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190216 190217 190234 190307 190315 190345
An excellent article, with a concrete scientific approach exposes the hoax and manipulation on how transgenderism is now a coping mechanism by people in need for attention and some status.
Myeah I think this is kind of politics related, since transsexuals have been heavily used as the servants of the liberals and the left.

"Parents further reported being derogatorily called “breeders” by their children, or being routinely harassed by children who played “pronoun-police." The observation that they no longer recognized their child’s voice came up time and again in parental reports. In turn, the eerie similarity between the youth's discourse and trans-positive online content was repeatedly emphasized. Youth were described as “sounding scripted," “reading from a script,” “wooden,” “like a form letter,” “verbatim,” “word for word," or “practically copy and paste."

" The peer support, prestige, and identity leveraged by the youth who proudly come out as trans certainly appears to be protective in their circles."
I fully expect this to be buried, and if not, decried as transphobic.
190218 190280 197842
>Youth were described as “sounding scripted," “reading from a script,” “wooden,” “like a form letter,” “verbatim,” “word for word," or “practically copy and paste."
The brainwashing of the youth.
Yeah especially on Twitter, let's see how long it lasts.
Aand here's the angry social justice warriors!

And this is why this is a noteworthly article!
So how many of these attention seekers are going to be put on puberty blockers?
Why are these (((People))) Allowed to Influence the youth?
It is brainwashing. Even my liberal ass family when shown what has been done to these people all think it is degenerate or not normal.
The synagogue of Satan must be smashed into oblivion for the betterment of man.

I'm going to take some time to meditate on these things. I'm sure at least one of them will feel my energy and either snap out of it or kill themselves.

Heres hoping for the latter.
190303 190305
Purple Tinker wants access.png
The transgender, SJW paradox.jpg
Speaking of Purple Tinkerer;
I've seen some of their posts on /mlp/, in which they've described the whole tranny experience. I believe I don't have them capped or anything, but if my memory serves me well, it went as follows:
Transgenderism and all that is associated with it, including treatment, surgery and lifestyle changes, can be ascribed to "gender dysphoria", or a subset of "body dysphoria" that makes one feel as if they do not belong in their own body. An entirely mental condition.

The problem arises when a "transgender" person gets said treatment, surgery and lifestyle change. As Purple Tinkerer described, none of it helps. The condition persists. It's why transgender suicide rates are so ludicrously high; nothing actually works. The mental condition stays wired up in your head even after you've had all manner of surgery and treatment to "help" it.

This is shared among most "body dysphoria" conditions, be it you believing you are a chicken or the other gender. The only solution is to get rid of the underlying mental condition, not to turn yourself into a chicken.

Of course, that is the quid pro quo of the "treatment" - in return for the ridiculous investment required, you are basically brainwashed into the whole culture surrounding it. The condition is treated, ironically enough, but not intentionally. It is treated by displacing it with other mental issues that temporarily redirect the underlying issue of body dysphoria. By immersing themselves into a culture of "like-minded individuals", they adopt all the related rhetoric and build up a pseudo-personality to justify their "dysphoria". Their entire personality and life up to that point becomes about transitioning. Therefore, an attack on "transgender people" or the idea and ideals of "transgenderism" becomes an attack on themselves, and they emotionally lash out in defense of their own core.

Imagine how they feel once they have nowhere else to transition.

It is my belief - supported by not much more than by a lack of personal experience and a lot of educated guesses - that the best way to "treat" the "dysphoria" is to, first of all, get a dysphoric person the fuck away from trannies and their "culture". The same applies to most any cult - if you can get the individual away from the cult and back into their supporting family, they'll quickly come to their senses. Most cults solve that problem with physical separation, by moving people out into settlements and camps separated from the rest of civilisation and jamming all cell phone connectivity.

The cult of transgenderism solves it by creating a vocabular and ideological separation. Like most cults, they build up an "us vs. them" mentality, but they add their own elements on top of it. "Systemic oppression" and "cis culture" are all big tenders. They've created their own vernacular and "science" to support their own exclusive culture to further the "transition" - and, once you control a man's vocabulary, you control their thoughts.
Except its show transgender suicides decrease rapidly the more someone feels accepted in their community.
Then again you can delude anybody into liking anything or make anyone just happy enough to not die on you despite their circumstance, forced or voluntary.
People being kept ignorantly happy and depuded or distracted from their life is nothing new.

