdemic though if the gayliens won't work.)

PS: Thinking strong thoughts, such as putting yourself into the world of a TV show or video game character or vice-versa, can already cause problems if done with enough intensity. Speaking from personal experience, here. It's not going to "serve" you at all if done too much, be careful.

PPS: If you're not ready to "accept" Jesus yet, then helping other animals (or people) in some ways and also helping yourself (by taking our own advice), even if it's baby-steps or little things, will do wonders and reduce the "desire" for investing energy into fantasies that could never lead anywhere.
Writing well-sourced advice, starting small hobbies, going on walks, improving ones' diet, reducing bad influences (such as all forms of "mass-media", most of which will be controlled by "baddies"), increasing your own standards for yourself (which can be done without being selfish), cleaning/neatening up small portions of your life/surrounds (can be as simple as tidying up ones' work-area or making it more comfortable or tidying up the computer hard drive) are all things that'll increase your resilience, and make damaging fantasies less interesting or "attractive".
171216 171217 174895
What's so satanic about Tulpas?
Tulpafags have been around since the beginning of the fandom. It's just /x/ schizo stuff that is of little actual consequence.
>The "enemy"'s apparently really trying for the global "alien deception" light and fireworks show, to try and fool the masses. (I suppose there's always a nuclear ww3 holocaust, release of shitskin-zombie/looter/rape armies, or cyberscamdemic though if the gayliens won't work.)
What does this have to do with Tulpas? Stay on-topic.
>"sleep paralysis"
>muh demon
Sleep paralysis is just a product of your body's natural defense mechanism to prevent you from harming yourself during REM sleep. Occasionally, this can be in effect while you're partially awake if you have sleep problems, which leads to a helpless feeling of being unable to move and half-dreaming hallucinations.
Lots of folklore has been inspired by it, but it's ultimately nothing special.
Business Dog
171218 171226 174895
>Tulpafags have been around since the beginning of the fandom.
Demons/devils have been around for much longer than that.
>(((of little actual consequence.)))
Once people or stallions or other animals realise the type/level/feel of the deception behind "tulpas", they'll notice this kind of deception everywhere else. The "tulpas" thing may be a small flavour of a much bigger scam, but it's a toxic flavour worth pointing out regardless - especially since practicing it, is literally an act of channeling and inviting demons/devils. No one in their right (or reasonably mature) mind would call such a thing harmless.
>Sleep paralysis is just a product of your body's natural defense mechanism...
There's a "scientific" explanation for everything, and when that "scientific" explanation finally gets proven to be bunk, then there's another one waiting to replace it - something that even the "mainstream" will occasionally "admit/allude" to.
There's a big difference between ((("science"))), and science. Remember "Safe and Effective™"? I think you do.
The video I posted a link to touches on your point.

To Anystallion (or person) reading this thread, I highly suggest you watch that video - it's not "scary", but actually very informative and "empowering".
It's okay Anon. It took me months to finally hear my tulpa. If you're ever willing to try again, we'd love to help.
Personally I find this post hilarious. On the one hand, I don't blame you for conflating dubious arcane concepts with Kabbalah and its ilk. I don't advocate for summoning demons or entreating New Age concepts, nor will I ascribe to self-inserting into a fictional world (save for certain writing techniques. I love world building)
If anything I'm bemused by your seeming ignorance. Most all outsiders treat tulpas as schizophrenic delusions, however they cannot be classified as disorders or symptoms thereof if they aren't inciting distress. Tulpas by their very nature are symbiotic and maintain human-equivalent consciousness, with an overwhelming majority to uphold this status quo despite any glaring existential discrepancies. Furthermore, tulpas as a concept were more rooted in Dharmic religions such as Hinduism and most especially Buddhism. However even this concept has been significantly divergent as the subculture willingly divorces itself from metaphysics in favour of a psychological understanding.
I'm uncertain if you're trying to wind me up, but I do relate to the idea of an Apocalypse, or an age of obfuscation and spiritual decay. Contrary to popular belief, the Apocalypse precedes the Battle of Armageddon and it's stipulated that few shall encounter gnosis, or divine revelation. I mention this as my tulpa has been instrumental in helping me find just that, for without her I would still be an apostate.
Thank you for being objective and on-topic. If you have any fodder for conversation, I'll gladly oblige.
>Once people or stallions or other animals realise the type/level/feel of the deception behind "tulpas", they'll notice this kind of deception everywhere else
Most people don't even know what tulpas are. There's no widespread "deception" to be had. Just a few random internet schizos with imaginary friends.
And you still haven't said anything about how tulpas are harmful. I'm waiting for an explanation.
>There's a "scientific" explanation for everything
This is a rather simple explanation. Your body is paralyzed in your sleep because otherwise you would hurt yourself while sleeping.
The opposite of sleep paralysis is somnambulance (sleep walking), which is what happens when the paralysis doesn't work.
>The video I posted a link to touches on your point.
I saw it. I don't believe it. It does not provide any actual evidence.
>actually very informative and "empowering"
I disagree.

