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2384569__explicit_alternate+version_artist-colon-t72b_derpibooru+exclusive_marble+pie_earth+pony_human_pony_adorasexy_balls_big+penis_blushing_couch_cuddling_cu (1).png
Xenos Thread
137726 137728 137740
For the discussion of theoretical aliens, their biology, and genitalia
137727 137728
Do you not want a discussion about alien dicks on the main forum to be moved here, away from the main forum?
137732 137740
Your concern is laudable, however this is an acceptable place for this thread to occur (though /sp/ would be best).
"Its not the first time there was futa shit going on in this board."
You, be quiet.
Thank you for making a separate thread
137733 137740
No problem! So, about that theoretical alien...
What if they could hijack the pregnancies of others somehow?
Do t even try and involve me in your penis worship
137746 137747
File (hide): 1A1352AACCE11A13CE61FA96210FB3CA-10376497.mp4 (9.9 MB, Resolution:1280x650 Length:00:01:54, Spoilered) [play once] [loop]
I'm pretty sure that's not a xenomorph, just saying.
I should have made the thread when you told me to.
>(though /sp/ would be best).
I was gonna include some images from the video games of the series to make somewhat on topic but never mind we got futa dick instead for the OP image.
>What if they could hijack the pregnancies of others somehow?
Well there was a thing inside the aliens vs predators 2 (movie) where a predator alien basically raped a ward of pregnant women which turned them into multiple chest busters, it was super fucking weird watching that happen when i first watched it because the predator alien face fucks them with it's mouth and it's by far one of the most strangest things i have seen in a movie, the directors of this scene must have been jerking off to this or some shit, oh yeah don't fucking click the mp4 unless you want nightmares, it's not for the faint of heart, i'm warning you.
What the fuck am i doing, this is going a bit too far but i'll keep going because why the fuck not.
I was thinking of this when i made that post in the other thread on the main board about how the females could produce more chest busters if the male alien basically did what the predator-alien does in this clip but with a dick instead as you (Jason) wanted the male to have a dick, that's where i got the idea of having multiple chest busters from anyhow just letting you know that was the idea i built off.
So what do you wanna do with all these ideas or do you think it's kind of pointless? I think there's a couple more things to add onto this but if you ever want to bring up any other ideas about different aliens or some other futa alien variant you can, i was thinking about the different types of aliens in the series but do you wanna just focus on the main concept of this acid pissing alien for the time being? Also before we keep on with this, i just make it clear what the main attributes are of this alien species are?
Worshipping dick is gay, you should worship science instead. Spirituality's only valid if it reaffirms moral concepts that are scientifically valid for encouraging survival. "Be good to neighbours" is good spirituality, "your sword has a spirit to worship" is gay.
Also you're welcome to discuss theoretical superior alien pussy if you want. Everyone is.
Jesus christ... I swear I'm not into this sexually or anything but imagine if people could do that.
Did your wife fuck someone behind your back? This species could say fuck that, and then fuck her so hard it turns your wife's son into your son while killing her for her betrayal.
Also please stop using that name. This is an anonymous message board and we're supposed to be anonymous because OpSec and tradition.
I'm not sure what to do with these alien genitals/reproduction ideas but I'll think of something. For now let's just figure more out for fun because where else would we get to talk about this stuff? What if there was a way for the females to eject a full womb of eggs somewhere, using the womb as a larger egg in the process?
137751 137752
There is a distinction between modern science and what it used to be (alchemy) but i would not worship the modern view of science because it lacks sufficient moral integrity to it which makes the normal concept of it without true reason because it is only side of life only concerned about
I enjoy the idea of alchemy being in combination with spirituality though because it allows for both the worship of whatever and the practice of potion brewing or a form of astrological science which the druids practiced.
>Jesus christ... I swear I'm not into this sexually or anything but imagine if people could do that.
>This species could say fuck that, and then fuck her so hard it turns your wife's son into your son while killing her for her betrayal.
I guess it could work but it's pretty hard to imagine how this would play out in the real world.
Alright then, Dr dildo.
I'll stop using it if that is what you want.
>Other spoiler
You will have to elaborate a bit about the womb egg, i was thinking more so the female could store chest busters inside her womb because there would be no need for face fuckers if there is a male counterpart, unless you want to keep that with the queen laying eggs or it being a king instead.
>because it is only concerned* with one side of life
What if the species could do both, storing chest bursters inside her womb to shove into targets via oral or pseudopenis means, and if there are no hosts around, hide eggs somewhere so they give birth to chest bursters that eventually grow into more of the species after enough food+time
It would have probably been the response to so many "I discovered my wife cheated on me" scenarios that by the time the species developed civilization they'd consider it the normal and correct response.
What if the chestbursters could adapt some traits of the host body, so shoving chestbursters inside a mare will make those kids more equine and shoving chestbursters inside a human makes more humanoid offspring? then again that could compromise the species's genetic identity. but it would also make it easier for the species to adapt to new planets and biomes.
splinter sweat.jpg
>What if the species could do both, storing chest bursters inside her womb to shove into targets via oral or pseudopenis means, and if there are no hosts around, hide eggs somewhere so they give birth to chest bursters that eventually grow into more of the species after enough food+time
Well i think oral stuff seems kind of funny sounding but i guess the eggs could be sent through the male dick instead so the males store eggs inside their balls to be released either inside hosts or other female aliens to then turn into chest busters.
This would then allow for procreation to be more possible through both the female counterpart of this xenomorph species and the using of foreign hosts, the male carries the eggs and the female serves as an incubator to then do oral stuff or something else.
>It would have probably been the response to so many "I discovered my wife cheated on me" scenarios that by the time the species developed civilization they'd consider it the normal and correct response.
So you want this species to be capable of creating advanced civilizations?
>What if the chestbursters could adapt some traits of the host body, so shoving chestbursters inside a mare will make those kids more equine and shoving chestbursters inside a human makes more humanoid offspring?
Now you've got my mind going about equine xenomorphs, So a alien with a horse cock? And a different one with a pussy to go with it? In theory the alien male would have to fuck to be able to lay eggs so he would also have to fuck other species of animals as well as humans, this is getting fucking deep now and pretty damn erotic too, this is the sort of shit i have been waiting for.
>then again that could compromise the species's genetic identity.
That already happens inside the species lore but it's your choice as to whether or not to include this. Alien horse pussy really sounds out of this world.
But these other variants could be still compatible with the other normal aliens if you so wish, perhaps the normal alien would be birthed from a horse alien from another normal male, do you get where i'm going with all this?The male aliens would have to fuck a mare-alien to produce more offspring but the stallion-alien would have to do the same with either his own subspecies or fuck normal female aliens, this is the most lewdest shit i have ever written.
>but it would also make it easier for the species to adapt to new planets and biomes.
Oh fuck yes! That's the amazing ability of genetic breeding with different hosts to create stronger and more resilient off branches of the original ones.
But if you decide to make them into an advanced civilization further down the line then how would their IQ fair from foreign hosts? Would the original be the smartest then the subspecies be more animal like so that they can serve as slaves or to perform the lower work? Then the higher the IQ of the host is the more intelligent that the alien will become so that when the eggs hatch inside the host they will absorb all it's DNA then copy it through eating the host or by incubation inside the womb of the female variant of a host or mare.
137756 137802
I'm trying to design the ultimate life form for a book I'm writing about a genius who designs and becomes the ultimate life form. For one species to birth an entire interplanetary race it needs a long lifespan and the capacity to reproduce solo. Giving females the capacity to self-impregnate and literally fuck themselves could work.
137765 137802
>ultimate life form for a book I'm writing about a genius who designs and becomes the ultimate life form
oh. That changes things.
First what is the 'genius's definition of ultimate life form. Because that changes everything.
What sort of aspirations does the mad scientist want? That determines what is made.
What sort of time frame is the guy looking at? Eons or microseconds?
Futa isn't THE ultimate life form at least not for genetic modification and 'science' in science fiction. Not in raw power or horror.
Some combination of extreme virus/corrupter (such as Redlight virus from Prototype) for spreading and incredibly fast self change, a fungal secondary reproduction(Orks from Warhammer40k), the Thing because doubling up is neat, parasyte to triple down, Zerg like in efficiency, and the Borg or grey goo for technological assimilation as well. The reality warping powers of hentai protagonists if that's a thing.
Also people, because real people have a depth that just monsters can't compete with.
Basically a diy boot strapped eldritch horror.

