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Thread for lazy nigguhas who want attention for writefagging but cant into effort
Ur the worst riter evar! Now prove it kthx!

>Be you
>walk ponivil
>Oh nos place only sells flowers and grass for food!
>Whatta do?
>Lucki, u find applesack's wagon
>She sell apples and also u see the sugacub corna
>Go ther to get some cookies
>Tyme for assmogold diet!
>wit out meat...
>dis place suxs
>wander off
>see flootersshy's hom
>see delicious white hare
>He's meani
>No one will mis him!
>Grab neck hard and
>Woah, this got gruesome.^^
>Maybe not.
>not ungry anymoar
>instead u wich to play vidgams
>bu no pc
>ponivile got arcade tho
>Ehm, why?
>I mean, yes that makes sense.
>Why would they have that.
>get ther
>see dash holdin joystic wit her hoofs
>she's flyin
>in game but irl but not now but also not when lunc
>the skren thisplay cookpit
>ushully, bluu ski now grass andforrest
>she is gonna crash!!!
>to be cuntinued...
Fair star's family watched Jagged Bay come into view. The city rose high above them from almost all sides. Her father and brother looked awestruck so was she but she was more onguard.

She'd swore to her mother before she join the lunar forces and Queen Nightmare Moon in her war against her sister that she'd protect her family, now when she was it's head. She intended to follow through on that.
Fair was always tired these days. She had to stand guard most of the night and be ready for anything during the day in the refugee tent camps where her family was staying. Most ponies were friendly and just as a afraid as they were. However, some weren't and some were desperate.

They hoped they would be let into the city soon.
Rusty Shoe bay most have been the worst part of the sphinxes' city. Zebra gangs and batponies without any nightmare in sight to keep their mares under check.

The few times her brother had been outside their new home, she'd seen their hungry eyes.
Job searching was rough. You'd think a novice healer would have no shortage of work in the part of the city with almost only criminality, but you'd be, well partially right actually.

The problem was that most of those jobs were part in criminal gangs and so on. She had tried other places but it had been complicated.

This, though, was something that had gotten her hopes up. Two earth pony sisters were planning an expedition to the caves below the desert dunes in the north. They were looking for a healer.

She was meeting with one of them today in Stable town, where the middle-class lived. This alone seemed promising. She wouldn't be gone long. She always made sure to get home often to check on her family.
Talking to Salute, one of the Row-mane sisters, in the better parts of the city. Fair had been upfront with her limited skill set and her background, that she and her family lived in Rusty Shoe Pier. She figured she'd find out eventually.

After she had done that, the sister seemed to become friendlier. Offering food as they talked and beccame very touchy. A lot of pats on the back from the significantly bigger mare onto Fair.

Fair had left with the job in the bag. There were only two problems: First, it was dangerous (they would be fighting giant spiders for treasures); secondly, it wasn't until a few months (she needed something to provide for her familt in the meantime if she took the job).

As Fair returned home, she found her father being dragged out the front door.

You froze as the gang noticed you.

They wanted protection money or else. You told the truth that you had none. They continued to pull along your father. You pleaded with their leader. You told them about your skills as a healer. You threw a spell on one of her mares bruised hoof and healed it, not without leaving you exhausted.

It worked though, the leader offered you the position of healer within their organisation, so now you had a job too.

You know, you were lucky they hadn't seen your brother because then they would have taken him regardless.
Now under protection from the Sisterhood of Leatherwings, you're family felt safer. You're father, not you're brother had started to take trips to buy food and the like in the area.

You had start to work for the sisterhood. If it wasn't for the fact taht you were helping morally dubious ponies sice they both ran a nerve slug dealership and the stallion brothel (The Brass Balls), the job was pretty good. Because of the constant gang wars, members got hurt and then you healed them. They hadn't really had a private healer before but instead had to rely on more expensive methods or just dealing with the pain.

This is way you quickly got well liked in the gang. For example, you fixed the one of them's broken wing and afterwards the mare wouldn't leave you alone. She called herself you private guard or somethin. But in actuality, she was more like you friend.

However, you also had to try to deal with members who were into nerve slugs or Paarlass as they were called. Transparent leeches that sent signal through your body when they bit you, telling your were in peace and harmony. It felt like a combination of euphoric and peaceful. Sadly, though they came with a price. They eat sucked out the function in your nerves.

So there you sat trying to help members and ponies under their protection with something completely beyond your helping capability. These ponies simply had to limb out on their unresponsive limb the best they could.

You also got good pay.
375002 375004 375010
You sat in a rowboat followed by a squad of rowboats. You were being rowed into the pier of Starry-Maan town another part of the the Darkhorse (the criminal and poor parts of the city) region of the city. One of the three town that were occupied by demi-humans, or furries as they were know as.

There were four gangs that operated within the Darkhorse region: The Sisterhood of Leatherwings aka Leatherwings (the batmare mafia-like), Ooga-Booga (the gang of zebra mares), Half-lives (the demi-humans militia), and the pirates, which had a more diversified members but were mostly pegasi. It was this last group that her mafia, the Leatherwings, had join in an operation of the night.

They would hit the furries new enterprise of paralass dealership. The deal was: the pirates took whatever money and valuables they could find in the raid as the Leathers took either destroyed or grabbed anything related to nerve slugs as they didn't want any competition on the market.

Fair was there to help in the fight. To be in the back and heal whomever got hurt in either faction, except the demis of course.

You had gotten better when it came to magical stamina. Now, you could perform a few healing spells without need for rest.
>Fair was
>You had
Ehh, a bit a annoying.
Fair had learnt a new spell for recently. For a long time she'd tried to learn more combat oriented spells. At first she simply couldn't get her hooves on any spell scrolls of the type but when she join the mafia, and had brought up her desire to learn some self-defense, they had surprisingly (in her view) be accommodating.

But now when she had them it turns out she wasn't really cut out for it, or so it seemed. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that her cutie mark was bandaged hoof, but any spell meant to do damage either evaporated upon cast or did just a fraction of what it was suppose to do.

However, she had had a better time picking up defensive combat spells. One spell in particular she'd used to save on of the pirates from an otherwise lethal arrow by blocking it: The bubble shield.
This pirate, a pegasi with a shotgun draped over her shoulder, was called Black Floof. She was grateful that you saved her life but unlike, Night Cry, the batmare whose wing your repair to flying condition again and had then proceeded to follow you around a like a happy dog, Black Floof acted as is she was the master and Fair a dog to be called upon whenever.

Regardless, both did seem to like you even if their egos placed Fair below them in standing next to themselves.
Fair had been saving some of the money she had earned and hid it inside her home. She was hoping they could be spent to buy herself and her family out of the poorer neighborhoods of the city.
This should have been included here so I'll just add it.

The eclipse peeked over the horizon. It was early morning. The sun and moon had been overlapping ever since the war began and would continue till a victor was decided.

Fair hoped that the moon would soon reign over the heavens. She hoped her mother was still alive.