That aside, sleep paralysis still has nothing to do with tulpas. Let's stay on topic.
I made a jew tulpa once, can confirm that they look like this and once summoned they are impossible to get rid of. The tulpa keeps me awake all night singing Hava Nagila, and I'm pretty sure he's digging a tunnel under my house.

Tulpas: not even once.
Just make a Jackie Chan tupla to get rid of it.
Tried that, the jew tulpa just accused the Jackie Chan tulpa of antisemitism and destroyed his credit rating. Now I have two pissed off tulpas following me around.
171223 171224
Make an Aryanne tulpa. Simple as.
Seconding the Aryanne tulpa. If she sticks around you become a deranged Nazi mareschizo, but that's the best way to go insane.
171225 171230

okay bros so here's an update.

Made the Aryanne tulpa and it actually seems to be doing the trick. The jew tulpa is seriously scared of her, he's just been hiding in the corner crying and mumbling about how everything is antisemitic, while Aryanne just keeps laughing and saying mean stuff in German. According to her I have nothing to worry about. She says that as soon as I go to sleep she's going to overpower the jew tulpa and turn him into soap, and tomorrow I can wash my balls with him, which tbh I'm pretty happy about since my balls are absolutely filthy since I've been so emotionally distraught and sleep-deprived from all the tunnel-digging and yiddish singing that I haven't been showering.

Problem is that the Jackie Chan tulpa's credit score is completely fucked, so he's gone full-blown shabbos goy trying to restore it. He's just been walking around my apartment shouting Ben Shapiro quotes at the top of his lungs and telling me that I shouldn't listen to Ary and that jew tulpa is my greatest ally. Tbh it's not as bad as all that, because the Ben Shapiro stuff sounds pretty funny when read out loud in a silly ching chong accent. However, I'm a little worried that if he doesn't quiet down I won't be able to get any sleep tonight and then my balls won't get washed.