I'll see if I can find the studies about this. Looking at suicide rates of people who didn't feel disparged or accepted is a good place to start.
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There is no such a thing as gender dysphoria.
Take someone with depression. Instead of analyzing the cause of depression, the postfreudian methodology makes the sexual identity questionable, and exploits this for a quick and simple psychological butchery:

«You are not depressed because the world you live in is shit, not because you feel like a soulless machine just good to consume and without any perspective, or teenage crisis, about to enter adulthood but still lonely, you feel like this because you have... Gender Dysphoria® ! Yes! You might identify as another gender, you ever played with pony toys? ever enjoyed women's clothing? It's not gay, it's Gender Dysphoria® ! You can blame your parents for ignoring your true gender identity! Now have some Rx, take these hormones, endocrine inhibitors, make sure your parents pays for it, you can join this association for people like you, and they will be a better support than your TOXIC family who have raised you the WRONG GENDER! Follow this TREATMENT and you will get better!»

Of course, a teen brainwashed by Tumblr, Slate, Huffington, boingboing and the fucking Ellen DeGeneres show will drink such a speech easily, and the parents will abide, also for most, brainwashed by the same fucking television.
Yes the depression will be gone, because transsexualism implies all kind of codes of hatred of the "cis patriarchic society", it also implies like every left wing ideology, a group think, joining one common ideology with a galaxy of "genders", as the screaming proud undifferentiated human product they are, the instrument of postmodern rhetoric and capitalism. (No nation, no more male or female, no more race.)

After hormonal treatment and genitalia surgery there is no more ability to have sexual intercourse, and the transsexual's need for pleasure or orgasm is converted in hatred. Hatred for his designated enemy, the right wingers, the christians, the straight white male oppressing him who did him that, and an unconditional support to the jew who mutilated him - psychologically and physically.

Yes, this is mutilation, this is a massacre, just like decades ago shock therapy and lobotomies were practiced to cure some mental illnesses and hysteria, this mutilation done with transgenderism will be known as the same level of abomination in the future.

This is valid for any kind of lie.
So yeah you can make the same kind of community about anything, the flat earth ideology, islamism, furry fandom you name it! That's why it kind of "works", keeping people in happiness and ignorance, with a goal is basically a temporary fix for depression, but still not a rightly done therapy.
Some prefer ponies. Some prefer combat sports, or some will become dependent to drugs, or anything, but even with that psychological butchery, transgenders still have a huge suicide rate, since at some point the mutilated person realizes his/her real condition being all based on lies.

That's just it.

And now we have all kind of trans just as >>190294 pointed, body dysphoria, transableism, transracialism, transspeciism, you can put anything you want in this big lie, only built on postmodernist narratives, since science and logic are seen as bigotry, where genome and anatomy no longer means jack shit.

This is one of many depravities why NatSoc has to come to cleanse Terra.
I am speechless.
Which is why I put gender dysphoria into quotes. There are definite correlations with some form of identity disorder, but not always so. It can be used as a blanket term for "you should get inoculated in this transgender cult because you suffer from some condition".
Also direct link to his publications :


save this if you can.

190313 190316
Screenshot-2018-12-2 (5) Allister Fraser - Allister Fraser shared a post .png
And this is going to be intresting.

Science is a cold hard bitch and one of the best saltminers.
Would not surprise me if FB will changes the terms of service so that unless you apologize to anyone (on the left) for anything they find offensive you will be breaking the TOS.
190317 190319 190322 190373
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Nah it's factual. And truth must be accepted and understood, once you accept it you kind of see things differently.
There is no god above us. There is no aliens on earth either.
Transgenderism isn't a thing, intersexed is a gentetic anomaly. There is only two genders in all mammal reproduction, and being gay isn't really a mental disorder.
Vaccination works if done right. Also, adjuvants can cause syndromes if done wrong.
Earth isn't flat. Evolution is real so does natural selection we override with technology and medecine, which might be wrong.
Economy works as long it's based on math. Climate changes all the time, there's nothing we can do about it, it always did and will always change. Americans managed to send straight white men on the moon and bring them back after properly learning from their mistakes while Russians did not. Conspiracy theories starts with essentially a lot of bitterness and rage. Chemtrails are not mind control devices or weather control, but airplane pollution is much lesser of a diesel locomotive for the same amount of passengers. Nuclear energy is the greenest mean to produce electricity. There is a link between ethnicity and IQ. Christmas will be here soon.
Mentally ill homosexual.
>local Soyboy BTFOD By a small smug pastel colored horse
>Nah it's factual. And truth must be accepted and understood
Agree. Sadly facts goes against the leftist agenda, and in todays world feelings comes before facts when it comes to leftists. And FB isn't foreign to the idea of pushing a leftist agenda hard.