All depends on what the central conflict of the story is going to be.
The genius is looking at speedrunning the act of conquering a planet, colonizing multiple planets, and becoming the kind of colossal space empire that could defeat big ones like Star Trek/Wars, WH40K, Chakats, Stellaris, etc.
Walruses have a penis bone, a "Baculum", over a meter long. Bigger than stallions!
Their penises are also over a meter long, and male Walruses can use these as clubs when bludgeoning their prey to death. They don't always do it, their tusks are certainly lethal, but I guess they just like doing it.
Looking at this, it makes me wonder how massive the xenocock should be. If it's too big for humans, that stops it from impregnating them. But if it's not big enough, it isn't as impressive. If it was thickly muscled and in control of its muscle contractions, it could eject acid piss/semen/eggs over incredible distances.

>The penis bone evolved in mammals more than 95 million years ago and was present in the first primates that emerged about 50 million years ago. From that moment on, the baculum became larger in some animals and smaller in others. The stump-tailed macaque, an animal that weighs only 10kg, has an extremely long baculum for its size, with the bone extending for 5cm. The bone is five times the size of the baculum in the collared mangabey, which is a slightly larger monkey.
>Kit Opie who ran the study with Matilda Brindle at University College London, said that penis bone length was longer in males that engaged in what he called “prolonged intromission.” In plain English, that means that the act of penetration lasts for more than three minutes, a strategy that helps the male impregnate the female while keeping her away from competing males. The penis bone, which attaches at the tip of the penis rather than the base, provides structural support for male animals that engage in prolonged intromission.
>In chimps, the penis bone is no longer than a human fingernail. The tininess of the bone correlates with the very short spell that the male spends mating, in the order of seven seconds. In chimpanzee groups, females mate with all the males, in what appears to be a strategy to reduce the risk of her children being killed by older males. “It gives each male an idea that they may have fathered the subsequent offspring, and it is in her interests to get that done quickly,” Opie said.
Neat, Science says humans evolved to be monogamous.
But this species... Do you think they'd still have monogamous pairs, or would they be sluttier and more instinctively driven to spread their eggs wherever they can?
I unironically hate Chakats and I don't know why
Do you know what Chakats are?
137808 137815
Elder Thing.jpg
>I'm trying to design the ultimate life form for a book I'm writing about a genius who designs and becomes the ultimate life form.
So like the lizard from Spider-man? A scientist that uses himself as the subject of an experiment that turns himself into a monster which is essentially a super human but also is a very Lucifer like lust for daemonic power, due to wanting the extreme of peak success which is considered immoral.
There has yet to be a story where the scientist or occultist actually becomes the ideal he desires, the occult version is becoming a werewolf or some other daemon.
The lizard in spider man reminds me of your idea.
>For one species to birth an entire interplanetary race it needs a long lifespan and the capacity to reproduce solo.
So like the concept of Fallout's super mutants but they actually are capable of fucking properly? It seems like the idea has not been fully explored as working as intended so it would be cool to see if you can pull this off or not if you go through with it.
The alien is capable of turning into queen which reproduces without a male and lays eggs which require a host to begin the cycle of life and death, you could build off of that too.
>Giving females the capacity to self-impregnate and literally fuck themselves could work.
In a way the xenomorph is already capable of doing that, Lovecraft's Elder Thing is also capable of reproducing by itself by using a spores like a plant would and is capable of flying along with living for thousands of years then is able to hibernate for an even longer time, you can read more at the wiki for it if you want to base some things from it.
>Pic related
>Futa isn't THE ultimate life form at least not for genetic modification and 'science' in science fiction.
Futa is the cosmetically pleasing alternative of the 'ultimate' life form due to it being capable of everything pleasurable, futa is the 'ultimate' form of lust, not life, because it lacks anything truly breathtaking other than a throat fucking dick and a pussy.
>Basically a diy boot strapped eldritch horror.
So basically a bootleg old one? Neat.
>The genius is looking at speedrunning the act of conquering a planet, colonizing multiple planets, and becoming the kind of colossal space empire that could defeat big ones like Star Trek/Wars, WH40K, Chakats, Stellaris, etc.
Lovecraft's Elder Thing did this and was in possession of advanced technology due to it's high intelligence which would have easily taken on other fictional empires like the ones you listed due to it being extremely hardy, if you really want to make a creature better than this one than i highly recommend you look into some of Lovecraft's monsters because there is no better example of your idea than what he has already created, learn from the best so you can become better.
>Walruses have a penis bone, a "Baculum", over a meter long. Bigger than stallions!
Did you know motherfucking barnacles have the biggest dicks to body size ratio in the whole animal kingdom?
>Their penises are also over a meter long, and male Walruses can use these as clubs when bludgeoning their prey to death.
That is quite possibly the most deadliest dick.
>They don't always do it, their tusks are certainly lethal, but I guess they just like doing it.
There is nothing quite as dominating than utilizing the helicopter cock tactic, walruses would be unstoppable if they adopted this tactic into their rape ranks.
>Looking at this, it makes me wonder how massive the xenocock should be. If it's too big for humans, that stops it from impregnating them. But if it's not big enough, it isn't as impressive. If it was thickly muscled and in control of its muscle contractions, it could eject acid piss/semen/eggs over incredible distances.
Uh, yeah i also think the size should be able to be fully controlled at the want of the creature, making it fully elongated to 30 inches but making the average extension to being around 10 inches, this make it be able to be in full control of it's erection, like a mare can control her vaginal muscles.
This would allow both large and small hosts to be fucked no matter the size of the vagina as they have no way of avoiding getting raped by this sex demon.
Another thing is that if you make it capable of procreating with females then the womb can be utilized as a cum cow that is a permanent utility of the race for the sole purpose of giving birth to their children, this would allow a wide variety of the animal kingdom to be used as semen slaves which would make pretty much anything possible at that point since the female host would only die if given an ejaculation down the throat because the act of ejaculating in the womb wouldn't kill them but the intestinal version would because there would be no way of the chest buster to escape the stomach other than eating it's way out, this would make obsolete cum cows (literal ones or not) able to be removed when their time is up but at the same time making full use of the host to the completely fullest extent.

