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The Ghostlord's Lair (1).jpg
Red Hand Of Doom, Part III: The Ghostlord's Lair
Welcome to the third installment of our glorious thread featuring /mlpol/'s first running of the classic d&d 3.5e campaign, Red Hand Of Doom.

Quick Rundown: A massive army of savage goblinoids, giants, monsters and dragonspawn fanatically devoted to the devil Tiamat march on the frontier region of Elsir Vale. Will the PCs be able to thwart the army and save the region and the world? Only time will tell.

At the end of our last adventure, the party had just sabotaged the Red Hand's operations in the Ruins Of Rhest by defeating the Wyrmlord Saarvith and and the Dragon Regiarix, and as a result earned the allegiance of the Tiri Kitor Elves in the inevitable Battle Of Brindol. Their efforts earned them flying mounts, and a good amount of treasure. Most important, however, is the mysterious amulet that was latter revealed to be the phylactery of a powerful lich who rules the Thornwastes.
Knowing that the Battle Of Brindol would be all the harsher if the Red Hand had the allegiance of the Undying Lion King, the party has decided to head southwards to interfere with the plans of the mysterious Uwali. The Thrnwastes are 150 miles away from Starsong Hill as the owl flies, so our heroes may be able to get there in three days if they go straight and nothing happens along the away... (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *wheezes*)

Little is known about the Ghostlord, other than that he is a powerful lich and a sort of indigenous boogeyman feared by all in Elsir Vale. Our Heroes may perhaps research him as they stop along the way, commission professionals to find documents, or attempt to ask locals about stories of this ghastly overlord, or even just roll some knowledge checks to see what they already know.

New players are welcome. New PCs begin at lvl 6 and start with normal Wealthy-By-Level. I will provide the updated housetules upon request to anyone interested (they're basic 3.5e houserules, except I give all players some extra stuff). PCs of any kind are encouraged.
52 replies and 32 files omitted.

Aral Tel'thuen'slaugh Avaemaskan
Hello fellow tree-niggers. I'm the elf. Also the ranger. And the jury rigged arcane caster.
>remember I forgot to check the Complete Champion for affiliation bonuses for charity
>Good domain: +1/500 gp expended
>Lanikar's Kit was worth some 100k
... Well, you guys got a lot of good boi points. I guess your habit to not take loot has paid off...
Some of you guys might qualify for sainthood later... You'd need exalted feats though.
Artorias Greenmarsch, Clueless Father
while that isn't unappealing...
>exalted feats
yeah, that sounds like too much work
You already have two: intuitive attack and nemesis
Artorias Greenmarsch, Clueless Father
I guess I might become a saint then!
Hold your ponies, you gotta perform great labors to your deity or become a martyr to become a saint.
Artorias Greenmarsch, Clueless Father
with how this campaign's gone so far, becoming a martyr won't be hard. Jk, you're doing a good job and PCs just happen to die alot sometimes.
"helloesies, Night Shroud here. i missed a few sessions due to mental health reasons and i'm late to this session. thought i'd say hi."
Whoever wants to type a summary of this session instead of me will gain an extra action point and 100 XP.
Artorias Greenmarsch's Player, Recap Summarizer
Welcome to the Red Hand of Doom: Part 3 Session 1!

