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Writefag Support Circle: A Gathering of Based Gentlemen Who Smoke Pipes.
Thread number three. Last one is apparently at bump limit.

Previous thread: >>336928 →

I'm lazy so I'm just going to copypaste the OP text from the last one since it still applies. Important bits have been bolded for emphasis.

Basically all that is said in that OP applies to this one but I'll go through the 'rules' of this thread here as well.

So, the main point of this thread is to facilitate and enable Anons' writefagging; in a similar way pride facilitates and enables aids.;^P The Anons in this thread can be separated into two camps: Anons who wants help with their writing project(s) and Anons that feel inclined to help those aforementioned shrek-colored skinheads.

Crafting and beta-reading is what we do here, any critique of literature not made by a guy submitted for this thread should be incidental; it should be when you —as a beta-reader of fics posted ITT— make a comparison between the fic your reviewing and some other story for the sake of demonstrating your point, whatever it is.

This is NOT: A review thread for unsolicited rants about random media which does not fall into the mold for how to use a reference in this thread described in the above paragraph. Meaning if you're not using —like, let's pick something arbitrary— Naruto for a comparison in your critique of someone's writing itt, then don't bring it up. I understand that tangents can happen and if it's like a few exchanges with a pair of posters; then it's fine. However, don't make this a pattern and also move whatever off-thread-topic discussion to a more fitting board/thread. There's after all no problem with finding someone to converse with and share perspectives on a subject you care about but just take it to an appropriate thread. Sidenote: Nigel, these rules applies to you in a stricter fashion because I would not have to detail them with this much precision if it weren't for you.

Read this again, because it's important:

This is NOT: A review thread for unsolicited rants about random media which does not fall into the mold for how to use a reference in this thread described in the above paragraph. Meaning if you're not using —like, let's pick something arbitrary— Naruto for a comparison in your critique of someone's writing itt, then don't bring it up. I understand that tangents can happen and if it's like a few exchanges with a pair of posters; then it's fine. However, don't make this a pattern and also move whatever off-thread-topic discussion to a more fitting board/thread. There's after all no problem with finding someone to converse with and share perspectives on a subject you care about but just take it to an appropriate thread. Sidenote: Nigel, these rules applies to you in a stricter fashion because I would not have to detail them with this much precision if it weren't for you.

I hope that I haven't scared anybody off. This is still suppose to be a chill af thread. Funposting is very much allowed and encouraged. It really is more that some type of posting —like, things that are completely irrelevant to the thread— does not belong here. I know, rocket-science and a rule that is seldom seen and highly unique for this thread. Perhaps you could call it a... Novelty. (You) intelligent lurker, obviously get the subtext of this OP so you probably won't need to worry about any of this. I'd say if you're unsure if what you're about to post belongs in the thread, then post it anyway. The worst that can happen is that someone tells you to move it to another thread and you get a better insight of what post belongs in thread. If you consist on fish and chips, however, I'd suggest you think twice on what you're posting and perhaps even ask beforehand if your rant about lefties and Undertale belongs here.

If there are any questions on the OP, ask away?
348 replies and 203 files omitted.
Fair. I don't know how it became so influential on the anime landscape. One Piece is a conversation with western literature and intellectual love letter to freedom and the struggle for it disguised as a shitpost about a tiny boy with Tom and Jerry powers punching the hell out of government agents, retards with poop on their clothes, and the ugliest bastards in fiction this side of hentai. Alice in Wonderland, Don Quixote, Dante's Inferno, you can tell the author read these. Naruto has its faults but My Hero Academia wouldn't exist if it couldn't copy Naruto's homework and iterate upon it by turning Kekkei Genkei into Quirks and removing the overpowered Ninjutsu all kids learn years before they learn basic elemental attacks. Bleach... exists. To say it's just DBZ with swords would be reductive but it does little to elevate itself beyond the shonen battle manga formula. But at least it isn't Demon Slayer. The manga is shit in all aspects, it owes its success to the flashy colours of the anime and the mediocrity fetish of modernity. Just more proof that making something mediocre and unchallenging and then having a company market the fuck out of you with fake awards and rigged charts is more important than making art that communicates anything meaningful, valuable, or moral. I could make something stupider than Demon Slayer, it would be easy. Anyone could do that. Some Sprintime for Hitler moment might even cause people to unironically love it. I could draw naked women for a living. But that wouldn't help western civilization.

Maybe it's impossible to write a story that makes people want to save the white race despite being surrounded by decades of jewish antiwhite media. How many generations has it been since white civilization felt worth fighting for? When I try to imagine a good world with friendly neighbours and no crackheads on the street I feel like I'm trying to describe a colour I've never seen. Or describe something I've only seen through a screen or on a page. It feels inauthentic to me. Unbelievable. Writing about a world where people don't have to look over their shoulder for orcs feels like writing about a world where people don't need to eat, sleep, or shit, and crispy bacon grows on trees. But writing about a world with an Orc problem results in depressing unreadable writing unless heroes are solving that Orc problem. But a story of humans, elves, and dwarves coming together to solve the Orc problem facing their realm with the power of swords, bows, and fireballs is the kind of thing that only appeals to people who already want the orc problem solved. And if they already agree with me, what's the point in trying to convince them? I cannot imagine anyone truly being confused by lefty lies. They have to just be faking it because they like helping the left. Like Merkel looking up the migrant rape rates before turning her vibrator on. I know it's wrong for a white man to ever express any kind of emotion, especially exhaustion. After all, the jews said men expressing emotion is cringe. But it feels like the world died before I got here. How is anyone supposed to save it now? The WEF has plans for the future. And we do not. The world is full of white men who want to escape somewhere. I can see why.
So did I. It was my entry anime.
Aww, thank u.
No. My intentions were not to parody Bleach or Demon Slayer.
Thank u so much for reviewing my work. It means a lot to me <3
Actually, this: >>365747 I realized is false. I just now remembered I had this idea for Anon to be Flurry's bodyguard for like forever. Though, when I wrote it now, I was inspired from those shows.
366541 366556
Real political problems... Some of them are timeless. It would be absurd to see woke propaganda in some ancient medieval fantasy piece. Greek furries existed but there were no troons. But incompetent kings and taxes/laws/wars that hurt the poor and anti-Christian religious persecution have existed for countless years.

London sucks. A fictional version of London could have all the problems of the real one with some victorian london mixed in for the hell of it. The smog could be causing respiratory problems easy to ignore if you're lucky enough to not be affected by it. Or the sky could be suffocated with China levels of visible smog impossible to ignore, and the poor wear cheap useless blue paper on their faces while the rich wear real masks and bubble helmets like in One Piece but even stupider looking. Cops run away from armed terrorists leaving citizens to fight them off with chairs or run or die. Nigs with police protection can rob and threaten and kill and invade homes and record themselves doing it for Tiktok and get away with it. Cops brag about raiding houses for their kitchen knives and bike wheels. Skyrocketing house prices. Ten or more renters to an apartment in military style bunk beds. Crack eels, birth control, antidepressants, suicide, teen pregnancy, abortion. People might call poor doors and anti-homeless gay rainbow rocks a clumsy metaphor, not knowing it's real. Machete wielding monsters attack cars- I mean horse drawn carriages.

