This is the Aryanne thread of
Aryanne Hoofler is a female earth pony with a white coat, blonde hair and blue eyes. Her cutie mark is a pink heart with a black swastika in it. She is a military officer from the Maremacht of Germaney and an active politician.
In this thread we collect content for the purpose of most possible widespread and archivation. If you find Aryanne related content of sorts, please post it here.
Please enjoy your stay.
HINTLER: the following things are permitted and encouraged:
- Hitler reaction images
- speaking german
- Third Reich related artwork including military art
- talking about politics and/or social dynamics
- mild shitposting
- bump reasonably
Main Archive: disclaimer: This thread is mainly for showcasing "NEW" art and content. If you found or created new art, feel free to post it here.
400 replies and 518 files omitted.
>>2512Not that I know of. there do exist several unofficial /mlpol/ discords, but we do not endorse them here anymore. they usually are a hotbed for drama. We do however have an IRC chat as of this week.
on a sidenote, an Aryanne thread discord exists (hopefully if the host has not changed the adress again) see here, with this post the thread should have hit bump limit again. (unless Lotus tempers with the bump limit again). I will make a new Aryanne thread in due time, likely before next weekend, so that should not be a problem for the foreseeable future.
(reply limit raised to 450) >>2512If there is one don't go to it, discord is cancer.
>>2512Yeah its mixed, some good anons are on it and its how the staff that made this place planned it out. But like any circle jerk it has a lot of drama that sadly spills over here.
I'll let you post this in your compilation next time, Kraut.
it was a pleasure making Oc with you guys.
Working on another picture
>>2523No stop, muh folder has too many.
>>2524Well too bad, its coming
its just taking a bit longer then I thought to complete. I'll probably finish it tomorrow.
>>2525You mention in another post you aren't an artist, take some advice and drop the shit out of gimp. It's an """art""" tool created by programmers who have never touched an art program in their life.
It's a PoS that is only good for small edits and people who aren't artists. If you're serious about it, move to something else.
>>2526Inkscape would be your best bet, Kitty.
>>2526 gaining traction as a good replacement for photoshit, though it isn't a full suite like PS, and focuses more on painting, iirc.
There is also PaintToolSai, which is by some japanese devs, it's a paid software but it's easy enough to find on tumblr (Ew.) Or other sites just by googling. I would personally avoid photoshop as it runs like shit on most computers.
>>2527Inkscape is a vector program, if you're after vector are then it's a good program to go with. If you want more traditional drawings go with something designed for raster graphics.
>>2528And while I'm at it I might as well drop one more piece of advice, your best way to improve is going to be learning how to draw while visualizing in 3D.
Knowing how light/volume/depth work is the most important thing. Otherwise everything will feel flat.
It doesn't have to be realistic, but it has to make sense. This is why so many people shit on pillow shading.
Being able to work in many different medians is also a good way to bolster your skills.
Of course I'm not speaking from personal experience, my sister was a major in fine arts, I myself am a CGI artist.
But these were the things that helped her the most.
Welp I kinda gave up, my current methods (especially for eyes) arent doing this picture any favors. Maybe I'll pick it back up in the future.
>>2526agreed, the more I use gimp the more I realize its just not working for me. I'll be in search of a new program that best suits me.
It'd probably also help if I wasnt using a mouse for all these color edits... lol
>>2531>>2530it does look good so far. Would be a shame if you left it unfinished,
I am not an artist myself, but I would recommend you look into
Inkscape for this kind of pictures. also consider a look at this:
Alternatively, Take a look at
Sai. Randy used to draw a slot of his older pictures with that.
I just realized this as I was browsing the unofficial thread on /mlp/: Isn't Aryanne one of the most popular OCs in the fandom by now? She's got more than 2328 pics on derpibooru, and Flufflepuff has 2542. A bit more, and she could become the most popular OC /mlp/ ever conceived.
>>2533I dont think you can appoint the fame of an OC purely towards the number of pictures she has up on DB, but yes. Aryanne is pretty high up there. I made a imgur list for this about a year ago, she clocked in second after Flufflepuff as you said. If you now also take into account that shes know even outside of the pony fanbase i think its not far fetched to say that Aryanne has become a rather famous character, even before the insurgency of MLPOL.
>>2534Would just like to point out that the quality of images on the flufflepuff image are shit compared to literally every other compare image.
>>2534Over 1,950 images and its still not enough to satisfy me.
>>2536Help us make moar then.
Once we get another ~250 files and overtake Flufflepuff as the most memed OC, we shall rule this fandom.
>>2531Be sure to try as many programs as possible.
Find one that clicks with you.
I don't know how the art community handles 2D programs, but in 3D we have a shitty "muh industry standard" meme, don't fall for this.
Being used by industry != The best
>>2536>>2537These caps are all a year old, the upload landscape has changed. Little Pip got a lot new entries, i think over 700.
Aryanne is now over 2.300 entries, and that are just the ones that have not been deleted. before April we used to get about 25-50 new pictures per months, since april its usually always more than 40. Aryanne art usually has both good quality and high ratings, despite almost none of the artist being professionals or working for money. We are doing reasonably well.
Look familia, looks like /mlp/ knows their way around!
Can anyone post this pic to the Aryanne thread on /mlp/?
Someone requested it, but I'm still b& for fucking with Lee...
>>2544Ah. Someone did it already.
This pic really gives me the feels.
>>2434>who may or may not be an undercover CIA Agent, i am not kidding..Care to elaborate on that note?
>>2546 made first contact with the guy shortly after the election in February. His profile got progressively weirder the longer he went on posting on DA. The way he talks is off... People from 4chan are usually not that in-your-face about it. That, and he is overobsessed with Pepe. His art improved seemingly out of nowhere with no visible practice. to the point where he produces now almost moderate skill level digital art. I dont think that was drawn by himself. this seems like an intellegence agency sock account for spying.
>>2547Well, fuck...
Oh well, so long as the good art keeps coming..
To the guy who made the unnoficial aryanne thread, i want to say thank you.
Been a long time since i saw an unnoficial thread reach the 500.
Best multidiscuttion i ever had
>>2547Tell that fed that if he wants a collar, connect to the deepweb and catch a basic dealer
>>2549Agreed. I was a good thread.
Please redirect your new posts there.