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Suggested Rule Addition: Lurk Moar Fagget
8803 8805 8810 8811
Staff and Jannies and Administrators have had their hands tied in a measure of good faith, and so when the users see what is wrong in their hearts they speak out.
By the rules the community crafted to ensure our everything didn't become a shithole, they cover most of the known issues.
But not all, and that is where tension occurs.
As many considered age old shitposting tactics, which usually do work with correcting hostile behavior to the whole of /mlpol/.
Until it doesn't.
We don't yet have rules which directly address that kind of bullshit so the staff and go staff and know the community is behind them in support.

I'm proposing a new rule the Faggot Clause. Maybe Lurk moar fagget.
Proportional banning/tempban/kick/shitposty-retaliation/unusual-punishment for faggotry.
We all know what it is, because we've experienced this with long time users that degrade the whole experience for everyone. It boils down to they don't lurk as in there is no assimilation to our imageboard culture.
If they've successfully lurked and listened to suggestions they wouldn't be faggots.

It's gatekeeping to prevent the values of the imageboard from being taken over.

Rabid individualism without teamwork doesn't work. And lecherous collectivism with no individual also can't work.
/mlpol/ is a slice of something magical, politics and ponies and anons shitposting, talking and having a grand time without bots, shills, crazy SJW types, dindus, spam, /ptg or hyper cancer nu-fags.
Suggestions and community support is required if you too want something like this.
75 replies and 35 files omitted.
8882 8883
>image macros taken from Facebook
Oof, same lies again. Those memes would never ever be admitted in faceberg.
8881 8884
Nigger, these are your exact words:
>So much quality that even when everypony was banned the best you faggots where posting was Hi Anon threads.
Let me call special attention to this part:
>everypony was banned
"Everypony" implies multiple people. You are trying to make it look like more than one person was banned, when in reality it was just you posting from different IPs.

