Hello everyone!
Today is the beginning of mlpol's bi-annual essay contest!(YES THERE ARE PRIZES) The Contest starts Today October 9th and ends November 9th. The essay topic is "Your Favorite Redpill" you will be writing a 1000-5000+ word essay on any redpill of your choosing.
The format for this essay should be a persuasive essay. Your audience is people who have been around /pol/ know some of the terms of basic of some redpills and a bit of the topics but don't know it fully or fully believe it. You are trying to teach and convince them to believe it.
Essays MUST be written in either MSword, Openoffice or an office variant NO NOTEPAD! We do HIGHLY recommend you list sources and have citations in your essay.
We will begin accepting Essays on the 1st of November. The winner will be called after ~1month (Depends on how many essays we have to read)
The prizes are as follows
First Place
1 One Free T-shirt from the mlpol store
2 Having your essay Read aloud by Atlas during "Tea Time With Atlas"
Second place
1 One Free Mug from the mlpol store
So get out there and start writing! If you have any questions please ask in the thread
>no one takes up the call
rip /mlpol/'s literature
1000-5000 words Jews are bad ok.
Give prize pls.
>>2672I might try it out; sounds like fun. I've got four other essays due next week though...
>>2672I would, but I've always been more of a numbers guy rather than letters.
>>2674You have a month so you got time
The prizes don't call my attention but I might participate just for my own improvement.
I'll give 30$ to third place.
>>2671inb4 5000 word essay on how the Denver Broncos became Football
Did someone say free stuff
>>2671Do the "free" items get free shipping too?
>>2680Yes they do you will be given a coupon code that you will use on checkout that will give you a 100% discount.
How will my drunken essay be submitted?
>>2671I remember winning a free game for doing an essay back when I was in high school on some random forum so I guess I'll give it a shot for giggles and shits.
>>2686If this isn't to your liking we're planning on doing a series of similar events, for November we'll be writing original novels if that feels a little less like homework :^)
>>2687But Novemeber is exam period!
Why must I trade autism for education!?
>>2683>How will my drunken essay be submitted?This
>>2688Anon find time in between if you want free shit or an opportunity to write and rant otherwise don't worry and let some other anon enjoy himself.
Looks like Nepstation is cancelled
My Essay will be called: "What we can learn from Zionism"
>>2688probably not the best time for a contest like this
>>2691zionism is religious nationalism for jews, denying nationalism to anyone else except jews. theres nothing to learn from that i fear.
What to write, what to cite?
>>2692It will be about the history of Zionism and the tactics they used to create their homeland. Having an essay go into detail of how they accomplished this goal will be useful not just for people who already know that Zionism is just Jewish nationalism.
>>2671This is just weird. I love the website, but honestly what the fuck?
>>2695Weird in a good way or a bad way?
>>2694Rothschilds threw enough money at enough people to just buy it.
There is nothing we can learn from that.
We can only
hate the jew.
I like this idea, sounds fun. The essay should be pinned for a week after its chosen so people will read it, along with an audiobook recording of it (Atlas' reading as an mp3 or something). It could help inform a lot of people here for arguments in the future.
>Great start
>only 799 words to go
>>2671>rule-cuckingYou probably showed your work in math-class too didn't you? Xp
>>2702"Talking to a jew is something to not do at a stoplight!"
i was just trying to find that one picture of spongebob trying to write an essay with a beautifully written "Cuck" at the beginning, could not find it, googled "Spongebob Cuck". Dont do it. Dont google Spongebob Cuck.
>>2704Kek. DO google "embarrassed Fluttershy"
>>2703So is establishing communism!
And letting Gays get married,
Three words: Jewish finance capitalism.
>>2671This sounds fun. I'll give it a try
>>2671I just wanted to come here and say I really love what you all have done with the site.
I was active during/after the /mlpol/ merger at 4ch and the successive other /mlpol/ sites that infinity that emerged.
When I first saw this site made, instead of using those other boards,I thought it was a self-interested move from the admin and not worth the community's time.