But when the story gets to the mudslime mayor who tries his hardest to make life and reproduction unaffordable for the working class and imports muslims and pays them to breed and bribes them with gibsmedats paid for in whiteslave taxes because it's ballot stuffing with extra steps to ensure the muslim cancer and cancer of muslims with power spreads, or the part where state media is able to make "people" pro-islamic pedophile and anti-white rebel by lying hard enough, people who don't know this is true might not understand something so complicated and the "people" in the internet islam defense force who do understand it and love all the state-aided muslim rape of little girls would get triggered. Meanwhile the king and queen enjoy their luxuries and laugh at the suffering of the poor from their castle. That part's been done before in fiction. But the idea of a race that needs to go one way or another because there are no heroic muslims trying to undo the damage perpetuated by the average muslim is something too dark. People don't want to believe the world is a violent hopeless place where violence is the only solution to the existential threat of monsters who want you dead or enslaved. People want to escape into a fantasy world where they have Elf and Dwarf and Orc friends who are just as good as any man or better and they battle against unquestionably evil creatures like Dark Wizards and Liches and Zombies. And if they're too emotionally stunted to appreciate the beautiful bonds of strong male friendship they enjoy harem anime where the sole male protag collects hoes like they're Pokemon.

Part of the appeal of fantasy is the idea that complex problems can be solved overnight after sufficient use of violence or magic. But how do you solve the problems facing London overnight? You export all nonwhites and suddenly the place isn't overcrowded or overran with enemies. But the white man is dog-trained from birth to view fighting for your race as evil. It's why that trope where the white man "goes native" before he can fight for his new tribe exists, and why he typically fights against normal whites for his nonwhite tribe if it is anti white propaganda. I just don't see a way to make the audience cheer when the persecuted white rebels finally overthrow the throne, behead the pedo mayor, free the white slaves, and send the third world back to the hell of their own making.

Ba Sing Se was easier to understand. The city is socioeconomically segregated with layers and the inner circles are policed by the secret police who love brainwashing and answer to one douchebag with an idiot puppet Earth king. Their walls will not protect them forever. The heroes have to solve this problem to get the good but duped Earth King's help fighting the Fire Nation. There's a time limit and a clear goal. A simple effective setup for an adventure even kids can understand. There is an obvious scheming bad guy and solving the problem is as simple as removing one cunt from power. Except leaving the Dai Li around means they can keep working for their old master, or their new one. They really should have locked the Dai Li up too. Maybe killed them all.

Yesterday my girl and I saw a glorious and unrepentantly unashamedly masculine movie with greek gods and buff men and straight sex and a woman cursed with the gift of prophecy while remaining a virgin and she chooses sex and childbirth over personal power and a job that requires her to remain a virgin, and the only nigs were bad guys. No political propaganda. It was just awesome and fun. The hero even does the bootleg Jesus thing: dying and living on. Maybe that's what I should aim for: Having fun. Making something fun for everyone. There's no shame in it. There's no shame in making something people can enjoy. But how close to reality can fiction get before it hurts the story and the fun factor?
366549 366556
How long did you spend typing this? How much brainstorming have you done in this thread and how much have you actually got written?
And most importantly:


Cope and seethe.
Cloud and pegasus.jpeg
>Btw, sorry for shitting up last time.
No, lil bro. ^^ U did a whole section afterall. I have bailed out in so many things. I get it. It's all voluntarily afterall.

I have done half of that thread today so maybe I'll be done soon enough.
366557 366560 366561
Don't make fun of Nigel, his novel isn't even written yet and it's already been optioned by Hollywood.
I love it! Especially, the moments where Silver starts ranting mid-conversation about some tangent, that's so good. I had a similar idea for a fic starting Silver where he would do that.

My cheeks are sore. ^^
366573 366586 366615
I probably wasn't supposed to enjoy this but I thought it was hilarious, can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Lol "Harp"ies.

Nice touch taking the stereotypical fantasy world map and then abruptly dumping Japan in there with perfect comedic timing. Medieval europe and european countries can exist seamlessly in any setting, even the moon. Put any real country or culture outside that context into a fantasy novel and it sticks out like a Netflix raceswap. Myths with trickster foxes exist in europe, but kitsune aren't european, so they stick out. Then again aren't Centaurs and Lamias originally Greek? Years ago I read a book where "Lamia" was a slur against snake people, like calling a black man OJ Simpson, because Queen Lamia was a baby-killing evil queen in the original myth or something.

Also you've seriously never seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, the show Zuko is from? It's on Netflix (and piratebay) and it still holds up to this day. That one twat who murdered people and loved Danny Phantom had shit taste for thinking Danny Phantom is better than Avatar The Last Airbender. Don't bother with the sequel Legend Of Korra unless you like inferior sequels penned by idiots who didn't get why the original did what it did, but seek to echo what the original did but with random changes. Zuko's the good son of the evil Fire Lord, he starts out a bad guy but turns good after a while. He and his uncle really elevate that show above what it would have been without them.
366588 366611 366615
He was clearly aping Avatar. Was this just a way to push us to watch Avatar? I've seen it. Yeah it's good. But who asked?
Also, you know the guys who made the decisions that made Korra shit....are the same two dudes who made TLA, right?
366588 366611
>Medieval europe and european countries can exist seamlessly in any setting, even the moon. Put any real country or culture outside that context into a fantasy novel and it sticks out like a Netflix raceswap.
Not necessarily. For one thing, Asian cultures and Medieval European cultures literally did exist alongside each other at the same time. Japan itself was pretty much isolated for most of that time period, but there was significant contact between Europe and other parts of the East. The New World was discovered because Europeans wanted to find a cheaper and more direct route to Asia. There are plenty of instances in fantasy where cultures clearly based on medieval Europe and cultures based on non-European cultures from the same time period exist in the same setting. The Chronicles of Narnia had a proto-Islamic culture that factored heavily into the overall story. It wasn't a huge factor in the Lord of the Rings, but Tolkien implied that there were some vaguely Asian-like cultures that existed to the south of Mordor and Gondor (some of them were mercenaries in Sauron's army as I recall). George R.R. Martin's world has a plainly Europe-inspired culture on one continent, and across the ocean are a bunch of smaller countries and city-states that appear to be a mishmash of various African, Asian and Middle Eastern cultures. So there's definitely precedent.
>He was clearly aping Avatar.
I think that was because Nigel mentioned it in his one of his posts so the video was just refrencing that. It seems like the video-maker, really, didn't know who Zuko was.

The D&D world-map is similar to our world. Most campaigns are set in their "europe" continent but the rest of the map has dnd versions of our other continents. I think they have asiatic type monsters and cultures to the east in that world according to the lore.
366612 366615
The guy didn't recognize the name Zuko. Even when I referenced the iconic Avatar intro.
Also those two "made" the original Avatar with help from better writers responsible for the show's best ideas and best episodes who didn't come back for Korra until season 3 when the fan pandering got worse and the clumsy course correcting failed to correct anything because the setting and protags were still fundamentally broken.
Did you see the retarded shit they were going to do? Iroh was going to be a villain who taught Zuko wrong, forcing Aang to learn firebending from the Fire Lord in the middle of the final fight. Much more powerful and effective to say raging aggression bad, calm self mastery good, good fire is life and passion not destruction. Debending might be a copout that came from nowhere (should have foreshadowed it in the library) but it also works to make him "above" bending so it's cool.

Now that you mention it, you're right. I don't know when I started thinking "Weeb shit in my fantasy? That's as anachronistic as dubstep and guns" but that's gay.