190322 190341 190412
>There is no god above us
>There is no aliens on earth
>Earth isn't flat.
>Evolution is real (if you are referring to the idea that man comes from monkey)
>Americans managed to send straight white men on the moon
>Chemtrails are not mind control devices or weather control
Who knows?

>being gay isn't really a mental disorder
I believe it is. It is defective sexual behavior, not to mention it is an abomination.

>Conspiracy theories starts with essentially a lot of bitterness and rage.
I disagree, usually is an autistic man who is able to put the pieces together when nobody other can. His emotional state is irrelevant to the applied logic.

>Christmas will be here soon.
I fully agree.
As long as we can agree that Equestria is real and one day we will all go there I'm good.
>evolution is "the idea that man comes from monkey"
This is why people say Americans are stupid.
That's because they are.
>"Parents further reported being derogatorily called “breeders” by their children
Remember when there was some comedy skit about a "Racist" white cab driver ranting about how much he hates straight people, and the straight people in the back seat laughed or grinned as they looked at each other in confusion, and then the screen said something like "All bigotry is ridiculous"?
SocJus is a cancer that spreads, and SocJus comedy is a peek into the future they want.
Gayness is what happens when a man has a fetish for dick and gay men's buttholes.
It isn't "Perfectly natural", it's as abhorrent as your natural disgust when exposed to it for the first time says it is.
Look at the rising Intestinal Parasite rate among gay people.
They're faggots with fetishes, able to give each other sex for free instead of having to "Compete" in the rat race to get enough money and cars to attract a femwhore and "Earn" her sex.
Wonderful! Merci Diamond !
I second this.
190417 190422 190424
You know I don't always really agree, being gay is a decision, and fetishes are nothing more nothing less than life decisions, science has nothing to do with this, even if some pretend, even if I personally I'm against. That's like transsexualism, it's ideological stuff. It's liek saying "computer science" it's an oxymoron, a computer is a man made technology, we know how it's made because we built them to run software.

And no, we don't have a monkey as a common ancestor, what the militant atheists imagine are wrong, because they aren't intelligent people.
People who believe in aliens or all kind of conspiracy, just like gods or SJW shit are not intelligent.

However for all the rest, we know.

80% of the people are highly dumb. this is also a fact.
>don't have monkey as a common ancestor
Citation needed
Good enough for me _ec8efc18db40a4ad1596c3333842911c.png
>being gay is a decision, and fetishes are nothing more nothing less than life decisions, science has nothing to do with this, even if some pretend, even if I personally I'm against. That's like transsexualism, it's ideological stuff
This debauchery endangers our civilization, decadence comes together with banishment of discipline and morals.
Be homosexuality a decision, genetic defect, fetish, or whatever you desire to call it, is irrelevant to the fact that must be clamped down with resolution.

>People who believe in aliens or all kind of conspiracy, just like gods or SJW shit are not intelligent.
Well, I was a rabid atheist, but the more redpilled I am, the more I understand that there are other realms beyond our senses. Call them angels, demons, ghosts, or even Gods, there is shit out there. Some people can tune it and other don't.