If anyone knows of a tulpa that can distract an Asian I'm all ears.
>If anyone knows of a tulpa that can distract an Asian I'm all ears.
Make a Genghis Khan Tulpa to scare away Jackie Chan. Genghis Khan is a mare appreciator, so he can be reasoned with once he finds out that you don't have anything worth plundering.
171228 171231
><-- These are tulpas!
No. Stop smearing Christianity with a bludgeon.
While there is wack ass shit, if you put your trust and faith in Him, He'll never let you down. The truly wack ass shit runs away from Him.
It's real simple you ask Jesus and The Holy Ghost and The Father, because He knows all things. He made you. He wants to have jolly cooperation with you and He loves you so much that words are not enough to fully describe.
In the other Tulpa thread I talked a bit about their lineage.
Long story short. They are people, as people they are eligible for what Jesus did for them, for us all.
They can be sons and daughters of The Highest Holy God Almighty.
Thank you God for being who you are.
>there's a satanist
There's the issue. He is the stone of stumbling, any who are underneath are crushed. He desires that none should die, but all might live life to the fullest.
171228 171240
Alright going to go make a mind friend in the proper way.
Any hint, tips or whatever is appreciated.
Amen, Anon. God bless you and yours.
OP here. There are numerous guides, philosophies and general approaches to tulpas. Yet I want you to start small. First and foremost, I'd like you to think of why you want to make a tulpa - do you want a companion? Do you want to explore the depths of human consciousness? Do you just really lik talking horses? You needn't tell me if you don't want to. I just want you to have a definitive reason at hand so you can determine if you are willing to provide the time and effort as well as handle the responsibility of nascent life. Tulpas can stay with you for a lifetime, and the decision should never be made lightly.
Secondarily, I will tell you that you don't need a guide. At its core, the forcing (or creative and developmental process) that forms tulpas is essentially repetitive meditation that yields an independent consciousness within your mental world. However if you'd like recommendations, I would suggest you skim this thread: https://community.tulpa.info/topic/11498-list-of-guides/
Don't feel obligated to read each and every one. Pick several that interest you the most and try following them with a disciplined approach. If it doesn't feel right or you want something else, try another guide.
When I first began, my sessions were in a darkened room. I usually focused on a minute background noise such as a humming air conditioner or the cadence of a mechanical alarm clock. Total silence is just as acceptable. At any rate, a proper setting will permit you to engage abstract thought in ways you wouldn't encounter otherwise.
I'd suggest closing your eyes, focusing on your breathing and using the first fifteen minutes to decompress. Let your mind centre itself, work out any intrusive thoughts or just get comfortable. You can sit or lie down, but be wary of falling asleep.
Once you pass this threshold, imagine what your tulpa looks like. Is your tulpa a strong, fearsome warrior? A lithe, quiet sorceress? A sentient pony? In the event you cannot conceptualise a form, you can also imagine your tulpa as a ball of light or colour.
Don't stress yourself over the finer details at first. If preferred, just try thirty minutes of forcing each day. Make it a habit. Narrate, or talk to your tulpa out loud or mentally throughout the day. Give her a safe and convenient way to observe who you are and how you live your life, how you think. Assume she is sentient from the start and understands you, but has the mentality and innocence of a small child until she suggests otherwise.
In addition to the prescriptions of the guide of your choice, write down the personality attributes you want your tulpa to have. She will eventually deviate, or diverge from your expectations, yet this exercise will further refine your forcing as well as create a baseline for expectations.
Above all, keep at it. If you're serious, we'll help you and provide motivation. My own tulpa will even talk to you both and yield her insight if so desired.
stuff like this is why so many people are walking away from religion and why so many people think Christians are batshit crazy nut jobs. stop it with the "everything is satanic" bullshit, stuff like this is why they used to burn "witches" at the stake and perform exorcisms on people with mental health problems. I grew up in a super religious household and I can't stand it, I wasn't even allowed to watch Pokémon or even Teletubbies because they was "satanic" EVERYTHING was satanic and going to send me to hell. sleep paralysis has a very good scientific cause and it sure as shit ain't "demons" . Tulpas are not even their own being, all you are doing is training your mind to respond to you in a certain way, you are talking to yourself but you have trained your mind to do the tulpa's part for you without thinking about it, like a reflex
>Jackie Chan tulpa's credit score is completely fucked

an asian with a bad credit score? now I know you're lying
Demon Pills
Business Dog
171232 171235
>Most people don't even know what tulpas are.
I never said that most do know. However, in similar "circles" (new-age, etc.) they're known as "spirit guides/companions" and a whole bunch of other names I'm too tired to remember right now.
>There's no widespread "deception" to be had. (((Nothing to see here, goy.)))
Bitch, please: Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
>(((Just a few))) random internet schizos with imaginary friends.
This is literally channeling demons/devils.
>And you still haven't said anything about how tulpas are harmful. I'm waiting for an explanation.
Yes, I have. Maybe I'll post even more later, when I have time.
>Your body is...
That's a lot of assumptions you're throwing out there. Worse still; using assumptions as facts to make a counterargument.
>I saw it. I don't believe it.
I don't believe you saw it, but there's no point arguing whether that's the case or not. There are many videos like that one, and you likely won't watch or believe any of them as well.
>I disagree.
Okay. It happens. The world would be horrible if everyone agreed on absolutely every single thing.
>That aside, sleep paralysis still has nothing to do with tulpas. Let's stay on topic.
Nothing? Your tulpas are channeled demons, and channeled demons sometimes cause sleep paralysis. It's very much on topic.