>Neat, Science says humans evolved to be monogamous.
Wild horses are too, it was made by civilized peoples decisions for a man to be unable to have more than 1 wife, why? Because there is a chance there could be a Genghis Khan situation where a single guy fucks every woman he meets, this would create a large pool of incestuous relationships.
But i think monogamous romanticism is a very normal thing to humans because it works better than marriage as both partners are usually not really interested in each other after a certain amount of time passes, this a true example humans are not meant to stay with a single partner and having multiple choices of women negates this problem.
>Do you think they'd still have monogamous pairs, or would they be sluttier and more instinctively driven to spread their eggs wherever they can?
The sluttier these things are the better.
Funny you posted just now.
No i don't know.
137815 137917
Tldr people are the real eldritch beings, realizing that takes a bit of perspective. So why not be kind? (Not in an asinine way, just making things at least slightly better.)
>werewolf or demon
>scientist kinda does it but fucks up a bit (or actually wants to be a monster)
The highest and furthest without limit is being a fully realized person. Then the other weird stuff is just happenstance.
Vampire cults are... well I don't know enough about them personally, but from other sources they try to embody that type. In many multiple aspects physical and spiritual.
Some of that can be contagious as well as a more vampire flesh eater type werewolf shtick. Not the Celtic kind from my limited view and introduction.
So yeah it is a self modification, and it fucks with people on a physical, mental, spiritual level.
I don't recommend doing that stuff.
Instead I'd do more of the stereotypical kungfu master in every chinese story ever, with the whole will yourself into godhood thing with personal universe. Minus the whole massive dickery thing and taking eons to get anything done. Sometimes the stories lack creativity, but that's what real life is for. Then kick it up to eleven and self actualize with multiple initiations, as the power levels spiral out of bounds.
Because why not go big? Not in a self serving kind of way, more of a general everything is now less shity, and there's possibly.
Then you can go beyond that. Again, and again, and again ect. Almost forever. Then sense of scale and rules and senses reach into the 'unfathomable' but that's fine. When you're at a level of bullshit actually knowing what the fuck is going on can be delegated to yourself who knows the thing perfectly. Then knowing each new and old tool when and how to use them, seperate and togther. While making your own custom stuff is neat.
That's my two cents.

The ultimate life form(s) make everything better by their simple existence then go the distance even more.
Being actively antagonistic is well dickish behavior. Although having a 'prank' be out of proportion untill they are 'uplifted' is definitely a way to go to make them be assholes that care. Kinda.
137921 137977
These are Chakats and I hate them https://1d4chan.org/wiki/chakat
I don't understand what you're saying. Can you word it differently?
137869 137921
Hey, how do you incorporate plants into a life form? I want to give my species plant abilities without making it scientifically inaccurate.
137921 137926
It's been done before, many multiple times in fiction. So there's examples, but if you want accuracy look up biology, and botany.
Please. I know you can do it.
>Tldr people are the real eldritch beings, realizing that takes a bit of perspective.
That's why i consider myself a daemon, there is nothing more evil than me other than myself and i.
>So why not be kind?
Depends on the circumstance, there is no way to be perpetually kind or nice to the things that surround you without faltering, you may try but it becomes an impossibility eventually, so i offer a counter, why not let things happen as they come and go? Allow your own intuition to take the role of judgement instead of personal bias.
>(Not in an asinine way, just making things at least slightly better.)
You must at least do something good to others in order to achieve the balance of good and evil, the yin and yang, darkness and light.

>The highest and furthest without limit is being a fully realized person.
There is always a furthering of the limits on life, there is many things to enhance the conscious, unconscious and subconscious other than just having being fully realized, think of genetic restrictions that limit someone within their realm of racial understanding, there is a limit on how much a man can do but everything has to be aligned perfectly to properly harness his own power, a dumb man is incapable of the higher realm of being as compared to the 'complete' man, or what we only theorize as being a completion of a true man of the earth, Jesus was only a mere man, do not let that fool you.
>Then the other weird stuff is just happenstance.
It depends on the current atmosphere of happening that triggers certain astronomically bewildering events that unfold at the perfected alignment of time and feeling, there is many factors that lead to an orgasm between 2 consenting opposite beings as the alchemy of lawless love is one of planetary attraction, there has to be a key that fits the lock of love correctly, the attraction of the opposite changes no matter the day between one and another which has to have each individual be in the right aura of natural lust, 2 worlds become one at the climax, i could write about all the factors of the brain in this because i am somewhat experienced in sex magic, if anything it is my main magical profession.
>Vampire cults are... well I don't know enough about them personally, but from other sources they try to embody that type.
Crowley was the most modern 'vampire' but there is more to it than being an edge lord of everything negative, there is also more to being the do-goody of society than meets the eye, there has to be full cooperation between the daemon and it's master if the will is to be wished into reality.
>In many multiple aspects physical and spiritual.
It involves many interplanetary worlds of the human mind to come together and be one with themselves, lots of time and dedication goes into the searching of yourself but there is always more to be discovered and experienced, the sky of the soul is a vast hidden terrain within.
>Some of that can be contagious as well as a more vampire flesh eater type werewolf shtick.
There is a reason why the Jews drink Christian children's blood, the blood of the innocent is filling in a number of ways, drink goat blood to become your own devil, i assure you that you become what is consumed over due time, eat the goat and become it, I once had a dream where i looked in a mirror and saw a black goat in place of me, i also had one where i was chased around by one but no one noticed it was chasing me other than myself, there is lots of symbolic meaning in what i have dreamed of myself. there is nothing more devilish than the act of drinking blood, as a side note black pudding is better than the vegetarian version for a couple reasons.
>Not the Celtic kind from my limited view and introduction.
The Celtic kind of werewolves? Well it is a representation of ultimate evil in unity with itself and able to guide as well as misguide itself to destiny, it is about taking control of that wolf and taming it, helping it then learning it, becoming the wolf.
>So yeah it is a self modification, and it fucks with people on a physical, mental, spiritual level.
It can end you or help you, do everything correctly and you will be able to harness it's dark force, there is a reason "devil worship"' was persecuted so severely.
>I don't recommend doing that stuff.
I do to a certain extent, there is unlimited potential within yourself but no one can fully know how to complete the puzzle of the person, if you can look and research then absorb everything you have learned then use it to add to personal wisdom then you can learn properly for you see the world in the lens of truth for the world that it is, there is only yourself holding you back, the daemon inside of you is a mind that works on individual reason instead of listen.
>Chinese takeaway mental meals
They have a order of sorcery that works best with their own race, the Aryan is beyond the mental capability of the Mongoloids due to being genetically superior in logic, the druids mastered this as they were indeed an example of Aryan magicians.
>That's my two cents.
I appreciate it.