>I pad a bread, I keep it bumped and alive. I did nothing wrong.
You keep it "bumped and alive" by posting fake replies to make it look like there are other anons posting besides you. The only reason it required bumping in the first place is because no one else was interested in the content you were posting, thus nobody else was participating. And yes, you did do something wrong: you disingenuously posted fake replies to a bullshit thread to fake engagement in said thread.
You've clearly haven't been on /pol/ very much, or 4chan itself for that matter.
>You keep it "bumped and alive" by posting fake replies to make it look like there are other anons posting besides you.
>fake replies
Nope, those are addendums to early posts. Please stop the slander.
>my memes are so gay not even Faceberg will take them
>somehow this validates my point
The absolute state of this nigger.
When I reverse image search them, they show up on the flat earth Facebook page, full of memes of the same quality.
But do share, if not Facebook, where do you get your memes? What site are you getting these from?
8889 8892
>"Everypony" implies multiple people. You are trying to make it look like more than one person was banned, when in reality it was just you posting from different IPs.
Suuuuure. /s
>gets called out for obvious samefagging and astroturfing
The absolute state of this cum-guzzler.
>When I reverse image search them, they show up on the flat earth Facebook page
>Flat Earth
Flat Earth might be in faceberg, but NOT the 1,000s anti-zog memes I posted in /sp/
Behead the boomer
8891 8894
>gets caught dead-to-rights in an obvious gaslighting attempt
>accuses others of gaslighting
The absolute state of this rump-ranger.
Half of them still showed up on reverse image search.
Also you still didn't answer the question.
aryanne - tongue.png
>>8888 (quads)
I believe we reached the end of the argument for today. Dinner time faggots.
So are you saying that it wasn't multiple people banned, and was instead only you?
>was completely, utterly and unequivocally btfo by multiple anons yet again
>makes pathetic attempt at damage control while backing out of the argument
>still thinks he has the high ground
The absolute state of this semen-sipper.
He doesn't even know what the word "gaslighting" means, even though it's been explained to him before.
8898 8902
Also so we need more posts and posting to hash this out completely.
First and foremost, staff intuition and post event user verification.
<Users should report posts that break the rules, bants come afterwards.
As in staff should just do it the community trusts you even when you worry about faggot stuff and do a dumb sometimes and wackey user side freak outs.
Users will post on /qa/ if you fuck up or other users fucked up. Maybe bants a bit, but it'll all be good.
And if it's not good users will shit on /qa/ in a thread and responsibly get shitfaced, shitpost and post horse pussy.
I'm being serious this is less of the old fags needed to purity spiral, because purity spirals are really super extra bad, but a tool to ensure the magical beginning stays that magical beginning.
Do not purity spiral.
I know old fags are shit heels and are annoying as fuck so are newfags and cancer-fags and /ptg/ fags, but it's the specifics in flavor and nuance.
>Oldfags want /mlpol/ to stay /mlpol/. The other fags don't.
With that quick rule of thumb out of the way.
Here's a supplemental list so you can tell the faggots why they're a faggot. Pick maybe a handful or all of them or one.
Listed in no particular order.
>Just Lurk More
Yes that is a solution, stop ass mashing the keyboard and go learn about the old guard. The history, the green texts, the shit posts. Learn some imageboard history in this a place.
Call it learning about history or something.
>Staff Custom order
That's right (You) make up some bullshit then post it some /qa/ thread or stick it on that post for shits and giggles. Hopefully they'll learn from it.
Just making fun shitposts legal.
Stick a rainbow flag or whatever other nonsense, we're all imageboard residents and you have to have a bit of fun.
>It Happened again
It happened again. And again and again ect.
>Communications go nowhere.
It's not that they don't talk. It's like talking to a brick wall that sometimes spits a shaken canned soda of shit.
>Superiority Complex
They're better than everybody. They're of higher value than everyone else.
>Anti-Discussion tactics
It's impossible to have a good-faith discussion.
>Puppeting for arguments agreement
They pretend to be somebody else to trick others and that pretend somebody who happens to agree with everything is not them. Usually done poorly and it's retarded.
This isn't mocking or pretending for the purpose of discussion, most of all nobody is tricked or is tricking. It's a retorical technique.
>Paranoia speak
Such as the staff is a shill, that point is kike centric or it was horse cock legend. Ect. On a personal note sorry about that.
It's more than nonsense it's going the extra mile.
It has little redeeming properties, it's not fun, it's not insightful, it's not new, it's not an update, it's not knowledge, it's not shitposting, it's not bettering anybody in any way, it's not even trying.
>Speaking from ignorance
The faggot just spews ignorance like a niggah moment.
>Doubling down to the nth power.
Happens again and again and again. It's just retarded enough like a paki throwing away drugs and expecting the officer to also forget about it once it's out of sight. Or that it was just a moment ago.
It wasn't them after all continuity of consciousness doesn't exist for them.
>Tactical slipperiness
Like slime if you grab it too hard.
>Legalese Salad
You know for violating race mixing rule because of a pony and human. It's bullshit and nonsense.
>Total Rejecting /MLPOL/ etiquette. No attempt to learn or retain it.
It's that self-behavior modification didn't or doesn't work or happen.
<What is horse-whispering forum etiquette that matters for community and site health.
8899 8904
>Because not every onboxious faggot poster is one that you are thinking of right now
And who are those other obnoxious faggots?
>To me, the most common attribute of excessive faggotry is making everything personal. Too many first-person pronouns in their posts, and too many personal attacks of other posters.
So, I dunno if I understood this correctly. But if you mean to say that shit flinging should become a bannable offense. It should first make it to the rules. In fact, it should be put under the same scrutiny as anything on this thread. Poners can be confident the staff will handle this with the same caution it has handled this thread thus far.
8898 8899 8902 8903
Fuck I actually have to address this here or it won't be documented.
Lotus you cook a good steamed ham. But you're saying the immune system sucks because everything gets red and puffy and full of weird fluids.
It's a sign of a reaction to an illness the immune system uses all the time and it goes away once there's nothing wrong.
You're looking at the symptom rather than the root cause according to what you've typed.
As such I vehemently disagree. You could do what you've suggested. You'll find ailments has gone terminal.
It takes it's toll on the body and it takes time to recover.
>I'm not a fan of these rules.
I know. I'm sad that is the case.
I understand you desire maximum freedom of speech and I thought that too. Because everyone could talk it out even if we don't agree we're all here in this together.
The problem is not everyone is in this together.
For Anonymous users in the trenches it's grating like sand paper. Wiping your hand across it once is fine, doing so repeated gets down to the bone.
That's why I'm suggesting a rule, because the default shitposting immune system found something new, so we need staff.
If you want to try going about it as a user feel free, but if you don't understand I have to insist you give it shot so you have this complete experience.
It hurts, I am sorry for that.
And I am sorry I didn't get around to this sort of thing sooner, but I didn't get it fully yet then. It might take years, it did for me.
I hope you understand where I'm coming from.
On a lighter condensed note I suppose I am telling you to stick your hand into a hurt-box so the visceral wearing down can be used to safe guard the future.
<It's way different from gripping sharp spiky metal balls which is what users of /mlpol/ or the old times tend to be.
Yes (You) all have balls of steel.
Quickly piercing down to the bone marrow so the ball is released which is full of pony and a toxic concoction of autism, shitposting, friendship and more pony.
And sometimes going all the way through out the other side.
By design this ends most faggotry staff doesn't want or need to touch.
The optimal hurt-box minimizing suffering for maximum cultural and psychological conversion or leakage from the experience.
8908 8911
This sounds to me like a commie rationalization of your basic intention: banish that anon because he will not fold to our wishes. Kinda a mutation of the liberal hivemind.
And this is a naked attempt to use law enforcement to do the dirty work for ya. What about if you mind your business and leave the rest alone?
8900 8904
For those of you who still don't get it. Lotus is referencing a small group of posters who wanted certain undesirables banned. And whom more often than not, got into arguments with him and other staff members in some cases. You can say they aren't very polite.
Welp, I was gonna wait and see if you're willing to swallow your pride for the site's sake. But I've known the answer for years now.
Tho you hate "self-aggrandizing" posts. It's hard not to bake them when I'm better than you.
For what it's worth. I'm sorry for having antagonized you like that. I'm sorry for going all out in such a personal level. And I'm sorry for being such a shit throwing monkey. I said somethings about this site's users, and about you, that I shouldn't have said. And it was with the only goal of making you and the others feels batman.
So, am sorry fella. I don't deserve to be welcomed back with open arms like nothing happened. I chose to abandon this place then and there, when I started attacking you and the others. And you were justified to have banned me.
I can't speak for niggas and the others. But I atleast won't get in the way any longer. Do whatever you want. I hope you can make the right choice.
Some of my posts >>>/sp/22015 → >>>/sp/22372 → Btw, I know this is all contradictory to what I've told you in the other thread, Sven. But this is called making a compromise and putting your pride aside and it isn't done very often.
>Then why don't you actually leave?
I will. I haven't even posted for a very long time. Only came back to shi...I mean, tell Sven something I wanted to tell him for a long time.
BTW, in the threads pointed at >>8859 I said a few times that you faggots are killing /mlpol/ when you bring forward drama and division. Your answer has always been derision and outright dismissal, those threads don't lie. Just saying.
Godspeed, anon.
## Admin
8909 8910
>And who are those other obnoxious faggots?
I think a short answer of "what posters come to mind for excessive faggotry?" is that every one of them has been ad hoc banned at least once

