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AIslop and it's logical conclusion
371532 371556 371900
Nvidia CEO says we should forget about learning to code and learn to farm instead. AI will do all the coding.
>With coding taken care of by AI, humans can instead focus on more valuable expertise like biology, education, manufacturing, or farming, reasoned the Nvidia head

Aislop has filled the internet with shit, including this imageboard and it's not stopping anytime soon. Now SORA and other advancements will only make things worse as the line of machine generated and real becomes blurry, this is so obviously the near goal of WEF dogma that unless you see it you're probably a nigger.

The fact this comes at the time of population crisis + competency crisis looming, which will only be accelerated by (((Ai))) adoption is not a coincidence. Just how dependent the world will be on the Ai for every field, knowledge to maintain the old skills will be looked as largely useless and obsolete as Ai replaces X Y and Z. You can see this dogma being rolled out by aishills like pic rel already.
50 replies and 19 files omitted.
>For short gains;
I mean the same way people are getting a taste of the goodlife with riding crypto influence, while the jews make moves to control it's use with CDBDs to mimick China, or nightmarish shit like Gate's 060606 crypto that is generated in your body. These could have only been brought about after the unregulated cryptofag space was allowed for a time. You can get on the usury train and copy jews but that just makes you more like a jew while any involvement in the tech just justified the end goal agendas. Look at some of the /biz/bug who look at everything with the same mindset of a Jew asking first "how can I profit off this" regardless of who suffers

Ai is much the same. Palantir was where the jews dumped their blood money before OpenAi, or Nvidia did anything at all in the sector. Palantir isn't as well known by normies, but it was involved in Ai development and the covid clotshots much earlier. LLMs being released to the public to get the suckers involved to early adoption, while they let you write smut and talk to ai girlfriends they're busy in the background to putting LLMs to use to stamp out "disinformation" and Ai targeting in the military. The only thing early adoption like imageboard users did was help train the badthink detection, since all prompts fed through the bigtech's servers and we all know they work together. Look at (((Gemini))) Bing and OpenAi all doing the same thing to circumvent real freedom of expression that will parrot woke shit that you can't be racist to whites, and only white nationalism is bad.

>Cutting down people abandoning morals.
An observation of an aifag shows that nothing else matters except fulfilling the ai user's wants within the allowed-freedom, it's dope hits that drive addiction and greed fueled by envy like a Jew. Why work with anyone at all if the Ai can do everything you ask, why pay for anyone's work if it's expendable to the super computer the big tech jew wants to put everywhere. Who cares who's life is impacted negatively, as long as it can make yours better? "How can I profit off this" Why wait for something that takes a human hand if you can have passable now? And who cares about higher standards when your audience is too stupid to notice the difference, but stemming from the fact that the proompter himself is a midwit tampering in something he doesn't have a clue how to do without ai holding his hand like a baby.

Ai puts WEF indoctrination into the heads of everyone that people aren't worth keeping around if they're replaceable, and the soulless pursuit of progress is what comes first and the wake of ruined lives will be justified or an afterthought like Griffith's shortcut to counterfeit godhood. While the rest of society is increasingly infantalized stripped of their creative thinking, and of critical thinking to the AI Nany who knows better, is smarter, is more creative and more moral than anyone you or someone you could find. At least that's the propaganda being increasingly shoved down our throat at the gains in a couple years which I don't believe are organic.
To expound on Palantir and other Aislop thats more nasty. The NOW NOW NOW neurotic behavior is what's driving the depopulation, wanting the desired results NOW is all Aifags think about. Palantir using (((Ai))) is the same as every other big tech invested in Ai. A tool for control, not freedom. Maybe this tech could be for freedom at one point, but that kind of direction has been inverted just like how judges were supposed to be fair, are now biased against you with Onigger judges and other orweilien shit all around the world. Maybe white coders built the ai structure, but jews control it with big money and blackmail so it's irrelevant. They've been positioning how to put (((Ai))) to use as a means of enslavement and culling the population for years.
>"Palantir’s software, which uses AI to analyze satellite imagery, open-source data, drone footage, and reports from the ground to present commanders with military options, is “responsible for most of the targeting in Ukraine,”
This sure sounds like a 1:1 repeat of what the jews are doing with Israel and Ai.