>Where we last left our heroes, they were all milling about on Starsong Hill and trying to decide what their next move would be
>Eventually the party decides to take the owls and fly due south from over the Blackfens, taking an otherwise 5-day trip to the Thornwastes and cutting it down to just 3 days.
>!st day: The flight is rather uneventful, all goes well until the party touches down in the Witchwood
>Upon setting up camp, the group is SWATed by a group of forest giants who want to know why all these fucking midgets have set up shop in their territory
>Upon learning of this mistake, Artorias, Umbrie and Pursuer/Killer all do their best to defuse the situation
>A few rounds and some diplomacy checks later, the giants are talked down from shooting anyone
>To seal the deal, Artorias heals the giants' chieftain and nets the party the ability to stay the rest of the long rest at their campsite
>The giants are still kinda paranoid about the normals near them, so they move their own camp to watch the party's camp
>While all this was going on, Billie managed to become fast friends with the giants and their kids
>Unfortunately though, the party must keep moving so Billie says goodbye to her new friends
>2nd day: The party resumes flying unhindered and comes to rest near Talar, camping near-ish to the road behind a hill
>Meanwhile, in the background, Talar is burning and peasants are fleeing in whichever direction they can, though Artorias helpfully directs some of them towards Brindol
>During the resting watch, the party is ambushed by a bunch of invisible hellhounds being assisted by three pyroclastic draconic barghests!
>It's a tough battle, but the party manages to take them all down without too much hardship, and the rest of the night is spent in peace
>3rd day: The party resumes flying and makes it all the way to the edge of the Thornwastes before having to rest again for the owls' sake, so they decide to do so in a small, abandoned human settlement
>inb4 everything's a mimic
>Oh, if only it were that nice...
>No, the party goes for a rest to let the owls recover only for us to get ambushed by a bunch of these lion monkeys that I don't know how to spell the name of
>Artorias and Aral try to set up a plan to catch these things offguard, but nOPE FEAR AURAS HAVE DIFFERENT PLANS
>Artorias, Billie, and both Pursuer and Killer are all collectively taken out of the fight before the first round even starts which would've been fixed had I remembered that action points were a thing, leaving only Aral and Umbrie to fight these asshats
>Unsurprisingly, an encounter that likely would've posed sufficient challenge with an entire party goes fucking horribly when there's only really two people fighting and soon everybody's either on Death's doorstep or being welcomed inside
>The real kicker is that in that time, only one of the fucking nya-ggers ended up dying in return
>Luckily for the party though, the DM had to leave to take care of some IRL things, meaning the encounter was cut short and retconned!
>A valuable lesson in how dangerous the Thornwastes are, or a glaring example of how stupid an encounter can get when fear is thrown around by anyone not aligned with the PCS?
>I know what I think it is, but I'll leave you all to decide this on your own!
>Until next week, fellow adventurers!
Such excellent digits
>in their territory
Clarification: by what was revealed in part 1, that half of the Witchwood was clearly not their territory. The Red Hand must have pushed them eastwards. Chief Shampoo was just being boastful for the sake of her tribe.
Apparently, Old Warklgnaw was able to convince his grandaughters to join him in one last fight after coming down from the Wyrmsmokes. The battle didn't go so well for them...
>Luckily for the party though, the DM had to leave to take care of some IRL things, meaning the encounter was cut short and retconned!
Ah, yes. The Gambols may have made mincemeat out of you guys had I not needed to leave after DMing for 8 hours straight.
Don't worry though; you haven't seen the last of the blue baboons :3
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Me, doing my best to hype the Thornwastes
What the party sees in response
Artorias Greenmarsch's Player, Recap Summarizer
in and out.jpg
Accurrate. I'm only sad I didn't get to finish the encounter, since I really like those babooncats and it would feel cringe to just use them again because it would be repeditive.
I guess I could always just make them half-fiend/dragonspawn martial adepts...
Artorias Greenmarsch's Player, Recap Summarizer
the one thing that I ask is just please don't use 6 of them at once again until the rest of us reach Aral's level and he's hopefully even higher level.
No promises.
Don't worry tho. I'm probably not going to kill you guys with random encounters before you can get to my real, story-defining encounters. You guys haven't even entered the Thornwastes yet.
Screenshot (205).png
Pic related describes what the party saw as they flew near the ruined Terrelton, as the Red Hand marched over it.
A little insight on what the world will look like if they were to fail: a world of fire and darkness, corrupt, violent, and twisted in the image of the Archdevil Tiamat.
Pic of the heirloom Byeshek swords that I forgot to mention back at the end of part 2, dropped by the Bladebearer who didn't last long due to my decision to scale him down since the previous ones kept killing Bro's characters.