Fetishes are decisions reinforced with dopamine release during orgasm. There's your science.
190467 190525 190527
Maybe related to the emotional issues surrounding trannies - why do they always have the shittiest personalities? All of the trannies I’ve met are borderline non-functional in their behavior, often extremely hostile and often express murderous feelings/intent.
Fetishes are mental links the brain makes between sex and random stimuli. If your first encounter with sex is walking in on your hot babysitter pissing, you're going to develop a sexual taste for women pissing. You're going to grow up fapping to piss porn.
If your first encounter with sex is the subliminal messaging in some shitty cartoon that puts weirdly excessive focus on feet or whatever, you're going to grow up liking that.
If your first encounter with sex is marvelling at how impressively big the cock of some other guy is, you're going to grow up thinking you're "Gay", and modern SJW society says that makes you a unique individual queer who's better than one of those icky "Straights". Better than one of those "dumb lame NPC normie straight breeders". Better than those losers who dress like straight people instead of trying on the clothes of all the different genders.
Either way, whether your sexual tastes force you to like big dicks on men, big dicks on women, women acting like women, women acting like men, women pissing, women shitting, women vomiting, women acting like little children, fire burning stuff, animals fucking animals(and when that gets boring, animals fucking the wrong animals), amputees getting fucked, some degeneracy with blood or vampire bullshit, it doesn't matter.
The choice is whether you indulge in this degeneracy IRL, indulge in it so hard it consumes you, encourage the degeneracy online through roleplaying and paying artists who draw degeneracy, or simply fap in secret now and then while pretending to be what society said normal was when it knew what goodness, purity, and truth was.
>why do they always have the shittiest personalities?
I think because they know that most people look at them with contempt and they are forcing their degeneracy on the rest.
Then, because they are out of synchrony with the rest, they are defensive and envious of normie life.
freaks galore.png
- Transgender People are Beginning to Discover They've Been Lied To.
>The world's leading genital reconstructive surgeon is seeing a new trend. After years of performing operations for people who believe that they are a different gender than they actually are, Dr. Miroslav Djordjevic is now having patients come back to have their genital reconstruction reversed.
>In an article published by the National Post, Dr. Djordjevic provides some insight into what's happening. He tells of patients suffering from "crippling levels of depression following their transition and in some cases even contemplated suicide." Djordjevic notes, "It can be a real disaster to hear these stories... And yet, in the main part, they are not being heard."
>Among other noteworthy points, the revelation that those who regret their sex reassignment surgery are "not being heard" stands out the most. Among the transgender community that values individual expression, not being heard should be the last thing one would expect. Except, as the article reveals, "Last week, it was alleged that Bath Spa University has turned down an application for research on gender reassignment reversal because it was a subject deemed 'potentially politically incorrect.'"

Sauce: https://pjmedia.com/faith/2017/10/03/transgender-people-beginning-discover-theyve-lied/
>we don't have a monkey as a common ancestor
>Citation needed
Normie tier citation is The Bible.
Another blasphemous sources, which I don't remember where to find now, mention a being called Jehovah fought a war with another caller Lucifer who lost it. Lucifer fell (or looked for refuge) on Earth and here he created the human race to serve him. The allegory about Adam, Eve, and the serpent; is about Jehovah demanding obedience versus Lucifer offering free will. This alternative narrative still gets weirder and I believe is not safe for normalfags.
Anyways, ancient knowledge states that we were "created".

That's if they even have a personality at all. I have to be friendly with one for the sake of my other half and they have nothing to talk about except talking about Splatoon and saying "hugs you" when they have nothing to say over a topic. It's like talking to a retarded person, but at least they have some form of excuse.

As for this topic in general, it's definitely a culture thing for men who fully believe in the oppression games that is far left society and that the more 'oppresed' you are, the better in society you are and your opinion means more.

If they had a real problem where they felt like they needed to dress up like a girl, then why not do it privately at home, where it can't be promoted as normal culture.
they are taught to be like this, it's all a part of this hard leftist mentality.

yep essentially!
>using the bible as evidence
I guess this is the part of the thread that
>People who believe in [...] are not intelligent.
>80% of the people are highly dumb. this is also a fact.
... was intended for
More like "Herd" leftist mentality.
Look beyond the mention of the bible and look at what it represents.

Even back then, from day one, we knew there were only two genders. No god said "Thou shalt chop off thy dick and pretend to be a womyn". No pantheon of gods on this planet had a transgender god, or a story of a god being transgender. Some tribal nigger crew's god of duality or fertility or balance might be both genders at once for the sake of embodying the symbolism, and a god of trickery and lies might appear as the opposite gender now and again to fuck with people, and a god of Thunder might even dress up as a woman to sneak into a frost giant camp, only for his manly behaviour to give him away, forcing him to fight his way out.

