What games do you like anon?
The only video games I ever played to completion were Bolt and Okami, so that kind of makes filling out that sheet a bit difficult. :P
The Bolt game was crap but I got to play as Bolt, which was great. :3
Okami was pretty amazing. I used a PS2 emulator (and later a PS3 emulator when I replayed it a few years later) and original PS2 controller with adapter, and upped the graphics improvements in the settings. Looked and felt great. Good times.
There are so many good games, I choose few favorites.
Morrowind (recently played through with a friend using tes3mp), Pioneer is a free-software space sim similar to Frontier: Elite II, NetHack, Deus Ex, OpenTTD, Xonotic
>>167152I'm not a gamer and I never was.
It is true.
>tfw old and no one even remembers your favorites
>>167173Myst, Prince of Persia, okay I don't recognize that one but it reminds me of 7th guest/11th hour, One of the Indiana Jones games(or knockoffs, there were lots), and who could forget Out of this World.
Ur not the only oldfag, son.
>>167152Im making the chart, i'll finish it when im not drunk and tired.
>>167152From right to left, starting from the top
Chrono Cross
Secret of Evermore
Last Ninja
Minecraft. Yeah, I said it
Herzog Zweig
Fortnite, Apex Legends, CoD, MW, etc al.
Ultima: Quest for the Avatar
Resident Evil
Magus, Chrono Trigger
Tied: Saria, tLoZ: Ocarina of Time; Schala, Chrono Trigger
Ark, Terranigma
Magus, Chrono Trigger
That asshole from wind waker, who became a protag for stupid reasons
Mr. Game n Watch, parachutes
From Software
Tied: EA; Ubisoft
Alone in the Dark 1 and 2
Kirby's Adventure (Yoshi Story, close second)
yes, retarded, meant left to right
>>167223For Friendship, Pony Town.
I forgot to show my games list!
>>167233I would rail that life is strange girl.