>When The Gamers Began to Hate.>Activision Blizzard's Call of Duty kicked gamers out of their lobbies late Thursday night to force an update with a splash screen essentially demanding everyone pledge allegiance to the Black Lives Matter movement to play the game.>"The Verge has confirmed that the message subsequently appears every time you launch Modern Warfare on a PS4," The Verge reported early Friday morning. "It also appears on loading screens and when switching to a separate mode like Warzone."http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61518https://twitter.com/PatriotInSoCal/status/1268775758652006400https://twitter.com/InfinityWard/status/1268297976901849089https://twitter.com/WokeCapital/status/1268593138333036545https://twitter.com/rooshv/status/1268724951483396096https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il1ce0UplZIWhen normies begin to wake up.
>>131360In case the kikes take down the video, here it is.
I know it's a meme, but this fits so well.
Apparently One Angry Gamer had enough and published a list of corporations and individuals who have publicly supported BLM. Going after the latter is undoubtedly the riskier move because he's received a lot of flak from people–particularly non-Americans–being described as "traitor."
https://www.oneangrygamer.net/traitors-of-america/>>131414Seeing some of the people on it stings just bit.
>>131417Something's wrong with that file. Anyway I'd be careful taking it at face value in regard to individuals, as I don't know what the criterium is. Could be a European just making an ignorant remark.
>>131421>Could be a European just making an ignorant remark.That could be true for several of the companies on the list, as well.
>>131360Yea PS4 has a BLM theme now too.Fucking hell is it anoying to see gaming companies go political.
>>131417ProZD and Vaush agree on literally everything including their desire to reduce the age of consent.