But there was no "Hero's Journey" myth where a man learns he's actually a gay woman who wants to grind god-granted nupussy on real female pussy.
>At the Teens4Truth Conference, Ft. Worth, TX, Nov. 18, 2017. A physician who was in the Johns Hopkins Univ. Hospital group where "transgender medicine" was developed describes the lies, bad medicine, and fraud behind that movement. Quentin Van Meter, MD, FCP is a pediatric endocrinologist. He is a Fellow of the American College of Pediatricians and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.
- The terrible fraud of 'transgender medicine'
Damn kikes.
But the term Gender was invented by John Money, a Pedophile 2.
Yeah, sure, and so was Loki.
Lmao how can magic be gay? You make meteors fall from the sky and shit.
Only way magic can be gay is if you make your cock baseball bat-sized and slap dudes to death with it.
>"The modern academic sense of the word, in the context of social roles of men and women, dates at least back to 1945[.]"

John Money coined the term "gender role" in 1955 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15146141) so technically you're wrong even when talking about gender studies.
These disgusting freaks can be as degenerate as they want in the pricavy of their own homes, but when they expect me to play their sick game and treat obvious men in drags like normal women then we have a problem.
191875 191891
Specifically what cured me of my gender dysphoria was knowledge of the sociology of gender i.e. the sociological subdiscipline of gender studies. I wouldn't have accumulated this knowledge if I wasn't confronted specifically by one individual about a lot of my misconceptions about it. Afterwards, I started reading on the subject: Zimmerman & West, Judith Butler, et cetera. These gave me the tools to sociologically justify my gender identity.

I never would have ran into this person had I not been involved in trans and nonbinary Discord communities. Of course, I've only encountered one person who knows about this stuff, so I'm an outlier.

I suppose my central thesis here is: Educate trans people on the sociology of gender; the information is not as easily accessible nor as wide spread in the transgender and nonbinary communities as it should be; start an educational campaign; it'll save lives.
However, it should be noted that, while it didn't cure me of my gender dysphoria, community support and validation certainly made my gender dysphoria less intense.
Really? Then who was the first tranny?
"Who was the first transgender person?" is kind of an impossible question to answer. Perhaps the question of who the first transgender person in known recorded history has a known answer but I do not know it because honestly I do not care enough to research it. However, it should be noted that transgender people have existed before the establishment of gender studies; gender studies emerged because of the observation of transgender and intersex people in social life.
Huh. So who was the first real human being to get his or her genitalia transformed into the other gender's genitalia?
Also, why are there no transgender dieties in any mythological pantheon, why were there no transgender authors/characters in the victorian or stuart eras, and why are there no stories of transgender romans/greeks/egyptians/persians/any other ancient dead race?
>So who was the first real human being to get his or her genitalia transformed into the other gender's genitalia?
Christine Jorgensen.

As I've expanded upon earlier though getting SRS or HRT or anything like that isn't a requirement for being transgender, just identifying as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth.

>why are there no transgender dieties in any mythological pantheon

So I'm not educated enough about Greek mythology to answer this question in good faith however I can say that there has been a transsexual person in Greek mythology: Iphis. Also, Caeneus was a transgender man.


>why were there no transgender authors/characters in the victorian or stuart eras

I'd imagine there were but they just haven't gotten modern-day social attention. However, there were transgender Victorians: Joseph Lobdell for example.

>why are there no stories of transgender romans/greeks/egyptians/persians/any other ancient dead race

There are: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history
I am not read on this subject nor can answer with jargon, but I'll see what I can do.

>egoistic suicide
It should be noted that this is often an excuse to encourage transsexuality, as if there existed a right to be esteemed by the community. Of course there is no such right as it denies private agency and thought. In addition, I would like to point out that sociopaths and those with anti-social disorders have the same issue. It is not limited to transsexuals.

Which seems to support my view that the idea of fluid, nonbinary, or mismatched genders did not exist prior to Money's advocacy of his theory and practice.

There were hermaphrodites as a genetic anomaly, which would often be considered "magical," "blessed," or "cursed" in a backwards culture. It is to be expected then that hermaphrodites would be depicted in divine art as the representation of certain qualities. However, they would always be the merging of masculine or feminine qualities, not something different altogether.

Also, I have never come across any mythology where a deity or character says he or she's in the wrong body and transforms into the other.

I have never seen a detailed explanation for how "transgender identity" is supposed to manifest in a four-year old. The closest thing I have heard is if a boy chooses a dress to wear, which is more realistically explained through a lack of taboo and knowledge among young children. Knowing not to wear a dress and how a boy should act comes about through education and social interaction, but this is despised in modern society as it "enforces gender norms."