They are distinctly purple, and are perhaps the greatest example of gobbo-artifice.
Checks can be rolled if you care about hobgoblin history.
Artorias Greenmarsch's Player, Recap Summarizer
>Where we last left our heroes, the night was retconned, thus removing the threat of Sonic the Gambol times Six. Instead, tonight, the threat would be a bunch of Bonedrinkers!
>Unsurprisingly, undead are a lot easier to brutalize en masse as opposed to a pack of pack hunters, so the party makes it through with little to note if we aren't noting how Artorias briefly touched upon the power of Ultra Instinct for that fight while surrounded on all sides by the things.
>Basically, the retconned version of the fight goes a lot better than the original version would've, meaning nobody has to suffer the agony of losing a character or worse, the dreaded TPK
>With all that out of the way, the night passes rather uneventfully and dawn comes once again
>With dawn, the party is ready to once again run off towards the Ghostlord's lair by owl, so they do
>Well, until they're rudely interrupted by a duo of mutated manticores being engulfed by thorny vines springing up from underneath everyone
>Luckily, Aral is able to spot them and react before they pounce, giving the rest of the party warning!
>These planticores are summarily dealt with almost if not entirely by Aral, and the party continues on on owlback after a quick pitstop to make sure all the birdies are healed up and ready to fly again, as well as grab some leftover loot from the unfortunate souls that the aforementioned planticores were snacking on before the party happened by
>With no further interruptions, everyone continues on through the Thornwastes up until they find what they're looking for on the way to the Ghostlord's tower: a massive trail of ghosts!
>This trail of ghosts proves fruitful for the party to follow, leading them deeper into the thornwastes and closer to the expected location of the tower they're looking for
>Unfortunately, the flight is once again interrupted by some monsters: a group of four very large ghost lions
>These lions scare the willies out of the owls, but luckily the party keeps their wits about them and are able to get away unscathed, if in the opposite direction they want to go
>After testing the lions and their range another time, the party learns a new group skill: stealth!
>Imagine that, moving around while trying not to be detected!
>Using this new concept of moving without being noticed, the party is able to move the rest of the way through the Thornwastes without being bothered by any more of the inhabitants and reaches the Ghostlord's tower in good time!
>Now that that's over, time to execute the plan!
>The group decides to move up to the steps of the tower (without the owls because they're pussies), rest between the massive lion's paws at the base of the stairs, and wait for the Lion King to scry his phylactery and the note placed atop it, reading "We would like to return this, but first we would like to share some knowledge with you that you might like to know. Please let us in or join us outside."
>The party originally would've handled this plan from a closer proximity to the tower itself, but Artorias senses a very powerful worshipper of Tiamat right inside the door, so instead everyone decides it would be better to sit just outside the mystery monster's aura
>This plan is put into action for a while, but unfortunately is cut short by the entry of the mystery monster, an adult(?) white dragon, who got tired of waiting for us to enter the tower and fight her
>She does her damnedest to put down the party, but everybody's gotten stronger since Reggie and they put up a surprising amount of fight!
>Umbrie in particular manages to put the fear of god into the dragon with how much damage she was able to do through touch alone
>Aral did a good job of liquefying her from the outside with strategic use of fire-based magic
>Artorias played tank/support yet again with clever use of spells that allowed the others to play a bit better against the dragon
>No kill today though, sadly
>Instead, Artorias gives her the biggest middle finger he can think of by calling her a wyrmling as she retreats and Aral shoots her in the ass for a parting shot
>After she's gone, the reinforcements she was waiting for from inside the tower finally arrive in a meaningful sense!
>As things stand at the last part of the session, Umbrie and Artorias are squaring off against a bunch of various hobgoblins, Aral's sitting on the floor and waiting for his turn to get back in the fray, Billie's leveled up and is flying somewhere around, and Hunter/Killer are AWOL yet again
>Will this next battle finally do in the party? Not to jinx it, but lol no
>Tune in next week to find out, and show up with a character ready if you want to influence the outcome!
>Until next time, fellow basement dwellers!
I think three hard encounters is pretty good for a session. Good story progression too.
that touch required the small and cute socially awkward shadowstalker known as "Night Shroud" to flank, and only dealt so much damage because of a lucky roll in assassin's stance. and it was my only way to actually land a good hit. luckily touch AC goes downward on higher challenge ratings.
Dragons generally have low touch AC. Few of them have Dex higher than 10.