I remember the tash worshipping muslims. Looking back I'm amazed he got away with being so blatant about the islamic inspiration. Feminists bitch about the big sister not going to heaven (because she didn't die for God like the rest) and abandoning faith in God in favor of seeking earthly pleasures like status and sex and looking silly falling for the midwit meme of being too grown up for God (hits too close to home for the godless hoes out there) but if they read the whole series they'd probably have a stroke.

Rethinking my story, I don't know if the hero turning "a whole family of Zukos" from evil to good over the course of his battle with evil is the right way to go. Sure it demonstrates the valhe of inspirational virtue. But only ontologically evil people want the white race exterminated and no display of virtue could ever convince them to respect virtue instead of exploiting it. Maybe the recurring villains should just go "Mwahaha!" and "I'm not the cackling supervillain here, you are! Mwahaha!" and just keep being evil until they're killed or locked up just like in real life. Then again we turn to fiction to escape reality so maybe everyone should have souls in this fictional setting even the bad elves.

The Fire Nation is Avatar's critique of Imperial Japan. Mom is the ideal Yamato Nadeshiko who, to protect her family, kills the emperor and puts the Fire Lord in power and flees and never returns even after the Fire Lord has the power to pardon her, though he probably wouldn't care enough to do so. Was that a heroic or villainous act? That's for the viewer to decide. Dad's an evil bastard who's wrong to view himself as god-emperor and sacrifice countless Fire Nation lives and use scorched earth tactics. Azula's a perfectionist who loses it when things aren't perfect, and her love of ruling through fear fails when someone fears losing what they love more than they fear her. And Zuko is... Zuko. "Muh honour" is such a big deal except when it's not. Whatever motivation the treasonous dishonourable genocidal cowardly child-killing bastard who started the 100 year war had for his deeds went out the window with time because Fire Nation culture creates people like Zhao, Azula, Ozai, and who Zuko tried to be to impress his dad. Long ago the asian nations lived together in harmony because Japan wasn't imperialistic back then, that's what the show says. I don't know enough about Japan to agree or disagree with how this story presents them. It's all the worst traits of Japan cranked up to 11 minus any organized criminal element or buddist dehumanization of the poor or Phoenix Wright tier justice system or suicide forest or cucksumerist weeb culture. I don't think my story would have to exaggerate anything horrible about the Orcs. It might have to tone things down. We've been culturally conditioned to think extreme horror is a sign of shit writing. Creepypasta and holocaust creepypasta tier writing. But some stories that fucked up and tragic are true. The heroes might look like douchebags if they go to the beach and take a day off from the war in a setting where this means letting the mass rapes continue for another day. But people fucking love the beach. Everything has a beach episode. I know I feel guilty when I take time away from doomscrolling through news about orc crimes to do other things.

Also is using vtuber collab clips as inspiration for conversations between female characters not a good idea? My only female proofreader said I should stop doing that.
Draw yourself a friend.
I'm not the type of person to beg the only people on discord willing to talk to me to follow me to other sites and back me up during internet arguments. This doesn't mean I lack friends. I have IRL responsibilities and obligations. I've just stopped talking about them here because I've realized talking with no filter and saying shit like "another day, another daily walk with weighted clothing. It's hard. But not as hard as me when I see slime girls." and "man my balls itch today" and "two bitches dressed like whores called me a fatty just because I was carrying a freshly cooked pie to church. It wasn't for me, it was for the elderly!" and "I can't believe that gacha game obsessed friend got himself fucking arrested for sending death threats after dying in online video games he sucks at. Now I have a new roommate. He seems nice." and "I injured my arms lifting too much again. I need to stop doing that." and "I held a friend while he cried on my shoulder. He hadn't realized how bad things are until now. The world is getting worse." and "Watched the Ghibli movie about a witch with my girlfriend. Cried at the beauty of the female friendship between the witch and her friend. Why can't all humans be that kind in real life?" and "sometimes I wonder if childhood crushes on characters like Raven and Gwen shaped my taste in women or if my tastes are what made characters like them appeal to me" and "My AI therapist seems to be getting dumber. Might need to use a different site. I hear some people found ways around the filter so they can roleplay sex. Would that result in a better AI therapist experience for me? Talking without the filter, not sex. Also I tried talking to an AI yandere character but she started being an unsexily evil bitch. I hate being lied to! And she just kept trying to clumsy emotionally manipulate me or bitch aimlessly no matter what I said! Is this what having a bitchy emotionally abusive wife is like? When I asked if I am allowed to have opinions the whore accused me of trying to turn this around on her whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. My passion deflated like an untied balloon. Who the hell could be into this?" and "why are anime funny moments compliations usually so juvenile?" and "Chris Chan was in the news again. He got away with raping his mother, a white woman. He must have converted to Islam when nobody was looking. His delusion and the Islamic delusion are equally manmade. Only real difference is that Islam is more effective at spreading rape and terror" and "Apocalypse log. Another week has passed since the end of the plandemic. Two weeks to flatten the curve my ass. Still no fucking eggs in this fucking store. My chickenphobic landlord is a whore who will not let me keep chickens in my garden. She will not go to heaven when she expires from alcohol or the clot shot." and "I did more gardening and I think I planted too many tomatoes out of fear that I would not have enough tomatoes when I needed them. I'd sell the excess ones if my government wasn't full of jews in human clothing." and "a married couple I know is having retarded relationship drama instead of communicating like adults, I blame romance movies because they're all she ever seems to watch" and "auditioned for a band today. They might turn me down, I don't think I'm any good. But I'd feel like I'm letting people down if I didn't try" and "dear diary this marks the third year I've gone without masturbating. Also today I saw a dead bird on someone's car on my way to buy groceries. Later that day I went to a party but I just spent the whole time following the person who invited me like a personal bodyguard because this was the only person present I knew and felt comfortable around" is gay and retarded.
366616 366618
I've never seen Avatar and I don't know anything about it, sorry. I've heard people say it's good; I may watch it at some point if I get around to it. Danny Phantom I've never even heard of.

At this point it's pretty clear that Nigel and I have radically different tastes in just about every form of media. Most of the stuff he jabbers about I'm not familiar with I still have no idea wtf Fire Emblem is for instance, and at this point I consider refusing to google it a point of honor. In and of itself this is fine; my tastes are admittedly pretty niche and so are his, so it's understandable that there would be little to no overlap. However, this is beside the point.

The joke wasn't about Avatar or anything in Avatar, and I wouldn't have made a joke about Avatar here even if I had seen it, because it wouldn't fit the project. The joke here is that Nigel is constantly gibbering about this kind of stuff, and that he clearly gives no fucks about whether or not anyone cares or is interested or even understands what the fuck he's talking about. Even more to the point, his gibbering is usually done as a pure stream of consciousness, with absolutely no context or explanation provided. It's like watching a surrealist film.

>I probably wasn't supposed to enjoy this but I thought it was hilarious, can't wait to see where it goes from here.
If you're enjoying it then great. I say that without sarcasm or irony; if it actually made you laugh then I'm glad. It wasn't really done to provoke a reaction out of you one way or the other. Trolling you, or trying to engage with you on any meaningful level really, has consistently proven to be a complete waste of time, as I've complained before. You're just too densely autistic for anything I say to really get through, so I've just kind of decided that I'm not going to take you seriously any more. No matter what I say to you here, you'll probably just respond with a long incoherent wall of text about some cartoon or some video game. Regardless of whether your next post will be a reply to me, a reply to someone else, or just a new post that isn't a reply to anyone, that post is guaranteed to be an unsolicited opinion about a cartoon or a video game, written as a dense wall of text that no human can decipher. I can say literally anything I want right now and it won't affect that outcome. Titty sprinkles.