>The ultimate life form(s) make everything better by their simple existence then go the distance even more.
They can either make everything better or worse but is the inner decision of the being to choose.
>Being actively antagonistic is well dickish behavior.
Ad versatility is a one sided way of dealing with socialization that favors one parties emotions and self than the other, there is a time for it and not but you have to develop intuition to know when the time is crucial for the unveiling of the gloves.
>Although having a 'prank' be out of proportion untill they are 'uplifted' is definitely a way to go to make them be assholes that care.
It is a form of revenge to get back on someone who has wronged you by tricking them or deceiving them into something that involves the foolery of the desired opponent, a form of rebelling against enemies who have had you over or lied, exploited you.
A big hit of dopamine.

>These are Chakats and I hate them
So they are more or less lion centaurs? There is only a certain amount of hate you can have for some imaginary creature that sucks dick.
I can sort of semi understand why but i don't really care about space furry's as much as you do.
>I don't understand what you're saying.
Look closely and you will see what he is on about, you are not used to looking at the world through different lenses as you have become so accustomed to the ones that you are used to, it takes a lot of patience and pondering to grasp the world within your eyes for what it is, you are the king of your own world and your throne is waiting for you, you only need to find it inside you.
Anyways you don't understand what the bigger picture is, so i think it is the right time for you to learn new things, look out at the new and forget the old.
>Can you word it differently?
Dost thous wishes truly wish to learn thy ways? Thou must teach thyself thy ways to thus learn and love.
I can help you or betray you, it is entirely up to me but i choose what i believe is right so i deem you a student in need of help, i will give what i have to offer to you if you show you are competent enough, ii is not in my interest in misinterpreting you for someone you are not, i must make the judgement over time.
I must sound bloody bonkers.
I recommend what >>137869
An artist must first learn to draw before he opens his doors to the world, you are a lover of the arts and want to perfect it in your own ways but you have to learn from other artists to build from their ideas, reading and learning is what is best for you to develop good writing skills, good writers learn from those who wrote before them, you must reflect on the past to see into the future and complete your goal of becoming your ideal, both your own past and others pasts. Past sins, kek.
>I want to give my species plant abilities without making it scientifically inaccurate.
That is a heavy undertaking but you claim to believe in science so it would be good for you to learn the chemistry of the plant, it would be something that i think you would enjoy doing if you really set your mind to it since you would be fulfilling your dream goal of perfecting your own extraterrestrial life form, to create one to call your own, you have always wanted to do this, am i correct?
>It's been done before, many multiple times in fiction.
Along the ages have men always wanted to make an ideal to suit themselves or their ideas, men have always had ideals and the alien concept is familiar to the mind of man, it is a desire to go above and beyond that most people live through their mental fantasies, not many people can turn those thoughts into non fiction, to be part of actuality.
>So there's examples, but if you want accuracy look up biology, and botany.
A chemist has to know exactly what his assembly of ingredients is to perfect his desire of learning, he first learns then creates, it is part of a foundation of art to learn and build.
>My dreams
I had a dream months ago about me and these anons >>137869 >>137725 being together at nighttime in some dystopian city full of a futuristic hell where there is only mixed race and degenerates walking the street like they were zombies, they seemed lifeless and devoid of emotion. but we were just laughing at everything because we knew just how funny everything is in the world, i have had dreams of very unique circumstances which have come true in the future, i feel now is the time to reveal this dream i had to you.
Okay these shit cats are really bad, some mega furry centaur that is somehow the ultimate life form, it seems like a kid with autism made it out of his ass.
Some furry abomination of a faggot dream, what makes you hate them?
It's hard to put it into words because I'm not 100% sure where my hatred for this comes from. But I hate the way the story treats this boring generic centaur shit like it's the ultimate life form, just because a bunch of nonsense videogame superpowers and bad design decisions were slapped on it.
The centaur form isn't "perfect", it's wasteful. Adds too much weight. Is not as agile as two-legged beings. Paints a massive target on your oversized ass.
It has immense scientifically-impossible psychic power that can let one listen to your thoughts from a solar system away. No explanation for how that works.
And they've got shitty titties that give out "milkwater" that's stated to be superior to real milk, but fuck that, watered-down milk is inferior to thick creamy milk.
Anything good about the species exists because the author says so, not because the author honestly thought about the species scientifically. Nothing's biologically plausible enough. I'm surprised the author doesn't just declare this thing immune to magic and immune to damage or capable of tapping into the fucking speedforce.

Anything that can let this species call itself "Ultimate" doesn't get explored enough because the story isn't really about that or the characters involved. It's all just an excuse for many different creatures with assorted animals for lower bodies to exist in the same Star Trek knockoff space. Boring characters cuddle or engage in melodramatic exercises in cliche but nothing matters. Nobody has soul, the story lacks soul. There's a disgustingly lefty "Hurr durr let's have orgies all day while machines do the world and replicators make everything somehow and everyone has infinity dollars" bent to everything amplified from its Star Trek roots. There are wolftaurs and tigertaurs and liontaurs and skunktaurs and more, without any rhyme or reason. No scientific validity. It's a fucking insult to the idea of an ultimate life form and I hate that it squanders its interesting potential for the sake of assorted furry degenerate fetishes and "Shared Universe" fanfiction faggotry. Did you know skunktaurs engage in sexual practices so degenerate that special shampoos are required to get the scent out of their fur once the deed is done? It's in the books to pander to furfags who made their "fursona" a skunk because they are scat/fart/piss/skunk spray-loving degenerates. All skunktaurs are degenerates for the exact same thing, even though it makes no sense for an advanced alien race to conduct itself according to 21st century western humanity's cultural stereotypes about how animals behave and what they represent. Not unless their in-universe creator specifically thought "Lmao if I'm making this species like Labradors I might as well make them look like Labradors too".

I hate it so fucking much.
I think my biggest reason for hating it is because I want to write a story about an ultimate life form that fucks monster girls in a fantasy setting, and naturally some fetishes will arise when fucking certain breeds of monster girls. I don't want my story to turn out to be nothing more than fetish porn about faggots who fuck because they have nothing better to do. I want to write a good story about my big-dicked ultimate laifu form waifu and her amazing species. I want to write gory fight scenes about her destroying all enemies including human foes, Elves, giant dragons, demons, angels, hyper-specialized combat creatures, murder-robots, magical monsters with superpowers, and more. I want to write about her using her amazing biological advantages in daily life, at work, and on the battlefield. I want to give her an orgy of hot chicks to fuck. When it comes to people who write books about their "Superior" elves I want to spit in the face of the bad ones and impress the good ones. But at the same time I fear this story would be incompatible with the anti-promiscuity pro-wholesome pro-heroism western morality I want to promote in my works. I don't like monarchies but it'd just be retarded for my superior species to let inferior fucking Elves and Goblins vote on the policies she wants in lands she violently reclaimed from Bandit scum. She's creating a home for herself and her followers on this planet before ascending to space, not creating some multikulti leftist wonderland.