Which is why I'm second-guessing if the rest of my dragons are appropriately-balanced for Action Point fueled Orb Of Fire Spam...
>Artorias when he suddenly remembers that he's supposed to get a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls vs Servants Of Tiamat as a Crusader Cleric.
Artorias Greenmarsch's Player, Recap Summarizer
Artorias probably knew, Artorias's player is a known and admitted retard.
Nah, I make the same mistake all of the time.
Cromar interacting with and helping the party on behalf of the DM, in the same capacity that every Mary Sue DMPC should:
Part III is actually taking much less time than I expected... I might actually need to make a new thread next month.
Anyways, I'm really glad that this campaign is progressing at a healthy rate. I was afraid that it would last more than a year (ugh), but it's really picked up since we switched to mostly voice chat. Despite the increased speed I've also been able to pack a lot more content (encounters, RP, story progression) into each session too.
You guys have been really great.
Pic unrelated
I may as well post the houserules I've written since the last post here:

>If a Duskblade or Spellsword uses their Channeling Ability to deliver Shocking Grasp, said warrior gains the normal +3 bonus on the melee attack roll if the enemy is wearing metal armor.
>In case it wasn't Clear, Mage Armor, and all the variants/derivatives, counts as an Abjuration spell for the Abjurant Champion.
>Rangers gain Point Blank Shot as a bonus feat at lvl 1.
>Knowledge (Warcraft) is considered to be a class-skill for any class proficient in all martial weapons, as well as for any Martial Adept.
>Rangers who opt to choose a Rival Organization as a favored Enemy may choose the Red Hand, provided that they know of it (the party may explain it to you, if you're new)
>Human Factotums qualify as having the Able Learner feat for the purpose of entering the Chameleon prestige class.
>Blackguards may call Fiendish Drakkensteeds as Servants, and may apply Feindish Servant advancements to Draggonnels gained through the Dragonsteed feat, just as Paladins do.
>In Addition, Evil Paladins and Blackguards may (with explicit DM permission) have access to splatbook spells on the Paladin list so long as those spells lack the [Good] descriptor. If a [Good] Paladin spell has an "Evil version", that spell may be added to the Blackguard list.
>The Keen Intellect feat applies to the Autohypnosis skill, if the character in question has ranks in it.
>Wearing a corset imposes a 5% chance of arcane spell interference unless you are able to cast in light armor.
>Wearing high heels imposes a -2 penalty on reflex saves and balance checks.
>Paladin/Monks with the Unwavering Dedication ACF:
> -are treated as having Monastic Training for all prerequisites, including qualifying for the Argent Fist Prestige class.
>New players start at lvl 6. This will be consistent throughout the whole game, going for both new players and new characters of players who's PCs died. However, XP is a river, and low level characters introduced later will level up much faster.
>Clerics may use the Intuitive Attack feat with a martial or exotic melee weapon, provided that said weapon is the favored weapon of their patron deity.
>As I stated above, I am flexible with Flavor requirements. As per the Complete Divine, Prestige classes that require worship of certain deities can be refluffed, so long as the PC in question meets similar fluff.