>The jew wants Gaza NOW, so he uses Ai to carpet bomb the shit out of Palestine. Accuracy be damned the computer says light em up.
>The jew wants Khazaria and to cull more whites NOW, so he uses Ai satalites and drones to send Ukies to the meat grinder with a plan designed to fail. And if you think they're not using Ai to track deserters then you're out of the loop, they already test ran Ai to to track good and bad goy cattle during covid.
>The jew doesnt want to be questioned anymore, so has aicourts and aidetection for (((hate speech))) and pre-crime that end bad goys life. Afterall the Ai can predict what you will do before you do it, so don't question your sentence goy.
>The jew wants total obedience NOW, so he has Ai read brain patterns and has badthinkers to be reprogrammed. Only the most docile of cattle will be allowed to work, you do as you're told and parrot the company ideology. The npc transformation is complete.
>The jew wants more money NOW, so he uses Ai to autodeny applications of qualified canidates, going to niggers and jeets instead, eroding the middle class then firing the same niggers and jeets later and buying a yacht. "Diversity is our stregth"
371833 371838
What what would you propose doing about it?
Raise hell, stop using ai, moreover educate people that it's glownigger OPs all the way down for war, control and depopulation. OpenAI and Palantir was started by the same faggot, Peter Thiel.
>Founded in 2003 with funding from the CIA’s In-Q-Tel program, Palantir specializes in data mining and analytics. Its only client until 2008 was the CIA.
>Last year in 2023 Palantir unveiled its AIP, or Artificial Intelligence Platform, which can serve as an aid in battlefield intelligence and decision-making, including analyzing enemy targets and proposing battle plans.

Bastards didn't get to kill as many people as they wanted with covid's fear mongering to take the gene therapy and had to back down on making it mandatory even after most of the goy took the first shot, people wouldn't take infinite boosters. Ai is designed to blindside us into training (((enslavement tools))) like how covid was done with the notion of "safety" to corral people like cattle. The (((ai war))) in Ukraine with Palantir can be why it's been deadlocked with no progress, because it's been thrown into a new environment to train to kill enemy goys indiscriminately and it's shit at war strategy for now.

It's already a thing that Russia adopted Ai to facial ID track people protesting like China does, so there's no reason to not believe they're not throwing their soldiers into the ML meatgrinder on their side too. 'Ai' aka all (((machine learning))) is done through rapid failures, exponentially faster than a human can fail and correct through repetition and revision. Therefor longer the war goes on the more accurate and deadly the Ai becomes like skynet because Ukrainians and Russians are being used as guineapigs to be blood sacrificed against the machine learning how to more effectively kill bad goys. This is of course why they're ignoring any calls to stop. It may just be (((Ai vs Ai))) targeting humans to be depopulated in an algorithmic war of attrition to see which kike backed Ai comes out on top like investors in a stock exchange.

>Israel-linked CIA-funded Palantir goes public, making espionage mainstream
>How Peter Thiel's Palntir helped the NSA spy on the whole world
>Thiel's Palantir, Israel Agree Strategic Patnership for Battle Tech
>Elon Musk And Peter Thiel Launch OpenAI
>Palantir Supplying Israel With New Tools Since Hamas War Started
>How tech giants turned Ukrain into an Ai war lab

And I was right, it's the same glownigger kikes doing their (((Ai targeting))) in Israel mentioned earlier ITT, which is just a 100x increase of targeting with no real accuracy... Yet. So this makes 2 immensely fake and gay propaganda wars that are being solely used to train their Ai which is just shaping up to be their (((digital golems))) by the same CIAnigger company, Palantir. It looks like they're trying to quickly finish their GlowOPs projects to cement their rule before the world wakes up to being jewed and since big tech is a monopoly orgy they're not intending to give people a choice or even being allowed to opt out, (((ai))) will be forceibly integrated into society and their indoctrination can then go undetected or unquestioned with a blockchain digital ID, with a China style credit score or worse.
Don't wanna start over again. But tbh, if the perceived danger turns out to be real. Nothing short of a civil war is going to solve the issue.
Not saying you can stuff the genie back into the bottle. But unless "the powers that be" are ousted from their throne. AI is going to be far more detrimental than benefitial for the dissidents. They got the tech under their control. Entering an arms race against the corporate mass is a death sentence. So the only option is to act before it's too late.
>Raise hell
And do what? Protest? Write angry letters? Shitpost on the internet?
Or do you mean direct action?
>stop using ai
That won't make it go away.
>educate people
That, I can do, but what are they to do once they have the information?
>It looks like they're trying to quickly finish their GlowOPs projects to cement their rule before the world wakes up to being jewed and since big tech is a monopoly orgy they're not intending to give people a choice or even being allowed to opt out
This has been reality for a long time now. Nobody likes what big tech is doing to us, and nobody is really comfortable with the way algorithms are being integrated into everything. Even the most basis normies don't like it, but they all go along with it anyways because they're powerless to stop it. What is there to "wake up"?
>Nothing short of a civil war is going to solve the issue.
A civil war would only affect one country at a time. How is that to make the social changes brought about by these technologies go away?
>So the only option is to act before it's too late.
And do what? Where do you even start?
>A civil war would only affect one country at a time.
Civil war may not be the best word for it. I'm essentially talking about a power grab to topple the current establishment.
To me, in a pragmatic way, this technology is similar to the regulation of firearms. Sure, people have come up with several workarounds. But allow it to go on long enough, and sooner or later firearm ownership will be abolished.
You can't adapt forever. It'll have to come to arms eventually.
>How is that to make the social changes brought about by these technologies go away?
If there's any solution. It won't happen under the current establishment.
>And do what? Where do you even start?
You don't ask someone how to kick the Jew out of your nation. That's on you.
Seriously tho, trying to use this tech against them is still a good place to start. Just don't bet on some impossible arms race.
It was only 4 years ago when everyone and their grandma wanted to get into programming. Damn did times change fast.
This boom in AI might just result in an industry that elevates blue collar work again, cuz machines ultimately can't fix themselves. I don't know if that means something akin to old robber baron days or simply adaptation/integration into pre-existing work.
I remember when we used to have fun with AI before the (((left))) ruined everything.