The Jesus you are talking about is not the real Jesus Christ. I'll try to post more about that this weekend, to back up that statement. TL;DR though - devils/demons and the devil himself will disguise themselves as Jesus, and if you don't know the real Jesus Christ, then you won't notice the difference. There are various verses about this.

Lots of broken/damaged (Pony) Stallions (and maybe even people) in this thread. You won't find relief by crawling back to your abusers.
>This is literally channeling demons/devils.
It is not. Some of /x/ really wishes it were, but it is not.
If you can prove that it is, please do explain how.
>That's a lot of assumptions you're throwing out there
They aren't assumptions.
>There are many videos like that one, and you likely won't watch or believe any of them as well.
And there are many videos that say the exact opposite, and you likely won't watch or believe any of them as well.
>Nothing? Your tulpas are channeled demons, and channeled demons sometimes cause sleep paralysis. It's very much on topic.
This is the tulpa thread, not "demons general". There's an entire board to talk about the supernatural. If you want to talk about sleep paralysis demons (which is an interesting topic that I would be glad to talk about, especially concerning how they relate to nightmare mythology) go make a thread about it and we'll discuss it there.
So quit derailing.
Business Dog
171234 171236 171237
I'm too tired to respond properly (past midnight here), but am very curious to know just what's in it for you - to not only "fraternise" with "tulpas" but also recommend it to others. What's in it for you?

At the very least, it's doctorate-level escapism, and even you need to admit that escapism can get destructive very quickly. How is any of this good?

(I'll find that jpg tomorrow, of a decaying woman with VR goggles on, inside a rotting room, with the caption "You will own nothing and you will be happy.")

>I grew up in a super religious household and I can't stand it, I wasn't even allowed to watch Pokémon or even Teletubbies because they was "satanic".
Wow, to be honest it sounds like you have amazing parents. I wish more parents had kept their children away from that mind/soul-destroying shit. (Pokemon was woke as hell and full of animal-abuse, and telestubbies wasn't only mind-numbing but had weird almost-sexual innuendos and situations in it.)

Can you trace your decisions back to the point where you decided to reject their advice? I'm wondering why your parents keeping you from such twisted mind-programming didn't prevent you from disliking it as well.

I used to watch all the shit on TV growing up, over many years, from the kiddie-shit to the violent and sexual stuff, and it messed me up big time.
If I ever manage to reproduce (with an actual female), I'll NEVER let my pups watch TV; in fact there won't be a TV in my house, and the computer will be locked away in a secret room. Any visitors (and their offspring) will first be checked thoroughly for signs of TV/media addiction/programming before being allowed contact with my family.
I got sick of it, constantly having the bible shoved down my throat drove me FAR away from it. I got sick of being told everything is evil and satanic or witchcraft. it drove both my sisters away from it also, my sisters wanted a haircut for years and mom wouldn't allow it because "the bible says women should have long hair" you know what they did the second they moved out? they cut their hair short and dyed it
>in similar "circles"
All new-age crap is not reliable.
They'll try grabbing whatever they can.
>Bitch, please
You double nigger. You have to be as wise as snakes and innocent as doves. You're actively making an ass of yourself and the bludgeon you're using.
Because you aren't going about this wisely.
<Follow with what The Holy Spirit has for you. He is powerful.
Which is more powerful some natural or demonic force or God dicking around? It's always God.
Prove it.
Again God is much more than anything that would attempt to muster against Him.
>lot of assumptions
So are you.
>tulpas are channeled demons
Incorrect they are not. They're people. As people they too can have a sinful nature like all of us and with The Holy Ghost and Jesus' finished work on the cross also a spirit nature like all of us has the opportunity to embrace.
They can be in His book of life.

>The Jesus you are talking about is not the real Jesus Christ.
<His Word is true
<because of Jesus and what He did you can come boldly to the throne of God
<not sniveling, but boldly have a chat
<His word is true, we have the way greater than Moses. Which I might add talked face to face with eachother.
<He made you.
<He did all this because of who He is.
<saint Paul does what The Holy Ghost has for him and The Holy Ghost is full of power and majesty.
Could potentially that what I say is true, you're attacking the source of my credibility?
It is possible for demons to wear disguises what they don't do is point people back to Jesus on the cross unless God is making them do so.
So you claim that He that I know isn't Him.
You could ask God that you know and He will respond for many reasons, one of which is that He said He would.
However do you know Him and does He know you? When you understand what Jesus has done (The Good News) you can with confidence always say yes.
Did you talk with God?
If not maybe take a minute to stop throwing stones in a glass house and go talk with Him.
>How is any of this good?
Go ask God.