>For example: a Cleric of any martial deity may advance as an Ordained Champion so long as they meet the mechanical and alignment prerequisites.
>An Orc Cleric Of Gruumsh may advance as a Stormlord (Talos is an aspect of Gruumsh anyway). Same goes for a priest of any one eyed storm god who uses spears.
>Crusader/Clerics of any kind can be Ruby Knight Vindicators.
>The Ruby Knight Vindictor class is not limited by alignment or patron deity.
>For example, I allowed Aral to build as a knight of mystic fire despite worshipping Corellon Larethian because I consider wizardry to be an Elven tradition, and Mystra doesn't exist in my game. Mystra allows her followers to worship other gods anyway (including evil ones...).
>So, basically, I care more about mechanical requirements than fluff requirements. If you have something you want, as me about it.
>I use Heroes Of Battle in this campaign. The goblins have been using commander auras this whole time, mostly with the Goblin Commander Aura. Inter-party commander auras are my way of balancing multi-level parties.
>I assign commander auras as they come up.
>Elaborating on refluffing Divine content: Since Lathander is just a younger, handsome version of Pelor for FR, content exclusive to Lathander may be used by worshippers of Pelor, or other similar sun gods.
>This includes but is not limited to the Sun Soul Monk feat and class.
>Also, Monastic characters with Lathander's Sun Soul Monk feat are considered to be capable of Turning Undead for the sake of Clergy prerequisites. They may expend uses of Stunning Fist to fuel any devotion feat of a domain granted by Pelor, and even certain Divine feats.
>The Leadership feat is hereby allowed, but I pick and control cohorts.
>I do prestige race altercations, just fyi.
>I use Craft Points:
>For anyone who is interested in playing w ghost, the ghost class may be available under very limited circumstance:
>Players should consult me in DMs whenever they have questions for what qualifies for becoming a ghost.
>The Tauric Creature template (MMII) is allowed, but I need to double-approve whatever templated monstrosity you guys show me.
>The Firestorm Berserker PrC can use Blazing Berserker to replace all of its prerequisite feats.
>Alternatively, characters who wish to play Firestorm Berserkers may instead reflavor the Frostrager class, and replace any instance of cold with instances of Fire; In this case, the "Freezing Blood" class feature is renamed as "Cauterized Wound", the "Absorb Cold" ability is renamed as "Fire Eating", and the "Frost Rage" feature is renamed as "Burning Rage".
>In addition, any character with levels in Barbarian may have the benefit of gaining Tribal Tattoos, as described in Dragon Magazine.
>The Keen Intellect skill can be used to roll Profession (Astrology) skill.
>And yes, I do fantasy horoscopes. (nobody has told me their sign yet though)
>If you have the Ki Shout feat, you may, at your option, use Wisdom instead of Charisma for the saving throw DC.
>I allow all of the metamagic components listed in UA:
>Other power components are listed throughout various books; do your homework if you want to haxximize it. Check the treasure drops, I slip them in every now and then.
>Complex Skill checks are acceptable:
>And for the purpose of diminishing redundant weapon profficiencies, you can talk to me about Weapon Groups if you ever want to try it:
>Since Diplomacy is the key skill for the White Raven Discipline, Dvati characters trained in the White Raven can use Diplomacy instead of Perform when flanking for their Echo Attack ability. Like most white Raven Maneuvers, it is fluffed as a series of martial shouts.

If it wasn't obvious, most of my houserules are just official 3.5e variant rules that I announce to let players know I'm using them. I generally prefer not to bend rules because I feel like consistency gives players more room to optimize and get creative within the rules. Most of my houserules are just bonus feats given to all players, or reskinning fluff requirements.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Did you miss me?
>I was afraid that it would last more than a year
If I remained, then yes. It's better that I left, really, since it took forever to do shit by text so it became an annoyance over time than a leisure, at first I looked forward to playing it but over time that excitement withered away until it became a chore of a routine. It was a experience that was new to me, the foremost of which being roleplaying horse sex, that was and will be unforgettable. Though I'm sure it made some of you disgusted, which only made it more hilarious, I bet Misty tastes nice in heat.
It was short but sweet, thanks for the memories, gay lords.
Anyways. Dicksword smells of stale tranny vagina and OP is a flaming faggot.
Oh hey, Chad. Yeah, I really have missed you. I liked your character, and our time together was good.
>It's better that I left
Awww, don't say that. I was glad to have you there.
>I'm sure it made some of you disgusted
Topkek! Where do you think you are?
>dicksword is gay
True, tbh. I had originally only made it as a means to organize, but voice chat is just so much faster than PbP, and I wanted to meet my standard of at least 4 encounters per day and at least one adventuring day per session.
I considered taking it to Roll20 or Foundry, but all I really wanted was the voice chat, so I didn't bother.