Would it make me a hypocrite to preach redpilled messages in a book all about a strong independent woman with a "fantasy good tomboy" personality and a boner for guns and videogames fucking monster chicks she picks up at taverns and pays at red light districts? Would it make me a hypocrite to display the greatness of good tomboys when I've only ever met two women like that in my life and trying to become a tomboy is so easy to fuck up? Should I really put pro-gun rights messages in my book if magic is mighty enough to turn guns into outmoded weapons? If my protag was a white chick or a half-white half-asian chick, would it be an insult to these people if she designed and became her own original species in a fantasy world? I'll take inspiration from the you-know-(((who)))s when writing the villains and the heroine will come from a degeneracy-free country in a mostly-white alt-history. But can I really preach about how great humanity could be without lefty lies in a story about a heroine who becomes something inhuman, transhuman, and greater than human?
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>1st porn paragraph
The foundation of the whole story is indicative of poor attention to detail and the furry characters are the author's favorite life form, that is the reason he calls it the 'ultimate' being because he has a boner for it, nothing more other than the guy who made it was thinking with his dick when he was writing it, it is nothing more than the work of a furry so it is of equal shitty quality.
It is not well thought out nor is it good in detail of the world they live in, it is poorly made and it shows very easily, this is an example of something that you shouldn't write, everything is left without explanation and thus everything good in the story is shrouded in mystery and left in the background, it is the most opposite of creative fantasy stories, it creates a world based from other worlds so it is lacking in imagination in it's entirety.
I do not like it either but it's a waste of time getting upset about some porn story created by some faggot furry, it is a world of endless sunshine and rainbows where nothing is explained because the author is too lazy to make it interesting or creative.

>2nd trump wall
So how much of it's story is just pure furry pornography?
Was there ever any normal centaurs in the story or is it just complete furry shit?
I don't get why he made them look like furry's instead of just normal centaurs, he could have the cats but just have human top half's to make a world of different centaurs instead, i would like to read something where it is set in a normal fantasy setting but with different centaurs, this is just furry crap and it makes no sense at all.

>I hate it so fucking much.
I do too but don't care as much because this story is not really worth getting upset over.
>I think my biggest reason for hating it is because I want to write a story about an ultimate life form that fucks monster girls in a fantasy setting,
It seems like a cool concept, are you actually going to do it or are you building the world up first before you make it?
How would the monster girls fare against the ultimate life form that you are creating? Magic or other natural abilities? Perhaps you could create some monster girls of your own, if you have enough creativity.
>and naturally some fetishes will arise when fucking certain breeds of monster girls.
Don't get me started on centaurs.
They have the combination of horse halves and human tops, you can probably guess why i like them, they are far more agile than a lot of other ground based mythological monsters and they have the intelligence of humans still, to top it off they have hooves and tails, i like them.
>I don't want my story to turn out to be nothing more than fetish porn about faggots who fuck because they have nothing better to do.
That's good, you are creating a world with an interesting background story to complement the horse fucking in it, i assure you that it is a good idea but it depends on your skills to be able to create an in depth story of high quality, you can do it but it requires dedication first, are you willing to give the effort needed for it?
>I want to write a good story about my big-dicked ultimate laifu form waifu and her amazing species.
So you want to write about your futa thought form?
>I want to write gory fight scenes about her destroying all enemies including human foes, Elves, giant dragons, demons, angels, hyper-specialized combat creatures, murder-robots, magical monsters with superpowers, and more.
It's a pretty generic concept but there is lots to build from in the story and lots of potential.
>I want to write about her using her amazing biological advantages in daily life, at work, and on the battlefield.
>I want to give her an orgy of hot chicks to fuck.
Uh, sure.
>But at the same time I fear this story would be incompatible with the anti-promiscuity pro-wholesome pro-heroism western morality I want to promote in my works.
You will have to look at what you truly want to do first, follow where your heart leads you and you will be happy making it.
>I don't like monarchies but it'd just be retarded for my superior species to let inferior fucking Elves and Goblins vote on the policies she wants in lands she violently reclaimed from Bandit scum.
You will eventually have to decide how the politics of the world work, unless you want it to exist in a world of anarchy.
>She's creating a home for herself and her followers on this planet before ascending to space, not creating some multikulti leftist wonderland.
Space exploration sounds very unexplored (pun not intended) in the fantasy setting, it's better than having a world of perpetual orgasms but i will admit that orgasms are nice so i have nothing against them inside stories but when the story only is just pornography it becomes stagnant and uninteresting after a certain amount of time.

>Would it make me a hypocrite to preach redpilled messages in a book all about a strong independent woman with a "fantasy good tomboy" personality and a boner for guns and videogames fucking monster chicks she picks up at taverns and pays at red light districts?
Depends on how you present it but a story about some futa tomboy who fucks prostitutes does sound pretty unique, i have no idea how you are gonna include games or guns in this though, nothing is impossible in the realm of imagination.
>Would it make me a hypocrite to display the greatness of good tomboys when I've only ever met two women like that in my life and trying to become a tomboy is so easy to fuck up?
Well you will have to decide if the character is male or female first, you have all the time you need to plan this out.
>Should I really put pro-gun rights messages in my book if magic is mighty enough to turn guns into outmoded weapons?
It's your choice.
>If my protag was a white chick or a half-white half-asian chick, would it be an insult to these people if she designed and became her own original species in a fantasy world?
I'm not sure what you mean.