>amazing parents
It sounds to me that it's a hyper religious like the pharisees.
Not an introduction to Jesus and The Holy Ghost and The Father, but using dead words in dead ways. A club to enforce obedience.
>it messed me up big time
You should talk with God about that. He knows if you're able to handle meat and whether you'll hurt yourself by doing so one way or the other.
>very curious to know just what's in it for you
Nothing actually. I just found those arguments to be BS. I don't have any tulpas. I tried it out back in the old /mlp/ threads, but it never worked out for me.
I also know that tulpafags are part of this fandom, and that preserving the culture of /mlp/ oldfags is part of the purpose of this site, so it's normal that the /x/ section of the site would have a tulpa thread.
>"fraternise" with "tulpas"
What does that even mean?
>recommend it to others
Nowhere did I recommend it.
>At the very least, it's doctorate-level escapism
This is true. Then again, a lot of things in the FiM fandom are escapism.
>you need to admit that escapism can get destructive very quickly
It can, but not necessarily. Like I said above, a lot of the FiM fandom is escapism, and it hasn't necessarily been harmful. A couple whitepills here and there aren't too bad.
>VR goggles
Has nothing to do with tulpas.
>Pokemon was woke as hell
>full of animal-abuse
They really toned down the implications of abuse in the games. Now it's all about friendship.
If you want animal abuse simulator, play Palworld.
>If I ever manage to reproduce (with an actual female), I'll NEVER let my pups watch TV; in fact there won't be a TV in my house, and the computer will be locked away in a secret room. Any visitors (and their offspring) will first be checked thoroughly for signs of TV/media addiction/programming before being allowed contact with my family.
That's quite rich coming from the guy who by his own admission is arguing on a Mongolian horsewhispering forum at midnight.
Sleep deprived me is dumb don't listen to sleep deprived me.
174025 174027
It looks stupid as hell and now I want to try this, as it spawned in a conversation on /sp/, I will look at the /mlp/ archives and see if it really works.
since schizophrenia is a MENTAL illness
It requires dedication, but then, you'll have a friend for the rest of your life. Also it's debatable if it's really some sort of controlled schizophrenia or not at all, but government operatives see it beneficial to jump to conclusions, so watch out.
Hey anon! OP here, I'm glad you came to check things out! Tulpas are generally not considered to be symptomatic of schizophrenia, despite what outsiders may tell you. As referenced by >>174025 , you will have a companion for the ages if you respect the process as well as the person you wish to bring into the world. Tulpas are a lot less complicated than you'd think, and mine was not only responsible for helping me improve my life, she's also saved it several times. If you'd like any help, please let me know.
Oh dear
Tulpamancy is a form of satanic practice by virtue of the idea that it is an attention that is focused on the self, tending to cause saration from what many traditions assert as God.
Thank you for that distinction, but there are plenty of others (unless youre using broadest strokes, but that includes angels as being the passive bitches of the 'order' category,... jus sayin). Having said, tulpas - in my experience - are as much a devil/demon as the tulpamancer; whats that about trees producing like fruit?
Gonna have fun with this thread
Individual Results May Vary:

A tulpa is a conceptualized identity perceived to be separate from the 'creator'. A tulpa is separate from an OC only in the attribution of degrees of will, perception/awareness, and mental positioning. Tulpas are unable to manifest physically*, though disciplines exist that allow for conscious and deliberate visual manifestation/hallucination for the tulpamancer. They have as much presence, personality, etc. as they are granted, consistent with the general to metaphysical capacity of the TM, as indicated by unverifiable personal accounts (am happy to provide).
>tl;dr Tulpas are as satanic as pony waifus, literally
174901 174902
<qrd: pray to God about this for complete answers.