>So, I dunno if I understood this correctly. But if you mean to say that shit flinging should become a bannable offense. It should first make it to the rules. In fact, it should be put under the same scrutiny as anything on this thread. Poners can be confident the staff will handle this with the same caution it has handled this thread thus far.
More or less. I think there's more to it than just "shit flinging," but there's definitely a point at which ad hominin attacks just suffocate discussion.

>You're looking at the symptom rather than the root cause according to what you've typed.
As such I vehemently disagree. You could do what you've suggested. You'll find ailments has gone terminal.
I think you're saying "If you know it's problem, just fucking do it," correct?

pets ze anon
8906 8910
what you do not seem to understand, is that rules are secondary to the staff - if the staff is not willing to do something, the rules will not make them, and conversely, if the staff is willing to do something, the rules will not stop them
all this change does is enshrine the 'we'll hem and haw and argue and avoid banning nigel at all costs'
for what it is worth i am in favor of this change - so that people know straight from the doorstep that jannies here will do no jannying, and you are safe from bans as long as you appear to be 'an active user' even if 905 of your activity is walls of schizophasic graphomania
>all this change does is enshrine the 'we'll hem and haw and argue and avoid banning nigel at all costs'
As opposed to the status quo where shitposters go unpunished because "they technically didn't break any rules"?
>you faggots are killing /mlpol/
You are such a massive hypocrite. I know no less than four posters who have stopped posting because of you, and yet you accuse everyone else of "killing" /mlpol/ for daring to talk about it on the designated board.
>What about if you mind your business and leave the rest alone?
This is our business. It's the site we've been using for 7 years. This is the place to talk about it.
There was a time in the early years of the site when we had a new /qa/ thread every week to talk about things like this, but you weren't here for that, were you?
>I think you're saying "If you know it's problem, just fucking do it," correct?
What he's saying is that you shouldn't let natural pushback get in the way of appropriate action.
>I think you're saying "If you know it's problem, just fucking do it," correct?
What I'm saying is you might be looking at the wrong thing, but I can't know.
So I'm talking about it and hoping.
So there's understanding where various people of all sides get that it's harmful even if they've never felt it.
I don't want to shove it off on a single or Hand-full of staff members, that'll fucking break the everything.
Instead I'm attempting sympathy to convey why this rule isn't ban everyone I don't like.
Even though I don't like them after being burned many times afterwards.
It wasn't like that towards the beginning, I stood by their side.
Putting more time and energy into interacting and seeing others attempt to interact something was wrong.
If there was an attempt to communicate back its akin to someone shitting in the cereal on the table just as you're pouring the milk.
So people who don't like shit in their breakfast tried and failed to tell them not to shit in the cereal.
Then different attempts were made so the cereal won't be shat in.
It doesn't work, talking could have worked but for some reason it never does. Maybe because we suck at it. Who knows.
What I do know is every bridge gets burned and people who tried to keep the bridge open to the cereal shitter gets burned for doing so.
The Proposed Rule is to try to communicate something to the cereal shitter, because all normal and special means of communication that users have totally failed.
So we (the users) need staff to attempt communication using whatever you feel like using to get our point across, stop shitting in the cereal.
The rule is so that members of staff can be confident they're speaking with us supporting what they say. Whether it's making a meme, putting special words at the bottom of the post, changing a name, posting to say knock it off, whatever insanity required to communicate or even a ban.
Because non-staff methods of communication have broken down.
>rules are secondary to staff
I know.
That's why I'm hoping through this and explaining this position thoughtfully and I need help.
That way for future reference nobody has to be the only one dealing with the burning shit.
>mind your business and leave the rest alone
I did.
You're one of the hardest people to communicate with I've personally spoken with that by all technicalities we should all be friends.
But nobody could successfully talk with you or to you.
>banish that anon because he will not fold to our wishes
Do you know what I wished for?
8913 8917
Derailing threads with tangents should be a banable offense if done persistently and repeatedly.
You mean new, not explored angles?
Tangents as in arguments not directly relevant to the OP, that should instead be made into separate threads.
It might be absolutely relevant if it turns the OP is another psyop.
Then make another thread about it.
>Derailing with tangents constantly that aren't appreciated
It's another marker of needing to lurk moar. It does occur.
Counterpoint, the green of the hoarse fucker.
Nice projection.
>Counterpoint, the green of the hoarse fucker.
I remember that, lol
This is an appropriate counterpoint, however, it is already addressed by rules #3 and number #10. Ponies are allowed, no exceptions; and posting pony content in a thread should always be considered appropriate.
Thanks for contextualizing.
Personally I'd extend extreme leniency for all humor, mockery, parodies ect.
8924 8925 8928
They will still go unpunished because the problem isn't the rules, the problem is staff. If the staff wanted to punish those shitposters, they'd add a rule for that long ago by themselves - "TECHNICALLY :nerd: they didn't break any rules" is an excuse, a shoddy one, for being lazy/spineless, and more rules won't cause punishment for shitposters - they'll cause staff to make up more excuses.
>If the staff wanted to punish those shitposters, they'd add a rule for that long ago by themselves
>"TECHNICALLY :nerd: they didn't break any rules" is an excuse, a shoddy one
This is a fair point, tbh...
## Admin
8926 8927 8928 8939 8948
>more bitching about staff
>more non-ponerpics sourced images
I'm not going to lie. When one or more users cry out for another regular user to be banned, I often ask myself "whose behavior is pissing me off more right now? The person these people are asking us to ban? Or the people asking us to ban him?" And if the answer is "the people asking us to ban" the scales tend to be tipped in favor of innaction. This was actually my big problem with Glimmergate back in the day - the people bitching were as disruptive and thread derailing as Nigel
>disruptive and thread derailing
That's why we're doing it in the designated shitting thread.
## Admin
8928 8930 8948
You know what? I'm not sorry at all. This really is the reason we do so very few discretionary bans.