Also, it sounds like your issues arose because of the bullying, not in addition to it. Bullying often causes mental disorders and a warped understanding of oneself and the world.

>sociologically justify
So it is a self-justification, a set of apologetics to believe certain ideas from a number of academics and an insular community. This sort of social bubble is nothing new.
191894 191896
>There were hermaphrodites as a genetic anomaly, which would often be considered "magical," "blessed," or "cursed" in a backwards culture.
>Which seems to support my view that the idea of fluid, nonbinary, or mismatched genders did not exist prior to Money's advocacy of his theory and practice.

If you read the paper, you'd know this is false:

"Only rarely, these individuals suffer from disorders of sex development in the modern medical or biological definition: in many if not all societies there have been individuals who are not covered by the gender category of male and female." (Lang et al.)

There's no reason to suggest nonbinary people and genderfluid didn't exist before gender studies emerged as a field. They have existed before modern America was established. Two-Spirit peeps for instance.

>I have never seen a detailed explanation for how "transgender identity" is supposed to manifest in a four-year old. The closest thing I have heard is if a boy chooses a dress to wear, which is more realistically explained through a lack of taboo and knowledge among young children. Knowing not to wear a dress and how a boy should act comes about through education and social interaction, but this is despised in modern society as it "enforces gender norms."

Here's a quote from one of my posts I made in the venting channel on one of my Discord servers:

"My earliest memory was from when I was in preschool. I remember I'd mix together the masculine and feminine toys together and play with them at the same time. One of the teachers didn't like that; e would often take the feminine toys away from me and say that I'm a boy and that "boys don't play with those." Now, keep in mind, at the time, I identified as a boy -- that was the identity I was forced into from birth. So when I was told this, I figured I must not be a boy then. And, like an idiot, I said that out loud, too, and the teacher laughed at me and said that I wasn't a girl so I must be a boy.

"I remember saying I must be neither then."

This, by definition, is a nonbinary and hence transgender identity.

>Also, it sounds like your issues arose because of the bullying, not in addition to it. Bullying often causes mental disorders and a warped understanding of oneself and the world.

As I stated, my gender identity emerged before I got bullied. And my gender identity is not an issue.

>I would like to point out that sociopaths and those with anti-social disorders have the same issue. It is not limited to transsexuals.
I'm aware of this; this is not an argument against the existence of egoistic suicide.

>Of course there is no such right as it denies private agency and thought.
Thought is derivative of matter and action is derivative of thought.

>So it is a self-justification, a set of apologetics to believe certain ideas from a number of academics and an insular community. This sort of social bubble is nothing new.
If you call science self-justification.
191896 192388 192886 196842
From a very young age I was very androgynous in behaviors, tendencies, interests, et cetera, and specifically because of the performativity of my androgyny, I developed a gender identity surrounding it; because of gender norms I became an enby.
191898 191899 191903
Well, we could argue over the scope of such "nonbinary" identity in the premodern era and whether they correlate with modern gender politics. I'd rather concede at this point because I am not familiar with the top and it cannot be realistically determined empirically, as what constitutes "transgender" is not rigorously defined and relies on internal impressions and beliefs.

It is also worth noting that it is not an objection to the consideration of gender dysphoria as a mental illness. Schizophrenia in the pre-modern era was likely interpreted as a connection with the spirit world.

>I must not be a boy then.
The uniqueness of one's experiences makes it impossible to tell whether this was a truly revelatory moment or simply childish reasoning taken from a combination of personal desires and the absolute authority of the teacher. I was pestered by my father for being a sissy (among other things, I was deathly afraid of bugs) until around 7 or so I remarked, "I'm surprised I wasn't born a girl!" There was no moral alarm or identity crisis and with a largely uneventful childhood I developed more masculine virtues, albeit being more bookish than an athlete. It would be absurd for me to pretend to be female, unless, of course, one becomes "female" or "neither" from playing with "feminine toys." One could have the interpretation that simply watching My Little Pony casts your masculinity into doubt as it is a feminine show, and that therefore the entire userbase of this site is transgenders in denial.