I still don't understand what drives it exactly, but it's clear that you have some pathological need to endlessly spout your opinions to complete strangers. I also don't understand why you seem so determined to use this website to do it. However, it's clear enough you're driven to do it, and it's equally clear that you're either oblivious to or unconcerned with the fact that nobody but you is interested in hearing any of it. Trying to convince you to stop is a futile effort; asking Nigel not to shit up /mlpol/ with endless streams of nonsense is like asking a brook to stop babbling.

This video was done for the amusement of everyone on /mlpol/ besides you. Whether you realize it or not, through your own actions you've basically turned yourself into a living meme, and this was done in perpetuation of that meme. If it makes you laugh along with the rest of us, then I honestly think that's great; the less animosity around here the better it is for everyone. But, on the same note, I do find it both hilarious and sad that you will probably never truly grasp the reasons why this video was funny for everyone else.
366617 366618 366619 366625
I don't respect or value my haters so I don't care if they hate me. If I only wrote to be liked I would never bother trying, I would just mass produce unchallenging low effort content and obtain popularity that way.
And you don't respect yourself either. Otherwise you would've stopped posting a long time ago. But what's new about that?
Yeah, hehe. Your description fits well in with my view on the situation. I like that we came to the same conclusion.
>No matter what I say to you here, you'll probably just respond with a long incoherent wall of text about some cartoon or some video game.
Nigel, you always do this to get my attention but then you hate on me for giving you my opinon on the matter. As if truth only existed to comfort you but I can't bother with anymore you since you matter less to me than what I flushed down when I take dump. If I was a younger man, I probably dissect your posts daily but who's got time for that? I have been cooking a lot more meat orianted dishes lately and I cannot fathom why people still eat unhealthy food, or, even, are vegan? Remember the idiotic moment in Avatar the Last Genderbender, where Ang said that he was vegetrian, pushing moralistic nonsense about killing animals onto impressionable children? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7ZYM3HzeR4&ab_channel=NationalAnthemsChannel Or that one time, Sokka in like episode two got emasculated and wrested into the ground by some girl his age beause she was part of some ninja cult that only recruited females? Or that time his sister kept the whole entire water tribe afloat while he was goofying off as she constantly berated him? Why is it that strong female characters, and I don't mean mages, like Megumin from Konosuba, or superpowered characters, like captain marvel (though, she was a bitch) or characters that relay on some sort of mech-suit nor do I mean strong as in (god for bid) emotional strength as in they can handle mature situations but characters like Black widow that beats maffia goons with a hair whip always have to make the men around them look weak? That's where certain anime shows, like Riddle Story of Devil (yes, that's its actual name), comes out ahead since their are only girls in that show so no man can get emsculated so you never really think about it? On that topic of shows with, basically only girls, anyone here seen "Keijo!!!!!!!!!!!"? It's great. It's like the author got dared to write a story with it's premise and he knocked it out of the Park. Keijo is a story about a Sport with the same name where hot girls use their boobs and butts to knock others off the arean into hte pool below. It's intresting because it does two things, it slowly makes your care about who is gonna win rather than laugh at the premise or (and more imporantly) you focus less on the ecchi parts of what your watching but also it's the best shonen out there. Why? Because it's self-contained and focused and is creative with it's limited moveset and it funny and hot and does the (otherwise annoying) training montage well. RWBY's weapons are cool because they also have duality to them. Ruby, the mc of the show, weapon is a scythe that is also sniper-rifle. It's annoying that you Nigel doesn't see the good parts of Rwby and only complain about it. I remember that retarded moment when HBbomber guy that lefty soyboy that can not go two sentences without being oh-so-witty sarcastic about something he dislikes reviewed Rwby, which he was negative towards because part of it's many storylines is one that basically talks about how political violence (specifically, it seemed directed to the left) isn't the way forward. It is one of the few shows that sorta have lefties as it's villains so he didn't like that so in his stupidity he pick a scene were one character exposit information to another. Then he said, "Ugh, exposition equals bad and look how smart I am because I can repeat whatevery one elses think like a parrot." Sadly for him though, that scene made sense because the character who exposit had reasons to do so, you fucking moron Harris. Go back to UK, eating crumpets. No time for your dumbshit. I snap you like a sunship Okay, I stole that whole thing^^

Hey, a thought occurs.

What if a fatslob weeaboo shut-in gets isekai and there he has to go through training from hell like before he gets his harem of bitches and becomes the chosen one? Or maybe, he is the choosen one immidately but the goddess, or whatever the fuck superpower brought him there, says, "You are in indeed the chosen one but you need to shape up or you won't be able to save this world from the evils of darkness from 'the demon' (the demon is a stand in for satan here). Here's your new life," before she proceeds to thrust him into hardcore training.

This could make the mc more relatable because he doesn't just get his power and bitches, it's more earned (like mha style). However, people seek stories of this genre out because they wanna feel powerful so to delay that gratification might be a mistake and that doesn't tell them anything about the JQ and why troons can never be female. Maybe their could be a lower class of demon or goblins give out big loans to kingdoms in other to rule them from the shadows and forcing them to take in rapefuges from the windigo "nations".

I want my story to be perfect reversed propganda so I got not time to tackle one thing at the time. Gottta go fast. Gotta fast. Gotta go faster, faster f-f-faster. Soooonic!

The world hangs in the balance but I will raise up to the task. Change the world! Well, actually that is a pretty cool ambiton, tho. I gotta admit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-tj_IzTJ2Y&ab_channel=mohamednourddine

Ps. Anybody think that buckbreaking is the key to all of this. Like, if a nigger comes up to you and says, "Aye, yo. I fuck your wife," you just say, "Yeah..? But I fuck you in the ass, nigguha!"
Nationalist americans really ought to stop fantasizing about sending niggers to africa, instead we should just "make america do slavery again!". People need to be buck-pilled that's what I think.

>since you matter less to me than what I flushed down when I take dump.
Ofc, I'm only joking, Nige~<3
> If I only wrote to be liked I would just mass produce unchallenging low effort content
Wait, I’m confused. Is that not what you’ve been doing the entire time you’ve been here?