You could make this happen somehow, it is possible.
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I really will write this, I'm just working on the worldbuilding for now because it's all that's left.
Also it's my thoughtform tulpa that's writing this with my body while we both talk about the story and what could/should go in it, I'm saying "I" out of convenience.
Do you think it would be hypocritical for a whole character who wants to create a future for white children to fuck many bitches and create a new species with herself as its queen?
Just tread carefully, and watch where everything is going.
Look, mixing messages has to be done very carefully. Especially with multiple messages.
>Scientific madman makes a conquer species full of wtf elements
>Pulling a Khan and fucking everything that moves
>With delusions of grandeur
>Creates multiple new species by hook or by crook with fear of acid dicks and egging
>For 'white children' that arn't human, but a lab experiment.
>To rule over the world using all the mixed servants/slaves
Looks like the start of a story, and each element can be used to further each other, but tread carefully.
Determine the relationship with humans on a bell curve (not with IQ but with fuckwads and good people, and then each for the races) That one 'Good One' is a trope for a reason. Congregations of similar peoples tend to happen, that includes those of disposition. For good people always create higher valued areas for multiple reasons.
The genetically modified creature may have once been human, and have bits of human physiology or psychology, but the similarities and differences need to be addressed.
Go for it it. Just keep an eye out for weird interpretations.
The difference between borgifing and Asartes and a man in a robot suit.
The difference between a digital child of mankind with a physical body, and an insane virus (biological or computer).
Solidify those distinctions or address them as points of conflict.
I don't understand what you mean from "the difference between" and onwards.
What's Asartes?
Fucked up the spelling. Astartes. The warhammer 40k genetically, and warp altered persons. Basicly super soldiers.
AI that is human in practically every way that matters
a program that ruins everything.
What are the deeper motivations and implications.
If a white person created a new hyper-intelligent white-skinned (and possibly white-furred?) humanoid alien species and had her consciousness transferred into the alien, how different from human biology would the alien need to become before it stops counting as a human?
Biologically-plausible built-in weapons, a bigger brain with higher IQ, horsepussy on women, and the ultimate dick on men and women... A human would still be a human after gaining these from cybernetic augmentations or DNA modifications or surgery. So a lab-grown creature with a human's consciousness transferred into it via scifi bullshit would still count as a human, right?
Furthermore with this species's ability to reproduce solo, for any hybrid species created there could be many more pure-blooded men and women able to bring that hybrid back in line with the standard genetic code whenever any environmental adaptions gained from the hybridization are no longer necessary.
I'm not a fan of the WH40K custom organs that need to be grown separately and then implanted into the species. Wouldn't having bigger lungs/hearts be better than having multiple extra lungs/hearts?
What if the babies, when growing inside someone, had enough brainpower to detect it when the mother feels killing intent towards them and start lethally eating their way out of the mother chestburster-style?
This makes the species abortion-proof, ensuring the child's right to live always trumps whatever rights the woman thinks she should have.
If women have abortion rights, it means they can hold the lives of their unborn children hostage to manipulate, emotionally abuse, and financially exploit their fathers or whoever they insist their father is.
>I really will write this, I'm just working on the worldbuilding for now because it's all that's left.
Good, you are dedicated which means you have what it takes to go through with it, i hope it'll be better than silver star.
>Also it's my thoughtform tulpa that's writing this with my body while we both talk about the story and what could/should go in it, I'm saying "I" out of convenience.
That's alright as long as you can control yourself still, i let mine do similar things so it's fine.
>Do you think it would be hypocritical for a whole character who wants to create a future for white children to fuck many bitches and create a new species with herself as its queen?
I'm gonna be honest with you that it seems a bit like you want your thought form to be masculine more or less, you keep adding more masculine things onto 'her', i'm not trying to offend you but you have even given her a dick to fuck other monster girls that you like, it's a bit of a pattern that i'm slowly recognizing, i'm not calling you gay but it's a bit odd.
>how different from human biology would the alien need to become before it stops counting as a human?
Anything that steps outside and into the monster realm, werewolves would be a good example of this because they are still human to an extent, another example would be trolls inside myths because they are like big wild apes that can speak so it's sort of hard to make this without being in the monster realm or non human category, a werewolf is the perfect example of the balance because they are man beasts rather than alien or not being human.
Are you trying to keep them human? If not then maybe white werewolves or blonde ones would be pretty unique since it ties into the fantasy setting that you are trying to put it in, it would make more sense rather than just having an out of place alien in Shrek, you could even have an ogre in this story if you wanted but it's your choice.[If it was female then it would sort of fit into the monster girl category.
>Biologically-plausible built-in weapons, a bigger brain with higher IQ, horsepussy on women, and the ultimate dick on men and women...
Werewolves would still be intelligent since they have the mind of the wolf and man combined, they have built in defense systems with their mouth and claws.
If they have human dicks till then their dicks then would be larger because the body mass would have to equal it, or just give them wolf dicks, i guess wolf pussy would be sort of interesting.
Do you think aliens would be better in this fantasy setting or werewolves? You could give Chakats a fuck you by making something better and keeping them werewolves.
>A human would still be a human after gaining these from cybernetic augmentations or DNA modifications or surgery.
Depends on how much you put into them, at what point does it become robot if you make it a cyborg? The DNA modification of wolf and man would make better sense in a mythological monster girl story.
>So a lab-grown creature with a human's consciousness transferred into it via scifi bullshit would still count as a human, right?
A hybrid but you could have them change back to a human in the day and werewolf by night, they could see in the dark and they would spend the day sleeping so they could be a nocturnal sub race of humans.
>Furthermore with this species's ability to reproduce solo, for any hybrid species created there could be many more pure-blooded men and women able to bring that hybrid back in line with the standard genetic code whenever any environmental adaptions gained from the hybridization are no longer necessary.
Well in theory a werewolf is very able to reproduce, this could create a weird scenario between human intercourse so maybe they shouldn't be able to, this would prevent creating a mixed race.
>I'm not a fan of the WH40K custom organs that need to be grown separately and then implanted into the species. Wouldn't having bigger lungs/hearts be better than having multiple extra lungs/hearts?
Well, yes of course if they were like 7 or 8 feet tall they could have hardier bones and larger organs from genetics. Also bigger dicks.
>What if the babies, when growing inside someone, had enough brainpower to detect it when the mother feels killing intent towards them and start lethally eating their way out of the mother chestburster-style?
Well if they were werewolves they would have more children like a litter of pups so maybe the average birth would be around 3 to 4 kids, this would make abortion an extreme taboo in their culture since the amount being killed would prevent them from doing it, this would also make birth rates high.
>This makes the species abortion-proof, ensuring the child's right to live always trumps whatever rights the woman thinks she should have.
My idea would also make the species abortion proof since the werewolves would be intelligent enough to know it warrants death so they would kill anyone who tried to perform it.
>If women have abortion rights, it means they can hold the lives of their unborn children hostage to manipulate, emotionally abuse, and financially exploit their fathers or whoever they insist their father is.
Well you could mix the wolf pack mentality and human brain to create a wolf world where the bitches know their place in the pack, this would create an understanding of where the individual is in the group which means that wolf women would know they are below the alpha males.
Good protagonist traits are inherently male. To actively seek your goals, to defy a corrupt ruler/society, to want what's best for yourself and your people, to endure anything for your dream, to work hard, to protect your friends, to be an active participant in one's own destiny, to be special for what his father was/what he's done/what only he can do/what he's going to do... They're all masculine traits. The barbarian warrior and scientist hero are both more male than that chosen-one Special(TM) girl who needs to be at the correct time and correct place because destiny says so.