However, masculinity does not fear engaging in one or a few "feminine" pursuits, just as the mythological Odin (King of gods according to the Norse) using magic doesn't diminish his masculine attributes. Nor is a tomboy who loves hunting, sports, or other masculine pursuits automatically a lesbian or transgender for liking these things. It is ironic that gender studies claims to free people from constraining gender roles, yet it places people into neat little defining spaces and creates new ones all the time for those seeking to invent new pronouns. The truth of the matter is that masculinity and femininity, while attached to their biological and social requirements, are free to engage in all manner of activities without falling into self-doubt. Self-doubt comes about through other issues.

This is why I object to naming any child transgendered or the like. There is an enormous number of personal characteristics combined with even more possibilities for upbringing and therefore no two children are the same. They develop differently with unique desires and aspirations. Drawing a border where having a certain set of personality quirks and goals means your "transgender" is completely arbitrary and will almost certainly distort and ruin your childhood.

>thought is derivative of matter and action is derivative of thought
So you are a determinist? If there is no thought there is no freedom and if there is no freedom there is no debate.

More like a subset of scientists who are worshipped from a certain political bent and who cannot be challenged without being labeled "transphobic."

Is all of Tumblr running here now that they're banning porn?
I wasn't using the existence of nonbinary people as an objection to the consideration of gender dysphoria as a mental illness; I don't even have an objection to that claim; gender dysphoria is a mental disorder.

> It is ironic that gender studies claims to free people from constraining gender roles, yet it places people into neat little defining spaces and creates new ones all the time for those seeking to invent new pronouns.

Gender studies does not claim to free anyone; it's a science; it can be liberatory or restricting. Neither is gender studies about the creation of genders; it's about the study of them.

>The uniqueness of one's experiences makes it impossible to tell whether this was a truly revelatory moment or simply childish reasoning taken from a combination of personal desires and the absolute authority of the teacher. I was pestered by my father for being a sissy (among other things, I was deathly afraid of bugs) until around 7 or so I remarked, "I'm surprised I wasn't born a girl!" There was no moral alarm or identity crisis and with a largely uneventful childhood I developed more masculine virtues, albeit being more bookish than an athlete. It would be absurd for me to pretend to be female, unless, of course, one becomes "female" or "neither" from playing with "feminine toys." One could have the interpretation that simply watching My Little Pony casts your masculinity into doubt as it is a feminine show, and that therefore the entire userbase of this site is transgenders in denial.

The meanings people extrapolate out of everyday experience are different depending on circumstance. Your circumstances were different from mine. Also I was not a sissy; I was basically completely androgynous.

>The truth of the matter is that masculinity and femininity, while attached to their biological and social requirements, are free to engage in all manner of activities without falling into self-doubt.

This is pretty obvious.

>So you are a determinist? If there is no thought there is no freedom and if there is no freedom there is no debate.

Thought occurs but thought is derivative of material circumstance. If you exist within certain conditions, you're going to think certain things.

191900 192388 192702
Also, I've been in the /mlpol/ community since its inception. I didn't come from Tumblr. Perhaps the name Spice, or Agnes Hart, or Page Heart, or Quinn might ring a bell?
191901 191902
You run the Discord, don't you?
Yes, I own the Equine Commune.
I'm that motherfucker who split Eris's server by posting a picture of my belly button, m8.
191914 191915 192388
>One could have the interpretation that simply watching My Little Pony casts your masculinity into doubt as it is a feminine show, and that therefore the entire userbase of this site is transgenders in denial.

Transgender: Having a gender identity other than your gender assigned at birth.

Most of the peeps on this site are cis. There are no trans peeps in denial; there are just cis peeps and trans peeps.

191982 191984
Cultural Marxist term for mentally ill person suffering homosexuality and believing to possess the opposite sex qualities.
Cultural Marxist term to designate heterosexual persons.

Obsession with depravity and sexual aberrations is the distinctive mark of the kike and their golems.
GTFO degenerate, the rope is your natural fate.

Hanged black and white.gif

Marxism is historical materialism.

So check this out: We must abolish biological sex.
>opposite sex

>suffering homosexuality
You do know asexual trans people exist right?

>Cultural Marxist term to designate heterosexual persons.

There are gay cisgender peeps.

If you're just going to tell your dissenters to kill themselves, at least get you shit right. Otherwise you're just being a pathetic, whiny little snowflake with no understanding for the discussion at hand.
Your memes make no sense.
Try again.