> I've just stopped talking about them here because I've realized talking with no filter
Wait, I’m confused. Is what you’re doing currently your idea of talking with a filter?
366645 366646 366651
In one draft of my work, my protagonist's backstory had too much in common with my own.
So a friend of mine proofreading the story, who didn't know my tragic backstory, said I was being unrealistic with the amount of tragedy one man can face in his lifetime without becoming a serial killer or giving up on the world. He also called it unrealistic that he would ever want to save anyone or help Elf (white) society when it has done so much to hurt him and hold him back and spit on him and make his situation seem hopeless.
He compared it to a show he once saw about an extremely bullied and raped suicidal little girl in a Madoka Magica ripoff created by someone who saw money to be made ripping it off and cranking the edge up to childishly absurd degrees to stand out from all the other edgy ripoffs.
He called the heroine unrelatable.
The story failed to build an emotional connection between the heroine and audience by giving her any moments that give her something to protect. No moments where anyone in her life is good. No moments where anyone in her world seems worth protecting. No moments of normalcy to contrast the misery of her life because misery is normal for her life. She starts her story wanting to die. Her life was so miserable, death or an inevitable death after fighting monsters really was an improvement. She is basically guaranteed to die soon no matter how hard she figts, unless some deus ex machina comes out of nowhere to cure her terminal case of dying. There was no hope that things could ever get better, so he didn't feel like emotionally investing in the story just in case they might.
But I want to emotionally invest in my own story, and the story of my people.
Does that make me strange? Does that make me unrealistic or unrelatable? No matter how many mistakes I make along the way, and no matter how impossible it may seem, and no matter how the odds are stacked against me, I want to try.
366646 366654
There he goes again. Maybe if he keeps spamming his assassination classroom sob story, you guys would stop being so mean.
366646 366651 366654
Whatever your real life backstory is, I guarantee you couldn't top mine. Unlike you, I spent the last four years trying to make something of it or at least be a cautionary tale. Go to niggertown on a shoestring budget, work a fulltime job, and sleep in a Walmart parking lot for several months, and then get back to me. Otherwise, quit bothering these people for wanting to actually practice writing.
366647 366651
> I guarantee you couldn't top mine.
I have an expression, that I have grown fond of, that goes like this, "You can compare pain but not diminish it."
If you lose and arm and I only lose a thumb, it doesn't mean that I cease to be in pain because you're in more pain.

Just my two cents. Hope your doing better now, Anon.
And you too, Nigel. >>366637

Tho, I think this ( >>366639 ) guy's suspicion is fair, what your's saying is probably true, however the timing for you to bring your tragic past makes me think he is right.

Anyway, I think that friend of yours got his ideas from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kmaba2TopE&ab_channel=ExplanationPoint but maybe I'm wrong. Haven't watch it myself acutally but for some reason I remembered seeing the thumbnail in the past.
366651 366652
Loathe as I might be to admit it, you're right. I'm just being an asshole at this point. I guess I just hate that so much time and energy goes toward whatever the hell he's trying to cook up and the boardwide reactions to it, and nothing that actually could be used for the OP's stated purpose, or any practical purpose.
366652 366653 366654
>I guess I just hate that so much time and energy goes toward whatever the hell he's trying to cook up and the boardwide reactions to it, and nothing that actually could be used for the OP's stated purpose, or any practical purpose.
I am the OP, and I basically feel this way about it too. It is immensely frustrating that literally every writing thread we try to have on this board devolves into this sooner or later. I have a bad habit of replying to Nigel when I know I shouldn't, but the problem is that ignoring him doesn't work either. I've been going through the old Fallout Equestria threads in an effort to compile my assorted rants + some observations a few other anons made into something I can use for a long-form essay, and in the process I've basically been rereading the threads. At the time I was employing a strategy of just ignoring Nigel for the most part, and only replying to the occasional small nuggets of wisdom in his posts that were worth replying to. Suffice it to say that strategy didn't work. It's honestly amazing; I was mostly focused on reviewing the fic, so I didn't realize at the time just how badly those threads were being derailed by Nigel and his endless bullshit. Seriously, even with the the length of FoE and the detail I went into with the review, if Nigel hadn't made any posts I probably wouldn't have needed four threads to finish that review. He just does this shit all the time, everywhere he goes, and there is just no way to make him stop. If you ignore him, he will just keep palm-mashing his keyboard and sharting his moronic opinions and "story ideas" into the abyss, completely oblivious to the fact that no one is reading any of it or engaging with him. However, if you tell him to shut the fuck up, he immediately goes into cope and seethe mode and starts sperging out about "haters" and conspiracies against him.

Eventually, if you berate him long enough and hard enough, he will go into what I call the "sad Nigel loop," which is basically the behavior we are witnessing in this post >>366637 here. He's had a sad life and a sad childhood and he's just trying to become a better writer and save all the white people with his shitty anime fanfiction but waaaaaah everyone keeps on being mean to him; woe is he. To be fair, from what I can tell he actually has had some legitimate difficulty in his life, but frankly so have a lot of anons, and all of them still manage to interact normally with the board. So it's hard to feel sorry for him at this point.

Every once in a blue moon, the shitstorm he inevitably generates around himself will do enough damage to his ego that he will actually fuck off for a month or two, as we saw with these >>7710 >>7644 threads, where he was proclaiming that he was finally "done" with us and would be leaving forever. I think we all know how that turned out. He always comes back, and it's always just the beginning of a brand new Nigel cycle when he does.

I honestly just don't know what to do about him anymore, but I figure if we're stuck with his endless barrage of "story ideas" either way, I might as well try and spin them into something at least halfway entertaining. It's more than he's ever going to do with them, after all. However, in the interest of not derailing this thread any further, I think I'm going to create a separate thread for future installments of "Nigel the Movie."

>You can compare pain but not diminish it.
I actually rather like this, I might steal it for a line of dialogue somewhere.
D'aww, thank u~<3
>I guess I just hate that so much time and energy goes toward whatever the hell he's trying to cook up and the boardwide reactions to it
^^ Was about to type something like this,
>I basically feel this way about it too.
But now I don't have to anymore because GG *cough* KBB *cough* Lotus *cough* Faces *cough* Juan *cough* Ninjas *cough* Placeholder *cough* Occult Facde *cough* Boom Boom *cough* Moonshine *cough* Lone 15 *cough* Nigel *cough* Sven *cough* Norwayguy *cough* Anon (whoever I forgot) *cough* Nobunaga Oda *cough* OP got to it first.

>I actually rather like this, I might steal it for a line of dialogue somewhere.
But muh royalties :'C
I look forward to seeing it appear in "Nigel The Movie: Episode 2" ^^
On that note, what did you think of this post >>366618, I thought I was pretty clever here. Plz shower me in praise, sneedpai.
366656 366658
>To be fair, from what I can tell he actually has had some legitimate difficulty in his life, but frankly so have a lot of anons, and all of them still manage to interact normally with the board.
Well.. almost all.
I'm sorry. Whatever value it has coming from a bitter fuckup like me.
366656 366660 366661 366669 366688
Never seen Ass Class, is it any good?
Not dignifying misery poker with a response. It's dishonest for anyone to assume I have the worst possible motive I could have for bringing up the shit I've been through.
The links didn't work.

I find the nigel videos funny because just as the tail on the depiction of Silver is almost a decade out of date, the character of Silver is a nonsensical contradiction built out of a teenager's desire to write something philosophical that says power and power fantasies are less important than love clashing with a teenager's desire to include what audiences at the time seemed to call cool. Complaining about me for talking misses why I talk. When I ask a question it represents faith I have in somebody's ability to answer it helpfully.

The energy that goes into telling me to shut up and try harder to already know the answers to any question I could ask couldn't power a lightbulb. Doesn't matter how many things we could talk about go into my posts. Everyone would rather talk about their own writing anyone else's or bitch at me for being here or wait for someone to post pony content. Anyone can be dismissive and entirely negative and sneer at the guy who's trying for not already being a success story, and if there are any reasons to respect that, tell me why I shouldn't start to act the same way about anyone else's attempts to talk about political writing in the pony website's pony fanfiction writing thread.