There's a reason why most stories with female protagonists make the girl special for what she is rather than who she is. She's not special for being particularly determined or heroic or kind, she got lucky or was born lucky and ended up with immense power thrust upon her followed by none of the challenges and philosophical questions that make stories of Superman and his overwhelming power interesting.
James Bond became a great spy and Indiana Jones got good with a whip and became an archaeologist but Bella was born with nice-scented blood and Hermione was born with a high IQ and the capacity for magic and guaranteed entry into a magical school that taught her everything she knew.
Goku and Sasuke had advantages given to them by their birth and got help from others, but they still worked hard to get where they got. When chicks try to write fanfics for these they write little girls who spontaneously become the strongest in the universe one day.
And often these stories will STILL have "Feminine writing". The girl is still just a helpless bystander fought over by men, or the prophecy effectively makes her a battery that needs to be shoved somewhere on the correct day dead or alive. Characters will fucking constantly validate the female character like a legion of simps on twitter and it's annoying. Women write themselves as objects because feminine thinking makes you see yourself and everyone around you as objects to be manipulated, not as people with agency. There are very obvious things the heroine could do to stop two good guys from fighting over a misunderstanding or solve some of the problems she whines about or improve her chances at beating the baddies but the author and the character won't think of that because planning ahead is an adult thing.

If there is EVER ANYTHING AT ALL these women do to make themselves special, it's something any averagely-good person would do in these situations like choosing to sacrifice yourself for a family member or large number of innocents, choosing to say yes to superpowers when they're offered to you, or choosing to not destroy the world when given the choice by god.

Female fantasies are nothing but what shallow women think masculine comics are. There's so much more to the Batman comics than the fantasy of being Bruce Wayne/Batman, but that is lost on a woman who's daydreaming about being buttfucked by Batman during most of The Dark Knight Rises.
Being desired by a billionaire big-dicked degenerate who whisks you away to his mansion and fuck-dungeon and then after a while he gets over all his problems to be your perfect lover is a feminine fantasy. That's why Fifty Shades of Grey made so much money: It pandered to the worst impulses of a woman.
It's not society that tells women to be passive and expect the world. Society tells women to expect the world handed to them on a silver platter but passivity is feminine nature that takes a lot of effort to overcome. I talk to many women who aren't lazy NPCs, but I've met many more women in my lifetime who were.

You know what else is a common feminine fantasy? Being the chosen one who's, for whatever reason, the only person with any decency besides her lover. Being praised for thinking rape and murder is bad, without ever having to do anything hard like stop rapists and murderers every night. Divergent was gay AIDS.
At first Katniss seems like a rare good hero because of her self-sacrificing nature and high Bow DPS but she spends most of the story doing exactly what somebody else says to do or being used as a puppet/celebrity by someone else. Coincidence and convenience and contrivance carry her through all of the first hunger games and if the Professional Tributes had half a brain she'd die in seconds. She's manipulated so much that her presence barely matters and her choices never matter and her "Let's go invade the Capitol!" moment in the final book amounts to nothing because she fails and then gets bailed out by the cavalry invading and defeating the Capitol without her anyway. Despite her "shoot the evil rebel boss" moment in the end she's still just shoved to the side and then a timeskip skips over anything interesting she could do. She just lives somewhere with her lover and was never really a major player in these events after all.

Feminine characters don't make good protags. Most women are just too comfy with mediocrity to try self-improvement, especially since they're told they're owed the world and only sexism from invisible men in "The patriarchy" stops them from getting it.
So cool female characters are often manly. Sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. Depends on the author's ability to write men and women.

Some say it's unrealistic for women to be written in a masculine manner and claim it's like they're "Men in women suits", but at some point in all of our lives we met a chick who likes skating and watching extreme sports.
and at some point we met one power-tripping hambeast middle-manager karenigger somewhere who was desperate to prove to you she thinks her negative-six-inch penis is bigger than yours. She could have been a schoolteacher, a fellow office worker who outranks you because muh vagina, or your boss. And in spirit and mind, she was hideous. Nothing like the sexy women in movies who ride motorcycles and wear leather and sunglasses and could kick the ass of anyone.

Only FFX wrote chosen-one girls right (Yuna).
Also I heard Dolphins have prehensile cocks, and most animals have cock-bones if they fuck for long periods of time because it helps them remain erect for longer without issues.
What if this species had a prehensile dick too?
I'm not sold on the penis bone, it might get in the way of prehensile flexibility.
tay tweets.png
>Good protagonist traits are inherently male.
I agree.
>To actively seek your goals, to defy a corrupt ruler/society, to want what's best for yourself and your people, to endure anything for your dream, to work hard, to protect your friends, to be an active participant in one's own destiny, to be special for what his father was/what he's done/what only he can do/what he's going to do.
To fight to the death is something women are not known for doing and should be more encouraged instead of playing the victim all the time.
>They're all masculine traits.
Bravery is to be encouraged and to defend oneself from others are masculine traits that are being pushed away from men.
>The barbarian warrior and scientist hero are both more male than that chosen-one Special(TM) girl who needs to be at the correct time and correct place because destiny says so.
The archetype of hero's depends on how morally right his actions are, a duel or a situation that threatens the faith of the main character creates a very lasting impact on his psyche, a defeat is not easily forgotten by men and having parts of the story where hard decisions have to be made creates good teachings so that the protagonist may learn from them with the addition of philosophical lessons of sacrifice for whoever reads it, an example i could give is how an evil woman or sister who was once a friend of the hero or his sister is forced to be killed for refusing to listen to reason after doing something like the murder of her family for believing in the lies of the villain, this creates an interesting take on how to approach the situation given how impacting it is on the hero, it would also be interesting to see how you use old story glory of how good triumphs over evil.

>There's a reason why most stories with female protagonists make the girl special for what she is rather than who she is.
It is a form of favoring someone purely based on status rather than skill, anyone with enough wit could easily shatter the faith of their opponents by breaking the beliefs of them, if a naive bitch is taught a hard lesson by betrayal then it is a tough lesson that should be learned from rather than forgotten, the ignorance and naivety of most non knowledgeable writers shows in their writing ability by how they treat the setting or the characters.
Skills should be learned rather than acquired, one does not become good at chess by playing by himself.
>And often these stories will STILL have "Feminine writing".
It is the fault of bad writers being handed the role of making stories that have no fundamental meaning other than what they were taught to write or told to, when a story is based on beliefs rather than creativity and meaning it falls apart, feminist writers that make stories are a good example of how they let their bias dictate their pen, it is the complete opposite of what the Aryan myth makers did with their ancient campfire stories. The Aryan myths are very good examples of how good prevails over evil, there are a couple other good ones of light and darkness competing against each other with the main message of how the sun defeats the night daemons, they were definitely creative with their explanations of how the world worked.

>Female fantasies are nothing but what shallow women think masculine comics are.
Lowly female fantasies are easily fabricated by the corruption of their willingness to believe what is told to them, most average women base their desires solely from what is most popular or is the most trending, the media disgusts me in how they fashion interracial degeneracy or how they herd people into normalizing what was never meant to be seen sexually.

>You know what else is a common feminine fantasy? Being the chosen one who's, for whatever reason, the only person with any decency besides her lover.
It is a very basic want of being above others who are not themselves, females are the most egotistical writers that you will come across, Jewesses are in their own class of egotistical superiority over those who are not them, they believe they are the chosen ones who without them the world wouldn't exist so they put themselves on a pedestal above everyone.