Every time there's a call "oh my god ban this guy," without fail, the people calling to ban him are the people who are stupid enough to derail the thread by arguing with someone they know better than to argue with in a thread they know it's off topic to argue about that given thing. Stop taking the bait every damn time. Back in Glimmergate we decided to end it by setting a redline for thread derailment and banning anyone who crossed it. And you know what happened? Nigel saw that redline, said "thank you" and stopped, while Vril anon intentionally crossed the redline. And he was the only ban, besides one guy who was trying to dox. And this happens every time there is some drama that the person who is the subject of the drama isn't the source of the very worst behavior - there's always some detractor who does something worse.

And then there's the people who sit and bitch like >>8923. Go fuck yourself. On 4chan you'd just be banned alongside the person you're bitching about, but we can't have a "don't piss off staff" rule, so the best thing for me to do is to very deliberately not give you what you want and instead leave the person you hate free to post. Because you're like a bug to light, incapable of resisting the urge to go right back to trying to move an immovable object. So I can just sit back and watch both of you seethe endlessly. The dog returns to its vomit, and the sow returns to wallow in her mire. Get fucked.
8931 8933
>disruptive and thread derailing
Good news, that should stop with this new rule.
Because evidently users can't do anything about such by shitposting and bantering on 'em.
So in thread disruptions should go away to a tolerable warning minimum.
You are going to have to deal with more reports and rehabilitation or whatever is chosen is in staff's hands. Even in differing opinions (at the staff level), it is like the Nigel fiasco, but instead of users shitting up the thread it's reports.
I'd recommend something to signify something's been done so repeated spam doesn't occur.
It's alot of stress being placed on you all.
If the follow-up user posts weren't there who'd piss you off the most?
I understand your frustration and pain. I have a different take.
They don't do the grand sweeping shitpost gestures of yester-year for two reasons.
Accumulating users.
Community pushback (and friction).

On paper keeping every single user maximizes how many are on the site. Yay numbers.
In practice there's edges and more nuanced takes that lead to users leaving because of another user. Or users joining because of another user.
Those effects are not obvious at first or second glance. The time span for it can be short or a very long time.

The site is made with love and care, and every action rocks the boat always. Even waiting. All actions. We all want the boat to stay afloat.
If somebody starts filling the boat with water something has to be done and most people don't know who to turn to, to properly remediate the situation. When something is done and people don't like it for any reason is made known even if it was or wasn't the right call at the time.

It's good to get it off your chest.
<don't respond, make sure to report
Sure thing.
>own the haters by deliberately refusing requests and concerns that other users made
Not the healthiest attitude towards moderation, tbh.
Have a Trixie.
On the plus side you can tell people to report more and not take the bait.
>We all want the boat to stay afloat.
I'm one of them.
Please stop bitching and shitpost moar. Thank you.
## Admin
8935 8948
>not giving me the (You) I so rightly deserve
>thinking you can just order the unpaid moderators to do what you want while maintaining a shitty attitude throughout, the same way you bully minimum wage retail employees
Kiss my ass.