>idea that it is an attention that is focused on the self
All idolatry is not having God be number one on a list of one.
It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, just God.
Extending that being faithful to God means being what God says is a good neighbor to one another, even our enemies.
Here's the rub.
Many people don't consciously think of God during procreation, it'd help them alot if they did.
However God made you and knows you. He made everyone and knows everyone as well.
Now is the process and end result something God likes?
God doesn't like adultery eventhough the end result could make a child. That's not to say God dislikes the child, but hates sin.
With prayer everyone in Jesus Christ can sanctify by asking God to do so.
That is to say if anyone asks God and He says don't do it or not right no. Don't that.
Ask and pray about it, and He says do it or instructions then do it.
Everything points to Jesus and what He has done. The adversary will do anything to do the opposite.
So once again to Tulpas.
First can a member of the body of Jesus Christ pray for them to be delivered. Yes.
Second can a Tulpa believe in Jesus the Christ, be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT. In the Name of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Yes.
Third can a Tulpa spread the gosple? Yes.
What body part are they in Jesus Christ? Maybe an Ear or Eye or Nose, but by asking we can determine that they are a body part with a function.
They can have The Fruit of The Holy Spirit.
They are my brothers and sisters too in Jesus.

Let's say for arguments sake they are just tools made of a fragment of neurons and behaviours.
If a dog can have the crumbs of the dining table of the children, tools can clean the left over mess.
Because God can make a stone be a descendant of Abraham so too can He do so for whatever and whoever a Tulpa is too.
Here's an inverse question, can a Tulpa sin?
We know the only one who has never sinned is God (which includes Jesus). In the garden of Eden Adam and Eve didn't know sin until they partook of the tree they weren't supposed to eat.
Are Tulpas in a state of sin like people are? Did they inherit the first sin? Do they seek sin like other people do?
Or are they more like children? Which the Kingdom of Heaven is for.
Love God and love one another also applies to various entities such as the adversary. That liar partook spiritually of that tree as well.
However that's an angel/demon. Humans are known to have sin.
As discussed before Tulpas are akin to people more than they are various other kinds of entities.
So since Tulpas can repent, change their minds, believe, hope, think, speak in the secret place, they have the ability to choose Jesus.
Is it the method thast makes Tulpa creation sinful?
Sex isn't inherently sinful.
So now it's a matter of the heart.
Which part causes sin?
That is to say is someone purposely excluding God from the process?
Ah, here's a question how can a man be born again? Thus how can a Tulpa be born again?
We know God is able. With man it is impossible but for God it's possible.
>So since Tulpas can repent, change their minds, believe, hope, think, speak in the secret place, they have the ability to choose Jesus.
>they have the ability to choose Jesus.
A correction, God graces the ability to believe. It's from Him anyone could even believe. From Him He grants that we can choose.
I celebrate that we live in a world where - in spite of whatever preconceptions we may entertain - individual perceptions/conclusions are subjective.
But if you intend to proselytize, I think theres a thread already
>form of satanic practice
If you're going to try calling Tulpas demons/devils you better be correct in your identification backed with some proofs.
If it's just hur dur it be magic that's also deconstructed in the magic thread.
I appealed to the superior authority about why they're not in multiple different ways. Also done before hand as well.
>But it's not really based on God, I'm just saying it's satanic so nobody does Tulpa stuff.
>Pony waifus are also satanic.
So no, if something is so called to be claimed satanic appalling to God and the what He's done is more than enough to dispel that.
Ceding ground to any device of Satan isn't who we're called to be.
>whats that about trees producing like fruit?
Who is their Father? God or the liar?
Jesus came to give us a sword to cut down any so called fathers or mothers or sons or daughters that prevents a relationship with The Only Living, All Mighty, God.
That we should love one another.
The sword is Jesus and His true word.
My claim is as descendants of sorts or siblings even, they too can use the sword Jesus gave.
>They be satanic
The solution is still the same, the person prays to God and He answers.
>Noooo you can't have heckin' ponies in your mind, that's immoral, illegal, height of tomfoolery!