191987 192081 192407
They don't make sense because you haven't read the holy scripture
Low effort non sense goes nowhere.
If you are not able to amuse the poners, then I suggest turn around to the synagogue you came from.
I'm not trying to amuse anyone but myself.
Why is this funny for you?
That is one convoluted as hell diagram, and I LOVE IT!
You made me reduck this thing I've read on some SOCJUS's chat, so no, you are not that.

Same for a lot of people here, what's your point? Being there since the beginning does not gives you extra points.

There are no "trans" people, you are just gay in need for attention.
Also please learn to use an imageboard, every reply like this could be concatenated into one single post.

I know you're trolling, if you're not, you might have some kind of mental illness, or being delusional.

In the other case, pretending being a transsexual and this roleplay you are performing here (which again, hope for you that you are trolling) what do you actively do, what have you done with your life, to raise in the layers of the society? Have an employment? Diploma? Activity? Technical interests or knowledge? Have any project, or are you just "I'm a transsexual" and nothing else?

192406 193003
I'm kinda new here and, with your permission, I'd like to ask two questions:
>Is op a female?
>Is it his/her vagina in the picture attached?
I'm sorry if you find them offensive or against the rules and I hope you will be willing to answer.
Of course, Diamond Tiara is a well-known French prostitute. Sells her body and riots by day, posts illegal thought by night. Peak ancap.

A more reasonable explanation is that "Diamond Tiara" is a likely common alias for prostitutes (like "Honey Buns") or that prostitute is a fan of MLP.
You sir, are a faggot.
But you make a good diagram meme.
I'll have you know and I told you many times, you are one of the rare shitposters on this board.
192889 193023
You know after reading the conversation in this thread, this actually inspires me to write a story, or draw, about a character about being trans and what is the outcome and show that being trans isn’t as “brave” or “progessive” as the media or the cult makes it out to be.

I’m tempted to make a trans character having this situation, but I don’t want the character that fits in the ”Tumblrt trans proudness” garbage.

If I want to make a trans character, what are the do’s and don’ts on making a trans character?
>If I want to make a trans character, what are the do’s and don’ts on making a trans character?
The same do's and don'ts of making a communist character, or whatever character you want that portrayal of. It needs to be genuine.
You absolutely need to approach it through the lens of a leftist: having the character consume leftist media, believe leftist concepts, and associate with fellow leftists. If you were previously of a left leaning persuasion, this is pretty easy to visualize, but if you weren't, you'll need to do a bit of homework and lurking to figure that part out.
Basically, it has to be believable to a leftist audience, even if you're not writing it for one. If the journey is believable to them, it makes the inevitable outcome all the more powerful. The very worst thing you can do is turn the character into a caricature or a strawman: that'll kill it for all audiences, not just the imagined leftist one.
193021 193032
You are new indeed, DT is a 8ch goon.
But she remain fuckin' based.
_the big iron.jpeg
looks nice tbh,Would 1488 with.
1. Getting to that point of wanting to be Trans would have to start with a pretty lonely and desperate individual
2. The person consumes leftist media, LGBTBBQ shit, the degeneracy all becoming normalized. It even starts to seem like these people have some sort of status above and community, something they dont. Something they can 'be proud of'...some sort of social gratification?
3. The person has no sex/a real relationship. They think if they become a cute trap from taking HRT, that they might be the cute trap they see shilled, and therefore valuable for a relationship, even if it is with another dude. The desperation probably is the biggest factor.
They also might have just been always had the gay fetish due to the 'its okay to be gay' shilling, and just part of being a faggot. I don't know if there are straight trannies, but I doubt it

Mr. A
Take note, if you want to become known on an anonymous board just name yourself after a fictional character.

I wish DT would draw more art for us.
Totally normal feel.png
Drugs and sex.png
post op.png
You are just ill and immature, just like all your friends.
You should be thankful i'm not that evil, or i could get some really fucked up stuff fairly easily, wonder what people might think of your pedo points of view.
Oh and you must be over 18 to post on this site, of course, you are 18 now, but i did see you posting last year.
>wat is OpSec.
You might not know this but you can't have porn in a server full of minors.
Don't even let me get started on members of the server posting nudes knowing there are minors watching.

May I see some more wolf balls?

Hostile NPCs.