Thank you

Yes, I think that reports would definitely be better than derailing the thread with pointless arguments that the users in question know are pointless
I suggest that we TRIPLE Janny's salary.
8936 8937
I guess I'll try getting some more people in the thread who haven't input here yet and let everyone know to say something.
Oh good, since you also support this now, that's a load off my shoulders.
>Oh good, since you also support this now, that's a load off my shoulders.
To keep /mlpol/ afloat YES. To witch-hunt posters NOT.
Glad that's all wrapped up... >>8936
I'm pretty sure you weigh more than a goose, so you can't be a witch.
I weigh more than than a goose.
Pretty sure most image board users weigh more than a goose.
On the other hand that'd be a great new age way to pawn off a weight loss plan. It'd light a fire under their ass.

It's a two-fold problem, shitting in response to shit just makes everything shitty.
So have to hand it to jannies to see what is going on.
You get less derailing and more constructive posts and possibly helpful lessons to maximize user retention and high quality and quantity posts.
And more time is spent making stuff instead of inane unwanted corrections.
It sounds like a win-win-win-win for everyone.
8940 8941
>It sounds like a win-win-win-win for everyone.
Sure, I like that. However some anons won't meet that needed sanity threshold and will come back with new ways to create drama. You see, those anons are more comfortable bitching non-stop and antagonizing than to take the smart road and ignore their perceived offenders.
Horse Cock LEGEND
8940 8941 8942 8945
You have CLEARLY stated that you don't lurk enough. The mods and jannies have openly refused to remove Niggel out of some retarded sense of duty. At least 50 anons know how much of a whiny furfag soygoy commie he is.

Then do a job right for once in your life: ban Niggel for the unfuckingtold number of actual schizophrenic fursecution posts he has made, and will inevitably make again.
Continuing to fail at this has shown that you are incapable of being legitimately unbiased and highly dishonest about keeping /mlpol/ strong. But oh fucking well, one shred of decency seems impossible since (You) can't pull that enormous head out of (Your) own asshole.
>You see, those anons are more comfortable bitching non-stop and antagonizing than to take the smart road and ignore their perceived offenders.
Ignoring stuff is very hard for those that aren't normal fags and get what's going on.
What is easier instead is to make it someone elses problem, still a tough call is manageable because of activity on the other people picking it up.
>However some anons won't meet that needed sanity threshold and will come back with new ways to create drama.
Life is pretty dramatic. Best anyone can do is make the best of things.
To be honest I'll probably run afoul of any part of this myself at times, the new proposed rule, the adding a double check to what I post, but I also know the staff are very long suffering.
It's the only way to keep your head amidst chuckle fuck assholes like myself, besides copious amounts of SNOWPITY and Mare Essence.
See? >>8939
Have some mare. You need it.
>However some anons won't meet that needed sanity threshold and will come back with new ways to create drama.
Well, right on time and spot, the post >>8939 is a textbook example.
## Admin
8945 8948
Nigel's been gone for at least a month now, and even that couple posts were the first in several months

This is another problem I have with the "ban this guy and everything will be great!" push. You literally haven't even noticed Nigel's absence.

The same thing happened when Boomer was banned for a month (more than once). Nothing improved. We didn't have more quality posting. None of those alleged lost posters came back. It was just less posting.
>Ignoring stuff is very hard for those that aren't normal fags and get what's going on.
It is super easy and a way of not ruining other posters' mood with noisy drama.
>None of those alleged lost posters came back.
I mean would you?
Unless they know things have changed alot and someone gets into contact with them somehow it's near impossible, unless one day they show back up.
If it's the same old same old, the reason why they left still exactly as it was they'll say they weren't wanted.
Didn't have to be true, but that's how it looks.
He was banned, it's since expired.
He's still gone or gone near silent.
So please understand exactly why I'm posting about adding this rule.
Yes the streamlined process of blocking posts and or users has been made efficient.
Out of sight is not out of mind and many care very deeply about this place.
Drama tends to follow caring an incredibly large amount and trying to act on it.
8947 8951
>because people are bitching, I will refuse to remove the cause of their bitching, without which there'd be no bitching
Clown wig. Now.
>unpaid moderators
You could be getting paid a dollar per janny action but you'd still be getting paid a nice round zero.
>None of those alleged lost posters came back.
Why would they? They left. They don't know anything about what you have or haven't done.
>It was just less posting.
And "more posting" is An Unquestionable Good.
VPN Detractor was Banned for this Post
>And "more posting" is An Unquestionable Good
(You) made it clear before in other threads. (You) are perfectly happy with a dead site only useful for your exclusive use on writefag breads. Kinda you only accept posts from you and friends while cockblocking the rest because reasons. And BTW, when this site was almost dead with the traffic to the bottom, and you and friends didn't post much besides the Occupied Equestria games.
I doubt you care about /mlpol/ much.
8949 8953
What's the problem with the writefag thread? I have no idea why you even started attacking it like 2 or so years ago. Is it because of Elway?
See, you're letting your emotions dictate what you do with the site again. Can't even put your pride aside a few secs for the sake of this place.
Woops, I said I was staying out of this. Sorry. :eqg-sunset-shimmer-pony:
## Admin
Hence why codifying a rule that is less tolerant and would tend towards more action, as OP is trying to do, is a good idea
>Detractor was Banned for this Post
Ironically, this demonstrates an example of a poster who was banned because the mods determined that their posting was distracting and bad for the thread, even though they didn't overtly break any of the rules.
Can't this same logic be applied elsewhere?
It's near impossible to cram the spirit and culture into legalistic words that won't be twisted.
Admittedly what happens for violating the rule is up for staff pick, I even recommend combing multiple sometimes returning to a lighter sentence. The point is communication.
I can't promise anything about even more quanity of posts or high quality posts, because life happens. I've been made to eat my own words many times.
What it is, is giving a name to the driver's wheel for how the site will be.
It's also a pat on the back and showing the difference between anywhere else and here for newcomers, old frens, everyone.
The community is chatting about where to go and staff is the drivers.
>less tolerant
More confident and assured we're behind you.
Like the doctors having no news is good news. If users think you really overstepped we'll bitch and moan and if you haven't and others still do that I'll try being a voice saying it's the right course of action.
And really this is something of a last/medium resort for users, because we'll talk with each other usually.
Heck you all can ask if you overstepped and I'm sure we'll respond.
Let's bake that into the rule too.

