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I think its obvious to a certain extent that the jews foster and desire a community to call them out so they can control and character assassinate it. They easily feel its worth the effort to do this so no question that we do them more harm by struggling than not. but they are crafty.

More than the eternal jew though, I think the biggest harm to our cause is our feelings that we ourselves are not jews. Jews are not a religion, they are a race. A race with thick neanderthal blood, blood that all of us have. the features of the jew are that of the eternal villain and trickster. even the good jews are supernaturalized in our mythos across every culture, made into capricious and unpredictable forces of good rather than sane ones. This is no accident, because jews are merely one group of neanderthal-cro magnum hybrids which had breeding practices that resulted in sustained traits from their heritage. This results in their over all behavior but they are not the only ones with jewish blood. Almost all of humanity bares uneven proportion of this curse.

We accepted the converts, fake or not, into our blood, and they sucked it into themselves, becoming day walkers. For that, we where cursed, though we are all cro magnum, the neanderthal defeated long ago the jewishness within us rises up, boils to the surface. fights us to this day. our very genes are at war with one another. And now, the subversive potential has organized itself using tools in such a way as to become an immediate threat to humanity. But it is not arbitrary. It is not "the jews did it lmao" the jews practiced breeding rules that resulted in the intensification of their neanderthal traits rather than the dilution of them. They have features which are not unique to them which are universally recognized in humans as perverse, untrustworthy, and inhuman. goblinoid looks, crooked large noses, pointy ears and heads, stalky looks and mincing capricious characters. From oni to ogres, these beings are found everywhere, and only have come to roost in the shoes of the jews because they exemplify the condition.
What the hell are you talking about OP?
Citations and evidence required for these claims:
>shekelbergs are a race
>shekelbergs have "thick neanderthal blood"
>"neanderthal-cro magnon hybrids"
It's a fairly common /pol/ theory that kikes have more neanderthal in them than humans, based mostly on the fact that reconstructed neanderthal faces do look awful kikey. Here OP is proposing that neanderthal blood is the cause of kike-like behavior, in other words that we all have an "inner jew" so to speak, due to the fact that most people in general have a small amount of neanderthal in them. He's also proposing that every monster of folklore is based, if not explicitly on kikes themselves, then at least on people with higher percentages of neanderthal blood.
That is a hypothesis, not a theory. A theory has evidence to support the claim.