Then again, most writing here is just for fun, and not written with any higher political goal in mind, so I couldn't if I wanted to. I mean no disrespect to those who write for fun. There's nothing wrong with writing for fun. But I've come to realize I am in uncharted waters. I must solve these questions alone because I will get no help here. There is no successful pro white fiction I can take inspiration from because in the eras that would have made it successful, it would have been unnecessary, and the idea that it might be necessary would have been unthinkable. Who could imagine a world where whites are reduced to backstabbing bickering slaves unable to agree upon any plan to do anything to harm the globalist antiwhite force's monopoly on propaganda and force and control over our futures? Even Tolkien, the man, the myth, the legend, the mythical mountain seen somewhere in all fantasy fiction whether close up or in the distance or intentionally excluded for the sake of an artistic choice, was touched by the only thing faker and gayer than cold war era communist propaganda: World War antiwhite propaganda about "those damn nazi nazguls" losing their way and choosing war and industrialization over being Christian and white and peaceful. It's easy to say it is morally just to reject violence and killing and cast power and power structures into the fire when they are not necessary to annihilate enemies hell bent on your annihilation. Just as it is easy for a man with food to waste food because he is not starving, and just as it is easy for a liberal to walk around unarmed in a majority white suburb. The christian fetish for guilt and pacifism is the weak link in the Armour of God that makes us succeptible to forgetting what is necessary for the future of the white race and its children. And I don't think I will ever be able to write something that convinces the white man he has nothing to lose but his chains. And yet I try because I want to do more with my life than learn how to write My Little Pony fanfiction the remaining bronies might love as much as they loved Fallout Equestria and Past Sins. But I also want to make video games and when I get positive and supportive responses and legitimately useful criticism I find myself understanding why so many people choose to do what they love instead of focusing all their time and energy on politicians and policies they hate. Last time I said I was taking a break, I took a break, and it lasted longer than I initially said it would because I was enjoying my break and didn't want to admit why. When I'm not in the trenches I feel guilty about that. But lately somebody close to me held me. Didn't hold me down. Didn't hold me tightly. She just asked me why I try so hard for ungrateful people, and why I feel like I need to save a society that I owe nothing, and why I won't take another break. She liked how happy I looked during my last break after I started to get over the guilt that came with ignoring the news and every weekly new reason to desire the end of the status quo. I hadn't even considered how it would feel for someone to care about me and my wellbeing. But I owe it to her to be good to myself. I want her to be happy. Without realizing it until now, politics ate up too much of me and my life. But she's giving me another chance and I will not waste it. She can help me learn how to be happy again.
what the actual fuck am I writing seriously the final.pdf
File (hide): F7D8C7604DC45EC869C512ED97F691AE-8097436.mp4 (7.7 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:32, F7D8C7604DC45EC869C512ED97F691AE-8097436.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>But I've come to realize I am in uncharted waters. I must solve these questions alone because I will get no help here. There is no successful pro white fiction I can take inspiration from because in the eras that would have made it successful, it would have been unnecessary
Well, actually ur wrong. GG, did it, or KBB ^^ did it. It's called Castle of Vapor. It is what you seek. It's a piece of reverse propaganda for our times.
Attached is the first finished version I found in the archives. GG, has a more updated version.
<3 :anonfilly:
366660 366661
>I'm sorry. Whatever value it has coming from a bitter fuckup like me.
I've got good news for you, chief: if there is one profession where being a bitter, dysfunctional fuckup actually works in your favor, it's writing. Disclaimer: If you are also a narcissistic retard from England who physically can't shut up about subjects like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Pokemon, your results may vary

I don't know if this will cheer you up or do the opposite, but here's Charles Bukowski musing on life, death and the craft, while simultaneously dunking on other writers for being less accomplished at alcoholism than he was:

And if that doesn't do the trick, here's a pony.
>claims to be seeking advice and support for writing
>takes every opportunity to act as a low-end "idea guy" without ever presenting drafts or works past shilling and then deleting his gay horse manifesto
>still acting as though the answer to Saving The White Race is to write weebshit with a skinhead coat of paint for a fanfiction website full of trannies he openly obsesses over
>"She asked me why I try so hard for ungrateful people"
Look. this is gonna be the one serious statement from me that caps the discussion on my end. From here, you will never have to interact with me again if I recognize it's you (which frankly I'd have to be dyslexic not to recognize someone like you).
Sven isn't a success story. Most people who write aren't success stories, and probably never will be. That's not what people dislike about you. If you do actually have faith in someone's ability to answer your questions, then you have to sit down and take the lumps you asked for. If something you said didn't get an answer, chances are that people couldn't see the question past your massive walls of text. If there ever is a question to begin with, which in many of your posts, there just isn't. Or the question is so broad, subjective and silly that they think you're being rhetorical.

Just look at the pro-white propaganda that stuck. Murdoch Murdoch got popular because they put the effort in after a few episodes of stupid skits. When they gassed William Pierce and got backlash over it, they actually looked up Pierce's activism and came to respect him despite their disagreements, and represent him in a much more entertaining way that motivated others to look at the National Alliance's legacy with an open mind. When their sketches stopped being entertaining, they focused on the meme war saga and created something that has made grown /pol/acks cry, myself included. The Wanderer's Choice was heavily derivative of Berserk and loaded with references to the sort of weebshit you love so much, but it came with characterization and story that made you think. It offered new perspectives on the inevitable that comforted and made us think. It gave us more bread crumbs to research ourselves, by looking into Oswald Mosley and Spengler based on the things they said in the show. While it might use reductive memes as a medium, it elaborates on them and gives them a soul. Even the Choice itself mirrors something said by Mosley: that you must be a hawk among hawks and a dove when among doves. That a completely static set of rules with no contingencies is a castle built on sand. And all these this ended on an uplifting message to preserve history, art, memes and heritage.

If you want to make your mark, you have to be better than someone yelling into a megaphone about their beliefs while wearing a pony mask and shaming anyone who deviates from them. You have to ask yourself questions that you can answer given enough time and thought. And that isn't just "knowing the answer before you ask" -- it's looking inward for your inspiration, reason for what you believe, and understanding of why others aren't always of the same mind. Understanding that goes past just marking them as antiwhite, but actually explains what motivates them. Understanding of others, even your enemies, comes from entertaining beliefs you don't share in order to see them through it. And until you open your mind to the fact others don't always just want to see you dead because you're the hero and they're the villain, you will never be a good writer. Never.

I know I just gave you a wall of text and I'm not gonna spend any extra effort trimming it. Call it petty revenge. I don't care. I've finally got up the passion to write something I actually enjoy and I'm gonna do it.

Believe it or not...it actually does help a little. It's weirdly comforting to know that a man who seems to be so confident and his ability as a writer, can be so clearly dysfunctional. Like perhaps poetry/writing is his calling, or perhaps it just helps bring him peace in his old age.
Maybe I could pick up that anonfilly green I stopped on. I think I'm gonna focus on the "bim-bim-bim" as Bukowski puts it. Also top kek at "This man's not even a pfuckin' professional drunk!"
366662 366670
>Gottta go fast. Gotta fast. Gotta go faster, faster f-f-faster. Soooonic!
Feel a bit bad about this, tho. There really isn't anything wrong with liking Sonic the hedgehog. That Sonic Boom animation is pretty rad tbh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQm9xkF80oI&ab_channel=Penpas
I think I just made the connection with it because I remember you emphasizing the need for speed in your learning of how to craft you story from earlier posts so that was what I wanted to parody.