I see now that it really is run well, having been active for so long.
Love you folks. Brohoof to all, and I have barely even watched this show.
>>2712Haha I'm not sure about home, but it sure did get /comfy/ around here. ...I may visit more.
I'm curious about the shop's design copyrights, since I know they were all kind of spontaneous and mostly all at once when 4ch /mlpol/ was created, but I can there is not ill intent behind it.
As to this essay contest, I'd submit, but it's hard wrapping my mind around an essay on redpills without it feeling like reddit-tier polemic.
Perhaps a blackpill would work!
>>2713Whatever floats your boats. Gets your goat. Gets your chicken to choke. And, goads your chode. Visiting or not, that's dandy. Although, I'm not a mod or anything official, I've had a talk about it before. Which the part agreed that Hasbro had the right to shut down the store if it wanted to, but fan stuff is a legal grey area and no one will be the wiser anyways. As for artist's rights, there are none since they are using a trademarked concept. Sad, however none of our Aryanne artists would ever throw a fit about this anyways. In lieu of the contest, I think I'll hold it off. I already have enough on my plate. I did have something in mind though. It was going to be titled "America's Empire of Dust". To which it will detail from America's creation of the FED, the US dollar becoming the international standard, the transition from gold backing, the petrodollar, and how it all relates to America's foreign policy. Pretty standard. Maybe you can give it a try.
>>2713>>2711Happy you like the board my dude! And welcome to the place I hope you enjoy it here.
As for the contest you can do a blackpill essay also as long as it is well written it will be in the running to win.
Good luck and welcome to the community my dude
>>2715Thank ye, I will keep it in mind.
>>2714That's a great topic. A lot of people could learn from that (including me). I was speaking more along the lines of fanart but you covered that.
>>2717>>2718this thing always struck me more like a lizard than an aligator
>>2719It does: with those eyes and the way it licks them.
>>2671>>2671Is there a rule on formating? If you site sources should we use the MLA format or the APA format? How about Chicago format?
Usually for literary you would use MLA and for Psychology and or sciences APA. Chicago is strictly for Journalists. I written so many damn essays in college it is pathetic. But I think that standardizing formats would make it easier for anyone whom sites a source to have them better presented and properly sourced. I would really go for the MLA format.
>>2721all essays must be submitted using human fecal matter on toilet paper
and honestly I'd prefer wiki format, use hyperlinks for your sources directly embedded into the paper because let face it the old formats are designed for ink and paper.
truth be told there is no rule on formatting at long as it is cited, and it is readable
>>2722>wiki, the one place where citations lead to nowhere.Well as long as there is no rule then hell, I will use MLA. It is more standardized and refined. You can't put down the old for being old, there is a reason as to why it stuck around for so long, it works!
Besides I still have access to all my colleges libraries. I think this could be fun (given how most "studies" are strongly left biased) Now I have to narrow on a topic as I have two that come to my mind. Race or Gender.
>>2721All memes aside. You can use any normal format. MLA is recommended and preferred though.
Should we post submissions directly to thread?
>>2725The person organizing this wants submissions to be submitted to a special discord, a link to which will eventually be dropped in the thread
>>2671Let me guess! Using Wikipedia is strictly forbidden, right?
>>2727You should probably have a better citation than that..
>>2727Wikipedia has sources. Use those.
>>2727You realise the internet is the largest repository of human knowledge to ever exist and a large segment of it is indexed. It even has copies of primary sources such as science papers and archives like archive.org, issuu.com, etc. You can probably go a little beyond one website when seeking references. Also
>>2729 >>2671This looks fun. I was planning on getting a Renbow Desh T-shirt anyway. And it's got to be on my favorite Red Pill? Awesome. So I've got a week to sort through my red pill folder, find my favorite, and then another week to write the thing.
>>2732thank you for this post Nippon Anon, inspired me to make a small piece of OC for another thread.
Please send your entries to
Or Join this discord and post the essay in the Essay Drop Off channel