Drama Queen, new manga that was just published recently, the story starts 9 years after space aliens saved the Earth from being destroyed by an meteor and started openly living in cities. The protagonist is pissed at the aliens for being annoying shits while also enjoying much better standard of living as the normie population is pretty much worshiping them, however the story gets into the gears once she talks with a guy at her work, who tells her his parents were killed in the car accident caused by an alien.
What do we know about the mangaka so far is that in the past she made a few yaoi and one yuri manga, as well as some vague pro-gun manga (folks on /a/ think her politics are on level of some libertarians from the Bush era), this is pretty much her first proper manga, and with the first chapter getting into top 5 most of popular manga chapter publication that week it's pretty guarantee to stay here for a pretty long time.
The possibility of the plot becoming "lets learn to get along" is pretty high, however I feel there is still a solid chance the story will keep the "fuck aliens" for most of the story.
First two chapters translated into English can be found here.
In meanwhile, let's enjoy the memes and see were this wild ride will get us.