<For future fags
I'm really hoping I'm getting across what has gone unsaid but implicitly for many years, even if we forget in the midst of bantering or shit talking.
This is a fun and silly place of ponies and politics and anything else we get our hands on.
I do hear you future fags.
"But OP isn't that the whole point of lurking so you understand and emulate the unsaid values? Hah gottem!"
Yeah yeah it is. The internet isn't how it used to be, nor how general perception shifted. The 4chins can't deal with so many people never bothering to assimilate, the amount of old fags to everyone else is vastly out numbered. So word of mouth and spending as much time trying to find those cashes of wisdom, shitposting or humor amidst everything else.
Here is an alcove not the so called sewer of the internet.
The internet is an amazing, suprising and potentially dangerous place. Like curing salts if improperly used you won't like what happens next.
>What's the problem with the writefag thread? I have no idea why you even started attacking it like 2 or so years ago.
It was stated that writefags resent shitposting because it is popping up in the overboard. That bothers them a lot.
>Is it because of Elway?
I have no idea how, or if, he is involved in this.
I was about to write an essay over this, but I guess it's no longer my business anymore.
Shitting on [redacted] is the only consistent way to get you banned here. Is it right or is it wrong? I dunno, but it is an undeniable fact nonetheless.
Notice that staff is already taking action, and it didn't need to be written down in the rules for it to happen. I dunno if you trust their judgement or not, but that's what it seemed like from your posts. Well, you've seen what their judgement is now. Proceed accordingly and good luck.
Needling any member of the staff for long periods of time at every opportunity is retarded.
There's a line that's crossed and further poking just demanding retaliation.
Well if everything goes to shit you can blame me.
<Nothing ever happens
Then watch as nothing fucking happens. I think things will happen and things will get better.
I have a shred of faith if not in people then in a higher power and then horse pussy.
The rule is over emphasizing what is already here in the rules and what all of what /mlpol/ is.
It's plainly doing something out pic 3 shit fucks.
<Rules don't do anything Anon
That's correct, people do. It's about how people interact and agree or disagree on how to interact with each other.
>Well if everything goes to shit you can blame me.
I disagree, there's only so much you can do. Still, it's better to try something than sit in your ass and do nothing.
>It was stated that writefags resent shitposting because it is popping up in the overboard. That bothers them a lot.
Stated by whom? And since when do writefags resent shitposting? Writefags are the most prolific shitposters on the board. I'm curious what autismo chain of reasoning led you to reach such a bizarre conclusion.
8961 8980
Go look into the treads listed at >>8859 , everything is there.
> I'm curious what autismo chain of reasoning led you to reach such a bizarre conclusion.
It is literally posted on those threads, when pushed for clarifications, that the bumping of threads, disrupts their threads being at the top of the overboard.
So, in essence, this is about people complaining about your shitty meme-dump threads always being at the top of the overboard.

When you say:
>It was stated that writefags resent shitposting because it is popping up in the overboard. That bothers them a lot.

What you're actually saying is:
>I post shitty content that nobody likes, and I interpret the many complaints I've received as a conspiracy against me, and for some autismo reason that only makes sense in my head, I place the writefags at the center of said conspiracy

And what you're actually meaning to say is:
>I post shitty content and have severe autism

This is like Nigel and his Discord hater-army. Instead of simply accepting that nobody likes the content you post, and remedying the problem by posting better content, you double down and go on the offensive. You reject the reality that's in front of your eyes, and replace it with a version of reality that you find more palatable.