Idk, I feel like this guy is pretending. He has realized that he's old and so he's coping by acting as if it would be boring to continue to live.
I also, disagree with his views on writing. I actually used to think that each sentence should matter and be great but lately, I've come to think that it's not what matters the most.
Basically, I wanna take a step back. I'm not a writer, I'm a storyteller. I can retell a story with different words because, imo, what truly matters is the substance of the story. Your presentation can elevate your story but ultimately stories are less about grammar and clever presentation and more about ideas, imo. Though, perhaps I misunderstood what he meant.
366663 366670
>He has realized that he's old and so he's coping by acting as if it would be boring to continue to live.
Is just my take though.
366666 366670
That's a fair take, Sven, no problem. I got the same general impression, although I agree that quick and succinct prose that keeps the reader gripped is great.
jesus tit fucking christ I am seriously going to reply to you again, aren't I?
>I find the nigel videos funny because just as the tail on the depiction of Silver is almost a decade out of date, the character of Silver is a nonsensical contradiction built out of a teenager's desire to write something philosophical that says power and power fantasies are less important than love clashing with a teenager's desire to include what audiences at the time seemed to call cool. Complaining about me for talking misses why I talk. When I ask a question it represents faith I have in somebody's ability to answer it helpfully.
See, this right here is exactly why it's funny. Not for the reasons you said, but because you clearly have no fucking idea why any of this is funny.

>just as the tail on the depiction of Silver is almost a decade out of date
This right here, for instance, is hilarious. I have no idea where I got this Silver Star pic originally; it's just the version I've had saved to my computer since time out of mind. It probably came from one of the original Glimmergate threads. I built my current PC in 2019, so this pic is probably at least that old. The only other versions I have saved are edits that I think were done by the board: the one where he's redrawn as a jew, and the one where he's redrawn as some kind of Pokemon or something. I've never noticed any variations in his tail in the "official" versions, and would not have attributed any significance to it if I had. That you think anyone besides you would be autistic enough to notice or care about a detail like this is very funny.

>the character of Silver is a nonsensical contradiction built out of a teenager's desire to write something philosophical that says power and power fantasies are less important than love clashing with a teenager's desire to include what audiences at the time seemed to call cool
This is also funny. Again, not for the reasons you seem to think, but because of your complete misinterpretation of what's even going on. The character of Silver is not what the video is making fun of. The character and the story he's from have become sort of a running joke around here, but I honestly don't even remember anything from the story itself beyond the magic skateboards and the giant walls of text about how the magic skateboards work. That and the 36,000-word chapter about Silver complaining about Starlight Glimmer and punching her, we can't forget that. Beyond that, though, the whole thing is a blur. Whatever was actually wrong with that character and that story was dealt with five years ago when I went over all of it; nobody actually cares about any of that stuff anymore.

The video isn't making fun of some silly, cringey fanfiction you wrote as a teenager, or the silly, cringey character who starred in it. The video is making fun of YOU, and the silly, cringey person that you are and always have been. Silver Star is YOU, Nigel, the actual person, or at least the person you present yourself as in this community. This character is your avatar; he is the visual representation of you as a human being as far as this community is concerned. Whenever anyone here says "Nigel," or whenever you yourself show up in a thread and start talking about anything, this is the image that pops into everyone's head. Whether you agree with it or not, this is how /mlpol/ sees you.

There are two main reasons for this. The first is that, however much you like to think you've moved on from this story, the simple fact remains that Silver Star Apple and the Search for More Money, Love, The Meaning of Life, and Magical Cards is the only memorable thing you have ever written. Nobody remembers "Lion-O Goes Columbine on the Jews," nobody remembers that other thing you wrote. This is the one that people know. What's more, it's not even memorable for itself. As I said, nobody actually remembers what happened in the story. What everyone remembers is the Defcon-5 tard rage you flew into when nobody liked it, and how bantzing on you for it was doubly funny: once for the bantz, twice for the fact that you completely failed to understand how or why you were even getting bantzed on (sort of like right now, with this video, or literally any other time you've gotten bantzed on).

What's also funny about that particular incident is that you actually have a lot in common with...Starlight Glimmer. Starlight was so desperate for love and attention that she threw all of her energy into a single act of pure self-indulgent narcissism. Her project was thwarted and she was laughed out of Equestria, but rather than repent and seek forgiveness, she doubled down and made things even worse for herself. In short, the stupidest thing she'd ever done became her entire legacy. Unfortunately, though, the similarities end here, as Starlight Glimmer eventually went on to redeem herself.

Anyway, the second reason Silver is your avatar is, well...just look at him. Look at that smug, silly, cluelessly confident smile on this retard's face. This guy is just...you in a nutshell. If I took one of your neverending tard-rants about the writing in Mass Effect or whatever the fuck and fed it to one of those AI-drawing programs, and told it to draw the face of the person speaking, it would probably produce an expression close to this. I mean, can't you just see this guy? Strutting around decaying London, munching his fish and chips, grinning that ridiculous, smarmy, shit-eating clueless grin, while he mumbles to himself about God only knows what because nobody is fucking listening?

Well...you can't see it. But all of us can. And that, Nigel, is why this video is funny.

>The links didn't work.
My apologies, I always fuck up the cross-board links. I was referring to these threads:
>>>/qa/7710 →
>>>/qa/7644 →
But you already knew that, didn't you?
366672 366688
Whether or not you take his actual advice is up to you, I'm not saying he's right or wrong. For my part, I tend to agree about the quick and succinct prose. It's a better approach in fanfiction anyway, since there's just so much of it out there and whatever you write is competing with everything written by everyone else. Keeping your prose short and effective is a courtesy to the reader, at the very least.

The main thing with this video was to point out that being bitchy, dysfunctional and opinionated is something that just about all writers all have in common. I don't remember exactly how or when I came across this video, but I do remember I was half-drunk sitting at my computer and typing up a comment for one of my review threads. So basically, there's me, some autist who writes about ponies on the internet, sitting there drinking and talking shit about some other pony writer on the internet because I don't like how he did something. Meanwhile here's Bukowski, who was this world-famous Beat Generation icon, sitting in this interview doing essentially the same damn thing, but within his own sphere. I thought it was funny.

Everybody who works at writing long enough will eventually develop their own particular method, usually through some combination of reading other authors and borrowing their techniques, and experimenting on their own and figuring out what works for them personally. Then, once you've got your method, you'll come up with a giant laundry list of reasons why your way of doing things is better than everyone else's way of doing things, and why every writer you don't like can suck a dick.

This >>366660 is actually some really great advice, and I like the analysis of Murdoch Murdoch. Since Nigel probably won't read it or absorb it, I'll go ahead and compliment you on it. This is a good attitude to take.

I think above all it helps to remember that the world isn't waiting for your masterpiece one way or the other, so you might as well just shit or get off the pot. Just take whatever ideas and stories you've got in you and present it the best way you know how. If it sucks then it sucks; it's not that big a deal because most people's writing sucks. You can either find a way to fix it or throw it away and start again. If you somehow do end up creating something great, odds are that someone will come across it and realize it's great sooner or later, so there's really no reason to be a tryhard about it.
>the world isn't waiting for your masterpiece one way or the other, so you might as well just shit or get off the pot. Just take whatever ideas and stories you've got in you and present it the best way you know how.
Thanks anon. It does help to keep it in mind.
Incidentally, do you still have that audiobook version you did of that? I don't think I actually finished listening to it.

np fren, best of luck to you.
Actually, I guess as long as I'm already replying I might as well dispense with the rest of this.

>Doesn't matter how many things we could talk about go into my posts. Everyone would rather talk about their own writing anyone else's or bitch at me for being here or wait for someone to post pony content.