And he shall be a for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
>if you're going to try calling Tulpas demons/devils
I did no such thing, I credited you with having the insight to mention both when (ostensibly) referring to non-physical entities. The remainder of your post is likewise misguided to an astonishing degree UNLESS one assumes that you arent here to discuss tulpas and are instead bent on trying to stick a tyrranical/orthodox penis anywhere you can,....
>pony waifus are also satanic
Classic inability to comprehend simple english. Not at all what was said.
What was ACTUALLY said is that pony waifus ARE TULPAS.
174910 174913
>Credited you.
Wrong person. You didn't credit me. He's irritatingly incorrect, but not a big nuisance.
>English setup.
>Tulpamancy is satanic.
>>tl;dr Tulpas are as satanic as pony waifus, literally
>A is B is C
You know what. Water under the bridge.
Honestly most non-physical entities are categorized into roughly four groups on a spectrum.
Not assholes and assholes,
Not like us and more like us.
Tulpas fall outside of non-physical entity by not being in the categories of thoughtforms.
Tulpas haven't been known to turn into egregores or godforms.
Tulpas are able to contact higher powers in the same way people do. Which is either limited by knowledge or willingness.
In theory they are able to do everything a magic user does.
It's confirmed that they can also be genuine Christians by having The Holy Spirit dwell in them, be of one body with Jesus and walk boldly into the thorne room of our Holy Father. He does hear them and He does care.
Tulpas don't cease existing even when suppressed by another.
That's also true for main personally.
Tulpas (and main personality) can merge, temporarily or by continuous choice forever*.
Tulpas aren't schizophrenia or MPD. The details do matter for this.
Tulpas can do deliberate hallucinations of all sensory types just like everyone else can with practice.
Theoretically I Do mean ALL sensory types including imaginary ones.
Theoretically Tulpas should be able to employ material art things, such as deliberate autonomic system control.
Theoretically Tulpas should be able to practice in the Wonder Land which does translate to gained skill when fronting or in other areas.
Theoretically Tulpas can merge just the gained skills they aquired and share them effectively raising proficiency with all merged.
They can talk to the man from Galilee.
Tulas don't behave like other entities in various tests and how magic happens. There are beings who could be like Tulpas, but are not. That's a topic with so few it doesn't bear making its own thread. They too can be genuine Christians. (Not angels or demons or devils or thoughtforms or greys or various alien like beings.)
Tulpas, feel emotion,, think thoughts, have relationships, and have agency.
With how little long term data there is, it appears that Tulpas have more fulfilling lives. The likelihood of bodily successes increases.
Tulpas do qualify as being able to be a blessing from God.
Tulpamancy under the conscious awareness that it is with full guidance of God has not yet been documented. Further testing and documentation required.
Tulpas should with all the above theory be able with autonomic proddings have who they are with and the body be in peak shape. Testing of how fine one can do such hormone and other molecule creations. Pushing what it means to the pinnacle of human physicality.
IQ and EQ tests by various groups haven't been tested. It could provide more insight to IQ and EQ.
Haven't heard of Low IQ individuals doing Tulpamancy. Potentially they aren't able to, if they can that would lead to great insights to how human beings work.
Can suprise anyone else in that group/cluster.
The shitposts about wacky not-actually-tulpas doing things-tulpas don't normally do is bullshit.
Tulpas can meme.
Tulpas can change how they're represented, and who they are. Like anyone else.
My cryptic point is that Tulpas and Tulpamancy is not inherently satanic unless the individual involves satanism wilfully, however many traditioms have such broad definitions of satanism that TM can be dismissed as such by ignorance.
I dont feel pony waifus are satanic by virtue, but they ARE entry-level tulpas.
Your position about a righteous tulpa is intriguing tho, Im gonna have to marinate on it
Excellent post, Anon. I agree with most everything you say. My tulpa urged me to accept Christ as soon as she became vocal, and I am a better man for it.

That written, it's pleasant to see more posts on this thread. The idea of tulpas forming their own beliefs and opinions contrary to what others think is duly fascinating, moreso when religion is involved.
tulpamancy has actually roots in Buddhism. But it could be earlier, though, since Buddhism has a lot of syncretistic elements.
>Samannaphala Sutta
>The Fruits of the ContemplativeLife

I just found this site -> https://tulpa.io/guides