In other words, you're a delusional fucking retard.
8963 8973 8975
>Instead of simply accepting that nobody likes the content you post
C'mon, you and friends by being loud are not the whole /mlpol/
Also I never posted to cater you, but to post memes that are indeed relevant to current events.
Also you are referring to the >>>/sp/21290 → thread, if you don't like it fair enough, but to lobby to shut it down and lying about being "facebook" memes is very jewy of you. I have the right to shitpost in /sp/ as anyone of you.
8964 8965 8967 8977
>C'mon, you and friends by being loud are not the whole /mlpol/
This is literally the same gaslighting technique that Nigel uses. "haha, it's not that most or all users on this site hate the garbage content I flood it with, it's just a dedicated group of haters who hate on me because they're haters." Next you're going to be accusing people of organizing on secret Discord servers to plot against you.

>Also I never posted to cater you, but to post memes that are indeed relevant to current events.
Here's the thing, dude: if one person tells you your memes suck, that's one person's opinion. If the near-unanimous reaction to every meme you post is people telling you that your memes suck, then it's a safe bet that your memes actually do suck.

I'd like you to stop and think about something for a second. Really think. Has anyone on this site ever come to your defense? Can you recall any specific instance in which anyone has ever said: "Gee, I really enjoy that gigantic image-dump thread full of the same kind of low-effort unfunny memes my uncle posts on Facebook, I really wish we could have more content like that on the site?"

If everyone you meet tells you that you smell like shit, you can dismiss them as haters if you are so inclined, but really the best course of action is to just go home and take a shower. I'll leave you to meditate on that.

>if you don't like it fair enough, but to lobby to shut it down and lying about being "facebook" memes is very jewy of you
First of all, the vast bulk of your memes literally are facebook-tier. I am going through your thread right now, in real time, and 90% of what I see are low-effort image macros with no punchline. It's the kind of shit that boomer uncles spend all day mindlessly upvoting and retweeting, or whatever it's called on Facebook. As I clarified above, this is not just my opinion, this is a collective sentiment shared by most, if not all, of mlpol, as evidenced by the fact that the response to your content has been overwhelmingly negative. On a personal note, I find it genuinely disheartening that you can't tell the difference between high-quality memes and low-quality ones.

Second of all, if you want to talk about what's jewy, I would direct your attention to picrel, specifically the portion I highlighted which I was able to do because I know how to use GIMP to create and edit images, as opposed to just mindlessly reposting whatever shitty memegenerator.net-created macros my boomer uncle posted on facebook yesterday. This literally describes your literal behavior in this thread. You have claimed that multiple people besides you were banned for posting the same things that you post. When it became obvious that you were actually just talking about yourself being banned under multiple IPs, you backtracked and tried to argue that you never made that claim in the first place. You were also called out for samefagging in your own threads to simulate engagement. When this was pointed out to you, first you denied doing it, then you changed course and said you were making "addendums" and were not samefagging, then you accused me of slander, then you abandoned thread. Watch: next you're going to say that none of it ever happened and I'm slandering you again, even though we can all click on your ID to highlight your posts and see exactly what you wrote.

Your behavior so far in this thread is literally the jewiest shit I've ever seen on this site in seven years.

>I have the right to shitpost in /sp/ as anyone of you.
Yes, and just as you have the right to post, others have the right to react. If you're the only one posting in your thread, and everyone else is telling you that your thread sucks, then the community has spoken: your thread sucks. If your thread sucks so bad that seeing it constantly bumped to the top of the overboard is actually causing users to flee the site, then it goes beyond just an issue of one anon posting shitty thread, to a meta-problem affecting the community as a whole. If every effort to reason with you, ie by explaining to you that your content sucks and asking you to either post better content or stop posting, has failed, and if you obstinately insist on posting the same content that everyone hates in spite of everyone telling you over and over that they hate it, then eventually moderator action is indeed justified. This is basically the substance of what we're arguing about here.
8969 8979
>gaslighting technique
>it's just a dedicated group of haters who hate on me because they're haters.
Not quite, it is a group of haters because my threads were popping too much in the overboard.
>Has anyone on this site ever come to your defense?
A couple, but they were ignored.
>unfunny memes my uncle posts on Facebook
What a piece of manure you are, I really doubt most memes would not be censored in facekike. >>>/sp/21290 → is there to everypony to see.
>Here's the thing, dude: if one person tells you your memes suck, that's one person's opinion. If the near-unanimous reaction to every meme you post is people telling you that your memes suck, then it's a safe bet that your memes actually do suck.
Here is the thing, dude: I don't buy it. Most of the memes are good. But you went far beyond the content by itself to the personal terrain. Then most the memes I posted suck, according to you.
>Yes, and just as you have the right to post, others have the right to react.
Stay on your lane poner.