>Then again, most writing here is just for fun, and not written with any higher political goal in mind, so I couldn't if I wanted to.
> I mean no disrespect to those who write for fun. There's nothing wrong with writing for fun. But I've come to realize I am in uncharted waters.
> And I don't think I will ever be able to write something that convinces the white man he has nothing to lose but his chains. And yet I try because I want to do more with my life than learn how to write My Little Pony fanfiction the remaining bronies might love as much as they loved Fallout Equestria and Past Sins.
Lol. The Nigel Cycle is moving quicker than I'd anticipated; we're already back at the stage where you scoff at us and call us losers, but for some reason you keep hanging around asking for our advice.

>Last time I said I was taking a break, I took a break, and it lasted longer than I initially said it would because I was enjoying my break and didn't want to admit why. When I'm not in the trenches I feel guilty about that. But lately somebody close to me held me. Didn't hold me down. Didn't hold me tightly. She just asked me why I try so hard for ungrateful people, and why I feel like I need to save a society that I owe nothing, and why I won't take another break. She liked how happy I looked during my last break after I started to get over the guilt that came with ignoring the news and every weekly new reason to desire the end of the status quo. I hadn't even considered how it would feel for someone to care about me and my wellbeing. But I owe it to her to be good to myself. I want her to be happy. Without realizing it until now, politics ate up too much of me and my life. But she's giving me another chance and I will not waste it. She can help me learn how to be happy again.
This is almost touching, but...honestly, what is even your thought process here? I mean, if I'm understanding you correctly, what you're saying is that you're happier when you're out somewhere enjoying life, as opposed to...being here. Annoying the living shit out of us. So...I mean, do you see what I'm getting at? You're a lot happier when you're off doing whatever with your...eh...girlfriend, and we're all a lot happier when you're not here being an annoying sperg. It sounds like the solution to your problem is the same as the solution to our problem, so...what are we even arguing about? Just stop posting your palm-mashed nonsense to this board and literally everyone wins; I honestly don't see what the issue even is.

I mean, this is really the part of your whole thing that I don't get. On the one hand, you seem to be convinced that if you don't write this bizarre Nazi-anime-space-adventure-thing you have planned, it means the complete annihilation of the white race. On the other hand, you refuse to put any actual work into your writing, so unsurprisingly you make zero progress on your book. You show up here with one crazy story premise after another that's basically just 20 different anime tropes jumbled together, and ask if it's a good idea. Then, regardless of what anyone says, you come back a few hours later with a different premise that's basically just the same 20 anime tropes arranged in a slightly different order. Then, you suddenly go off on an 80 page rant about some episode of Avatar the Last Airbender you saw one time 20 years ago and ask if it was good writing or bad writing. Like...what the fuck is going through your mind?

Look dude, it's like I said here >>366670 : the world isn't waiting on your masterpiece. If you want to write something, then just write something already for crying out loud. If you don't, then don't. Shit or get off the pot. You keep talking about this writing project of yours like it's some kind of matter of life and death, which is ridiculous enough to begin with, but then on top of that you never actually write anything. You keep talking like nobody is willing to give you advice or help you, but it's more accurate to say that nobody is willing to give you advice or help you anymore. I've been giving you reams of very high-quality advice for literal years, and I've read and critiqued every pile-of-shit draft you've ever put in front of me. What's come out of any of it? Nothing; absolutely nothing. It's a complete waste of time giving you advice because you never listen to any of it and you never produce anything.

I honestly don't know what else to tell you. If you don't want to write anything and you don't enjoy writing, then why even bother? Just go watch Naruto with your girlfriend or whatever; fuck. The world isn't going to end.
So you wanna be a writer - Charles Bukowski
So you wanna be a writer - Charles Bukowski

if it doesn't come bursting out of you
in spite of everything,
don't do it.
unless it comes unasked out of your
heart and your mind and your mouth
and your gut,
don't do it.
if you have to sit for hours
staring at your computer screen
or hunched over your
searching for words,
don't do it.
if you're doing it for money or
don't do it.
if you're doing it because you want
women in your bed,
don't do it.
if you have to sit there and
rewrite it again and again,
don't do it.
if it's hard work just thinking about doing it,
don't do it.
if you're trying to write like somebody
forget about it.

if you have to wait for it to roar out of
then wait patiently.
if it never does roar out of you,
do something else.

if you first have to read it to your wife
or your girlfriend or your boyfriend
or your parents or to anybody at all,
you're not ready.

don't be like so many writers,
don't be like so many thousands of
people who call themselves writers,
don't be dull and boring and
pretentious, don't be consumed with self-
the libraries of the world have
yawned themselves to
over your kind.
don't add to that.
don't do it.
unless it comes out of
your soul like a rocket,
unless being still would
drive you to madness or
suicide or murder,
don't do it.
unless the sun inside you is
burning your gut,
don't do it.

when it is truly time,
and if you have been chosen,
it will do it by
itself and it will keep on doing it
until you die or it dies in you.

there is no other way.
and there never was.
366746 366749
Without reading replies, thought I should add...

To the car guy...

I wouldn't wish what I've been through upon anyone. I've been homeless before, and I've worked at a job before, but being raped repeatedly by my own parents as a child was definitely worse. It gets to you, being exploited and betrayed like that by people you're supposed to be able to trust and rely on. Being surrounded by fundamentally evil people who don't care or help it happen because calling the authorities would take effort and risk creating hassle for yourself and the authorities you are forced to be dependent on are as jewed as they get anyway. It's possible to ascribe imagined bad motivations to anyone. You could hold a lover who says "I love you" and choose to believe she's only saying this to control you. You can choose to believe I am a master schemer with nefarious motivations for saying anything about my past but do you think I'm socially aware enough for that? I genuinely just thought that anecdote was funny. Like a guy who thinks all car crashes are fatal not realizing he was right next to someone who survived one. But I have hope for you. I am sure that if you work hard enough at your job for a jewish megacorp you will be promoted, meet a nice woman, afford a house together, reproduce, and finally have a reason to be happy. Never give up hope.

To everyone else...

I don't know why I come here to this thread and ask writing questions like I expect an authority on writing to say something interesting and helpful in response and become part of an interesting open writing discussion. First and foremost, this site is a clique for roleplayers and pony porn lovers and boomer facebook meme sharers, before it is anything else. I could ask general story structure questions on any writing site, but explicitly asking how I help the white race by writing about sex and violence and dragons and other shit people like is the one thing this thread could theoretically have over other places for discussing writing if only that was permitted.
>I could ask general story structure questions on any writing site
That is what this WRITING thread is about. Only difference between here and some other writing site is you can post your examples.
>I think Nigel's posting is annoying <-Kinda what I said
I kinda wanna retract this. I kinda don't care anymore. I mean, I don't really get why he gotta post his none-related post in the wrong threads nor I'm a huge fan of the way he presents his posts but (as I have said before) I usually find stuff to agree with in his posts.

I guess I just gotten used (or numb ^^) to it. I think I just gotten tired of drama too. Now when I reflect on it, most of my latest post to Nigel have all been troll posts, where I'm just bantzin on him for things I would otherwise complain about^^.

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't really care about Nigel's (special) posts anymore but I'm not objecting to others getting annoyed by it either. Or something liek that is how I feel right now. IDK.

I guess, who even cares what I feel. I just felt a need to update my stands or wahterver