>Feminine characters don't make good protags.
They work better as allies or lovers of the hero rather than the main protagonist because they are better suited for helping the hero rather than being the hero, they are better suited for being a hero's companion.
>Also I heard Dolphins have prehensile cocks, and most animals have cock-bones if they fuck for long periods of time because it helps them remain erect for longer without issues.
More dick flexibility is best suited for specific sorts of sex, if you are still using the acid piss then i guess the alien dick could work like a turret that would be able to aim behind the alien to attack anyone attempting to get behind it, although bones would allow for more direct control but they have the weakness of being broken and would require a bunch of different flexible jointed bones that connect together as part of the dick, kind of like how tails are able to be moved as they are connected to the spine but they would have to have many more bones to be able to be fully flexible.
>What if this species had a prehensile dick too?
Well they could have something like a barnacle cock that requires no bones to be able to maneuver around, this would not need any hands to be able to point it at the target and would sort of work like a second tail if long enough, kind of like a scorpion tail in a more sadistic and sexual way.
>I'm not sold on the penis bone, it might get in the way of prehensile flexibility.
It doesn't need to have a cock bone if you don't want it to, a 50 inch prehensile dick that pisses acid and cums eggs is a dangerous tool.
So if it was connected to the clitoris then it could work as a moving muscle attached the vagina like how mares can control theirs, this would work best since prehensile penises are muscle based and pony pussy is too.
This is Jeri.jpg
jeri aliens stronghold.jpg
Jeri computer.png
There is a alien in this comic book which is what i imagine might interest you, it's an alien called Jeri which is a synthetic Xenomorph that is specialized to blend into a hive and can still speak.
The source is Aliens: Stronghold #3.
What do you think about it? It can also smoke and work computers as well as store the cigars in his second mouth for later.
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Some think all the women with the capacity to fight for the death for what they want to protect are dead, because when their villages were conquered they chose to die instead of giving themselves up to the new rulers.

Speaking of normalizing what was never meant to be seen sexually, did you ever see one of those shows like Glee? When I was younger my shit family forced me to watch it. Mature, developed, adult actors would play teenagers who fuck and get pregnant and need abortions and get into all sorts of disgustingly degenerate situations children should be kept far away from.
But everything was presented as if it's normal for a man to plant weed in a schoolchild's locker and threaten to ruin his life unless he joins his choir, or normal for a teenaged boy to cheat on his girlfriend with a cheerleader and nut in her hot tub with her.
It's a fucking disgusting TV show. I bet the Jews were behind this. I always hated it, and the shitty songs, and the shitty characters, and this disgusting world of meaninglessness and cynicism where the only thing that's ever shown to truly matter to anyone is trying to win a meaningless sing-song competition that's probably judged by jews anyway.
I also hated how so many Boomers were fucking enchanted by this show. They'd make entire schools stop singing christian hymns (while keeping the generic non-christian trash) and sing trashy Glee songs instead.
I know they're covers of real songs divorced of all meaning and context, but fucking hell, these songs were bad.
oh yeah also the jews and kids thing. jews are evil, kids should be kept away from them.

This alien species should be able to use its natural defenses at a young age, so its kids could defend themselves and have a high IQ.

What if the alien was also cute and cuddly and fuckable? I've been thinking of saying "Fuck the hard exoskeleton, let's make it a furry only not degenerate".
>Some think all the women with the capacity to fight for the death for what they want to protect are dead, because when their villages were conquered they chose to die instead of giving themselves up to the new rulers.
It is hard to find either men or women that are willing to die for their families, courage and loyalty has been driven out of the family structure which has created a new generation who are more likely to kill their parents than die for them, family under atheism will never work and will lead to perversion along with corruption of the original structure of it.
It would be hard to have a family the way you want to in the modern world, this hell hole of a country is not worth starting a family in unless you are a foreigner, it has become so bad that having sexual intercourse with animals will lead to less trouble than going against the government and raising children your own way, i would rather spend my time fucking mares than having my own children taken away from me, i would fight to the death for my offspring but when i am prevented from teaching them what i choose and how so many women are horribly treacherous here that would rather create fatherless mongrel half castes then have a working family because the media told them that niggers are good, it would be better to save myself from the claws of family as if i really felt like i wanted to settle down and have a family then it would be more ideal to start one in Ireland since i see it as worthless to have kids here, this land does not have the well being of it's native people's children in it's interests.
I see the trap that is laid out in front of me if i have kids in this god forsaken country, the laws don't want me to have a working family with kids that don't go to school and a blonde mother that stays at home while serving her ordinary motherly role instead of having her in the work force, i would gladly take that offer but the requirements for everything to be set properly in place means i cannot do what i desire the most by becoming a father in this country, if i was to have kids with a woman of good stock then i'm certain they would be blonde and blue eyed.

>Speaking of normalizing what was never meant to be seen sexually, did you ever see one of those shows like Glee?
I know of Dance Moms which is the closest shit you can get to soft core child porn, it's a show run almost entirely by Jews which explains the amount of sick shit that the mothers do to their daughters in the show, it's one of the most twisted things i have laid my eyes upon as it's about a bunch of attention craving bitches that force their children into dancing in front of cameras which inevitably has numerous points throughout it that have the kids upset and their mothers shouting at them to stop crying, that sort of fucking with kids scars them and i dare not imagine what the original child dancers think about it now most of them are in their late teens.
>I know they're covers of real songs divorced of all meaning and context, but fucking hell, these songs were bad.
I specifically remember how the fat judges would scream over the music that was playing in the background, those non heavenly banshee cries of beached whales at girls no older than the age of 12 while the sound of modern pop is playing can only be described as traumatizing, i have no idea how an English adaptation of this sorry excuse of a show was approved but Jews are more free to do as they please than i am to do what pleases me.
>oh yeah also the jews and kids thing. jews are evil, kids should be kept away from them.
If you watched one episode of any horrific child abusing program then take a gander at the credits then you need no more proof to who is behind it, it is the Jews habit to exploit those who cannot defend themselves and take advantage of young girls.
When there is consistent evidence of a group of people doing something that is so plainly pedophilia for a millennia then have no one doing anything about it is something that can only be described as being grotesquely perverted both in media and society.

>This alien species should be able to use its natural defenses at a young age, so its kids could defend themselves and have a high IQ.
How long would it take for a member of this species to mature?

>What if the alien was also cute and cuddly and fuckable?
Well fur would definitely make it more appealing but i'm not exactly sure whether this is a good path to go down, you don't want the furry community getting interested in this but i'm pretty sure the idea of an enhanced nigger hating werewolf is a good enough furry repel ant.
>I've been thinking of saying "Fuck the hard exoskeleton, let's make it a furry only not degenerate".
If you really want to make it a non degenerate furry then adapting the myths of werewolves into your idea would be the most suitable solution, if you want a guy to make himself into the ultimate life form then you could have him mix his DNA with a wolf.
>Pic related