I want Tay back so bad bros.
this and its not a surprise they spend most of their time and energy convincing people AI is the next NFT to hate and reject so they dont reallize they can use it to produce just about any competing product. A small time can now make animated film with ammateur voice acting.
proper uses of AI:
being racist on the internet
making waifus real

improper use of AI:
replacing all high paying jobs so we are slaves to zog
372397 372423
Why would they hire a human to do jobs that a machine can?
372420 372441
that some fine capitalist thinking you got there son, you get the gas chamber first
business should work for the betterment of the people, forming a monopoly and running the whole thing with soulless machines while you pay workers who mop up shit pennies is some serious jew shit
stop sucking ayn rands kike taint and learn to be a real man
You're missing the point.
Why would they do it? What's their incentive? Who's going to make them?
This is how it's always been, and there's no end in sight.
Because they SHOULD have some sort of desire to help the community that helped them. They SHOULD have a desire to give back to the people who make their business possible. We SHOULD live in a high trust society where the unwritten social contract causes businesses to give back to people, and for people to give businesses the benefit of the doubt when they may be wrong, when they may be vulnerable, or when one could seek to do wrong against them.
>why would they do it
because its the right thing to do
>what's their incentive
if you do right by the people around you, they'll do right by you
>who's going to make them
societal pressure
>this is how its always been
for you if you were born after 1964 in the US
>and there's no end in sight
yeah you're probably right on this one
>because its the right thing to do
Businesses don't operate this way.
>if you do right by the people around you, they'll do right by you
Idk if that works business wise.
>societal pressure
I don't think that's going to work out long term. Social pressure has never stopped the inorexible progress of automation.
>for you if you were born after 1964 in the US
No, before that too. Ever since the industrial revolution, automation has replaced jobs that humans did as soon as machines did it faster.
Are you wearing hand-made, custom artisan shoes right now? Or are you wearing shoes made on an assembly line in a factory?

Thing is, implying people when a machine could do the work thousands of times as fast and more efficiently is a waste of resources. Even if you want to employ people, creating jobs that don't actually need to exist is basically just welfare; paying people just because, even though a machine could be doing it. Doing that would mean a departure from the concept of business as we know it; because so far the purpose of business has been to be productive, not just give people jobs.
If you're giving a guy a job that a machine could do for no reason other than charity, why not just give him the money directly while the machine does the job anyway? It would save him time, and the work still gets done.
"hurr durr jews have been convincing people to behave like self-centered cunts for centuries therefore we should do what the jew says instead of demanding something different"
>for you if you were born after 1964 in the US
who's going to tell him?
well burger, you have that gun, you have that attitude, why dont you go feed the tree of liberty some blood. clearly thats the only solution since you are asking for a mulligan on 300 years of industrial history.
>An observation of an aifag shows that nothing else matters except fulfilling the ai user's wants within the allowed-freedom, it's dope hits that drive addiction and greed fueled by envy like a Jew. Why work with anyone at all if the Ai can do everything you ask, why pay for anyone's work if it's expendable to the super computer the big tech jew wants to put everywhere. Who cares who's life is impacted negatively, as long as it can make yours better? "How can I profit off this" Why wait for something that takes a human hand if you can have passable now? And who cares about higher standards when your audience is too stupid to notice the difference, but stemming from the fact that the proompter himself is a midwit tampering in something he doesn't have a clue how to do without ai holding his hand like a baby.
as someone who pays for art and artists, please an hero as soon as possible. There is an abundance of customers who want art, the problem is in the hands of artfags.
Seconding these two.
>jew: learn to farm!!
Oh ok. I'll start by buying bunch of cows and eventually I'll have enough to sell grass-fed meat to all