...hard to read a wall of text. Jeeez.
8968 8969
>If your thread sucks so bad that seeing it constantly bumped to the top of the overboard is actually causing users to flee the site,
I missed this.
I disagree. My threads where created to fill the void for the sudden polack disappearance. (You) mocked me calling me the /mlpol/ savior. Remember?
>If your thread sucks so bad that seeing it constantly bumped to the top of the overboard is actually causing users to flee the site,
I forgot the meme.
Just go back to sleep, Sonata.
Keep on denying the obvious. Living in a delusional private reality worked out well for Nigel, maybe it will work for you too.
>Not quite, it is a group of haters because my threads were popping too much in the overboard.
In other words, your thread sucks and people don't like seeing it every time they reload the overboard, and thus people complain.
>A couple, but they were ignored.
Cite specific posts or you're full of shit.
>What a piece of manure you are
Gee willickers, isn't that just, like, your personal opinion?
>I really doubt most memes would not be censored in facekike.
The quality of the memes is what's at issue, not whether or not they'd be censored.
>>>>/sp/21290 → is there to everypony to see.
Yes, as I said, I have the thread open and am looking at your memes. They suck. They are unfunny rehashed image macros of the sort that are routinely posted by boomer uncles on facebook. This is why the reaction to your meme thread has been overwhelmingly negative. We've been over this.
>Here is the thing, dude: I don't buy it. Most of the memes are good.
Ever heard that old adage about leading a horse to water?
>But you went far beyond the content by itself to the personal terrain.
This is not a sentence. Also: what?
>Then most the memes I posted suck, according to you.
This is not a sentence either.
>Stay on your lane poner.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Also: I believe you meant to say "stay in your lane."
>hard to read a wall of text. Jeeez.
Terribly sorry for making you read. I'm sure anything longer than 140 chars is a tremendous strain on your attention span.

>I missed this.
Tends to happen when you have a low attention span and don't read things.
>My threads where created to fill the void for the sudden polack disappearance.
Whatever your purpose in creating them, the simple fact is they are low-effort image dumps that generated no discussion, other than meta-discussions like this one about how your memes suck and nobody likes them.
> (You) mocked me calling me the /mlpol/ savior. Remember?
No, I'm afraid I don't. You must be thinking of someone else.

>I forgot the meme.
If that image is your idea of a meme, then it's no wonder you're having trouble understanding things.

Anyway, I've said my piece. If you want to keep on being an obstinate, delusional faggot with shitty meme-game that's up to you; I won't keep wasting my time arguing with you. At this point, I think my vote is for just permabanning you and being done with it.
>Anyway, I've said my piece.
A good advise, take it: >>8968
>A good advise, take it
This isn't a sentence either. okay, now I'm done replying.
8974 8980
>This isn't a sentence either
Writefags and semantics. /s
>C'mon, you and friends by being loud are not the whole /mlpol/
Notice how nobody else is saying the opposite? You are the only neigh-sayer in this thread.
Even if it is not all of /mlpol/, it is all of /mlpol/ that bothers to interact with you, so who are you doing this for?
>by being loud are not the whole /mlpol/
Indeed, I'm waiting for anyone else to show up in this thread.
I would highly recommend sharing this thread so more points of view can be had from where ever.
And I also hatE THAT ONE BOOMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THAT TWO BOOMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ew, nothing personal, but I'm actually more of a full stack engineer. I use Adobe Photoshop all the time.
Obscure meme from Techlead's lunix video
seems legit.jpeg
>I really doubt most memes would not be censored in facekike.
Half of the time reverse image search leads me to Facebook.
Where do you get these things? What site do you get them from? What site are you importing all of this from?
>Stay on your lane poner.
This is our lane.
>that the bumping of threads, disrupts their threads being at the top of the overboard.
You have once again missed the point. It's not about who's thread is who's. It's about the disruption itself.
Posters complained because the general feeling of the site changed very quickly to something that they were not used to and were not fond of. When those posters eventually figured out that they could trace that change back to a certain user, they got angry.
People who build up an online community for years don't like it when newfags suddenly come in and start changing it. As they say:
Especially not horse autists and /pol/acks who built said community because tourists from off-site turned 4chan into something other than what they were used to.
Especially with cases like >>8972 where they refuse to assimilate imageboard culture and keep spewing redditspeech, because they don't know what lurking is and can't comprehend the term "When in Rome".

>But you went far beyond the content by itself to the personal terrain.
It wouldn't be personal if you had just lurked and assimilates into the community like everyone else, instead of always doubling down.
>A couple
Yeah, I was one of those. I thought you'd change overtime, but you didn't.
I still think you could change, if you just tried.
>Yeah, I was one of those. I thought you'd change overtime, but you didn't.
>I still think you could change, if you just tried.
8983 8984 8985
The site is slowly losing anons over time and will die if this continues. We need more anons so how about ads on 4/pol/ and 4/mlp/?
That question should probably be asked in its own thread.
I feel you, link from a thread redirecting to here suggesting to put it here.
Your point does deserve its own thread too.
I'm hoping that the rule will give pause for people just leaving, and sometimes it can't be helped irl and other things require alot of attention.
Plus if the rule is implemented the preservation and spreading of culture is safeguarded for the new waves.
>We need more anons
A detail that I consider of great importance to get some traffic for free. Many bros look for pony pics using search engines and is very important that the posted pics to be properly named in order to be indexed.
>Many bros look for pony pics using search engines and is very important that the posted pics to be properly named in order to be indexed.
...No? Most horsefuckers use the boorus for pony pics.