Sometimes I want to reconsider how to run a proper campaign that runs entirely on /mlpol/, but isn't agonizingly slow or unfun. I think that with the right planning it can be attained. Maybe I'll try running GURPS here one of these days.
It actually makes me wonder if /mlpol/ could actually use it's own board dedicated to /qst/ and /tg/ related topics, rather than just leaving it on the board that already shares video games and paranormal. The /mlp/ and /pol/ RP communities are actually thriving right now, and it could do the site good to bring some of that energy here to /mlpol/. Most of it is on platforms more accomodating to RP, but anonymous /qst/ games using the right rules/systems could certainly be a thing here. Could be a board for writefags and CYOAs too.
>>112 →
>this board combines the topics of 4chans /v/, /x/, and /tg/ boards
And yeah, I can read. I just think RPGs would be better off with their own board. Having too many topics on one board diminishes discussion of each topic. I see a few RPG threads on /vx/, but next to zero discussion of them, let alone any real importation of the pony RP community.
Also kind of weird how /vx/ has flags and IDs, despit /v/ and /x/ not having any. I guess it was an attempt to emulate /vint/.
>I think
Very well, we'll wait for a consensus then
I mean, I could make a thread about it, but it was just a passing though.
Btw, are you a lurker or what? Did you have any interest in playing this game? I can provide the rest of my rules if you want.
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The loot goblin getting rich off of all of the party's unclaimed loot.
>lot goblin
That's a great idea, I'm stealing it
Artorias Greenmarsch's Player, Recap Summarizer
the Secret Superboss™ grows ever stronger for the final encounter
The loot goblin is an actual NPC: a rogue/hoardstealer. If you can beat it's stealth, you can try to fight it.
Good luck though. It's got Darkstalker.
sample-62995a66abaad59cf03838e66ddc8615 (1).jpg
> party searches a giant lion's head for the ghosr lord. get ambushed by ghost lions, little nightshroud is reduced to 2 charisma. Aral, Nightshroud and Artorias wreck lions. Artorias levels up to 9. nightshroud finds monk's belt
>party finds a misty corridor, finds dissection room, trap door leads to ooze, the loli ninja loses her modesty as an ooze ruins her shadowsilk habit. and her socks. she had spare stockings, but not a spare dress.
>hobgoblin fight at another doorway. kill 2, capture 3rd, 3rd refuses to interrogate, the start of little miss nightshroud's flustered half dressed rampage
>find a tree that spawns a ghost lion, lion dies
>head deeper, grappled by 6 bone drinkers half dressed Loli ninja and Elf kick ass together
>find treasure room, loli finds a fancy hilt that contains a black qui powered lightsaber that functions as scorpion kama, sun blade, and unarmed
>find ghost lord. return phylactery, he no longer supports red hand, turns into fursona
>fursona lich murders hobgoblins on a violent furry rampage; not too different from ninja loli's murder streak, attractive general barely survives
>party loots attractive general, ranger gets new shirt, loli gets new gloves, general is being carried off to brindol for inteerrogation
>Night Shroud the rampaging half dressed ninja loli needs a new dress. can't walk around in oversized shirt and thighsocks with pantsu exposed forever.
>image details how little nightshroud had left after the ooze
>night shroud is now level 9 and Aral is now level 10.
> ninja lolis current objective, get a new frilly black dress to cover the embarrassing lavender ruffled view
>The loot goblin is an actual NPC
Hell yeah he is